The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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P| IANUARY 5, 1924 ‘The Billboard Trill TTITTRLILLLTTLLLL TTL mI(R ERE EEREREER EAs TENT& AWNING 701-709 No. Sangamon St., WHAT ARE YOUR REQUIREMENTS FOR 1924? Take Advantage of the Low Prices Now Being Quoted QUALITY——SERVICE——-SATISFACTION co CHICAGO, ILLINOIS The Worla’s Largest Manufacturers of Tents A UNDER THE Fu » MARQUEE by CIRCUS SOLLY ae | a = nding holidays in Winston«“.. J. Raymond Morris returned to He will troupe the coming season. : ind Margaret Crawford, en route | over in New Orleans for a few to attend the ra . Hennings, of Anderson, Ind., bas just i from an attack of the “flu” Joe i bilposter for thirty years or mors ton has heen engaged to mar with the Al G. Barne Circus g = on nown to cireus troupers, is Magician Show. Says that t the Auditoriom Theater, kr wn wero robatie clown and tieni«t, nished a ks’ engage nt nt store in *Ne w York. He Git d i day advance of the ‘'Passas second agent. He ex the “big show’’ again the ‘irons making a ince at the ese s Falls, N. ¥. Still ! traffic manager of the bal Railroad. Troupers surthe latter is a Ringling are . of Local 17, L.A. BLP. & “Gallaher, of Local No, 62, were ty Bros.” Adve rtising Car No. 1 the —__ ry of Bert Rowers was published ) y Star during the recent ene Hi agenbeck-Wallace Winter Cir stmas Day with « home town, Dan led when he will ' d the rest i] nt Wortham Shows Auskings recently closed his season ral gent of Campbell's New Orleans GEORGE N. BATES a. who in years gone by was : ' the BP. T. Barnum Circus handling hante, is now located at Oak Lawn, R. 1. DO YOU KNOW Vith canvas prices going up al] the time, NOW is the time to inves tigate on used Tents. Drop us a line telling us what you want It may be we have in stock just what you want at a price that is especially interesting to you. You can't tell till you try. And a deposit now will hold your selection until May Ist F enough, isn’t it? But you'll have to tell us what you want. DO IT NOW. BAKER-LOCKWOOD MFG. COMPARY, inc 7th and Wyandotte Streets, KANSAS CITY, MO. AMERICA’S BIG TENT HOUSE. CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL TENTS PICTORIAL BANNERS —FOR— SIDE SHOWS AND PIT SHOWS PANEL BANNERS FOR WAGON FRONTS Painted by artists with 25 years’ experience: NEW DESIGNS BRIGHT COLORS GUARANTEED THE BEST All Sizes of Tents and Circus Seats for Rent NEUMANN TENT & AWRING CO. EDW. P. NEUMANN. Pres. 1419 Carroll Ave., CHICAGO. : iclephone, Haymarket 2715 THE ARMS-YAGER RAILWAY CAR COMPANY a ee JHE ARMS PALACE HORSE-CAR co. . ee Freight Equipred ? AB fe r Ci rcus and Carniva w. A. YAGER, Pr aside nt, 332 South Michigan Ave., Chicago. -F UNIFORMS RIDING COSTUMES HORSE TRAPPINGS ELEPHANT BLANKETS MINSTREL GOODS BANNERS— Apne, Ex wa T-E-N-T-S S-E-A-T-S Write for Complete List. The BEVERLY Co. 220 W. Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1030 South 4th Street, GREENVILLE, -. ILLINOIS. w. MILLARD & BULSTERBAUM SHOW BANNERS West 8th Island, New York. Pullman Cars For Sale BLY AN! 8 CARS Or = KINDS le ‘ J}. ALLMAN, Costes House, " Ranens City, Me. ] 2994 Street. Coney ~~ DRIVER BROTHERS, Inc. | 500-504 So. Green Street, CHICAGO, ILL. CHAS. @. ORIVER, Seo'y and Treen Tents~<It Pays To Buy The Best>~Banners GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY “DRIVER BRAND BEST ON EARTH” Phone, Haymarket 0221 WALTER F_ DRIVER, President. PSS = airoiieall Minstrels and is now in San Antonio, Tex. Says he will again be with the show season 1924, The Aerial Cowdens had as their guest recently their daughter, Mrs. Pinkie Hollis, of the Sparks Circus. » Cowdens are one of the features of c A, Presse y's Indoor Circus, which recently finished a two weeks’ engagement in Macon, Ga. Al G. Barnes’ opinion of the Christmas issue is that it was “the biggest and best Christmas number ever issued by The Billboard.”” These kind words came from the “Gevaert” anied by a boliday greetings accomtelegram Decem ber 25. Jake Posey, boss hostler on the Sparks Cireus, will remain at winter quarters, Macon, Ga. His wife left Cincinnati recently and will remain in the Geor ity until spring. Jake informs that started in the ps and in work has already the training barns. Joe asons with advance irs inson Al GG. Barnes, Spe tarnum shows advises the er for Arnold Krauss, Te oumanian violin rtueso, touring the Calirnia coast, and is putting in a most suc cessful season, J hn Kees nan, with the Rice Bros." Circus the past two seasons as treasurer and advertising ag sent. was a Cincinnati Billboard visitor last week. He was on his way East and will give Frank B. Hubin, of Ple ntville, J., a call. Keenan will be back on the Rice Show this com ing season. Freddy Nelson and Bernie Griggs, of the 308. t + Riding Act, now playing the Keith Circuit i 1d around New York, Le ad a big Christmas dinner at their apartment on Eighth avenue. The jonor ed guests were rhe Rota vas, novelty ring art stes, who are also aving vaudeville dates in New York. Nelson, Griggs and the Rotaivas were on the John Robinson Cireus last season. Abe G olds tein is located in Los Angeles for » winter, staying with his mother He is working n pictures ¢ 4 1ally. Goldstein met Bert MM Donald, who is alse epeating the winter n Los Angeles. MeD d formerly worked in the Rice, Bell and Raldwin act Abe's brother, 4 ie, ig manager of the Picture Players’ ,Ex in Los Angeles. gz. L J hnson, of Oakdale, La., recently visited the Christy Bros.’ Cireus at DeRidder, La.. and met many old friends, including Manager George W. Christy, Harry Sells, Mark Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and their two sons and Harry Dalvine and wife. The Christy show blowed Oakdale on account of rain at Jasper, Tex. Jo! n orms that he will Ve back with the white tops 1 ext season, ste and clown, ment of five Johnstown, Capt John Schremmer, aerial art Pa., where he <« ind acted as Santa C his wife are booked with one b 1ite tops the coming season. J . busy, playing clubs and smokers around Johnstown, and are booked until the last of February Ben Austin, gene ‘. agent of the Al G. Barnes Cirens, we vefore last paid his first visit to New York City n fourteen years, spending four days there He dropped into the Cincinnati offices of The B ard Wednesday morning, December 26. on = way back to his home in San Antonio. Tex. He left for (Continued on page 79) COMPLETE WAGON SHOW FOR SALE All or any part of the following: Wagons, Horses, Ponies, Harness, Air Calliope, Chariots, Seats. Lights; Tent, 70, with three 40s: fine condition Priced right. Stored Newton, Lowa F. M. SHORTRIDGE, 206 West 2nd Street, Des Moines, lowa. HARNESS I manufacture fancy circus baggege harness for horses and ponies; also elephant pull-up harness. MAX KURZYNSKI 1608 Central Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio Pullman Cars For Sale W. E. STEWART, 1016 Baltimore, Kansas City, Mo | i ener neennnneteceme aera A es oe (ee ee mcs ee ERE En <i oe ep pereee: * “ |