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The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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The Billboarad SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 DOZ., $2.00. GROSS, $23.50. MILITARY APEX Made of Celluloid. Imitation Gold Large, Sid Round, Clear White Convex (ly Pit r Lens 5 NEW ERA OPT. co. Lenses. All numbers. DOZ., $2.25. GROS S, $24.00. 17 No, Wabash Ave., Chicago. DOZ., $3.00. GROSS, $35.00. Men's Gross, wi in brown, the largest MEN’S CO Sample, 25c. OSEROFF BROTHERS, Rubber Product Distributors, With high Finest Belt $3.00 deposit required with each gross ordered, Rubber Belts, $13.50 & UDDer oes, 10U Gross grade Roller Bcr Adjustable Buckles, or $14.00 per finest Lever Clamp Buckles. and Buckie on the market today. These Belts come black and gray, walrus, stitched and plain We are rubber product distributors in the country aud our Belt and Buckle is sold quicker than any other on the market. MPOSITION RUBBER KEYHOLDERS, $12.00 per Gr. balance C. O. D. 1125-27 S. Main St. AKRON, OHIO THE Each book cont 1%x%. black, tan, green made. Name in Send stamps, MIDGET CARD Placed in genuine leather case. please you or refund your money. LATEST NOVELTY MIDGET NAME CARDS, 50c per Book ains 50 perfect little name cards, size Your choice of or red. The smallest perfect name card Old English type. Price, complete, 50c. coin or money order. We guarantee to AGENTS WANTED. SHOP, 20 Main Street, GREEN, R. 1. AGENTS WANTED Make it snappy. Get in on a real live Holiday line, Sells like wildfire. Beautiful samples. Consists of Piano Scarfs, Table Scarfs, Doilies and Pillows. New and different. Not machine made, but are hand painted. Five of our best numbers costing $7.50 sent postpaid for $6.00. Opportunity to start in on making a pile of money for yourself. not satjsfy, money will be refunded. for them right away. ritory going fast. BRADFORD & COMPANY, INC. St. Joseph, Michigan Send Action is needed. Ter RUBBER pty ~~ Grip Buckles, $15.00 per Sample, 25c, A FIBER SILK KNITTED TIES, $3.50 per Dezen. Sample Ties! 50c, prepaid. our samples and be convinced. 5% with order, bal. C. O. Dz HARRY LISS, 35 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. If samples sent you do | Agents and Ganvassers Get your Clock Medallions from the originators, and not from the imitators. We have the only original line of Photo Medallion Clocks, Photo Medallio Se Photo Pocket Photo Jewelry fand Photo Buttons. si We have always been packing gll our Me@ dallions in separate Medallion Boxes. Send for our free catalozue—it tells everything. You can’t | beat Gibson for work We have or service. for th i sfaction and shipme ‘ty years. We nts in four deys. ntee sat ak ALOUT OCR NEW NICKEL SILVER MEDALLION FRAME. GIBSON PHOTO JEWELRY CO., Section 9, 608-614 Gravesend Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. BALLOONS GAS AND GAS APPARATUS Your mame and ad printed on a No, AGENTS WANTED Steering Wheel. Handies Match Scratcher for the 70 and ship ped same ay, $21.00 per 1,000. No. 99 — Heavy transDarent, five t $3.25 A _epeee, $35.09 A GROSS. Sample, doc, Prepaid. Made of finest grade of G GOODYEAR RUBBER ow ay treet, 34 East 9th S ork City. novelty, yet to beat. Gimply colors, pure gum _ gas —_ = hy amare. sae balloons. Gross, 50. mental an lurable. andy for driver to strike a match. \\ =. sap Be ge Rg en Sample, 280 250, $1. $0 a gm. FRESH $4 00.” . a Gross, -00. postage paid. Deposts Teexaur 70 Heavy Gas, 2-Color Bal quired on all C. 0. D. ofro. loons, $2.50 Gross, Gers. COLORS. Squawkers, $3.00 Gross. JOHN LOMAN MFG. CO. ALL Balloon Sticks, 35¢ Gross. Box 341, Bristol, Conn croens Write for particulars on SAME our Gas and Gas Apparatus. RUBBERIZED APRONS ® $ 50 A DAY , SELLING GOODYEAR ingham and Percale checks, rubberized a pure Para rubber. Has the GOODYEAR guarantee for —_ and fast colors. Write for our pric sts. 20% deposit, balance C. @. D. Catalog free. 25% order, balance C. O. YALE RUBBER CO. 15 East 17th Street, NEW YORK CITY. with D. NECKWEAR Make $5.00 an Hour Selling the Fameus ASTOR KNIT AND SILK NECKWEAR, Inflates and perf the ~, ones. A real knockover. Sold over FIVE HUNDRED GROSS in Chicago. A big clean-up. Get busy amd send for a sample order today. Per Dozen, 85c. Sample 25% cash with order, M. K. BRODY, Per Gross $9.58, nd Cat alog, Prepaid, 25c. ‘balance C. O. D, 1118-1128 $. Halsted $t., Chicago Big Profits. Popular prices. Prompt Service. Best value in the market today. Every sale makes a repeat. Silk Knit Full Lenath Ties, $3.00 and $3.50 a Dozen. Sample, 5%c, postpaid. Rush order today. ASTOR NECKWEAR CO. 318 Broadway, Dept. 10, NEW YORK CITY. Amberlyn Superior Combs SOMETHING NEW! Pitchmen, Salesmen, The LAYS FLAT Zs on Hone or Strop RADIO STROPPER COMPANY, 63 West Chicago Avenue, Agents, Radio tropper holds any ety Blade. Selis for . Stays sold, $9.60 Gross. Sample, 25. 25% op al) ©. O. Ds. Chicago, ffl. FREE<— From the k that knows. Our 1923 100-page Catalog Ee the press. Send in your address MEXICAN DIAMOND KING, 19 South Wells Street, Chiongo, I. 8 ~ zest manufacturer of Amber BARNES, THe COMB MAN, Leominster, Mass. GO IHTO BUSINES Speciality Candy Factory”’ in your commun tye n pao. LT = nakir 2 ted my er nen TMT 4) Booklet Free. Write for it tocay. Don't put it offi w. WILLYER RAGSDALE, Drawer 42 EAST ORANGE, M. Jd, for Yourself ) and Tell them vow saw their ad in The Blilbeard. The word “Billboard” in i 8 r letters to advertisers for us, PIPES (Continued from page 124) also are subjected to ‘“‘snotty’’ (excuse it—it's about fully descriptive) answers and low-brow remarks on the part of officials who have a too-wonderful estimation of themselves and their powers of discrimination—against good Americans—so considered in their home towns. James Proutman was in a town in Pennsylvania recently and even after getting his permit expressed himself to a storekeeper as being doubtful of ‘‘making anything’ if he did work, The whole-souled merchant remarked: “Remember, young feller, that ‘a faint heart ne'er won a fair lady!’ " James told him: “Good advice, I Know, mister. But, literally speaking, I've seen many successful] ‘butterfly’ catchers who afterward ‘cussed’ themselves for having so much nerve."’ Hughie George, the veteran entertainer (for merly trouped with some of the best today known minstrel men), returned to Cincinnati last week from Conn’s Congo Entertainers, with which he did biackface and acts for ten weeks, Hughie stated that Doc Conn was changing from tent to houses during a cool night spell. Satvrday George was patiently awaiting the Sunday arrival of ‘“‘Neil O'Brien's Minstrels, with Bert Swor’’, playing this week at the Grand Opera House, to confab and reuew old-time acquaintance. From Doce Burke, mailed at Stone N. Y., September 20: “I have been Capt. Lee show ali summer in the Catskill and at summer resorts. Have en too busy changing mazuma to even think of changing shows. Also, haven't exchanged cross words with Cap tain—it’s not necessary for people who understand their business. Tommy Gallagher, song and dance artist, joined the show at Phoebicia, Moe. Tommy is a very likable young gent who will in all probability be heard from ‘high up’ at some future time.”’ J. H. Sweetman infoes that he has deserted the and is pitching gummy. ington. Sweetman Ridge, with the (the ‘‘Coast Defender’’) paper frat, Yep, out in Washwonders what J. D. Foss did with the bulbs he was collecting for the two-car circus thru North Dakota and Minnesota a few years ago Says James Wilson is one of the boys who does not use premiums and gets his share of the handshaking. He asks what .has become of H. Tenney? ‘Last report I had on Harry,’* writes J. H., “it was that he intended opening a hot-tamale parlor at Silver City, N. M.” There was a wonderful ‘opportunity last week in Cincy, during the Odd Fellows’ Convention, for sales of badges and pennants and k indred specialties. It was a regular ‘‘mardi gras’ spirit that prevailed, especially nights on the downtown streets. About 70,000 delegates and those accompanying them (men and were in the city from all over the States and Canada, And there was not a professional badze or pennant man working, that Bill could discover. The boys were not to blame, however: the ‘‘powers that be’. unfortunately, seemed against it and as a result the fun-hunters had to confine their fun-makers and souvenirs to trinkets they could purchase in stores, women) United Max Gottlieb blew into our New York offices last week. He has a side-kick these days—O. McConnell—no, they do not call them ‘The Two Max’. Neither is Mr. O'Connell Mae No. 2 He hails from South Dakota via Europe, the World War and California. He boasts all the makin'’s of a pitchman, especially the wanderlust—that insatiable curiosity about what lies beyond the next bend in the road. Max is better read than ever, more philosophical, readier in argument or debate and a living proof of the fact that if a rolling stone gathers no moss it may acquire a very fine polish. He is contemplating a course in medicine at the University of New York. Two very pleasant visitors last week were P. E to The Billboard DeVore, president, and his son, Ronald E. DeVore, assistant manager, of the DeVore Manufacturing Company, of Columbus, 0. They motored te Cincinnati on a pleasure and business trip. They were escorted thru the entire Billboard Building (seven floors) by the writer, and as they have a printing plant in connection with their establishment in Columbus both took great interest in ‘‘taking in’? how “Billyboy’’ is made into a full-grown magazine (from typewriter to the finished product). They reported having an excellent year and that their plant is working to capacity and brought kind regards from Manager ; Maloney, of their _ company. As the writer was standing at the Pennsylvania Station in Cincinnati last Friday night he heard several Odd Fellows turning to Wilmington, Del., after being at the convention, comment in sort of ridiculing terms on the absence of a general selling of souvenirs on the streets during the convention. One fellow remarked to his fellows: “Gee, 1 wish I had some little trinket, a souvenir medal, or something to take home to my wife."’ Another said: ‘“‘Me, too, but there was so much going on that I didn't have time to step into a store and buy something, and there were no pennant men on the streets that I conid see.” Two of them walked to the news stand and bought silvered articles—with nothing about the convention on them who were re Lawrence W. Gray (Lazara) piped from over Illinois way: ‘I closed my platform show at Sumner, Neb,, August 22, and drove to Des Moines, Ia., where I arranged for Master Ivonard’s first year in high school—the new Roosevelt High School but recently completed and a fine structure. My outdoor season in Nebraska was very short, but I had excellent business for six weeks. I met several friends at Des Moines, among them Monroe VFerdon who came from Los Angeles on a business trip and returned to the West Coust city, where he is interested in a sales agency—wish to say that if there is anything to sell, ‘Monty’ will find a buyer. In an«wer to FE. & Noel's pipe from Utah, will say I am in Tilinots working in halls and that the big ear ix ‘nitting on all four’ and has 4 re¢ular automobile beside it. I have a good show and business #0 far in this territory har been satisfactory, Mr. and Mrs. Norris, of Des Moines, are with (Continued on puge 128) YES, We Have HOSicny FROM MILL TO WEARER No. 205—Ladies’ Silk Hose, 18in. boot, double sole, 220 needle, ae all colors, $5.00 doz. o. 206—Same style as ye clocked, 50¢ extra per doz. No. 300—Men’s 220 needle, double sole, high heel, mercerized throughout, all colors, $2.50 per dozen. © bal. C.0. D. THE PREMIER HOSIERY CO. 799 Broadway, New York AGENTS WANTED TO MAKE BIG MONEY. Hosiery From Mili To Wearer J, Leatherette i) Sport Coats (4 Suede Collar 75 Belted Model Sample Double Breasted Coat, In one doz. lots. $4 Goodyear COMPANY 835 Broadway NEW YORK SOME THERMOMETER ! 18 INCHES WIDE, 80 INCHES LONG. JUMBO THERMOMETER BAROMETER AND EIGHT DAY CLOCK This is the bigzest thing in advertising. It’s not only big in feet atid inches. but in dollars and cents. Scores of men are making big successes by selling advertising space on the *‘Jumbo”*’. $180.00 FOR A DAY AND A HALF WORK Display space in public places and on prominent corners is easily secured for the big “JUMBO” Thermometer. The fourteen advertising spaces so like hot cakes—some of our men sell out the board in sa day and a half or less. Write Us Teday and Let Us Send You Full Details, CAN MAKE oageegge | oe THE CHANEY MFG.CO., SerinGrrero, onto. ITEMS FOR NOVELTY DEALERS! 70 Gas Trans. Best a grade. G@rees........ $ 3.50 vs e 70 Two-Cclor and a ee lag. Gross....... . 400 4 60 Ses Cone. Asst. .~ v4 — R a ss. Mw ee 3.00 150 as ou on: \ ~<a ster. Gre sine: OO8 \s *» 150 Gas Airship *Monpene Gross........ . 6.50 Squawkers. Gross... ... Barking Dogs. Gross Snake Cameras. Gross.. Flying Birds, Yellow concealed bead, | Jap Canes, best. Per Cumic Hat Bands, Red Tape. Per Ib.... Rubber Balls. Gross... 24-In. R. W. and B. Parasols. ote $3.85; Gre. 44.00 . Tissue Paper Parasol. Gross.........«++ . Jap Paper Parasol. Gross... Fancy Toy Whins. Gross.....$4. 50, $5.50 and 8.50 grade. Gross 100, $1.20; per ‘ 100. $2.25 | Opera Glasses, Doz. 4.25 1.35 | et Sticks. Gr. _.45 1.C0, $2.10 and Tassel Bead Chains, Dozen. ..85c, $1.80, $2.50, 3.50 Phote Cigorette Cases. Dozen... ........000. 1.75 Ladies Bead Bags, draw string. Dozen........ 18.00 Send name and permanent address for catalogue GOLDBERG JEWELRY CO., 21° Wadette sree We pay $8 a Day taking orders for New Kerogas Burner. a gas stove. Burng kerosene (coal oll). Fits any Makes ar CheapBurns like & > stove est fuel known, stove, Fasy to get orders on account iy high er ice and ecare!'y of coal, Work spare time or full time. Write for gam) ic. Thomas Mfg. Co. B-718 Dayton, Chio KINEMATOGRAPH Sample, 50c, with quantity mee e vs attractive pictures brings 10 bie selilng Ne whien AH | including a Kinematograph FRANCO-AMERICAN NOVELTY COMPANY, 1383 Broadway, N New York City. GET MY MONEY-GETTERS and great repeaters. Carry them with other goods. A. B. REID, 94 Mosser Ave., Akron, O. Dept. B. ‘ _— me “>