The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The Billboard a 125 \ “STAR” | Ph — sa Fle Fastest Seller Known FOUNTAIN PEN PITCHMEN’S GOODS That's What Our Representatives Say a the @ REMIER KNIFE and SCISSORS SHARPENER 200% PROFIT OR MORE. HUSTLERS MAKE $25 A DAY y Simply demonstrate it and it will sell itself to every Never With Attached Clip HOME. RESTAURANT. HOTEL. TAILOR SHOP, DELgage ICATESSEN, BARBER SHOP, Etc. Pays f ts Fails— The the first day in saving of sharpenin g cok. eis REDUCED PRICES Holds 21 0 Premier for 50c. Price to Agents, $2 a Dozen, $21 a No. 769—White Celluloid Scopes. Gress. See to sore ink o quickly Gress, Send 25c for sample. No. 467i—Imp. Razors, Black Handles Doz. 290 m¢ lest alieepenel goa Black Handle Razors, than any Per Gross, sharpens dulles PITCHMEN — We other pen Sample Dozen Hs ag =~. _. =m a No. SU—Old Reliatle Om. Fa Fold and Memo. . . > 00 ie, BGR cocecacsacen on the marSCYTHES, LAWN MOWthat sells for % No. a ~ Cutter Psat sod All clean ket. Beauti00 ERS, etc., to the keenest Price to you, $It i GNEEE: noxacs.) seseanuaal ~~ sell . a per Gross. Serpentine Garters. The Best Made. Gross. 7.30 ful Gold Fin // edge. Any one can use it. E. H. 3-Pi Button C t G 4.50 ish. Very Handiest article in the home Highly PRS Se Cama. Ss ae flashy. Biggest Seller in the recommended everywhere. ee PREMIER MFG. CO MORE THAN A MILLION IN USE 806-G._ East Grand Blvd, ARMY NEEDLE BOOKS a DETROIT, MICH A ai Eyes i | Pad of I ig Need F ountain Pen y Asco NEEOLE Book co. tain “ oS Sil. Line. $ w= es, i teres Pape 22> yes and a full Pad ty) Yearning eedles ross. EVERY PEN A" ave averaged 1000 (REINDEER NEEDLE BOOKS —Samo contents sco K. Toss. GUARANTEED Per Year for Three Years—Have Made Over $90 PROFIT in One Day” That is the statement of Frank DePries, one of our live-wire oer Keeton of Mississippi made $252 on his first Vickers of Alabama made % deposit required with all C, O, D. orders, $118 in one week. Conant quit a $6,000 job to come with us. ED. HAHN » \ AGENTS WA NTED ee ye ee We need more men like these, because the demand for our Super Pyr-Pyter tp FORTUNE WALLET — Beautifully finished. Contains 50 ~ ~hcrnae Gold Eyes of assorted — $6.50 Gro ASCO WALLET_-Glazed dg A Folder. Contains 100 high-grade Gold Eyes of assorted sizes. $8.50 Gross. Hurry your orders to be insured of prompt shipments. One-third deposit with order, balance C. O, Sterling Metal Novelty Mfg. Co. 174 Worth St., New York City iy ’ growing by leaps and bounds. Sells to garages, stores, factories, schools, We have « Ly » hotels, auto owners. Approved by the Underwriters. If you are NEW IMPORTED NOVELTY @hereby our active < : willing to work and ambitious to make some real money, get our plan, workers can get @ You need no experience, as we train you without cost for the work. No n Ford without cost, in \ reat capital required. Good territory going fast. Better write us at once, JEWELED TOP Agents Distributors and | se" \ THE FYR-FYTER COMPANY 66 c r M @be plaa—a 1710 Fyr-Fyter Bldg:, Dayton, Ohio. CHASE BARREL, SELF-FILLING For Service, or, Quality ope NEEDLE BOOKS 77 tices, the Gold and Silhouette Cardboard Cove feo’ rN?,,,105—On style illustrated, 4 panels and folds r © wallet 1 ross. never been gutNo. 104—&ame as above, with 3 folds. $10.00 Gross. Just out, and the only one of its kind in the world, itively outclasses ail other books at its price. se Needle Books will bring up to 50 cents each, giving your customer a good value, @t the same time giving you over 500% profit. Self-Threading Needles, $2.75 wy (100 Packages). Packed in individual boxes $1'7-00 oo Gross 7 Samples of these three items sent for 25¢ in’ ee. a 0 bed 00 EPOSIT WILL BRING GROSS ORDER, BALANC . D. . end man; ~ $1. We guarantee full satisfaction or money refunded. AGENTS WANTED Charles l King ofacturerg We are Needle Specialists, hrodling a complete line of leatherette and plain Needle Books, Wooden Sample Dozen e of the md y~ te Cases, Machine Needles and every kind of Needle for every purpose. 41 West 42d St. Night fy anyone to under-quote us.. Circular FREE upon request. $2 50 ug NEEDLE BOOK SPECIALTY CO., 2 to 20 East Fourth St., New York City NEW YORK Vaniy Cases, ~ha TA Big f Big All-Year Money Maker sOn We are Make Photo Postal Cards, genuine black amd white. plateless, and tintypes, with a Dayae & dirk Camera. $11.00 and up. No dark room, finish on the spot, no waiti ng. easy to SAME. SIt'iPFRIOR QUALITY perate and learn Bic profits. Travel amd see the world. We carry a full line of supquote at | @ piles in stock. Black and White Paper Plates, 2%x3%. $1.25 per 100; $11.25 per tractive 1,000; 1%x2%. 65c per 100; $5.85 per 1,000. Mounts, i 50c per 100: poner $2 4 and $4.50 per 1.000. 32-ca. Developer, 30c per package. thing new, W prices. Daydark Toning Solution, to make your tintypes and direct cards a lighter color. setti g away from the tintype effect. Bmough solution to tone 500 tins or rds for $1.00. Write for catalogue. We are for you, with you, and always a8 SPECIALTY 2827 Benton St.. your service. Write for sample of our Special, DAYDARK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS, MO. at $13.50 per Dozen. Obiong shaped. This electrically equipped Vanity Case has proven one of the greatest sellers offered. Extra he ut PE zag i B age . ~ 2 Gr. hn “oe special price of $12.00 per Dozen, in 6 dozen ph Beg nn My A M E R | CAN EAG LE B iJ ¢ KLES No. B-7—GENUINE FINE BLACK LEATHER 7. pen a Tne He A request. part | | ay hay gy SwaRnantrae UNIVERSAL LEATHER GooDs CO., With RUBBER BELTS $18.50 gross GENUINE LEATHER”. POSTPAID. Sample, 35e. 442 N. Wells Street, Chieage, til. : PER DOZ., $2.00. PER GROSS, $19.50. WITH Sea 1m SMOOTH AND WALRUS. BLACK, BROWN, GREY. OUTSIDE SNAP FASTENER: DOZ., $2.15; GROSS, SAMPLE DOZEN, $2.00 $20.50. One-third deposit with order, balance C. O. With LEATHER BELTS $24.00 ross Db. Gross Lots, F. 0. B, Chicage. < m GENUINE LEATHER. COBRA GRAINED. Soe AND BREDEL & co., 337 W. Madison St., Chicago, 1. CORDOVAN. SAMPLE DOZEN, $2.25. ross—RUBBER BELTS—$15.00 gro i i wn o00 or Lever Buckles. Black, Brown, ote. A on ay ¥ Get Our New Price List on Silk Knitted Walrus. One-third deposit on orders, balance shipped C. QO. D Our New Button Package I | E. &y No less than six dozen shipped. Write for catalogue. SPECIAL Samples, 25e. All Firsts. No Seconds. BpITT BELT MFG.CO., 705 Filth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA COS THE TALE OP The ve Large assortment of $3.00 DOZEN Fountain Pens from $30.00 Gross LOOK HERE! AT LAST $13.50 Per Gross to ae to The. 1849" SOUVENIR MINT $300.00 Per Gross. ment, Beautiful Designs, Send $1.25 for five (20 new samples. Every Te Guaranteed First CONCESSION MEN, AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE _Stylo Ink Pencils Send today for an assorted dozen o 7 J at this lew price. All orders : $5.00 Per Dozen. shipped same day received. 25% : a i ornia 0 ouveni deposit, balance CC, O. D., or send $54.00 Per Gross; Automatic Goldine fall amount and we will prepay all chases. QUARTERS AND HALVES = hy cis we $8.00 THE LATEST JEWELRY CRAZE. nd $9. er Gross. Mac Manufacturing Company md TS for sample “With” holder. Complete tin Real Razors, $3.75 Montclair, New Jersey. J. G. GREEN CO., 991 Mission St., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Per Dozen, $42.00 Per Gross. , Genuine SHEET WRITERS, PITCHMEN Rind Leather FRG 7.1 Biliflds Agents, Concessionaires, Umbrella Men cat ou | vie Leather. The Big Selier Comatiae tnt of mer a Brown, with itside soap fastener. $19.50 ms per Gr., $1.75 a ner Doz. Sample, prepaid, | wall : no “ orders shipped san oO. D. ASAD, Pi chandise for Concessionaires and Pitchmen. 25% re ema: On Rainy Days Contgined in 2x7-in. envelope. Weight one ounce, 00, $5.00; 500, $22. 50: 1,000, $40.00, express prepaid. 50% with order, balance C. 0. D. Send end \ * ‘ f $1.00 for twelve samples. Reference: Any Bank. ed House of “Myer h. Fingold, mn COLDeNITH a C0. 29 ooute “cite. oie. R D K IN 53 W. Jackson Boulevard 32 Union Square, Advertisers like te know where tnole their address was eba a , CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK. tained—«ay B %