The Billboard 1923-10-27: Vol 35 Iss 9 (1923-10-27)

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: 4 : f —— —— i a ek ee 82 The Billboard OCTOBER 27, 1923 . ’ LOOKING BACK Martin Co. J. W. Hui president J. W. Co. L. R. Mellus, secretary Mellus Bros, & Co. er Co. J. A, Schaefer, ‘secretary Schaefer T, & Hulme ¢ Jas. D. Dough . presidont DoughL. K. Duby, secretary So. Calif. T. & A. Co A. Co. T. D. Lewis, representative Geo B. erty Bros.’ T. & A. Co. The e vieeW. E. Harvey, partuer United T. & A. Co. C, Carpenter Co. E. B. Standart, salesman em pres. Wm. L. Parrel!l Co. W. BR treasF. Waldman, owner Comfort Sup. Co. A. DeI oe Wire Goods Co Geo, W. Griffin, manager “ ° urer Douglas Mfg. Co W. H. Douglas, secre ae manager €. D. Dept Bb ker Carver « ey é A Co. R. B. Elrod, munager A Few Incidents of the Life of tars Dowzias Migs Co. HW. Averitt, owner Movell, Andrew Swanfeldt, owner Swanfeldt Lincoln T. & A, Co, M. Dreyfus, U_ 8 Id Decatur T. & A. Co. E. T. Toberman, salesman : & A. Co. J. H. Hil, representative Deny IB. y Yee on ; = oe Ki — President UL s John Doyle & C« A. C. Scott, president Seott Carpenter & Co. H. 8S. Livingood, president Liv Awning Supply oO. , 5 y.lson, salesmar W. H. Dona son, ition tt a & tel Boney aoeles see owner W, ingood Mfg. Corp. 0. A. Hazenstab, sales soporte Fed — ert Ce ce x Rawitzer, E. Coles & Sons. Walter La eh manager St. manager Universal Cutt r Co W. S. Rawitzer, preside American 1. & A. Co. L. Thor Aeronaut A a =. & A: Co r. E ricl treasurer silesman American T. & A. Co. H. W. Rogers, [evresengitive Wellington Sears = Oo, 7 y a Briell-Rodgers Cotton Goods Ho Wi we S. Kneedowner Rogers T. & A. Co. W . Astrup et Mevechen " Faltun a on A A H. W ler, Jr., partner Kneedicr & Co. Rox nher dint The Astrup Co. H. 8. olmes, general “eyer ig & Cotton Mills Co By DAVID L, DONALDSON salesman The Astrup Co. J I. Brow reside manager Holm : Awning Co. Leo R. Jacoby, J. L sas, vice-pres, Fulton Bag & Cotion M ~ Ohio Fas D. & F. Works. E. H. Mnction ge, sales agent Lowenstein & Sons, Inc. H. A. ©9 ©. F Freese advance agent ermoore & secretary Seattle T. & A. Co. Henry Mayer, Weiffenbach, salesman Durbam Mfg. Co Jos, ee a _ Stevens, owner F. M, anawan tile at T ‘ ¢ > ’ . an . . . Sous (% T Stevens, ° A. ‘olrier, se¢ a ons : In various issues of The Billboard there have ‘T-rpeong. MS Mankato T. & A. “a = Mayer, os Gens, vice-president J. C. Gow On = Z. Poirier Tent & Awning: Co. ag ae Shafer been articles referring to the circus days in the P*‘ seas wet a bg aa pr vee ~zaleeh — ~5 7? _sales ees ee soap oo “Taker. owner Puget Sound T. & _ te: Walk, , early eighties. But are there any showmen Pi "Gent Wausau T. & A. Co. ‘Tom Diggers. Carver & Morrell) Inc. Albert. Preston, salesVice-president Buchanan Walker Co. Join M’ who can go back as far as 1874? If there are, secret ary and ret r Morrison T. & " Co. man Geo B Carpenter Co. of Chicago Warren Long, secretary Topeka Tent & Awning Uo they might recall what was at the time one of , G. M cate z es . : st pag ,. mn 4. acid ome ate a oe Hcg eit sad & ‘Son Mfg Chas, W. Commons, afsistant treasurer Ge B the big things with the P. T. Barnum Show, or Co. C a Stauffe ul ba Ve Edwin of Awaits y F. J Kloss member of firm HarCarpenter & Co. Louis Ellingson, owner Louis Hippodrome, as it was called. The ascensions j, ° schagnit, salesmat r-Galsey Co. Paul wood & Son, Mfg. of Awnings. Carl J. Kapka, Ellingson Co. H. C. Amen, general manager of W. H. Donaldson, acronaut, who was with 4° ‘Ojcon. salesman A man Erust Pretowner Wrandotte rent & Awning Co. Frank Little Bear Specialties Co. Miss C M. Lawick the Barnum Show in 1874 and 1875, giving exschold, ow ucr Prets hol & A. To. Chas L Stevens ore s N w Tork Awn Co. W ¢C SomWhte T. & A. Co. Helen Marke, Hut: hinson hibitions and carrying passengers during that . nweint rth, rseside tihttae Part pe am aH cotta adie Penh eotanty no GW: Mal T. & A. Co. Miss Olive Gray, Dallas T & ~ . yoo . A a Sel f Fark J ning o erville, pres. Baker-Lockwood Co, G. W. Fisher, . . ) 1 r. & period. These ascensions were made under his pp Gallacher, assistant superintendent Lowell salesman Fisher T. & A. Co eigh, Shepard, A+ Co. Mrs. C, L. Foorg, Dallas T. & A personal supervision, altho arranged for by Bleachéry Co. F. A Giarrich proprietor ata dheens an Fis es. & , co T. 3 “O’ Nein, Co. Mes. C._ PF. Rawitser, Minnesota T. & D. S. Thomas, press agent at that time. The tT. £ A. Cn WC: Roessiz.. secretary Scott owner T. J. O'Neill & Son, E. W. Klos. owner 4Co Mrs. J. C, Rawitzer, Minnesota T * first regular ascension under these auspices WaS Qmaha T. & A. Co J. 3. Steffen. ante man E. W. Kk a Mfg. Co. C F Howe cotton duck A. Co Mrs. A. R. Emrich, Anchor Supply Co made July 10, 1874, from the Hippodrome in (inch Fastener Corp. F. E. Russ, owner Kiddjobber Howe & Bainbri G. F. OBrien, Mrs, PF) W. Evers, Henry Eves Mfg. Co. Mis, New York, and from that date, periodically, joss Tronk & Bag. Co. Sam Hill. manag salesman Briell Rodgers C. G. Co. C. 8. Gooch, H. V._ Thomas, E. Hogshire Sop & Co. Elizaunutil July 31. Then followed ascens‘ons from Worth T. & A, Co. /H. F. Perry. salesman owner Amarilla T ‘— A Co. \ F. Fournier, beth Temple, Sunnyside T. & A.. Co Mrs Boston, Mass.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Baltimore, y, Cirpenter 2. 2. OC. Gosden adesethre N. 0 rT. Prat ie r Goodman, F. L. Temple, Sunnyside T. & A. Co oy Md.; Pittsburg, Pa.; Cincinnati, O. It was pon:ijae & A. Co. H. J. Scantlel bury, vicesalesman Bartlett c \lins “Glass Co. Chas s. Ida Curry, guest Hegshire Son & Co Mrs. | in the last-named city that the professor took president “McClellan “A, & Shade Co. bilis F. Batchelder, C,H. Batchelder & Co, Mr. Milo Hogshire," E. Hogshire. Son & Co. Hi. J. the first wedding party heavenward in a bal(uy mings, manager Langdon T. & A. Co. E. J. M. Young, treasurer Geo. T. Hoyt Co. H. L, Laacke, sales manager R. Laacke Co. Ms W loon. This took place about 4:30 p.m., after Magius, sulesman manager Independent T. & A. Prout, owner Louiston & Auburn Awning Co, E. | Russell, Capital Anwing Co. Mrs R. the afternoon ‘show. The balloon, “ T. Co. FL ifton, ercdit manager Peoria T. & C. A. Hamlin, Oklahoma Tent & Awning Co. A, ©: Hirsch, Atcas Awning Co. Mrs. M Stevens Barnum”, was gaily decorated and a lovelier 4. (Co, E. Hanly, owner Salina T. & A. R. Capron, manager Western T. & A. Co. A. A. Stevens & Bro. | Mrs. David L. Johnson day never dawned on happy bride, and bonnie (og, proprietor 8. Moore Co. t. H. Frank R “Be mnett. Western manager Fred 8. Midwest T. & A. Co. Mrs. Paul E. Wolf Wot bride never welcomed it more than Mary Eliza(;arman tor So. Akron Awning Co. H. Bennett, Inc. Carl F. Adims, president RobeT& A. Co. Mrs, C. B. Massey, C. B. Massey beth Walsh, equestrienne of Barnum’s Roman yf. Harrelson, branch manager Clifton Mfg. Co. son Preservo Co. E. E. McGrew, mana ger McT& A. Co. Mrs, D. J. Moore, Atlas T. & Hippodrome, who was to wed in midair Charles jj, 4, Mintz, secretary U. S. Awning Suppiy Co. Grew Mch. Works. Jas. E. McGregor, n.tional ACo. Miss Jeanette Dougherty, Dovghe ty M. Colton, also of the great show. The atF. J, Adams, representative Spool Cotton Co. of secretary National T. & A. Mfg. Assn. E, §, T. & A. Mrs. Henry Laacke, H. Lagcke Co tendants were: Anna Rosetta Yates, equestrir. H. R. Pyle, owner Beatrice T. & A. Williams, treasurer Williams T. & A. Co. W. Mrs. H. E. Pierce, Independer’ Aw ing Co enne; W. C. Coup, Mr. Barnum’s business manaG, Craig, owner J. G. Craig T. & A. Co. E. Hamlin, vice-president Des Moines T. «& A. Minnie Tierce, Independent Awning Co. Mrs, ger; Rev. Howard B. Jefferies, who officiated. Kerr, vice-president Kerr Mfg. Co. D. M. Co. C. I. Dickey, president and treasurer The H. W. Averitt, Decatur T & A. Co. Mrs, * D. 8S. Thomas had general charge and nothing president D. M. Kerr Mfg. Co. Mrs. H. Dickey Mfg. Co. W. L. Schuchert, secretary 4. CScott, Scott Omaha T. & A. Co. Mrs, } was neglected. Mrs. Frank Whittaker, under le, Beatrice T. & A. Co. Mrs. J. W. Gil: and treasvrer Standard T. & A. Co. H. BE, Ed Rosenberg, The Astrup Co. Josephine Fekel, Mr. Barnum’s carte blanc, had superintended Carnie-Goudie. Mrs. E. Peoples, HuntingSmith, manager of Mfg. Dept. Geo. B. CarpenS¥est Mankato T. & A. Co. Mrs. H. Mayer, } the toilets, and they were perfect. The cere& A, Co. Mrs. E. F. Moriin, Hunting. ter Co. $. L. Hagan, representative M. Lowen. Mankato T. & A. Co. Mrs. Fred L. Ackermoney was performed one mile high over the & A. Co. Mrs. G. A. Goudie, Carniestein & Sons. A, J. Vettitt, owner and mana™&2, Topeka T. & A, Co. Mrs. Chas. L city. In the evening a bounteous spread was Mrs. L. R. Goudie, Carnie-Goudie, ger Tulsa Tent & Awning Co. J. E. Kattmann, S¢hwinfurth, Hyde Park Awn. Co. Mr. Cumgiven the bridal party and was attended by ( t. Goudie, Carnie-Goudie. Mrs. A, sales manager A. F, Kattmenn T. & A. Co. Mings, Langdon T. & A. Co. Mrs. 'T. J. Wedet Messrs. Hurd, Coup, Thomas and cther mana* ski, Danville T. & A. Co. Thelma Wodetski, gers of the show, as well as the performers. , agp — ——_——————_ daughter T. J. Wodetski, Mrs. F. F. Hopkins, So things went on back to Philadelphia, Pa.: ‘ F. F. Hopkins Mfg. Co. Mrs. J. R. Smith, A. {3 «€Brooklyn. N. Y., then to the New England Smith & Son T. & A. Co. Mrs. Ernst Pret+} States, York State, Canada, and the Middle schold, Pretschold T. & A, Co. Mre. Wal West. At Ft. Warne, Ind., July 7, 1875, one ter R. Fehbach, Walter Pehi ach Aw? Co, Mrs, ' of the passengers was ‘‘Little All Right’’, the oO. L. Kuhs, Wenzel Tent & Duck Co Mrs t wonderful young Japanese gymnast of the Martin Wenzel, Wenze. Tent & Dick Co. Mrs. ‘ Hippodrome and who is still alive, as I had Samuel Gallagher, John Gallagher Co w. ‘4 the pleasure of meeting him and visiting with S. Cotpman, owner Cormman T. & A. Co E. i, him in 1922. Other cities followed. It was T. Wardle, salesman Baker Garver V. Mor; at Concord, N. H., that two young ladics, rell, Inc. F. F. Hopkins, owner F. F. Hop“3 Maggie Taylor and Mand Oswald, two of the kins Mfg. Co. John R. Smith, owner A. Smith } + most accomplished equestriennes of the show, & Son T. & A Co Walter R. Esehbich, ;s determined that they were going to take a owner Walter Eschbach Awning Co. John D. hx ride, altho they had been refused several times Plake, owner Rockford T. & A Co R. D. ft; on account of other passengers. That afterThornbury, vice-president The Beverly Co. R. ; noon, before the show was over, they got into Cc, Turk, owner South Bend Awning Co. R. ; the basket. and, when spoken to about the W. Tippett, secretary and treasurer Peoria T. 1) chance of the balloon breaking loose and the & A. Co. T. J. Wodetski, secretary and treas~ -danger thereof, Miss Taylor, with a penknife. urer Danville T. & A. Co. W.C Markle, super, deftiv severed the rope holding the balloon and intendent Hutchinson T. & A, Co. H. P. Rasit shot up in the air just as Mr. Thomas mussen, mgr. Hutchinson T. & A. Co. J. T. % emerged from the ie aon with seen ‘4 Bre go Mu se A o » A. E. Olson, assengers, only to see *‘The Rarnum” a thon| pres. Smith-Olvon Co. J. . Goldner, partner In» “we feet in the air and still going. Many IN DONALDSON ‘S| i| dependent Thread Co C. B. Theiling, secretary ~ , other happenings during this time could be UL, Theiling Bothman Mfg. Co. Carl F. Rawitzer, _ told. The last ascension was made at Chicago, president Minnesota T. & Co. M. W. “4 Til., from the Hippodrome grounds, and DonaldRodier, manager Wm. L. Barrell Co. Jas. , gon, taking one passenger, a newspaper mon, Donen, salesman Independent Thead Co. Samuel + sailed away never to return. He supposedly ee manager John Gallacher Co. J. C. ' gave up his life in the waters of Lake Michi! + Yr. sg . jen tawitzer, asso, member Minnesota T. & A. i. pe an Shenae taead Dieux steer aa oe. __ Copy he the origi al pene s — Lae the ena of 1274 and ‘75 for the Co. S. M. Kahn, secretary Wm. L. Barrel 4 1875. During his outdoor amusement career he privilege ¢ meking an ascension with the late . H. Donaldson, aeronaut, who was at the Co. James A, Humphreys, proprietor R. A ? had carried to the skies in his varions balloons time with the P. T, Barnum Roman Hippodrome. The aeronaut was the father of David Humphreys & Sons. Chas. O Reop, salesman * many prominent ladies and gentlemen, both L. Donaldson, who is at present grand secretary-treasurer of the Theatrical Mutual AssociA. Berkman. H. W. Gallas, guest IG. Gallas ¢ from private and professional life, ard there ation. & Co. Geo, Williams, owner T. Williams & ,; { may possibly be some still living who have Son. A, R. Emrich, vice-president An hr S p © { sailed thru the air in the good old “P. T. + ply Co. D. Oransky, secretary Independert T * | Barnum”’. & A. Co. O. L. Kubs, sales manager Wenze! ' Boije, Midwest T. & A. Co. Mrs. John M. Long, John Scherz, owner John Scherz Sons. Albert Tent & Duck Co. Martin Wenzel, president it Topeka T. & A. Co. Mrs. R S. Planck, B. Gloss, manazer The R. J. Patton Cy A Wenzel Tent & Duck Co. F. W. Evers, presi MANY IN ATTENDANCE guest of John M, Long. Ted G. Baer, salesman Cli ) dent Clifton Mfc. Co. C Welford, dent Henry Evers Mfg. Co. Alfred M. Copland t Hedrick Mfg. Co. A. Boije, manager Midwest marager Wham & Co. E. Mentz, salesman Fred Vice-president The Copeland Co. Martin Clemet T. & A. Co. F. L. Ackerman, Topeka T. & A, S. Bennett, Inc. D. J. Hawthorne, owner Cars*00, (superintendent Northern Saddlery Mfg ° : Co. E. C. Burch, manager Fort Dodge T. & A, well-Hawthorne Inc. G. W. McClellan. office Co. A, Alveson, president ‘go T. & A { At National Tent and Awning ManuCo. H.C. Burch,’ salesman Fort Dodge T. & A. boy C. P. McClellan & Sons. J. Jones, salesman Co. H. V. Thomas, oh e-pres, E. Hogsh're Son ; facturers’ Convention in Kansas Co. C. R. Goudie, secretary C arnie-Goudie. a l-Rodgers €. G. Co. T. D nderson, pro& Co. J. Jordan Temple, guest Senageié: A + City, Mo. t. Goudie, treasurer Carnie A. prietor Anderson Co. F,. P. Ridcliffe, salesman « T. Co. Jordan Temple, Sunnyside A. & T. Goudie, vice-president Carnie Co. Wellington-Sears & Co. Fred L. Lohiser, presiCe. Fred L. Ackerman, vice-pres. Topeka T 7 J. C. Williams, proprietor Willian Co. dent Sellberg-Lohiser Co, Fl. C. Roe, vicee & A. Co. F. L. Temple, pres Sunnyside A. & t Among those present at the twelfth annual J. B. Abrams, president Osh} Co. president Pioneer Co. H. J. Miller, owner Rob. T. Co. M. H. Miller, salesman, Turney-Halsey * convention of the National Tent and Awning FE. F. Martin, sales manager ! & ert Miller = . Co, E. Hogshire, president E. Hogshire Son ) ? Manufacturers, held in Kansas City, Mo., OcA. Co. E. M. Peoples, manager Huntington T. “W. L. Steele, manager Waxahachie Cotton & Co. E. A. Dawson, salesman Turnev-Helsey t tober 8 to 12 (story of’ which appeared in the & A. Co J. W. Williams, salesman CarnieMills. reed S. Bennett, owner Fred S. BenCo. H. C. Gamber, manager Canvas Dept . Wm f issue of The Billboard dated October 20, but Goudie. Thos. C. Williams, asst. mgr. Williams nett & Co. J. E. Dilg, manager Dougherty A. Iden Co. Wm. BE. Russell, proprietor Capi‘list of visitors crowded out on account of lack T. & A. Co .Mrs. H. T. Tucker, Tucker Duck & Bros Tr. & A. Co W. T. Beverly, president tal Awning Co. G. F. Bohl, owner National bof space), were: Rub. Co. Mrs. Andres Swanfeldt, Swanfeldt T. The Beverly Co Edw. V. Mitebell’ secretary Decorating Co. Mr. Kirsch, vice-preside’t Atl os Mrs. re M. Beamish, Independence Tent & & A. Co Mrs. 0. Hazenstab, Universal Ind‘anepolis T. & A. Co. A. C. w unsch, presiAwning Co. M. B. Stevens, proprietor A. A 1 Awning Co. Mrs. W. A. Cease, National Mfg. Cutter Co. Mrs. A. Preston, Geo. B. Carpenter § dent Queen City T. & A. Co J. B. Fracier, Stevens & Bro. H. G. Gallas, owner Gallas #Co. Paul E. Wolf, Jr., treasurer Wolf T. & A. Company. Mrs. Kapka, owner Wyandotte T. eredit man Keystone Canvas " Goods Co. & Co David L. Johnson, partner Midwest T. Co. C. B. Norvell, owner C. B. Norvell Frank & A. (% Mrs. Frank Stevens, New Yerk AwnH Cc. Holmes, Western agent Kevatens & A. Co, } M. Swirles, secretary T. A. Shaw & Co. Bob ing ¢ Mrs. V. Dell. Mrs. A. F. Forrnier, Canvas Goods Co. F. J Lvebbert, © presi. A. Johnston, vice-president T. A. Shaw & Co. Mrs Mi lo H. Young, Geo. Hout Co. Mrs. W. E. dent Henrix-Luebbert Co Samuel L Ni holson G. A. Leinicke, gen. mgr. St. Louis, T. & A. Co. Hamlin, Des Moines T. & A. Co Mrs. H. L. owner Jas. A. Nicholson & Sons Wm DreeJ. H. BARRY'S EXPERIENCES oN. A map, gy — Turney — y Vrout, Louiston & Anburn Awning Co Mrs. sen, proprietor William Dreesen Co. ROR xenon Co. Arthur C. Edwards, sales manager Annin Carl F. Adams, Reberon Preservo Co Mrs. A. Foster, wre-ident roste Mfe . . % . : ° e h& Co. Clarence B. Massey, Jr.. son, C. B. MasR. Capron, Westerr T. & A. Co. Mrs. C. A. Weikert, Sees st. Paul T as Ce. Ww. . With Railread Transportation Officials grey T. & A. Co. C. B. Massey, owner C. B. Ham! Mrs. J. E. MeCregor, National T. & Matthews, manager Standard T. & A. Co. C. Massey T. & A. Co. Harlan J. Kapka. salesman. A. Co. Mrs. E. S. Williams, Williams T. & A. L. Ford, president Dallas T & A. Co. F. ,.Jehn H. Rarry, manager of Campbell Bros.’ -Wynndotte T. & A. Co. Fred Dean, Dean Co. Mrs. Fred L. Lohiser, Sellberg-Lol er Co. E. Kohler, president Outwest T. & A. Co R. Trained Wild Animal Shows, writes The Billyohread Corp. August L. Plitt, foreman Baptiste Miss Lillie V. Rois, secretary and treascer r The §, Cutshall, president Coloredo T. & A. Co. ead from Chicago as fol ows: T. & A. Co. L. Baptiste, part owner Baptiste Beverly Co. Mrs. Wm. Dreesen, William Dree PP. R, Siener, secretary Lang & Stanley Co. “In your Christmas number last year you eT. & A. Co. Mrs. T. H. Foster, Topeka T. & A. sen Co. Mrs, C. I. Weikert, St. Paul T. & A. Frank ©. Wikoff, owner Frank C. W'koff. HL Published an article by me on my experien es 4Co. W. B. Munson, Jr., manager Dennison CotCo Mrs. R. 8S. Gutshall, Colo. T. & A. Co. F. Devereux, president Scheverlein Guth Co. with raiload transportation. In it I stated ,fen Mill Co. A. E, Weisman, salesman Harding Mrs, Samuel L. Nicholson, Jas. A. Nicholson & Chas. W. Tay or, president The Am. Water. ‘at. I had always found the big men at the LT ilton & Co. C. H. Williams, salesman HardSons Mrs. Frank Lohiser, The Williams A. & proofing Co. A. E. Strode, proprietor Geo head of the railroad corporations vers con Sing Tilton & Co. Raymond H. Storm, viceT. Co. Mrs. E. E. Pease, National T. & A. trode. CC. Hough, partner Natl, & A (. Siderate and fair-minded men to do business Spresident Harding Tilton & Co. L. M. Nisbet, Mfg. Assn Miss Opal Gundlock, visitor with B. F. Frank, president and general maneger wth, always willing to re tify error and mis Psalesman, Hooven & Allison Co. Geo. A. Peters, A. E. Strode. Mrs. Fred Gund! ck, visitor with Columbus T. & A. Co. Geo. R. Astrup, gentakes made by their agents or subordin:tes yailesman, Hooven & Allison Co. J. Padavic, A. E. rode Mrs. A. E. Strode, George Strode. eral manager The Buckeye T. & A. Co I w. On my return from Winnipeg, Can., 1 found Amanager Quincy T. & A. Co. T. W. Marshall, Mrs. R. T. Laacke, Laacke Co. Mrs. Hf. T. Kirk, sales department Astrop Co. E. Graben. ‘he accompanying letter (which IT would like Troy Sun Shade Co. L. G. Sadler. member of Carney. The Coleman Lamp Co. Mrs. F. W. stein (Graby). representative F E. Raymond '? ve you publish) waiting for me with a girm Sadier & Fields. W. G. McCumber Eau los, E. W. Klos Mfg. Co. Mrs. G. A. ChimCo. H. I. Weikert, proprietor St. Paul T. @ Check for $40.70 from the Llinois Central gen qlaire Awning Co. W. R. Giddings, manager berlein, The Brooks T. & A. Co Mre. C. R. A. Co. A. C. Martin, salecmen John Poyle Co, Chl pascenver agent. The best part of it is sold Medal Cap Camp Mfg. Co. W. A. Cease, Mecf e, Men es fT. & A. Co Mrs. H. W F. F. Tische, president American T. & A. Ca. I did not know that I was being overcharged gr. National Mfg. Co. A. M. Beamish, viceMey rhoff, Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills. Ge ( E. E. Pease, first vice-president Netl. T. & A, ‘t the time and made no claim for a refund.” ndependence T. & A. Co. W. D. Robeson, Barnum, owner Pheenix T. & A. Co A. W Mfz. Assn. L. H. Natley, president and manThe letter to which Mr. Campbell refers t Robe son Preservo Co. Benj. Carpenter, Benson, vice-president Herevles Stovett Mfg. ager Notley Mfg. Co J. A. Toberman, man. Teds: ‘In connection with movement of your Ge B Carpenter & Co. T. H. FosCo. (C. A. Chamberlain, treasurer The Brooks ager John Boy] & Co. Frank C Lohiser, sec. COMpany from West Salem, Il., to Flora, TIl.. er, salesman Topeka T. & A. Co. R. S. BalT. & A. Co. C. R. McClure, president Memphis retary and general manager Wil jama T & A on August 18, our agent at former point made v bit gies see Hayne Surridge Co J. F. T. & A. Co. John C. Foster. partner Foster & Co T. C. Funston, representative John Boyl collection as folows: Twenty-five ares at a ite p es dent Wh te Pro« ucts. WwW. Fe Git ‘Stewart Co. Jo n Chambertatr con of ( A & Co. R. T. Laacke, president R. Taacke. A $2.98 per capita, $74.50. plus $7.45 surcharge ‘ = L es ee vem Metal Cr mp Frrn. Co. Ch ambe lain Florence Chamb riain davghter F. Roussel, salesmon John Bovl & Co. W. #. end £95 to cover movemert of baggate car. sold Metal Camp Fur ort manager of C. A. Chamberlain, H. Temple Tucker. presiWood, president Standard T. & A. Co. R. W. As the one-way fare between West Salem and — eteedchagy nt ag ge ee oe a a wire Mae acinar = ace. ed we faites ‘ Ca pie, ey sales mer, Coleman Lamp Co. apes is ae ooteoten. oll mace 8 a “ . J. oore, 8les nage ucke "CK subber 0 ‘has eedy, sales seo 3 ’ > . rR: ¥ T. « A. Co. G. E. Martin, owner G. Leonard Fisher, manager Columbia A, & Sup Co, Chas, e “wi omen See. B. Carpenter pine ge pte Taieey-Sre Covers, 0