The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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JANUARY 5, 1924 The Billboard ’ Star Theater, Brooklyn, mA Ws “THE JOY RIDERS” (Reviewed Monday Evening, December 24) A Mut 1 Rook, lyrics and cuit attraction. music by Ed. ©. Jordan, Ensemble and dances by bth 4 artlett Presented by George Jatte week of December 24. CHE CAST—Marie Mussio, Jack Wolf, Ethel Rartlett lor Dot Dorothy Owens, George lart and «Ed Jordar CHORUS—Agt Dalson, Emily Austin, Alice Daly Ruth Corte Bobby Carr, Buddy Fire, | I’ ’ sally Martin, Fay Andrus, Mabel Andrus jixie Murray, Eva Kenvord, elle Watson, Olga Goss, Vera King, Geraldine eee REVIEW rART ONE Scene 1 4 emi-darkened house and stage tf; 1 two women in front of a t pp, ty d wh an ensemble of t hand-flashlight offered t ordinary for an opening Seene 2 was 1 elaborate garden set for an f typical cheristers in colorful cos1 in t r er by Jack Wolf, a i t nile singer and dancer. Following ame M e Mussio, a pleasingly plump I t ma donna wit an exceptional voice that arrie » sentimental ballad and a ragtime blues no r e a seusoned vocal'st I el | tlett. a kewp bobbed brunet soubret, I ed onto the stage with an entrancing per ality t t was enhanced by |! pep in singing and dancing, that included running dancing splite Derothy Owen another pleasingly plump br Re e gow sang and put over a few nifty steps in a ple ng manner Then came t s, Ed. Jordan as an eccentric rube and George Har i short-stature tramp, in in “ Sout Bartlett, held up by Masked |! i I) for t r bank rolls. Soubret Bartlett, leading a runway number, rt ty to put it over, nd they did it >» continuous appl A leaving them ap ling for more, and they were zg ed the wish, but within the bounds of propriety. Duffy reappeared i full evening-dressed straight for a d ¢ with Comic Hart on “I Don’t Know” i by Hart showing Ingenue Owens the baby picture upsidedown for a big hand of applaus Prima Mussio put over a runway number with a blues song d the girls in real silk leotard costumes ‘ mm seen in a Matual show, and it went over gre Stralght Duffy pu ed t nose of Comic Hart while t Camera-without-films man Jordan made the audience how! with delight. Ingenue Ow in @ jet leotard and blue silk tights made a \ tic hit and flash of form admirable in a .. Soubr Rartlett “I lost it’ and “kissing” bit, wit Com Jordan held up by Jealous Husband Wolf and burlesqued by Comic Hart, gurnered luughter and plause Prima Mussi« a blues singer gave every indicatio of being a regular fellow well met, and the " © accepted her as such with continu encore that brought ber back, accompanied by Choristers Carson and Cortel . ’ nging harmony to the guitar ‘ niment playing of Duffy, Hart ind Wolf Seene 3 w < drape for Duffy, Wolf and Hart, to test t booze of Burlesquer Jordan. Juvenile Wolf and Soubret Bartlett as a sing ng and dancing team, were artistically and real istically perf : was a Stage pictorial set for l’rin Mussio song recital on a poker came. Her fk n voice indicates dramatic experter and s rewarded by a big hand. In this she was aided by Jordan. Duffy, Hart. \ Thee Owens, Sonbret Rartlett and Chorister Carson, as ai singing and da ng t Kk it armony and danced unison. Duifty, as a uniformed cop, chasing Juventle Wolf, picks up a box of powder sniffed by Comic Jordan that makes him a hophead with t new line of patter rkhis was followed by Comic Hart trying to get arrested along the wal tis but a lot funnier than some we en work the bit in other shows Seer ’ wa t pictorial drop for Comie Jordan to reappear in Lew Kelly attire iracterizing typical dop ninus the pallid fa but with realistic facial registration and a tine of ‘lope patter that was out of the ordiners and kept the audience convuleed wit: laughter Which conclusive prooft ta real comk mm put er comedy for lauetter nd applause at ur 1 get the applause without re ring ! j for Jordan's every line was clean nd clever mdied, and never have we heard i real applause from every part of the than his net received pecially from an mu illy large attendance of sailors Scene 6 was a full stage, old gold semi eye. set for a Garden of den, with the comics trying traction d each perform ted by him pers« ll rhe pre nf ompany, On Auntie, O ri rie ‘ paper nd will p a weeh r so of one-night » bring their oy iz stand, whicl will 1 Midd town, 0."" THAT THE GOLDEN (¢ re GIRLs re making «a big hit in Missouri is being evidenced to get by the gray-headed and whiskered Duffy, °¥ ‘© ! nsolicited pre notices that ar and t! was another clean and clever bit of us ceived by them sieves . oer : pearance at the Grand T) ter, M Mo iene datas a 4 D Chro Herald said \ PART TWO 2 pauper ge r f $ a I ad y Scene 1 w an elaborate roof garden for ‘ ng ‘ , ‘i vand ‘ song numbers and a staggering drunk by Comic py¢ rall n ar er as Jordan, a leg-purse bit by Ingenue Owens, magic pot involve the aper reputation We egg and other bits funny comedy are about to do something more than to say Scene 2 was a pictorial bird drop for Juvenile ‘comething nice’ this —we are going to Wolf and Chorister Carson in song and dance« 1» for this show i back it with our Prima Mussio in song stopped the show cold. yeputation—they are t that good \ Jordan, in his blackface, make-belies t yg g to “ gain tonig we trombone monolog specialty, went over for a t at all urd in u Z to big hand. Soubret Bartlett, as a Scotch lassie |} t I r é taipment is 1 t! in song and dance, was a classic in captivating i ¢ er « \ ¢ personality, pep, talent and ability that merits h t » see M sr had so el 1 the attention of ‘Columbia Burlesque’? proat n » ff performed, ducers. Grand w I ; was a circus side-st et for a THE ¥ 2: 2 D » r 15 Will ” by Juvenile Wol doa ragj g offered 5 wr luct Sitting by D Hart and Jordan ind a yj ‘ o + <= of t} I 4 21 slender-formed titian-tinted Grecian Wash. Tt was King twenty-fifth co wa rdmirabl t ‘ k in Seattle and f 4 t COMMENT t Pa H th I ng from Scenert gownine nhesmes far above the Heilig N er 10 tead of Novem)er average of Mutual shows. Company individually 17 pr ly announced. There have been and collectively talented, and at performers al et ges n the tr tly. Jean whose comedy was clean and clever thrnout Singer bines singer and on out h the entire performance. If Producer Jaffe does Teplaced Rut Adam nd I ‘1D not collect the extra one hundred dollars replaced Cl a.” * ae eee sd promised for bigger and better Mutual shows t : a = “ % Pee ; _— be oy m 2 he is a “fall guy"’ for the promisers who do , . . , : “ not make good their promise, for Jaff , W Ling i . Iso featured ‘ given the cir t a Shubert “Unit’’ prod m * nT ls M t 1a fen = and a presentation that is beyond criticism a a a¢ vat NELSE show in the Rialt a twent c . r movie s¢ Ss S great t ! TABLOIDS bowery tough ind = dances : ponie nt r ( r Starr, 4d of (Continued from page 33) PS of W aiid , four attractions in the ca ty of producer the show, has returned h a2 iong ¥ and manager. The Borochoff Attractions are and glad » get t 8 ¢ a new venture in the theatrical world and bids King’s tw j band gets a big 1 well to become a well-known institution in each a vith its ir rts the mnsical tabloid field The owners are not each t r T : thr ws a sparing in time or money in order to present day e) lays, w f 1 ‘ S up-to-date offerings The present company, dars and } ' 4 he eg ee oe which will open shortly on the Sun Time, will cents at mat : ) ts and $1.10 at ght earry sixteen people—seven principals (four and n & ; lays, with a fat and three), eight girls in line and a musical 10-cent rate for children week days, director, Each show carries special scenery CHAS. LaFORD Hurley's Big Town from a New York studio and classy wardrobe, Rev writes as follows: “We recently with special musical ngs and closings. T played a week's engagement at the Orpheum Cant : I s well balanced, every Theater, Altoona, 1 one of the most pleasmember being well versed in the dramatie end nt dates this season. The Orpheum is a as well as musical comedy; thus they are able regular theater, has a real manager in charge, to offer a dramatic bill whenever wanted. Spewarm dressing rooms, a regular crew and a cialties are in order by different members of dandy The show went ver vig the compar A roster of the company wil! and up well all week in spite appear at later date, also list of bills now of rain for four days If all houses being used. Jack G. V s the ‘maitre d’arms’ 1 managers were like what we found in in all business connected with the above atAltoona it would be a pleasure to play them.” The Victoria TPiayhonse, Victoria, formally opened recently. IiL., was George Brookins, bought the Dawn recently at Oswego, has Theater at Hillsdale, Mich. The Gem Theater at Phillips, Wis., has purchased by Edgar J. Roemheld been Lorin Bennett have purchased the Colonial Delavan, Il., and will make it modern and ver in every way. The Castle | ater Bloomington. Ill ha reopened redecoration and after a remodeling, period of Major Charles E. Kerr has taken over the management of the Jewel Theater at Rusk, Tex., succeeding FE. C. Welding. R. L. Browning recet tly closed a deal w by he galt ntrol of a new $75,000 motion pieture the t Clinten, La Mr. Browning will assume urge Ja ry 1 The New Star Theater at Forreston, I re cently opened, w t! Management presenting the first picture to crowded house rhe theater has be remodeled gnd redecorated The West 1 Family Theater recently opened ! ld nk to tl ‘ ta vy grow ‘ iin f it ba mov g Pr ne houses rend tirminghan Ala It is situated at I caloosa avenue and Elvton street rhe Lincoln motion picture theater, at the northwest corner of Eighteenth street and Lydia avenue, Kansas City, Mo was sold recently The theater, with a seating capacity of 1,200, is for Negroes. e Temple Tl resume its original name, the Gem, and will be under the management of Mrs. Glennis Green and brother, Vernen Wilson, whose father the theater. eater at Morenci, Mich., will R. manager of the Grand Theater, innounces that new scenery will in line with his policy of giving tl heater-going people of Linton the nger Amusement Company, of N 0 i s booked the full list of G wy! Cost an for the current season for ts iits ters in New Orleans, Mis siss and ‘Tl ‘ ging V booked the Orphe um, Nashv I 1., December 24 25, with a special ¢ s ~ atinee, played to cay s > i sist company firs vis N . g na t ! 11 N upers liarr) \ a I Ps ( has ’ 1 over West ! and Lit t a ters tw good pa 2 vie SES n the westert the cit w have been r for ” me by Gilbert Freedmar Cohan was formerly with t! Poli interests The new $100,000 theater building a I stow is ls l 1 and will » i] of ft? finest show |! ling between t £ and Columbus Resides moving pictures will be vanudevill and= «other = entertainn Samuel DeWalt will the man Harry Simon, veteran showman. is ‘ & new theatrical office at Dallas, Tex. He will \ : \\ AN \ \ Sterno aha LXlinguis SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY BACK. Sterno AT LIBERTY, HIGH-CLASS TRIO | Piano, violin, ach member of good standing local, is soloist and prize student of the Continental Conservatory. Large, excellent library, Now plaving at the biggest hotel, Nebraska. Will accept only first | engagements for now or later. Southern States preferred. Address Post Office Box 377, Omaha, Neb. lO, € } } I Class Professional Readers: ,,,,HE-TRAGIC . “THE RED LILY” fe of Mary wis im 1758 44 ‘ e I ca crip an vith iS a reader. I SQUAW PRESS, C a, Adams Co Pear AT LIBERTY— P t st and Eleetricia f four cperience < Power's, Sim « and M 2 . tens! Are &y (rn igle 1 will : tirst letter. : t pos JOUN A. NOLTEN, P. necticut. POSTERS—-HERALDS Pr nz, block or type. Cas take care of a 1y s for all es, if you place ‘ rT now, mt RD OF SHARPSBURG, Ip iowa, = “ DON’T WEAR A TRUSS BE COMFORTABLE— Wear the Brool . MOS Appiiar ° mode cle > inv v : eiv ptur fferers at i lt h MOx ss $ t 4 > Air Cus t ira rt N 3 3 r plas D Chear Ss @m trial t Mr C wu Row | r. C. E. Brooks. t ‘ rk bearing portrait and signature of C., E. B $ : Pppears on every Appliance. None ‘ r Full informat und beoklet sent free t i ¢ BROOKS APPLIANCE CO., 346 State Street, Marshall, Michigan void Embarrassme A nt FASTEN YOUR WiG OR TOUPEE “TITE-ON” (Toupee Fix) tn Tube Form. t » heating. Just Press the Tube and It's Ready. SANITARY) OLDS FIRMLY. ™ u your deaier. Cc. F. DOHERR, Dept. B, 252 W. 26th St., New Yerk City. specialize : Z 1 g theaters in ’ ry ed A M S n is also sendng a tea on a road trip. It will n afl ice, Tex., and go from » Eas t < sent into one 4 Me t ‘ Mrs. L. C. N »< the distinetion of being v 1 imager of a theater Na who r past several } gement of the R \ is made a wont ss " need the following partial list of t for her theater fer 1 ‘ t 10, Mme. Georgette Laame ! tress and singer, and artists; J iry 19, return engage nt of Tony Sarg’s Marionettes; January 26,