The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The Bi liboard 129 Additional Outdoor News BERNARDI'S EXPO. SHOWS Brief Resume of Stands Played Billings, Mont., Sept. 19.—Estevan, Sask., the last stand in the Dominion for Bernardi’s Exposition Shows, was a return engagement, and The shows’ first fair there was good business. in the States, Mandan, N. D., was also good for shows, rides and concessions. After a remarkable run of 400 miles, everything was in operation by Mond noon. The fair board offered Manager Bernardi contracts to bring his organization back again next year. Dickinson, the next stand, was a big surprise, th's being only the second year of the fair. It was a tremendous success, and President Berranger and Mr. Turner need be commended on their hard and earnest efforts. Evans’ Freak Animan Show joined at Billings and did a wonderful business. Manager Bernardi is highly elated at booking thio attraction. A beautiful ‘‘super-six coach"’ was purchased by Manager Bernardi while in Dickinson, and the entire personnel of the company lined the highway to see the “little manager’’ make his trial run. Of course, we were all a little jealous; nevertheless we wish him bon voyage on bis run from town to town. The general warning was: “Please, Felice, don't step on a3” Glendive, the next stand, under the auspices of the American Legion, was a banner spot for shows, rides and concessions. This town was closed to carnivals, according to both city and county officials, as a certain show played the city last year and was not up to the standard. Credit is due General Agent Harry L. Burton for overcoming many obstacles. He succeeded in convincing both city and — officials on the good merits of the Ber Shows. Opening night Manager Bernardi in vited all the officials down thing, and they gave it a welcome. The shows are furnishing the amusements for the Midland Empire Fair here this week, to inspect every The Al Bedoo Shrine is very conspicuous this year. Thru Jim Shoemaker, manager of the fair, they are entertaining the fair visitors with many novel stunts, and the Nobles surely put their stuff over. In_ conjunction with the amusement features Al Bedoo Shrine Patrol is giving away a valuable touring car, to be disposed of the last night of the fair Helena (Mont.) State Fair will be the shows’ next stand, followed by Salt Lake City, where they will furnish all the amusements for the Utah State Fair; then southward, for a tour thru California. HARRY L. GORDON (for the Show). MORRIS & CASTLE SHOWS Have Good Opening Day at La Crosse La Crosse, Wis., Sept. 20.—After experiencing a spell of real fall at the Chippewa Falls, Wis., Northern State Fair, which hurt business to @ certain extent for the Morris & Castle Shows, the books showed a really remarkable week's business at ‘“‘Archie’’ Putnam's event. The show train pulled into La Crosse late Saturday night, and nothing was done in the way of unloading the thirty cars until early Sunday morning, as the fair here itself didn't open till Tuesday. but all of the midway features were open and doing business on Monday, altho that night a rain set ip and drove the crowd home. On the opening day, Tuesday, ! Castle Shows over doubled their gross business of the same day last year, and. at that, the attendance upon the fair grounds was not as large as the previous year’s. A downpour of rain occurred about 7 pm. Wednesday, breaking up the night play that had just started “going good’. Otherwise it would bave been a real big day. The rain continued thruout the night and it is still raining at noon Thursday, which has always been the big day at the fair. It was still comine down in sheets when the writer caught the train for Beaver Dam, Wis., where the show exhibits for the Dodge County Fair, following La Crosse. Since last year the La Crosse Interstate Fatr, under the direction of its secretary, C. S. Van Anken, has received some notable improvements. Chas. Martin had his Hoagland Hippodrome Acts in front of the grand stand, and the fair offcials and the public seemed well pleased with this offering Milton M. Morris, Mrs. John R. Castle and Miss Hirsch, of Shreveport, La., left Tuesday morning for a three days’ visit to Chicago, returning on Friday morning. W. H. (Bill) Rice was a welcome visitor for a couple of days in La Crosse, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Emerson and Miss Ivy Crosswaite, who was on the trip to Japan and Honolulu with Rice's Water Circus. They had their two boats tied up at the river docks, having just brought them down from the Twin Cities Pete Thompson is now organizing his Plantation Show for the Southern fairs and exzpects to be in readiness for opening week after next, at the Harrison County Fair, Batesville, Ark the Morris & rk. After Beaver Dam the show will make a long move toward the “Land of Sunshine’’, The jump {ts over three railroads and with a mileage of 722 miles—to Batesville, Ark JOE 8. SCHOLIBO (Director of Publicity), A. B. C.. ATTRACTIONS Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 18.—The A. B. ©. Attractions closed a very successful cleven-day run in the Huntington Park district of Los Angeles and opened in the Mirabella istrict Monday for a week's showing. Los Angeles seems a mecea for carnivals and circuses, big and small, Five different organtzations played last week within a radius of dve miles. The reason for this sudden influx of outdoor amusements is ‘prosperity’. Buginess of every description is booming here. The members attended the ball giv n at Bagles’ Hall in honor of the Ringling Bra:.-Barnum & Bailey Circus. Clarence Hl. (Fag) Allton returned to the show recently and | as general agent. Among recent visi the show were C. W. Parker, Louis Berger, ©. Corenson, Mrs. Walter Hunsaker, Jack Lewis, “Big Jack’’ Connelly, Harry Hull, Max and Herman Klass, ‘‘Slim’’ Bartel, Hugo Vertlander (‘‘Ferris-Wheel Fat’), Captain and = Mrs. Bausher, Ernie and Mrs. Clark, Kuth Anderson, Ilarry Broadbeck, Fuzzy Hughes, ‘‘Red’’ Mce Mann and James Conklin. Harry Collins joined and is assisting Eddie Dismukes at the catrack. “Big’’ Otto made a flying trip to San Francisco last week. Val Balinger visited his home for a few days in San Diego. ‘‘Whitey’’ Winters, Raymond Booth and Emile Kalnin left to join the Ringling-Barnum Circus, expecting to return to their homes on the East Coast. Jimmy McDonough joined and is assisting Jimmy Joyce in his cat rack. Two new motor trucks were purchased last week, making twelve trucks now owned by the company. Next week Anaheim, to be followed by Hollywood. W. DePELLATON (Secretary). WINKLE & MATHEWS SHOWS After an eight weeks’ layoff for the M. L. Mathews Shows Manager Mathews has formed a partnership with Rip Winkle, former concessionaire with the Wise & Kent Shows, and the Winkle & Mathews Shows will open in Wayland, Ky., September 30. The shows will play Jenkins, Ky., and a string of North Carolina and Georgia fairs. It is the intention to keep the show out all winter, in Louisiana and Arkansas, carrying four shows, one ride and about twenty concessions. MRS. LULA MATHEWS (for the Show), H. B. POOLE SHOWS The H. B. Poole Shows played a very satisfactory engagement at the Anadarko (0Ok.) Fair. It was the shows’ third fair date of the s@ason. The Altus (Ok.) Fair was by far the best stand of the season. The pageant of progress at Altus was a marked success. The shows’ general agent having the show booked almo*t solid put in three weeks on the pageant and it packed the midway at ten o'clock each night. With recent additions the lineup now consists of a Big Eli wheel, two-abreast carousel, human roulet wheel ride, ten-in-one, plant. show, athletic show, illusion show, penny arcade, ‘‘Flanders Field’’, educ: pony and thirty concessions. All of which is according . representative’’ of the above shows. c. R. LEGGETTE SHOWS Springfield, Mo., Sept. 19.—The C. R. Leggette Shows opened here at the Ozark Stock Show to excellent business. It now looks as tho it will be the biggest week for the show of the season. Next week will find the show on the Washingtop County Fair grounds, at Fayetteville, Ark., which promises to be another good stand. L. W. Howard, general agent, has shown discretion in his contracting of spots in Arkansas. After Fayetteville comes the Benton County Fair at Bentonville, and then the Fort Smith Festival and the Russellville Free Fair to follew. All of which is according to an executive of the shows. MR. AND MRS. H. D. TURNER PASS THRU CINCINNATI Among visitors to Cincinnati last week were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Turner, who stopped over fn the Queen City, while en route from Chicago, where they have the past two years been operating confection concessions at various theaters—handling sack and box goods of special quality—to Ashland, Ky., for a few days’ visit with Mrs. Turner's parents and friends of that city. Their last show engagement was with the Great Patterson Shows, with concessions. to a ‘‘show Hotels with the professional atmosphere are what you want. The Hotel Directory in this {ssue may serve you. ‘3 tae a. Ea a at law. 4 a ye ST! ae CONVENIENT TO SHIP. 2 $35.00 Double Barrel Hammertess Shot Guns. $6.50 Penn Razor Set, in Leather Case. { $20.00 30-inch Cowhide Suit Case. 2 Afuminum Corrucated Vacuum Bottles. 1 Quadruple Silver-Piated Half-Pint Flask. 1 400-ft. Focusing Flash Light, with Extra Bulb. 2 French Briar Pipes, in Cases. No. 47 TWENTY-FOUR PREMIUM SUIT CASE GUN ASSORTMENT CONVENIENT TO DISPLAY. CONSISTING OF PRICE TO JOBBERS, $92.50 Including 3,000-Hole Salesboard at 10 ¢ ents. M. L. KAHN & CO. 1014 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Originaters and Distributors of the Alaska Gold Mires. CLOSED WHEN NOT IN USE. 2 Hurting Knives, with Sheath. 2 Stag Handle Folding Fishing Knives. 2 Si'ver-Platec Ciga-ette Cases. 2 Home Comfort Pipes. 2 Match Safes. 2 Bakelite Cigarette Holders. 2 Compasses. Order 100 Save Money $$$ Save Money USE THE FLASHIEST AND THE BEST DOLLS ON YOUR SOUTHERN FAIRS Order from this ad and save money and SHEBA DOLLS, with Plume Dress..... FRISCO CURL DOLLS, with large Plume Dress.........+. LAMP DOLLS, with Plume or Paper Shades. order today and you will be surprised at the quick Guaranteed Service that we give ILLINOIS PLASTER NOVELTY CO. 1030 N. Franklin St., time. re? $35;0° | 43%, Dolls and you will be a steady buyer. Send us your One-third deposit, balance C. O. D. CHICAGO, ILL. MAKE BIG MONEY IN TIE NOVELTIES See Our New and Exclusive DIAMOND PIN KNITTED TIES —Ahsolutely newest thing. Each tle studded with diamond-set pins of special design. Clusters and solitaires. Flash and sparkle like real thing. ‘aptures the trade at T5c retail. ONLY $4.50 A DOZEN SILK KNITTED TIES—Snapptest »-to-date patterns and colors. Sells like hot cakes at 50c retafl. ONLY $3.00 A DOZEN We sell orly direct from manufacturer to user through our agents. (00% PROFIT. Our Ties are rapid sellers and repeaters because po / of big value amd unequaled quality. All goods guaranteed perfect. Thsee are only two of our big values. Write for illustreted catalogue amd amazing prices of numbers, Send 75¢ for two samples, back if not satisfied. M. & H. BLOCK CO., Wes Yond" Manufacturer of Men’s Neckwear. Money Goodyear Raincoats Direct from Manufacturer MEN’S GAS MASKS, $1 .85 DIAGONAL SHADE Men’s Featherweight Raincoats Tan or Diagonal Shades, $1.70 Sizes, 36 to 46. Immediate delivery. BOYS’, $1.50. WOMEN’S, $1.90 Get our prices on other numbers. 25% deposit, balance C. O. D., or 2% cash discount for check with order, Jogert Mfg. Co., 41 W. 21st $t, N. ¥. C. Hee e ee weneee The Wonder-Seller of the Venn ** “Broadway Flash” The Tie With the Jewel. : THE TIit—Fashioned of Pure Silk Fibre, superior quality. Black, Brown and Navy. THE JEWEL—A brilliant finely cut Rhinestone, in attractive col ors. Buy this Tie direct from the mill at $5.00 a dozen. Money refunded if not satisfied Orders shipped promptly, charges prepaid, or 25% with order, balance sent C. 0. D. Write for full details of our wonderful values in Silk Knitted Ties and Mufflers. TAUSIK KNITTING MILLS, 321 Broadway, New Y EVERY JUMP A SALE. Newly patented leaping device makes this perfected Leaping Frog the most amusing and rapid seller on. the Market. Never jumps twice alike. Keeps them guessing what he’s going to do. Made of all metal. painted in attractive colors. Sample and quantity prices sent for 1c, Dostpaid. A, B. CUMMINGS, Dept. 21, Attleboro, Mass. MR. ADVERTISER: AUTO-CITY “ADS” will make more money for you than you have made in a long time. Be fair—give your business a chance. 25 Words in 51 Magazines......... Inch Display, in 51 Magazines...... <3 Other Groups. Free Booklet, Three Sample Magazines, 25c. AUTO-CITY ADVERTISING AGENCY 2747 Gladstone, DETROIT, MICH. EARN BIG MONEY “Selling SAirts > DIRECT TO CONSUMERS at WHOLESALE PRICES. Write for samples, Dept. B. THE SENECA CO. 145 West 45th St., New York NO DULL TIMES SELLING FOOD People must EAT. Federal Distributors make $2,066 yearly and up. Over 100 high-grade Toilet Preparations also il! increase your profits A Free Course { ample Capital furnished. GuarUnsold goods may be returned Free Samples and Advertising Matter to customers, Repeat orders sure. Exclusive territory contract. Ask now, FEDERAL PURE FOOD CO., Dept P, Chicago. AGENTS—SALESMEN ym our ip ar > daily selling PHOTO-MEDALLIONS Send for our new Catalog and Revised Price List. MEDALLION NOVELTY CO., New York City. PITCHMEN—Fvldine Paper Tricks, $5.00 per 100. Right-page Magie Circulars, $1.00 per 100. Sample of each, postpa'd, 10e. MODERN SPECIALTY CO., No, 8 N. léth St., St. Louis, Missouri. AGENTS COINING MONEY applying M grams om Automebiles. You charg. $1.50: 15 daily easy. Experience unhecessary Free samples. WORCESTER MONOGRAM CO., Worcester, Mass. 208 Bowery, proft. ¢ REDUCED PRICES ON TONIC BEACH’S WONDER REMEDY CO., Columbia, & 6. Tell the advertiser in The Billboard where yeu got ell advertiser ». —