The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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a JANUARY 5, 1924 The Billboard 43 Berlin News Letter By 0. M. SEIBT ERLIN, Dee. 8.—Any foreigner arriving here these days would readily assert that all the talk of starvation is mere bluff, indging from the large amount of food of any description, including butter and eggs, displayed in the shop windows. Yes, it is quite true, we again have, since a couple of days ago, all sorts of delicatessen, and there are no more crowds waiting outside food stores, as was the case only a week ago. Who is the great magician who performed this miracle? And where did all the wonderful eatable stuff so suddenly come from, since it happened almost overnight, without having to after patiently told by a enter a up two blocks away and, waiting four hours, being abruptly fair saleswoman: ‘Yes, have no butter.” Rerliners are almost mesmerized by the great and are inclined to believe that Father Christmas has done all this, and, at the same time, bas lowered prices considerably. The cold fact is that on account of the issuance of stable the paper mark has remained steady about a fortnight ago, with a trillion equaling one gold mark. Tho there is still a good amount of paper marks in circulation, one can see large quantities of so-called gold marks, and, accordingly, everything here is now on the gold basis. The admissions at the theaters and vaudeville houses are at pres that shop line one can we ) change money since ent as follows: State Opera, from 1 to 24 marks: Deutsches, 1 to 16; Grosse Schauspielhaus, 1 to 20; Admirals, 1 to 20; Comique Opera, 1 to 16; Wintergarten, 50 pfennigs to 6 marks; Circus Busch, 50 pfennigs to 8 marks. Since a cold mark equals 25 cents it can be that admissions here are, in most cases, far higher than in pre-war days, just the same as everything else is at least twice as high as seen in 1914 So far the favorable change in the country’s economic conditions has had Iittle effect upon theatrical Life; very few local theaters ever getting capacity houses—the Wintercarten not even on Sundays. With dune allowance for the month of December, it can be said that the entertainment business is still very bad. The fact remains that the misery is just the same as before among the masses, with unemployment growing every week and large parts of the country etill occupied by the French. One outstanding curiosum of the changed situation, however, is the fact that vaudeville and circus artistes now refuse foreign bookings and many have canceled engagements they have gone the limit to procure only a few weeks ago. With the standard gold basis now in operation here, food in abundance and prices fairly in accordance, they claim that they live far cheaper in the old country than abroad. One manager from Prague and one from Holland, bere on a booking trip, hardly understand the situation after unsuccessfully scouring all the leading agencies for acts. Unless they will likewise ct! ange the situation by offering standard salaries, they will not get any attractions to sign their contracts. On the average a vaudevillian, say a comedian of no special drawing ability, gets about thirty ‘“‘werteinheiten’’ per day, which means forty-five gold marks or $11 per day. Why, then, should he go tc Holland for six guilders per day, paying his own fares both ways and being obliged to spend at least four guilders for his living? Das Programm, in its current warns actors not to accept too low salaries for America. Of course, the great question Is whether the mark exchange will continue as favorable as during the last few days. aes hy & Ei the bankers, farmers and feeling the pinch: many unable to Pay their dues, issue, like everybody else (except industrialists), is members have been others again, according to President Konorah, have, for selfish reafons, deserted the old flag, and in cosenquence the lodge of the been is obliged to curtail expenses. Seven Berlin staff, all old-time actors, have given notice for January 1, taeluding Onra, Schmidt Hawkins, Barsikow, Mrs Allison, et al. It appears that State Cire among Moscow, acts booked for the there is dissatisfaction over their being obliged to quit Russia directly their two months’ engagement ia over. A clause to this effect is contained in every contract. Now there are other circuses In Russia ‘ager to get German attractions, especially such already in the country, with reference to the traveling expenses, and these other cirenses are us, forated in Kiev, Odessa, Petrograd and Kostow, ‘he main difference is they are not owned by the State, but by the munk ipality, and there ceems to be a strong desire to get them under the Moscow control. Performers could easily fll six months’ consecutive time in Russia instead of two, as now, and steps are being token to arrange matters. The great legitimate news of the week is the confusion which ended the fusion of the Playere’ Theater with Reinbardt’s Deutsches and iscovered! he Secret of Caruso’s Amazing Vocal Power HIS IS AN AGE OF MARVELS. Wonderful scientific discov eries have changed our mode of living and our mode of thinking, One discovery of tremendous benefit to all humanity is the discovery of the principle of voice control by Eugene Feuchtinger, A. M. His resulting system of voice development revolutionized old methods, and changes voice development from a little understood art to an exact science, “The Songbird of the ages,” Enrico Caruso. The richness, the fullness, the beauty and the astounding power ofhisvoice was duetotheexceptional development of his Hyo-Glossus muscle. Eugene Feuchtinger, musician-scientist, who discovered the function of Hyo-Glossus in voice production, and whose famous “Perfect Voice” system has developed thousands of voices. Diagram of the Normal Throat showing the Complete Vocal Mechanism. Your throat looks like this. So did the throat of the great Caruso. Professor Feuchtinger's system of silent, scientific exercises will develop your vocal organ to its full strength. More than that, it brings a Perfect Voice within the reach of every man and every woman who desires a stronger, richer voice for either singing or speaking. Prof. Feuchtinger’s method is founded on the discovery that the Hyo-Glossus muscle controls the voice; that a strong, beautiful voice, with great range, is due to a well developed Hyo-Glossus—while a weak or a rasping voice is due to undere development of this vital vocal muscle. A post-mortem examination of Caruso’s throat showed a superb development of his Hyo-Glossi muscles. But it required years of training under the old method to produce this development. You can develop your Hyo-Glossus in a much shorter time by Prof. Feuchtinger’s wonderful scientific method. You can take this training under the direction of the Professor himself, wherever you may live. And the cost is so low that it is within the reach of every ambitious man or woman. 100% Improvement in Your Voice—Guaranteed Professor Feuchtinger’s method is far simpler, far more rapid, far more certain in results than the tedious, hap-hazard methods of ordinary vocal instructors. His unqualified success with thousands of pupils proves the infallibility of his method. Under his direction, your voice will be made rich, full and vibrant. Its overtones will be greatly, multiplied. You will add many notes to its range and have them clear, limpid and alluring. You will have a voice that is rolling and compelling and so strong and magnetic that it will be the marvel of your associates. Professor Feuchtinger ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES an improvement of 100 percent—a REDOUBLEMENT of your voice! If you are not absolutely satisfied that your voice is doubled in volume and quality, your money will be refunded. You are the only judge. You Do Not Know testify to this — many of them great vocal successes who, before coming to Professor Feuchtinger, sang very poorly or not at all. Feuchtinger’s pupils are grand opera Stars, concert singers, speakers, preache ers, actors and educators. Among Professor FREE! Professor Feuchtinger’s Book “Enter Your World” Send the coupon below and we will send you FREE this valuable work on voice cule ture. Feuchtinger is glad to have us give you this book, and you assume no obligation whatever by sending for it. You will do yourself a great and lasting good by studying this book. It may be the first step in your career. Do not delay. Do not hesitate o ask. Professor Send the coupon TODAY? Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Studio 19.91, Chicago Your Real Voice Until you have tried the Feuchtingersystem, you cannot know the possibilities of your vocal gifts. Mr. Feucthinger’s method PRODUCESas wellas DEVELOPS the true voice. Itcorrectsall strain and falsetto and makes clear the wonderful fact that any normal person can develop a fine voice if correctly trained. Thousands of delighted graduates inna Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Studio 19-91, Chicago, Ill. Dear Prof. Feuchtinger: Will you please send me copy of your new free book “Enter Your World’’? I understand that this free and there is no obligation on my part. I am interested in D Sizging C Speaking © Stemmering © Weak Voice Addrves .. These revolutionary heads, led by Mr. Nuernberg, a youth of 21, it is alleged, would not accept any advice and wanted to rule not only the stage, but the box-office as well. Professor Walter Steinthal, who closed the agreement with Reinhardt on behalf of the Plavrers’ Theater, has withdrawn from the latter and Nuernberg says be will lease the Lustspielhaus, commenciug February, and start on their own again, Hamburg again has its ‘Dom’ this year, Germany's biggest carnival, next to the Vogelwiese, Dresden, and, according to advices received, business is very brisk, with the German dime (10 pfennigs) again the gate money. Current vandeville bills Scala—Carl Napp, Freddy Moreno, Willy Will, Richard Nadrage, Two Conradys, Two Blessings, Three Ferrandis, Willie Mauss, Markana Troupe, Gert and Grafe, * Clare Martens, Harrod, Olga Hedwig Gitzke, Gregg and Sheffield, Hans Juergens, Schulhof Williora, Paui Fritzi Frou, Tulweys. Frank Wedekind's plays have now been trans ~ Saylon an lise Born, and Sieger, Koenig, Two lated into English, with “Awakening of Spring*’, “Erdgeist’’ and ‘“‘Buechse der Pandora’’ declared to be foremost, according to English critics, The management of the Orpheum Theater, Nashville, Tenn., in addition to booking Julian Eltinge and the Tom Brown “Black and White Revue of 1924" for January 1, also announces booking of “Wildflower’’ three nights, January 3, 4 and 5. Another big production announced is “The Old Homestead’. Nashville has been quite fortunate this season in securing some aa 2 THEATRICAL, POLITICAL, COMMERCIAL PRINTING Heralds, Tonighters, Dodgers, Tack and Window Cards, Half Sheets, OneSheets, Three-Sheets, Cioth Banners, Card Heralds, Letterheads, Envelopes, Etc. Type Work Only. No Stock Paper. Everything Made to Order. Union label. Send for price list or write, stating your requirements, for an estimate. GAZETTE SHOW PRINT, Mattoon, Ill, Tell the advertiser in The Biliboard where yeu eof