The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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The Billboard JANUARY 5, 1924 Eby’s Sax. Book PART I Arban Eby’s Cornet Method NO-PRESSURE SYSTEM. Opens a New Epoch im Cornet General Instrue Syncopation tions Triplets Toue Production Low Tones How To Tongue High Tones Attack Accent — a) ae Fingesing ° List of Arban Exercises 151 Pages. PRICE, $1.50. SOAS CARE on attack, tonguing, slur PART tl wa ring, syncopation, scales, Transposition Pog embellishments, Extreme High ‘ Tones Saxophone Laugh Daily Drill Solos Trios, Etc.. Bite, 93 Pages. PRIC a7 COMPLETE BOOK. PAGES, Bass Clef New Chart, General Instructions, Rudiments of Music, and Complete ARBAN'S COMPLETE CELEBRATED METHOD FIR TROMBONE. SARITONS ADMD OTHER INSTRUMENTS, eadenzas, triple tonguing, etc. Positions marked ¢hroughout. Also fourteen Arban Characteristic Studios, and the twelve Arban Celebrated Solos. 236 PAGES. Price, $4.00 PRICE $4.00 Playing Forty-two Comprehensive Lessons: Breathing Double-Tongulng Tonguing Power Attack Eudurance Syncopatioa Tones Above Sight Reading High € Pedal Tones Band Playin® lip Trills Song Playlug Cadeneas ‘Trumpet ir Transposition Tone High Tones Scales SMlurring Intervals Velocity Staccato Triple-Tongulsg and elghteen ofter subjects, with Studies, Solos, Duets, Daily Drill, Test Studies, etc, Larger than the Complete Arban GUIDE TO HARMONY | By V. F. SAFRANEK. Enables the ordinary musician to —~ Harmony. ty-seven complete lessons with answers. correspondence course. Method. J 0 Pages PRICE, $4.00 Art of Directing Simplified By O. A. PETERSON FOR BAND LEADERS Twenty Chapters PRICE $1.00 ‘ormerly a yonee PRICE $2.00 Correct Metronome T FOR BAND po By 0. A. PETERSON Tempos for every movement in 130 of the mest used overtures. Completely indexed. PRICE $1.00 FOR CORNET, TRUMPET, ALTO, FRENCH the system of anyone, For violin, banjo, cornet, trumpet, trombone, clarinet, saxophone, etc, etc. SPECIAL EDITION FOR PIANO. Price, $1.00 There is a ANACK in playing your instrument. and resources of your instrument. alone can correct it. Your knack must be set right. Sent free on request. NO PRESSURE—BY MAIL HORN, TROMBONE, BARITONE. CLARINET AND SAXOPHONE PLAYERS This knack is founded on a scientific basis. Play right and you will play with ease and get control of the entire register If your KNACK is wrong, no amount of practice Complete particulars in our FREE POINTERS Write name, address and instrument on margin of page. SEND FOR FREE SAMPLES OF SOLOS AND FREE CATALOG OF MUSICAL SUPPLIES. STATE INSTRUMENT. VIRTUOSO MUSIC SCHOOL, (Dept. E), CONCORD, MASS. —— —_——<— instant, write us. Drummers newer the latest L The Synco-Jazzstick A double end wire brush effect, with £00 fine and rubber mallet end. Used in || tearly a hundred ‘different ef|| fects. Opens and closes in an A necessity in every drummer’s kit. | If your dealer cannot supply, Postage paid, 75c pair LUDWIG & LUDWiG. 1611 Ne. Lincotn St., CHICAGO, ‘>> || How To Write and Make a Success Publishing Music Z A book written by a successful music composer and publisher and oovers in oa just eS Zs bitious composer desires to know. Includes list of Music Dealers, Band Record and Piano Roll Manufacturers. The best book of its kind on the mache. oy $1.00. postboo LS Zz a ae wee a oe RE ‘ONION Mt MUSIC CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. BS urs a < | “WY | ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS PRINT ANYTHING IN MUSIC BY ANY PROCESS ESTIMATES GLAOLY FURNISHED REFERENCES, ANY PUBLISHER JENCRLES. ZIMMERMAN © 3285 Son ACCORDIONS ESTABLISHED i876 steel wires This Crystal Ball instantly answers ANY question. Tells if | ALL your wishes The Best Made Accordion in the World —~ Send 25 cente for tllus ANNI ==" will come true. Any AUTHENTIC OFFICIAL NEWS AND UP-TOoe ehueees Ad MADE “TH ane Sa * A VITAL NECESSITY Vv EVicLE. “THE PERFORMER’ (The OTicial Organ of the Variety Artistes’ Federation and all Other Variety Organizations) DEALS wivn VARIETY ONLY AND READ BY EVERYONE CONNECTED WITH BRITISH VARIETY The Paper That Shows Results to Advertisers. ADVERTISING RATES: NGI agetee call Goad ote were ode $52.00 BE WD cccccccovnccscaumecnceceuen wo EE cca tunpencdedeadecetiadiunn 21.00 TID... ccna cedgaieinsaunt 16.50 Sixth Page Leatesetskkcbeianadinl 15.00 Pe << tc sckpiimés geeaukmemuie 10.50 Wide Column. per oe caw agaus 3.00 Narrow Column, per aL. The PERFORMER is filed at all THE BIL 0 BOARD Offices in America HEAD OFFICE: 18, Charing Cross Road, Lendon. 144 Bath Street, Glasgow. body can read the answers at onoce. Mysterious and Fascinating Game. Mail $2.00, or pay postman. Agents wanted CRYSTAL BALL COMPANY, rated catalog and prices. \UGUSTO IORIO & SONS 3 Prince St., NEW YORK. , 949 Broadway, New York City. Dept. 517. Established. Composer 1905. MUSIC ARRANGED | For any | instrument. Original Melodies a Specialty. . NELSON, 1531 Broadway; New York. A MOTHER'S PLEA TELL THE ADVERTISER IN THE Heart Touching Ballad, Sentimenta) Song, 35¢ BILLBOARD WHERE YOU GOT Ba 0c; Creh., 30c. Three together, §1. ” aed " w. B. WADLEY Composer and Publisher, HIS ADDRESS 3644 ao Street, Chicage,’ m SCOTTISH OFFICE: PIANO PLAYING JAZZ moresris IN 20 LESSONS bes Ohee ood a Pine Reis) Write or Phone for tor FREE BOOKLET CHRISTENSEN SCHOOLS OF POPULAR vite 5, 20 East Jackson, Teacher Represetitat ves wanted MUSIC CHICAGO. ad “THAT FILL “pnocman all cD FOR SOOOPOOOOCSES ESOS ESESESESODOSSOSOSDOSOSOD ESOS SOOO SESODESODOD ODED OOD DOOOOOOOOOH SOOO OOO HOH OG PFET Te eres USE THE HITS THE FLOOR = Pal of of. oo REQUESTS You're Always Messin’ AND SUIT ed) Roscofan n Hou! SS THE DANCERS DEMAND ALTZ €.FOXK TROT ~ Low-Down Papa | o anes ant Aaa aie MRIS RNGC AA AMARA REE: * e FADED LOVE LETTERS ALSO ARRANGED FOR BAND Some Pies? Melotly So Song, for Piano Copies free to SOOO OSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSESSSOSSSSSSOA GHOSE OOOO SOS OSES OS HOUSOOOOO® -_ The Greatest Blues Tune You Ever Heard. cl O soe WO). SE) =) 3D) ie oe =) A Down in Dixie Dixie Croon, for All Ye Syncopators. ~ BLACK MAN, BE ON YO’ WAY _ You'll just love this one. love this one. ~ KEEP YOURSELF TOGETHER, SWEET PAPA _ (MAMA'S GOT HER ralihaed di YOU) It's Blue, You, Indeed Round With My Man It’s Mean, I Hope To Tell Ya.’ Tired o’ the Blues You won't get tired o' this one. 1Se each. Mone free. doin our Orchestra Club, $2. in tn Oat, i wh Re ‘SPENCER WILLIAMS MUSIC CO., Inc., 1547 B’way, Room 504, New York City Publishers of Spencer Williams Low-Down Series. 7 2 2 |