The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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7 _ The Billboard JANUARY 65, 1924 After all, it’s use sturdy, dependable Universal 4cylinder “tere say about it that what the folks who counts! Three Years—and not a Stop! “Il am very much pleased with the Universal 1 itistalled over three years ayo, I have not had e stop, and it runs just as good today as it ever did.” (Signed) JULIUS LEVY, Lyric Theater, Brady, Texas, Smooth as a Clock “The motor starts easily at all times and runs smooth as a clock. It is the best plant we have ever used.’’ (Signed) CRIS LA COMA, Le Coma Shows, Alexandria, La. Stand Up Under Projection! “Universal Electric Plant is the best of its kind made. I have used several other makes, but none other than Universal would stand up and give good service under the strain of carbon lights for projection pur poses. (Sizned) C, A, FOSTER, Texas Theater, Carthage, Texas, or instance— Men that you know—or know of—hundreds of others besides the three above—are unauimous in their opinion that Universal offers a finer iovestment in safe, steady, flickerless, compact, reliable Mghting than anything in the field. Sizes to meet all requirements from the smallest waveling picture show or cartival te the big circus, Write for free catalog. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO, 48 CEAPE ST, OSHKOSH, WIS. Not connected with any other firm using the name ** Universal’’. STAGE DANCING TAUGHT | BY A MAN THAT CAN DANCE] JACK BLUE | Formerly Dancing Master for Geo. M. Cohan, The Ziegfeld Polles, Dactng Mas ters, Normal Schools, Movie Stars, Professionals, Rovalty and others, Dancing Masters come to New York every summer to study. They know whos who, and what is what, AS THEY MAKE THE ROUNDS OF ALL THE different Dancing Schools. They All Know JACK BLUE—Ask them or ask any professional. Save time and money by getting the right advice. A Few Who Know—All pupils of JACK BLUE Marillvn Miller, Evelyn Law, Marion Davies, Lillian Walker, Freddie Santley, Olin Howland, Count and Countess Zichy, Fairbanks Twins, Amelia Allen, White Sisters, Betty Hale, Margaret Edwards, Princess White Deer, Colleen Bawn and | hundreds of others too numerous to mention, which proves it is not only one kind of dance that JACK BLUE teaches, but ALL. If the Above Is Not True, Let the First One Deny It MR. BLUE stands behind any statement he makes. If you are interested in Stage Dancing, want any kind of a special song or dialogue written, you would do well to call on the master, 233 West Sst St., Cape? siiisarmc, NEW YORK CITY Circle 6136 If You Are Tired of Jazz and Want a Real Song Hit Get This THE SONG THAT THE BREEZE SINGS TO ME Novelty Waltz Songz, With 3 Melody You Wont Forzet. Professional Copies and Orchestrations to Performers and Orchestra Leaders. E. FORTUNATO, 8S. Fifth St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. ——— = THE LATEST SONG NUMBERS FOR ORCHESTRAS AND ACTS “TAKE ME BACK TO DEAR « “JAZZ BABY OLD CAROLINA” D BLUES” Send stamps for Professional Copies. Orchestratias, $1.00 a year. ISADORE KOPPERL MUSIC CO., 1495 Broadway, Room 303 Putnam Bidg., SONG WRITERS! I will arrange your melody for Piano for $5.00. Also arramce for Orchestra and Band. My arrangements can’t be beat a’ d I have hundreds of letters to that effect from satisfied song writers and publishers. Get the best and have no regrets. 1441 West 85th St, CLEVELAND, OHIO New York City. HERMAN A. HUMMEL, COMPOSER AND ARRANGER OF “ISLAND NIGHTS”. WANTED Musical Comedy Company 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 “ P of eleven or twelve people for 3 indefinite Stock engagement at : Model Theatre, Sioux City, lowa, 4 to open January 20th. Must be 4 A-1 in every respect, carry good 7 Specialties, present script bills. 3 Have six in line and good prin3 cipals. Wire all in first tele4 gram, prepaid to NATHAN DAX. $9 ew, PPD DD DDD ~~ propor)’, WANTED, REAL MEN PERFORMERS Straight Man that can do good Specialties, Comedian that can put on Acts right and make them go, Sketch Team that man can do Black or Straight, Woman Characters or Soubrettes, Musical Team that can work in Acts, good Trio considered. Salary positively sure. State all in first. If afraid of the usual work with Med. Show, don’t write. DR. V. SHARPSTEEN, Marshall, Mich. Wanted Medicine Show A real spot and a pot of gold waiting for you, but you must be good. Write. Don't telegraph. Henderson Comedy Co. Write JACK O'BRIEN, Standard Opera House, Sleepy Eye, Minnesots. LOCATION WANTED! FOR PERMANENT DRAMATIC STOCK CO. Up in all the late Broadway releases. Ten People, including Scenic Artist. Carload of scenery and electric effects. Responsible Managers, address CHAS. KRAMER, Mgr., Marguerite Bryant Players, Academy, Wilmington, N.C. FOR SALE—Campbell’s New Orleans Minstrels A complete two-car Minstrel Show. The best equipped two-car Mingirel Show on the road. One Stateroom Car, witb washstands and toilets im every room; five rooms on each side of car; carpeted all through ear; Taker heater, steel screens, fans for every room, possum bellles uoder both cars. Both cars bave 5x9 jourgals, eteel platforms. Both oars are 74 feet lors. Baggace Car has four side doors and one big end door. Seats, Tent, Delco Litht Plint, meunted an waton; Horses, Harness, Wagons, Seenery, Wardrobe the best, no better under a tent; Proscenium, Marquee, Stace, Poles and Stakes, Blocks and Falle, Main Guys, Will sell as a whole or ay part of game. Can be seen «t San Antonio, Tex., after Dec. 18, mm the tracks at the Southern Steel (o.’s yarts. Write or wire. Prefer eclling show as a whale, but will sel] any part. Everything good as new. Adrress WM. CAMPBELL, care Campbell New Oricans Minstrel Shows, San Antonie, Texas, SUUTEUACUADSEAAE TS SSEUTE OETA WANTED SOUBRETTE = -_— = mall, good looking and full of pep. Must be able to sing and dance, also have wardrobe. Also = WANT LADY MUSICIANS for 25-peupie Tab. Show, playing New Enricod. — M. J. MEANEY, 730 Tremont Street, Boston, Massactpusetts. > sereeaneneneenat PSCC O++Oe THE BILLBOARD Published weekly at 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, O SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $3.00 PER YEAR. Entered as second-class mail matter June 4, 1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under act of March 3, 1879 116 pages. Vol. XXXVI. No. 1. January 5, 1924. PRICE, 15 CENTS. This issue contains 68 per cent reading matter and 32 per cent advertising wo ~—_~~o~soooee Cte ttt BILIOUSNESS—SICK HEADACHE, call for an NQ Tablet, (a vegetable Strengthea the M JUNIOR S—Little Ms One-third the regular dose.~ Made of same ingredients, then candy coated. For children and adults. — : — ~. BHEATRICAL DESIGNERS AND ERGEAVERE / _ SPECIALIZING | DESIGNS & ENGRAVINGS FOR THEATRICAL USES GRAVERS TO HIS MAJESTY _ OLD BILLY BOY MIKE MSDONNELL, Per 137 w.4e ST. .CINCINNAT], Oo. SCEN ERY SeTTiNGs Dye and Satin Drops Made an@ Furnished. UNIVERSAL STAGE SOUIPmENT ce.. 4223 Spring Grove Avenue, CINCINNATI, 0. WANTED--THREE HAWAIIAN one moete. STEADY WOR, Propricter, One to play the Piano, who can HOTEL WORK. WILLIAM J. —_ Hotel DeWitt, Webster, Massachu WANTED AT ONCE General Business Man To Direct Must have youthful appearance and be able to cut the stuff. Prefer man that can sing Bass in Quartette. Young Man to sing Tenor for Genera] Line Parts; must be an A-1 singer and good appearance. Address J. DOUG. MORGAN (Himself), Dayton, Tex., this week; Beaumont, Tex., next. Wanted—COLORED MALE FOR MINSTREL—Wanted WANTED QUICK for Famous Southland Minstrels, Fingers, Dancers, Musicians and Actors who double Tend and Orchestra and Stage; Band Leader, Colored Proiucer who has material for 25-people Minstrel Show, w ire anc state all you can and will do, Make your salary low, as you get it here Show opens Kansas City January 20. No time to dicker; wire. WANTED—Two Comedians, strong enough to feature; good, strong Quartette, Silent Act for ollo. All ple must join Kansas City om receipt of wire dress. MANAGER FAMOUS SOUTHLAND MIN. STRELS, Box 464, Perry, Okla. After Jan. 9, wire in care Coates House, Kansas City. Wanted Girl With Strong Voice for Vaudeville Singing Act willing to learn Novelty Dances; plano player given profes ae. Also Scotch Ragpiper. State all, tachud lowest salary. Show works year around. BOX D1 i. Hillboard, Cinelonati, Chio. | Versatile Trombone UNION, TUX. Special arrangements. First-class offers only. Address BOX D-131, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. Wanted for the Moonshiner’s Daughter Co. Generel Hiuciness and Character Man, rep Drummer ul Trombone, W, B, WOLTZ, Norfolk lotel, Norfolk, Virginia. : : :