The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

Record Details:

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Ia Se JANUARY 5, 1924 The Billboard 65 AT LIBERTY AND WANT SITUATION ADVERTISEMENTS AT LIBERTY AGENTS AND MANAGERS jo WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black vyge? te WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) tc WORD, CASH (Small Type) (Ne Ad Less Than Se) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below At Liberty—A Real House Manager or Personal Representative season m4 Twenty-four years’ experience, wii dey stoek, combiaation pictures or vaud« Keal producer and get results, publicity it exploitation, AN) details, sober, honest and able American, age 40 Highest refer as to ability and character. FRANK K. LYONS, 7006 Eggleston Ave., Chicago, IN jani2 AT LIBERTY FOR SMALL TENT SHOW— ‘ or (nme-Nighters. Agent or Mana and 0. EDWARD Little Roek, Arkansas ertolre Tuba in B, tox 482, ase anu a GRUZARD, AT LIBERTY 7 BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS to WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black Type) WORD, CASH (First Line and Name ag 2 Type) tc WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Lets Than 25c) Figure at One Rate Onty—Seo Nete Below. Armantrout’s Society Six at for first eafes and ave suceessful Rainbow Liberty Class dance halls, closed a very ngagement at the Wisconsin All young, colvery neat appearing We have plendid six-piece combination playing eleven wtrumentsa with the best of dance Tuxedos. Phote sent on request, We can furnish the best of reference W te or wire. oO. M. ARMANTROUT, Manaia, Pa er, 2816 North 28th St., Philadelphi D’Avino’ s Concert Band — gnor Alfonso D'Avino, conductor Mini1 instrumentation, twenty Perfected orfifty instromenralists ally vatrons of the best. America Signor mductor of the never-to-be-f °°, largest band in the world management VICTORIA LAWTO 3695, Boston, Mass. Write for terms fon s un ation, gned for bands of oer esp as of ex sive lr. 0. Box and dates Bells—Band and Or Road shows, vandeville and pictravel. NK L. » Gen. Louis, Missouri. Five-Piece Orchestra — Wish Drums, chestra. tures. Will Del St, ontract a..2 season 1924, starting May 1. Summer pr referred Write VINCENT MADISON, Pitts feta, Illinois. Orchestra at Liberty—Red-Hot established organization of eight musicians. \ll clean-cut young men, union, tuxedos and all gold instruments, A yporttive feature atraction of big-time caliber. Open for vaude= «, cafe, hotel or dance ball. References exhanged Wire or write. BROADWAY ENTEKTAINERS. Windsor Hotel, St. Paul, Minn eb? TANGO ARGENTINO CONCERT ORCHESTRA nion. Wishes engagement for hotel, pictures, ete Write MR. LOUIS, Orchestra Leader, care Billboard, Chicago. A-t B ig greg d that teaches all instruments ro to hear from cities ot towns that necd f *) " Dire tor Years of experience as Dire ! i rgatize if necessary, ate al 1 mmenda to state my ability. 1 lettere answered, Ad LL P. D., Band Rafe earo Billboard, Cin‘ati, Ohio, ants AT LIBERTY FOR INDOOR BAZAARS, EXPOS., FAIRS Jo WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2e WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Black Type) te WORD, CASH (Small Tyee) (No Ad Less Than Fieure at One Rate Only—Seo Nete Solow 25a) At Liberty for Indoor Circus— good Acts Head-balancing, Tray gxling on Wire Swing Perch and Club ing Address W. J, & MLLE. IRWIN, elvillle, Miseourt, Howard and Louise—Two Dif. ferent complete aete Hand balancing, con tien and tron-jaw ladder act Ik platform t Fall Festivals, Indoor Bazaars, Ad eare Bijlbeard, Cinecinnat Obte * far 13 Tom and Bessie Hayes, Aerial t Three cireus acts onen—Double Cradle, tele Ladder and Single Slack Wire Verma it address, Sandusky, Michican jJance \T LIBERTY—DARING HENDERSON, SENSAnal Swinging Slee ive feature cerven n Nooking all indoor deings This week, ral Delivery, Mobile, Alabama \T LIBERTY FOR “INDOOR CIRCUSES, BA. fare or indoor evente of any kind. The arentos, Lady and Gentleman R firetclase different clreve and complete patform acts CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS A Market Place for Buyer and Seller, and Want Ad Department FORMS CLOSE THURSDAY 5 P. M. FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK'S ISSUE. RATES PER WORD } A-1 Experienced Clarinet for heatre or band teacher. Would consider eve nings only. Address J. D. SPEARS, Box 454, Sutton, Ne braska. jani2 A-1 Flute and Piccolo at Lib erty. Union, best of schooling and experienced n all branches. Congenial and reliable. Write or wire SLOTISS, 408 Newhbern Ave., Raleigh, orth Car a. janl2 A-1 Oboe Player—Experienced musician, ngé nia} ana reliable. BOX 11, Billboard, Ne w York City. jan SET IN 5-PT. TYPE WITHOUT DISPLAY. NO CUTS. NO BORDERS WE DO NOT PLACE CHARGES FOR ADS IN THE CLASSIFIED OLUMNS UPON OUR BOOKS NO ; BiLLs RENDER we A1 Orchestra Cellist Desires CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. [2 change. Cam open om two weeks’ notice, pos 200 t ‘ es NO AD ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN 25 CENTS yO care Billboard Pub. Ce., Cincinaati. Obie. COUNT EVERY WORD AND COMBINED INITIALS, ALSO NUMBERS IN COPY, AND FIGURE COST AT ONE RATE ONLY. _| A1 Organist at Liberty for First Line Attractive First Line Attractiy 1 og od : use. Large library. — First Line a — vue Se rt 2. _ oa habi ts. State top salary. Per Word. Per Word Per Word Per Word | Make and | orgaa. Address ORGANIST, Acts, Songs and Paredics 4c 6 Infermation Wanted 3e 5o Box 618, She« North Carolina. jand Asents a Semetere Weates & = Magical aay 3 cimals s an e c scellaneous for e . e 2 : —— Attractions “Wanted a ze Musical Instruments (Second. ‘i A-1 Violinist (Leader), W ith anc) e le Beerding Houses (Theatrical Be Se Partrers Wanted fer Acts (No large library, desires engagement im pieture Business Opportunities 4c 6c Investment) . se Se theatre Twelve years’ experience in cuing picCarteons 3e & Personal ‘ 4c 6 tures. Thoroughly experienced musician. Can Cono-ssions Wanted Se 7e Privieces fer Sale. . 4c 6 ifurnish an exce Orchestra Pianist and a re pe = ~aa (Dramatic, Musicai and . lother “fu an’ References, Address VIOLIN. xohange of Swas amcimg) ec e‘ e 4c | — For Rent or Lease Property Se 7e Show Property Fer Sale c 6c on = ORC fae LEADER, care BillFor Sale Ads (New Goods Se 7é | Sones for Sale. 3c 5< LUNsAas City, sourl ni2 ger — (Secend-H and) , = | aters gt -. , ~ ermula eatrica rinting c Furnished _iieems, “te % ae Pa amass. = : A. A Violin Leader and Pianist. etelg (Theatrical) 3 ante artrer apital invest: Desire per e Helo "Wanted bc &e jm “ 4c 6 } . nd bedenrcnes ne iI —— = sition Hotes Wanted—M usicians 4c 6c | Wanted To Buy 30 5c : eville hous oth exinstructions and Plans de Ge ed and reliable 2 ion. _Large library. MOVING PICTURE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES DAWKINS. 134 so. 3d Pa "pheeain, oe as First Line Attractive First Line Attractive et : jani2 in Saale First Line in 7 Fi st | Line = yoe. Per Word. Per Werd. Per Word Per Word ™ Calcium Lights es achand $e Je Moving cpisture ,, Meseeeee we fer ; A-1 Violinist Leader and Pian tims for Saie { ond-Hand) ce Sa cond-Man e c ist (mar nd wife) One f , t Films for Sale (New) be Se | Theaters fer Sais ............ Se 7e saan “Gon” cate Ge — Lease or Sale Prop, ; Wanted Te Buy ......--.-.....30 Se CGuarante itisfaction. Cue pictures properly. eee = “ an furnish references from former engageAT LIBERTY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES, OPEN ONLY TO PROFESSIONAL Peorte. | (*", 7" gl Ry Per Word. Per Word. LINIST & “PIANIST, Billboard, Kansas (City, At Liberty (Set in Small Type)........... lo At Liberty (First Line in Larse Type).. 30 jani2 At Liberty (Display First bs ~ and Name Ce GRRE TED cc cece: cecccccesevcesees 2° Count all werds in copy at shove rate. ] r h E . d Advertisements sent by telegraph will mot be inserted unless money is wired Alto axopnone—Sxperienced. with copy. Mail addressed to initials care General Delivery will not be delivered.| Prefer theatre and location, Can play legitWe reserve the right to reject any advertisement and revise copy. “Till for— — Se : SAX., care bid” orders are without time limit and subject to change in rate without notice. | 2’. *w Mork. Sew Xo: THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO,, 25-27 Opera Place, Box 872, Cincinnati, Ohio. ~ AT LIBERTY—Hor esters. ace Laird a Produ ing ¢lown vumbe aoor fairs ] r I late clown props all LAIRD, 2 Pa tte Five wd cjown Merry aha 4 for y trt s Address HORACE Peaunsylvania anid n AT LIBERTY BILLPOSTERS CASH ASH ASH gure at One First Line Larse Biack Type) First Line and Name Black Type) (Smait Type) (No Ad Less Than 25¢) Rate Galy—Ceo Now 6 Note Selew. At Liberty—Billposter. D Double A Plant Exper CHUCK EHRMAN, Columbus, Wis jani9 eT) nee Dein. AT LIBERTY FOR CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL Se WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2c WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) te WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 25e) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. Hostler Wants Position for winter as Stableman or Assistant wi horses or ponies. References. L. B. TIETZE, Ash Grove varms, | Saratoga Springs, JUGGLING RAYMOND". WORLD CHAM. ~ieg ee Over MM) 6fricks in ate } juggling. on 1924 Salary right Address JUGGLING. RAYMOND, Gen I Phoenix, Arizona, AT LIBERTY COLORED PERFORMERS 3o WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2e WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) to WORD. CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 25e) | Figure at Ore Rate Only—See Note Below | At Liberty After Jan. 15—)| Five-ple Rand, Ideal band for road bor ne nine e Nort ruxed Siu Wi. H BROWN, WT Car Ave Cincinnati, 0 AT LIBERTY DRAMATIC ARTISTS te WORD. CASH st Line Large Black Type) 2e WORD, CASH (Ff tren Line and Name Giack Type) te WORD. CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 25c) Figure at One Rate Oniv—See Note Below ENTERTAINFR WANTS FNGAGEMENTS— Character m gies, stories CLARKE, 1° Arion TPiace, 1 New York jani2 AT LIBERTY art ” wr le Ture i | r : \e 137 s ! Ww \LTER. > PRICK, 3000 The Ave lev ‘ Ohi ig AT LIBERTY « and General BR ms Man A few epectal Age, 38: heteht, S&S ., @: wetete, 10 sate ¢: goxld «fede and wartrohe. Thorotteehly exper el Doulie Trap Druma if wanted Have full outfit Drums and Traps. W. LEROY, 126 Kease St.. South Rend, Indiana Ew NOTO—Ceunt Ali Worda, Also Combined teltiets and Numbers ie Copy. Figore Tetal at Gee Sate Gniy. AT LIBERTY M. P. OPERATORS Se WORD. CASH (First Line Larse Slack Type) 2c wond CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) te WORD. CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 25c) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. PROJECTIONIO® — a FOUR YEARS’ gn painte: pr ~ manags t me my business. t reliable, reference Vife ie ashier ART WALDEN, Osceola, Arkansas. 5 MOTION PICTURE OPERATOR wants = sition at e. Go anywhere 7 vears’ ¢ ith all equipments. Ma i, reliable = $a ary. Write aw wire. BH. A. POPE, Lockesburg, A Jani AT LIBERTY MAGICIANS 3e WORD. CASH (First Line Large F Smatt Tyre) (NO A Figure at One Rate MAGICIAN. P t Iu Fr t ul < INCE M ' = MI AT LIBERTY ve : WwW e Black Type) st Line ard Name Biack Typs) d Lass Than 250) Onty—See Note Below. MISCELLANEOUS First L First Line . CASH (Small Type) (No A at One Rate Oniy—See ary Figure ent SMITH, 1<15 \ : LIBERTY—Mor esa. om rey-getting Medic All essentials Address LBUTI No YGLISH WIDOW WISH a Black Ty an é Name Black Type) d Less Than 25c) te Below ES POSITION re Nig RER, Billl« AT LIGERTY | MUSICIANS to WORD. CASH te WORD. CASH (First Line and N (First Line Laree Black Type) ame Black Type) te WORD, CASH (Smatt Tyne) (No Ad Less Than 25¢) Figure at One Rate Onty—See Note Below ANo. 1 Hot-Dance Trombonist, January 1 Read, fake, m All latest mute and p effect nevelty or straight sales ‘ . F. of M tuxedo Twelt a eee all; a mist Ville orchestras ser PORTER M. MELTON, (so Mor ize At slberty—A1 Drummer. Trmpanies, bells, complete line of traps. Years’ e ence pl aying high-class picture ouses h, P antages vaudeville. Allow ! to forwa rd mai C-BOX 200, care Billpeard, Cincinnati, Obio. At Liberty—A1 Trumpet. Ef | a ficient, reliable and experienced in all lines. Union Address TRUMPET, 306 S. Third St., ouisville, Kentucky. At _ Liberty — A-1 Violinist, dou! og som B anjo. Dance orch., movie pte anytl ng. for I play concert l good dance vik Make me an offer. VIQLI INI 1ST. Box 543, Ho} ki ns, Minnesota. LT At Liberty—Alto Saxophone, larinet Experienced in dance mnuer “A “STADER, 212 State Ave., Pontiac, Mich chigat At Liberty—Banjoist, Four ars’ ‘ lence. Wants position with good tance eh “ree Good references. Write M. EL DAKIN, Lebanon, Ohio At At Liberty—First Class Cello and String B ass, also cal don ble Violin and Viola Ex ‘ mn pictures, vaudeville, : niy jolut position conside red. Aa < MUSICI@NS 10 North 4th St., Apt. r mond, At Liberty—Trombone, Singer. a. ; ow ux. Prefer dan orchestra. Ad| dress EARL PARKS, ola. Ws. jani2 = | At Liberty — Violin Leader. | Experier 1 al nes oe rate picture and r rt rary arried ‘References, ‘ ly. VI fOLIN LEADER, 1522 West A Spokane, ashing x At “Liberty—Violinist. Leader or side I'welve years’ experience in best vaude, houses Union. Ge anywhere for peranent job. Library. ORCHESTRA LEADER, Sixt s Ames, Iowa. At Liber ty—Violinist. Leader Experienced all lines. Can fur vianist UC m Large library My ric ‘S Will go anywhere if positeadr. Ww e r wire. EDW. DAWKINS, 131 So ad Ave Phoenix, Ariz. janl2 Clarinetist at Liberty—Experiwed all line W ke engagement of x ASO? vith l ib ire theatre or ue ra "RICH GARBE, 619 ~ | Competent Trombonist — Ex1 ed vandeville, pictures, dance. Young, neat, reliable K. D. STEVENS. American Theatre, Terre Hante, Indiana jan e ’ a eT FET as sate oS OR ae TC TR ON Ld eminem