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The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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JANUARY 5, 1924 The Bil lboard 41 f ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED §f MAKE-UP, eae To remove superfluous hair aaa SS ARDEN recommends her VENETIAN ELECTRA ERADICATOR \ i ahiee ef A sie rf 4 j airs aad ‘ A » sions a ala veek Vitalizes ” ‘ nige ath ‘ pie wilt, w 1 tw z ar $3.50, Ww, rite lo E is abeth on describing the characteristics and faults of vour skin. She will send her personal advice for its treat ’ { oe her book’ The Ouest of the le a he correct care of lhe skin : Elizabeth 673-R FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK 25 Old Rond Street, London 2 rue de la Pair, Paris Bt USE MENTHINE FORA Clear Head and Voice ud @pera Stars for VOICE EFFICIENCY Stores in U, iofs age S and Can CASMINE. COMPANY 6 East 12th Street NEW YORK. } ———— a FUR COATS SALESMEN’S Pccaggprwe We are Manuf selling ‘ I ur Coats ‘ ave been carried ‘yy mod : as 3. Karga t vely guar ‘ s atte@ition >» mall jers, State 1. J. FOX, 16 W. 36th St., near Sth Ave., N.Y. C. FUR COATS and CAPES NEW AND SLIGHTLY USED. Like new. Guaranteed never worn on street. Magnificent Fur Coats, Capes, Dolmans, $40 up. Beautiful Foxes and Chokers. $8 up Written guarantee with each article. Please call No mail orders. MRS. BARR. 253.257 W. 42d Street, Studic: 7 Clinton Apartment. LEICHNER’S & STEIN'S The Kettler Company 32 W. Washington St, CHICAGO EVERYONE’S VARIETY New York. Evenings. of All Descriptions Open e Tithe of “Australian Variety and The —~ World” i wen changed to the foregoing. New ital and new bi ry it rporated and a new and ¥ ri ie policy adopted It will continue to cover Motion Pi res. Vaudeville, Drama, Cireus Fa re and Chautauquas no a trade paper way The advertising rates remain ' nged A! mmounications should be addressed lo MARTIN C BRENNAN, Editer, (14 Castiereagh St., Sydney, Australia, BRAZILIAN AMERICAN THE heh B pbtmntyrend ~~. BRAZIL. hvat rat about two con Na ¥ he best ami most fa i ae ae tineita SU Tse _ se " 1ON PRI re, $700 A YEAR, Sample Copy BRAZILIAN AMERICAN, Caixa Postal 629 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. End your cerrespondence te advertisers by mentioning The Billboard, 4 MANSTYLES I" “Can a man dress well on a smal! income? nquires @ correspondent. I§ all depends on the man, say we, witness the fact that the three great dandies of history, Beau Brummel, itean Nash and d Orsay were far from the possession of big incomes In fact Brummell and d'Orsay, say the historians, died in poverty. But f erty or no poverty, the fact ree tains that the three dandies kept up an appearance on mail nceomes that made them known us “‘the best-dressed nf@&an’’. Beau Brummel, of humble origin, attained such surtorial perfection and distinction of bearing that many u high-borm damsel felt ber heart go pittypat when the perfect beau bent over her hand. Two big elements entered into the perfection of Beau Brummel's attire, shiny shoe blacking and plenty of starch for his immaculate eravats, Beau's manner of wearing cravats is inimitat He spent hours adjusting this em of dress, and it is recorded that a mornng visitor met the Beau's valet bearing an mmense tray filled with cravats, which were explained as the morning's failures. It was not so much the cravat as Beau's manner of wearing it that won for it undying fame. It was not so much what Beay Brumme! wore us manner in which he wo it that counted re which brings us back to the starting point of our little discourse—it all depends on the man Speaking of cravats and the like reminds us hat we have before us several inquiries concerning the proper way to wear the tie with the wing eollar for formal occasions. Altho there are some men who please their own fancy in this matter, not because they are not conversant with the etiquet of dress, but be se they fer to be independent (7), there ly one proper way to wear the tie itside the wings, s really « that is SHOPPING TIPS Concessionaires who operate bathhouses, swimming pools, ete., will be interested in a line bathing suits that include two hundred and fifty styles for men, women and children. This line, in cluding many picturesyue bathing caps and smart-looking shoes, is illustrated and described in a pamphlet sent out by the manufacturer, who offers very tempting prices. Pamphlets will be sent on request. The same concern is sending out illustrated descriptive matter pertaining to bath and lounging robes for men, women and children, which will be sent on request to The Shopper. Many men prefer pure Turkish tobacco when it comes to selecting cigarets. If you happen to be one of these men, perhaps you would like to try a Turkish cigarct imported from a private plantation in the famous Province of Cavalla, Turkey A sample box of ten costs but 35 cents, while the regular sized box, containing 100, sells for $3.50, Those who find it dificuit to purchase professional trunks, especially the H. & M. style, are invited to write The Shopper for a catalog of these dependable trunks, issued by a dealer who is anxious te fill orders by express. Incloded in this folder is a photograph of a dog bag. If your nose is not shapely it is susceptible to reshaping without surgery As the cartilage of the nose may be molded into becoming shapeliness by the use of a special device, which is worn at night, The Shopper invites all of those interested to write for literature. If you have difficulty in breathing, you will be terested in a nose dilator prepared by the same concern making the shaping dévice, Every man who travels should carry with bim a waterless het bag You simply manipuite if to the re red heat and it stays that wavy for twelve hours witheut any ether at tention The price of one of these hot bags, which are dry and pleasing to the touch, is $2. Order thru The Shopper. When in Shi per is of any brand The Constant demand seup your service, for these articles has made her conversant with the few shops that carry them all. THE SHOPPER (Continued from page 40) latest type will be referred te a theatrical hairdresser upon telephonic request. Oftentimes The Shopper receives requests for reasonably priced theatrical costumes and takes pleasure in referring them to the proper costumer She also takes care of orders for slightly used evening gown ind in this connection wishes to remind her reeks that when making inquiries thon hese gowus time is saved by stating ndividual measurements, fabrics and colors pre ferred, Evening gowns in the small and average sizes may be purchased for $15, in silk, chiffon or satin, while welwet and iridescent gowns can ot purchased for less than $25. Dresses net sent on approval. there @ woman we does not delight serving tea, GOOD tea is e feminine convivia eup, and over its agrant goodness conve ' tion seems to gain in vivacity. GOOD tea, w: say, mind you, like that put up by that clev woman, Alice Foote MacDougall. For instance one may purchase individual tea balls, 100 bas to the pound, at $2.50, the blends being Orang: Pekoe, Cevlon, Englixh Breakfast and Oolong If yon desire to procure a und of this fa mous tea The Shopper i+ at your service. These interested In fashionable shoes are vited to write The Shopper for catalogs. W also bave on hand an ussertment of catalox relative to stage and evening slippers. STAGE STYLES (Continued from page 40) which be of white satin with fastened red lacquer but with red bands at co wrist and about and a red enbroidered pagoda adornsidefront.*° And when she shakes her bobbed coiffure in a vigorous negative affirmative her Pekin earring composed of small glass pagodas suspended frou a crystal ball, flash brightly under the electric lights. Matching the earrings is a generous necklace of crystals, to say nothing of bracelets. Chinese jade and coral are equally popular, SCOTLAND DOES ITS BIT FOR THE MODE Of course, one can’t be frivolous all the time. We must have our sensible hours when nothing but the sports suit will suit our mood. to ultra smart we don a two-piece of Stuart plaid, with pleated skirt and effect jacket, with which we wear a arf. Or may prefer one of those costumes of invisible plaid, composed of a and a detachable cape. A very practical made of Rob Roy Tartan, the skirt buttoning from waist to hem and the jacket of jaunty hip length with patch envelope pockets. Fashion Tid-Bits To be within the millinery mode of the hour one needs but a small hat of black satin adorned with a single rhinestone ornament or a snow-white gardenia. overblouse, may a coolie collar, with tons, Har, the em, ng the sleekly imported or Then be suit Norfolk gay s we dress suit s ted is becoming very popular for both daytime and evening wear. It is no unusual thing to see on display a suit piped and belted in scarlet, and at the evening function one sees many variations of red, including flame. newest frocks are very simple in line, Dut each carries a touch of sophistication. Sometimes the fullness of the skirt is drawn into a bow that is tied squarely in the front or a scarf falls from the simply rounded neckline im somewhat daring length. Again a gown of decided simplicity will startle with two immense jabots falling from the neck and waist into bold folds that effect a longer in frort than in back line. Another tailleur frock has a cape-like drapery cut in one piece with the bodice and falling in box pleats in front and back of the left shoulder Vionnet’s Chanel relieves the simplicity of evening gowns with bright embroideries, ostrich bandings or flowers of a contrasting nature. It sounds very eimple to mention contrasting trimmings of this type, but the manner of using them is far from simple; it is lavish and unusual. SIDE GLANCES (Continued from page 40) that the joys of making Christmas goodies had much to do with Mrs Wright’s departure, much of her hurry could be ascribed to the fact that Mme. Haggerty-Snell taught her pupil some new songs to sing to the folks down in Texas. Whether or not Mrs, Wrig returns to the concert stage her debut inspired us to write a New Year's resolution in ou diary, which reads as follows: Resolved, That age is a state of mind and that the word etirement’’ should be stricken from the Feminine Frills vocabulary. THE BEAUTY CHAT (Continued from page 40) necessary to cleanse the face. The Swedish face bath is considered a great beautifier and refreshener. DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER Genuine Imported English Broadcloth SHIRTS $2.29 or 3 for $5.95 $3.75 at Stores An t Hac el post > oO. DD. funded j fi oe = « Money re 2 CONSUMERS MFG. co. 621 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. (your name nr perm neatly printed on splendid corres~ ndence stationer GATIGFACTION GUARANTEED C Harned 5 INDIVIDUAL STATIONERY No waiting. No delay. Just send a dollar bul with the name and address you want on your stationery. We will mail postzaid 100 envelopes and 200 sheets (6.x7) of good bond stationery aecathy printed in a beautiful dark blue ink. Vour money back without question & you ese aot entirely pleased. BARNED PRINTING COMPANY 1900 Main Street, Dallas, Texas, Add 10c if east of Miss. River or west of Denver. Explains how the Famous Marvo Liquid Skin Peel Preparation removes all surface blemishes, FRECKLES, Blackheads, Eczema, Discolorations, etc. Wonderful resnits proven. Guaranteed absolutely Painless and Harmless. Produces healthy, new skin as Nature intended you to have. Write NOW—before you turn this Page—for full details and “Marvo Beauty Booklet.” MARVO BEAUTY LABORATORIES, INC. 1658 Broadway, Dept. 180, New York. Pimples, Beauty is skin deep Remove the old skin with all its imperfections and you can have skin like a new-born babe. Youth-Ami Skin Peet The World’s Greatest Discovery, enables you to find youthful and perfect skin beauty. No + or painful operations. Harmiess, painless. Removes all surface blemishes, Pimples, Blackheads, Discolorae tions, Tan, Eczema, Acne, Large Pores, etc. An invisible, stainless liquid. Contains no acid, mere cury of arsenic. Not an ordinary clay or cream, oo ck. 4 — sure b~ 4 to have ea ueie esults astounding. Ask your druggist or write klet ‘*Magic of a New Skin. YOUTH-AMI LABORATORIES Dept. BKE., 30 E 20th Street. N ew York. MAKE-UP oi srecistty Tessionai 3 socnwous LEICHNER STEIN MINER Special MakeUp _— (Filled plete) $f 85 P. P. Prepaid. VANITE PRODUCTS CO. 160 W. 40th Street, NEW YORK HESS nick. MAKE-UP GREASE PAINTS I dlaps tubes. Always clean No waste in using. Book, “‘The Art of Making me ‘THE HESS PERFUME ©. Rochester, N. Y., FURS AND DRESSES Ys ; anteed never “ t eet. Fur ¢ ‘ $40. Beauful Fur Neck P $ $8. 00. Satisfac{ and values guarasiteed r meney ——— Deposits scces ed y | No orders by MRS. S. BENSON 104 WEST 40TH STREET. APT. 23. NEW YORK CITY, You've seen this sautiful effect. The colors are frmcers LE, BLUE, ORANGE. YELLOW and GREEN. Used for COSTUMES, Scenery, Ete. DUWICO, 303 West 41st, New York. Everything Electrical for the Theatre ey pes.