The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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wo we Oo oY WY wry Fee" 8 Swew* SS VYyaw wee rtistry Yen in terms of economics but frankly. chiefly and primarily concerned with the business end of the profession: ardently advocatin New York. “Mr. Wilkes’ wire is “The article which 11, your issue of gards a certain Mr. Harris as follows: appears on page December 29, as reagreement between and myself, is untrue and not based upon the facts. IL did not purchase a half interest, or any interest whatsoever, in the Sam Harris productions; therefore, the rumors of Mr. Harris’ financial embarrassment, which you say were based on that supposed transacticn, are untrue, as is the re best from an income standpoint s vid. The net income to the railroads for 1923 will be about $1,000. 000,.000 t of valuation, and the likelihood that before 1924 ends subst regress will be made thru th of the Interstate Commerce Commission for bettering the cond n of ments generally. This refers to the har ne passengers, gage and ex -s The many trausportation companies w ~ glneOng greatest ber aries ¢ the Mellon tax reduction plan With. 1 vy millions of invested capital they are expected to reap a splendid reduction from e mim strat.eon’s plans Phis in turn will undoubtedly mean that imsiead of « along as they have, so far as t public’s interests are concerred, since ¢ iovernment rele aoe ite control over them, they will be able to make a good showing for their owners, and sar time pave the way so that when the Interstate Commerce ( mission takes wp the various phases of reducing the cost of trar People generally may become the portation, passenger and freight, the beneficiaries better business ractice, and firmly committed to cleanliness as @ business asset i@en ese eee ee @ > (Copyright 1924 by The Billboard Publishing Company.) HARRY P. HARRIS t on Durit ” g h istmas Week 25 Per Cent Below 1 + 7 IS ISSUED BY P RESIDENT Expectations a _ Thru Reciprocal Agreement With Canada Royg00D SALE FOR . alties Will Be Received by American NEW YEAR’S EVE | | Composers and Writers New York, Dec. 29.—The general / Washington, D. C., Dec. 31—With wrights and composers, and catalogs jacking up of prices for the legitimate ; the Canadian copyright bill going into of come shers would automatically have attractions along Broadway during ’ effect tomorrow, the Presidential procbecome public property in Canada, «hristmas week served to react on the } lamation extending copyright protecThru this reciprocal copyright agreebox-offices to the extent that business tion in this country to subjects of ment American composers 2nd writers fell about 25 per cent below expectaCanada was issued today, thus prewill recevie royalties on phonograph tions, several of the shows playing to venting at the eleventh hour any and piano records similar to that repractically empty houses at at least breach in the copyright relations beceived in the United States and Engone of their three matinee performtween the two countries. land. ances. Business for the coming week Previously orders in council had been promises to be very good, with the issued extending copyright protection sales steadily increasing daily. to citizens of the United States in ported deal between us. The sgreeTheater men had anticipated a Canada, this to take effect upon the ment between Mr. Harris and myseif record-breaking cleanup for the Christ, announcement of the Presidential dated December 1, had to do only with mas holiday, basing their expectations *) proclamation. Had not the proclamaproductions made on and after that ee on the unusually large advance sales. tion been issued today, the entire date, and was simply the cementing = g.7).Jiocker Thester orchestra, Nashville, Much to their surprise Wednesday works of American authors, playOf 4m arrangement made more than a Tenn., and has won recogn.tioa as one of matinee, supposedly the biggest matiyear ago for the tryout of new pliys the South's best d.cectors aad saxophonists. nee day of the year, turned out to be j= <a amen in my theaters in California and their aa oe a flop, this being due, say the agency subsequent production thru the Harris men, to the general boosting of prices 0S. | organization in New York. Other + | for the matinee performances of the than the formal consideration of one G | week. With one or two exceptions, the dollar, the agreement did not call for . theaters raised the prices from 50 cents 0-50 HARRIS DEAL the payment of one cent by me to Mr. Waitinsed en Geer 2M) “It is true I have a ten-year lease ° . ' : Loi di heey Mameshes ieanans ade tates Sa Committees A ointed : Did Not Purchase Interest in Harris and myself own all but a small Sam Harris Productions, percentage of ‘The Nervous Wreck’ Propaganda has been spread on the He S and all of ‘Topsy and Eva’. Mr. West Coast that Al G. Barnes has h Lon Beach Lea ue e€ Says Harris’ financial standing is too well bought the Golden Bros.’ Circus. A known in New York to call for any denial on this was wired to The BillDenying that he purchased a half notice being paid to the article, but I board December 31 by the Golden es interest, or any interest whatsoever, in would appreciate it if you would print show from winter quarters, Anaheim, Membership Drive Reported as the Sam Harris productions, and char(Continued on pa = ' ; : ge 10 Continued on page 107) ° 4 acterizing as untrue the rumors of Mr. a ee . Showing Progress—President Harris’ financial embarrassment, Thos. Johnson ll Wilkes, in a wire from Chicago to The } 4iliboard under date of December 31, states that his agreement with Mr. The regular monthly dinner and | Harris has only to do with productions 1923 BEST YEAR IN POINT OF INCOME meeting of the Long Beach Amusement made on and after December 1, 1923, League was held last week in Spauldand was the consummation of an arSINCE 1916 ing’s Cafe, Long Beach, Calif., with 35 rangement for the tryout of new plays members present. In the absence of at the Wilkes theaters in California aie Dr. H. R. Johnson, the president, who P P AS NG N he le Pe. an lortendin no re s . y and their subsequent production in W Se ee “ eon . ad in one "tae ee oF a ae is ill, Wm. Sergel, the secretary, pre sided. After the usual palatable repast the chairman announced the appointment of several committees, which will work during 1924 for the betterment of the League, as follows: Membership—W. A. Marfleet, Barney Byrens, A. H. Cover, J. J. Meyers, Joe Gordnrap, T. E. Rand, Emil Bruhl and Fred Pheasey. Sick and Relief— Thos. W. Ryan, W. H. Leininger and Adam Linke. Auditing — Irving Schneider, B. F. Simonds and D. T. (Continued on page 107) “Last Week's Issue of The Biliboard Contained 1,022 Classified Ads, Totaling 5.130 Lines, and 63 Display Ads, Totaling 19.897 Lines: 1,661 Ads, Occupying 25,027 Lines tn All The Edition of This Issue of The Billboard Is 76,495 Copies