The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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| JANUARY 5, 1924 The Billboard 3 i JUST ONE aA. alte SoM a on | MORE DAY W et Grex a enen F . } “e. onderiu Tran ements or ' Featured By Solo, 2 Ettes, 4 Ettes & Orch. / PAUL BIESE CINDERELLA ORCH. * 145 W.45St. Melody Music Co, N.Y. C. “IF YOU DON’T I KNOW WHO WILL” A song about a girl who wants a few things, talking to her man. Let us remind you that we Good for Single or Double. Send for your are the publishers of professional copy NOW. “OH, DADDY, BLUES” “BABY WON’T YOU PLEASE COME HOME” “KANSAS CITY MAN i . “ORIGINAL CHARLESTO > ame . MORSICUANS:— Fo a8, 2 esas send zo 2 ce renee rons sactet Save $150 by taking advantage of our offer NOW! CLARENCE WILLIAMS MUSIC PUB. CO., Inc, a ial 1547 Broadway, (Suite 415-20) NEW YORK | 1658 BROADWAY, Prof. Dept. NEW YORK CITY AVC OF VECTI Zack Ylemortes A“ Tricky” Instrumental ; DAYS F E YESTERDAY ' mK: JOHNNY! STOP! PLEASE DON’T! a MOM-MA! 2 oF panne = oer cot ORCH. seinen ities Club. ($2.00 yearly) d Z/PF MUS/C PUB. CO. and receive all Fisher Orchestrations FREE for one year. <1 195 W.9S" ST. NEW YORK CITY | FRED FISHER, INC., Dept. W. W., 224 W. 46th St., New York JUST OUT—WONDER WALTZ ts " GRAVER AND P FOR SALE ARIZONA MOON” |p eRRESY | 200 THEATRE cHnins Dance Orchestra of 16, 30c : ; Z quick cash buyer. CHAS. H, LORD, EVAN GEORGEOFF, Music Publisher, Music P Printers fete 1 \ Giadly TAMGAIRTIM | 11 Clifton Avenue, Kingston, New York. : =n | P. O. Box 595, Cleveland, Ohio. West of York. ~~ rheslesten! : uz p/“onany thing in Music FOR SALE ] ANY OG if SHER : ; K DONE BY nr 80 Driver Deengite End P. P. Ten . 9-ft. « FOR SALE Scr . $ ‘ AT Proeroae ed fo ro or Not a patch Fon . . « ‘ : THE QneATest NOVELTY oF THE At. —t, pull er; 12x stage, on a oneton rs truc scenery, THE HUMAN FLY ACT. Vacuum shoes. eiting RAYNE! “DALHEIM& Co 2054-2060 W.Lake St Chicago, II} lights, 6 lengths of 7-tler seat 0 walking. Portable paraphernalia for circus ort canvas bench, 10x10 marquee 0 1 tre. The bot act as was done by Al and Fra a~# mer Light Piant, 2 K. W.. “go-wolt: Powe ers 6, with Gillette i 1885-6-7, It’s new now, Complete drawloop setter; 40 reels of good Film. $55 One 2 , ir vith specifications « ud instructions how to build ft. M. P. for 20 Top. $45.00 gets it. 100 ft, rigglt nd make shoes, ete, or will bul d the outit | portal hy spl ae, $30 “ 4x8 oan Maziv completo. This act ts tor man and woman or ts . portatte, 4 tos sooth, im fiber trunk. like ne , women. Will command se big salary “these aass. EMAN D FOR SO NGS gdh Film, = new, Francis Ford «ni First come, first rved Be first hae Grace Cunnar “"y in Treas grasping war — lots A. M. GILLETTE, Rattle ek, “Michigan, of paper, "$25.00. Wm. “s Hart, Lone Aveuser, 3 To make a succeas of ntarkuting your own eoeapositic n, @ book covering all essential points is published. Com| full reels, $25.00. Lois f : . in =. ‘$5. 00 a reel. AT LIBERTY 7. be (BBD prieht), B.-O taing over 100 paces of valuable information tt cluding lists of tem-cent stores, music jobbers, record and piano | If you are looking f ik mead e low Wit |] roll manufacturers, music dealers, musical ‘magazines. etc. Positively the best f—' a to-the-times book ever DR. M ANS EL > Tidioute, Pa. e * le vat Re rT = wi — it sal is te ier, offered. $1 00 postpaid, and if not as claimed wil) refund money. Send for t dunce rete» HAN pina oe JACK GORDON PUB. CO., 201 No. Hoyne Ave., Chicage}oox RY PORTER LIBERTY $65.00. Kell. write iy? diver BENT ‘POTTER, Bate ry Rouge, La., after January 5 Producing Comedian os General Business. A-1 Spe. and PLUSH DROPS Y clalties. Sing lead or baritone. Have few good j NOTICE! ALLAN R. BALL SCENER Li See ss Cc E NI E R —_. Ltd o your limjt. Address 3654 Helen Ave.. / Please wire or write ack Important. roit, = Diamond Dye. Of) er Water Cabot. aus AUD A. TALL 1206 ‘Washington Ave.” Spring: Eotabllsded 1800. AMELIA GRAIN, Phlingotphte, | SOMELL SORNIC STUDIO, COLUMBUM OMIQ |” tave you looked thra the Letter List? i