The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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‘2 CL ‘ ae é JANUARY 5, 1924 The Billboard 79 red the lot for the Robinson § \ . dancer lad tm i¢ J " i Lou G r. Gesley Brothers, Wm. Smith, T. E. Stockbridge, Harry A. Selul +t did a record busines here n and Willia f t ' ! ! ‘ (Garner and Hi Orchestra, Sam $. S$olinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Artic Shields, iy ladge of Elks held a ep ‘ Niel and Mets Ir mediar ‘ ! Gorrell Billy Grady, John L. Guill, George W. Stock, J. M. Stewart. Mr nd M Christmas Day, and after distributi: Clyde H. Gordinier, Emma B. Glosser, GordonErnest Sharpsteen, Mr. and Mrs. Will W ! eskets « vod thir to the city poor : , rs How i Co Billy Gear Productions, RR, L, Sterling, Karl F. Simpson, “Pop Sank, Ses had . ‘on ; om at the el ~ Billboard I looded W ith Ger Eidie Gladstone, Pam and Peggy Garmour and David, Carl B. Sherred. Reid € b _ : , , ome , ‘iad e Good 1, Gertrude Goldie, Louis Strange, Walter C. Scholl, Mr. and Mr Sor -” Theater Hallding I ° ’ e : : , i . lwin, Gertrude G ¥ ve : = ent included James H. Hodges, Bob M Holiday Greeting Cards caite, Geo. Ww. Garaner. delet, Walter ©. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. G } trownle Smitt nl 1 t . CG H Watts Stevens. Jolly ler? Stevens lo ‘ 2 ce , . ’ ' Frank West Shows, and the ter, w a ee W. E. Hoff, W. R. Hirsch, Stuckey, Bob Snyder, Mat St “ . . wr... — * Shoemaker Wallace Sacket State A d of his experience n Texa P ; Ia ! ! Huffmans, Ralph A Texas. Ethel Murray Simer ie tion 9 | with the Christy Show r before ‘Dour Ha Hart d Deris Hugo, Bert Humoe ee ~ fi ~seren : ‘ Fut Se Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Santell, Walt « H. Hedge with the 1 t d ‘ ; ‘ 1 Billy Hawthorne, Mr. and ‘ j Hilt od Charl Henry at (mas, % a furt ‘ n H y, John Hetty Starr, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Smith : Iton an ‘ Ww. i n, Norma inte Jo Bros. fabe Schiffer, Roy I the winter at thelr beautiful ¢ ! a ‘ 1 Net iH ‘ 4d Dalla Hammond Mr Br » Clem and PB: 5 ri = Church street and the lat ‘ : and 1 Mrs. B Hlioward, Mr. and Mrs. Phil T | ro to the trouper Jim had t geest ay nee t & er. 1, B ! fax Hess, Houston (Tex.) SaxoSherwood Thaxton, Albert P. Townsend, ¢C. on of his career with the Frank West © arris ; . , , phone Club, Wr Hodgeman, ‘‘Do Hall, W. Travis, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Treut. KE. H | wws and is building an entire nm out for Varia Ww e ; : I (Doc) Hasting Harry ©. Hunter, Mr. Thomas, Al Tint, Tad Tiema: His 0 Py | prir assisted by HI. I Nels wi : , Bap : Wm. J. r, Joe Harris, Harry ehestra, Harry H. 17 pps, Jos i. Thenet, Mr with Mrs. Nelson are spending the th ) : J. Harrington, Fr: Hauer, Leon Murrell and Mrs. Tom ‘Terrill, Frank L. Trafton. Mr ° im he Nelsons were with the Nigro ere | m ; a iH t ir. and Mrs. John Hinkle, Mr. and and Mrs. H. D. Turner, J. M " ver, BH, H. for part of last summer and cloved with r ade . 7 ‘ M M It Hinkle, Mr. as d Mrs . Sailor Jack" "I ammen, w, A. Thomas, Le zz on rank West. wdc Phy. I . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haithcox B. " ‘ e¢ Hog m R. man, A. B. (Zip) Hibler ” : . Ls WHERE H.-W. FOLKS ARE . ~ s. Mr a iM rome WH rriman, 5 Mre. B sande Underwood (Allea), Mr. and Mrs. | w « ‘ ai lavid P iow « tnterprises, . ». LLG a AND WHAT THEY ARE DOING . ; jay 3, Mogeave iit aot ln ee ling t t ‘ } Ifenry, R rth. A Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Victoria and Th ipre . “Slim’’ Vermont, Fred edstone Shaw who was ¢ omaster for the d r it ! lol Mrs. H. H Arney A. Hilley. Viee, Dixie Vinson, Frat 1] Lillian Vernon Hag k-Walla Ww r ¢ r a» at : Val Vino, Frank Van Hoven, Van Barkley ‘Tr H wits Lil Shaw vt ‘ badly >< at Br Geo. H. fr g. T W. H. Van Housen : t 1 among ) ! ° , : = oni 2 1 rs. Jack I g. W ' e three day . tre t ‘ . 9 ws ~ L , tra Johnny J < SOF nage r), fe bert veri n, Jean Kathryn Warner. Chet Wheeler, C. A. t mmer tour, 18 ! , as . ae : 1, lice remainder fartin and Ann Irving. Wortham Shows, T. A. Wo Shows, Mr. and re long to once more be se P Se 3 ; . J Mrs. Chas. F. Watmuff, Jack W . Mr. and Arthur a manager « er Hoag h wd t NW. Jol n, Hugh Johnston, Mysterious Mr. J. D. be Jr.; O. J. White, Mr. and . Wallace Side-Show, accom u 7 . * Shien Mrs. Geo. Western Les C. Williams + . ” id $f: gg t. A. Josselyn, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mrs. i ims, ‘ o visiting Arthaps father in Burlington, N Cincinnati Office ] Marion Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, Doe Wadden ‘wr tney Ward, Fred X. Williams, : C. Al Hoffman, twent: coor Soe. sue A yJ.3 1 Jr., Eddie Jackson, Wm. Mrs. Thad C. Work and Fam Robert ©. \ left fer Burlington, t tw ! f I I B 4 ght. Clar ¢ B. Jones, Bounding Johnson. Work and Family. W H. Wilsen, David A. ¢ winter mouths in Cincinnat Auskins i Beauty’ Ce Wise, Chas. W. Weds Mr ad Mrs. Fred Murray Butterfield, up-town ticket agent, | 4 m I \ it i Mrs. Sam af —T . Webster, M. I Buddy) W an J ling th winter is ete g 1 = : “eg ea a Ww Pa , Dr Winters. Wester ty I gray Earl f ra of the H.-W : s and \e wv. R Sent — ‘ £ Warwick, D I i W ns iy ‘Weadick, vi fat Signor Arca Barnes ¢ ! Ada, 1 ; Pg “Mrs. «Mr. and Mrs. J J. (Doc) Wilson, Mr. sed ! o winter in Detroit P . | Amad . / nce oa Mrs. Joe (Jazz) W ms, Peg Waddell, Jos. « MeSorley, L tr ss returned j Ar s etch anq M.. White, J. E. Willson, Fred Wilson, Mr. home im ¢ ati af , to the B la ; ‘ee he One 2nd Mrs. Las W! Mr. and Mrs. Bob V Coast, wher ee ee Mr ~ l. Mr. and J. Kenyon, ‘Fddie Kelly, Geo. Kaobikt, ‘Diek White, Harley K. Wickham, Babe Winifred, mpanzees to @ moving ture studio in | Mr. ; rd J.J pg Fy re Oe ROMS DCE Austin C. Wilson and Associates, M. H. Warner, : y wood \ y j ; bur "¢ . ——_— 3 Winston-Salem and Forsyth ¢ ity Fair, Tom A. L. Sands, contracting agent for the H,° >) a | L H. Webb, Bob White and Nelly Hendley, Mr. ‘ Ww I W. Winter Circus, and wife o was fo A noe ~ 5 ing &,,. TaFord and Burke, LaRay and Taylor, Three and Mrs. Fred H. Weidmann, Ward A. Winobt, ’ é ting relatives in Bloor gtor Ind ‘ oT or — ee Littletor M 1 Sam J. Levy, A. W. W. J. Wood, Geo. B. Wi dbury, Geo. Webb. t for their home ! he — a . : iH . i I rd, F .ML T ll Lewis Bros.’ Show, , “ae . . ow wt back for duty February 7 z — am oe I . ih fona ‘ P re Mr. and Mrs EF. w. Linton, Quase West Bad He was one of t rtunate Tou . a. 5 Steve Liord, Mr. and Mrs. R. F, Lane, Norman rra Zelmo. 7 t aving forty-two w of as I “Happy’’ I Billie Lorraine, Chas 3 ‘ Ty * to } redit . _——s . Levan, Vern Low r, Lee Sisters, Ernest LatiJ ce ns, contracting agent 1 I ; .* : x I mor Mr , Raynor Lehr, Warren E. New York Office where he holds a “ , © , = * Lewis, Jack Labox, Mr. and Mrs. David Lee, A -* ~ vs _— 4 T « r ’ W local theaters q Dons ‘ tor), 3} t Beaton rand vrs. oA. Lyons, Leo Lippa, Jack V. American Exposition Shows, In Mr. and manager, is back in Chicago and — 2 We “Aunt T tz, ( Licbeten, ee aren wee Tach, Ernest (Rube) sig John R. Agee, L. Addison.” C desk in the railroad office, waiting for th 1] . LT ‘bma 4, id M J. George Loos, Mr , © the coming » ; Ron | 1 Mrs. R. L. Lohmar, Geo. H. Lax, George B gz Frank Brad . 1 tl 1 fie 1 j tp low H. T. 1 s. R. F. Lane, “Happy” Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Boyd, ‘Aunt Lov” St. Leals 1 Cleveland r is Ww Ww r : 7 . ’ I Y e LaR Ben Lease, Lewis Blitz, Dorothy Bryant, Louis Breau, “By-Gosh” Cr ned * bride of 1 A w week Ea I } a LP Raleter ie. aad . » Mr. 1 Mrs. A. T. Lylo. (clown), Mr. and Mrs. A! Mr. and Mrs. ' New Yor woerr ? s engag 4 with th po eg “ar ac we Aare M Geo. M. Ristany. Jas. W. ittie, Dr. L. EB. : Ward Troupe We . Stee ; Mr. and M G C. Moyer. Jerry Mug van, Buckley, Peter Pe y, Fel ‘lei, Mr. and Mrs x Warren. the veteran « pr ) t : ‘ a S Mes s & { Ss! 3, ¢ rR. Milt HW w Louis J. Beck ? Thos. Brady, ! of the Hagenbeck-Wa P | , . n an Reantios . ‘ rr. Wa r L. Main Cireus Mr. eee Mrs Mr. and Mrs d. Harry E e andied ali publicity r the w r editio t 3 il : ‘ rc ( Cc. fF ’ = a es = MacCollin, Madame Bonnell, Mr 1, Buckeye Ex. 1 lilwaukee and Terento, is o more hes in fr ' € Bas yp Soecene M f Firestor Co.), W. C. Meek. Position Shows, Bus Fred Beckmann, ( nnati after paying a t t I Pe Ace Bris , r \ . ws M. W. MeQuigg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Mel. Mr and Mrs. , urford, Mollie Barnes, . who ghty years ye : I 0 Rrett ‘at Beggs. Ed Baker. Pat Ville. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Melk nald, Homer John T. and Golda S. Backman, Frank da. Ed Dowling. inside ticket manag who Ww Burke. Fr . ~~. 2 aoe a foor Me (Steven W. Watts), The Me. Broder, R. H. Burnside, Chas. P. Blatt, Lillian that he was rer ed hospital in fe the . : t Intrres. Mr rs. McCormick, MeFPlaufox, Ben Boyer Ga . Tex., when the reus pl ad ther Al G. Ban Ed Hough stead. Dot J Cormick and Murray, H. T. September 24 has fully re vered n@ was ry ’ Mrs. H. I Bentler, Josh <i2tones Mr Morris. R. L. Mystie layton, Harry Collins, Ge orge Cole , ack at bis post in the winter show ' gs, ( s | : endon, D Shows, F. J. MatStudio, Courtne+ Ryley Cooper, Monroe Childs, Cc wher I ey and June Munn Dee, McSparron’s Mr. and Mrs. Sam B Campbell, Louise Jane t UNDER THE MARQUEE : . . sand, Mr. nd Mrs. W. C. Morgan, Wm. Myers, € ampbell, Sidney C. Caine, Sherle y Carter, Geo, . ‘ —_ a G Chandler, Dr. ] y tc. 6 Aerial W C. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ee Chandler, Canadian National Exhibition, Francis (Continned from page 77) . 0 trea ¢ ah — k, Bill rT 1 Rept le a rl’, Bob Morton, H nd Nicholas Chefalo. Al p Ravn oes James T. . that point that evening. His trip East was en ‘") . 7S ter, Ch ve Mr. 9 ; ee ae R. Marshall, Mack and "eatben, Clyde, Canadian National Railways, Cliftonbusines. He's the same jolly en as of old. ; : , Al ; — “ rae culeton, Homer Meachum, Frank C. Kelley Shows, Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Wm. Coghlan, r , <a ( o> ' t 5 Jos : Ker, Sa Ho. Jack Middleton, EdAl 8. Cole, Wilbur S. Cherry. Harry EB. CranWalter FE. Jung. Paul Junge and Walter Lee. >." Dick Cr x, Billy 7 Bt Dowell, Geo. S. Mortimer, Mr. and dell, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Condon, John Conlon, v — am i oa : . . R . = “tl ® thee ‘ : Exposit s. I : ry AL R. Montgomery, MinnePe try Ch arles, Mr. and I P. Christensen, i known a8 the Three eS — & oe ( Ww. S. ¢ fr. and Mrs ta State Fair, J. M. Markel, Fred C. Murray, Ethel Cob en, Wm. F. Sidney Clarke. , ’ nt a wonderful Christmas at the P.yr I w 4 t rw Be na WW A. Marker, P. C. Meredith, Harry Mack { n ter, Anniston, Ala., where tt y played week ¢ } FY € Be. J. ¢ ” Archie M rs, R. Lee Manley, Leo W. Martin. P . : ; ft p ! nber 24. They are with Rennie Kirkl: e + ‘ ‘ . . Siena ‘ommy Mann, Jos. RB. Mills, Mills and Punean Dri ver Bros., Ine.: Stage Lighting v Kalifornia Kewples a mt nl show Phe 4 ~ yr WwW Co., Ine.; Clara M Drum, Berta ) w went from Port Arthur, Tex., to the Bijon ¢,; 1 \ ‘ Campt a N ene: Dolly De Vine, Eth . Mr. and Mrs y ter, Pensacola, Fla., to open on the SpiegelWt ‘ ’ ‘ < T < . wd N 1 ¢ ny, Earl Frazier Geo rt Dobyns, Chas. H. Duffield, Lew Dufour. 7 e Time At Atlanta, Ga week of DecemJimmie ( : S w. t Dewitt wberry, | r N A Single Nugent Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Darnaby, Fred A. and Marie r te 17, they met many friends who we with « t Lew } ‘ ; ( " 2 our is ) : n F. wton, Sam Nevin, Danner, Harry Dunkel. Geo. H De gnon, Mr. t Ringling-Barnum Cireu imong them Eddie Cody, I 1F.« R. ¢ K. FP. Carlos, 2'T1 : . Nort! Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Jas. F. Donalson, Mr d Mrs. Geo. i . and Jennie Rooney, who were playing at Keith's W. A. Crew vr, ¢ ard &§ rs, M i Mre -awrence N | A. M. Nasser, Geo. Negue, F. Dorman. Andrew J Desmond, Geo. L. Dobyns Forsyth Theater. The Jung Bros. played at the F. D.C xr Crockett, ¢ rn and Pearson, +! 1 rs. €. M. Nigro, Go Wango Nema, Shows, Wm. H. Dentzel. Lew Dufour Exposition | Ronita Theater there that week Chas, ¢ kins rdw I Norwood, Carl Niesse, Joe Nace, Shows, Sam M Dawson, Dixie Doll, Andrew iene D a ‘oland and ‘ Downie, Dave Deutsch, Harry Dunze. Frank R. Hubin, the Pleasantville (N. J.) nN ‘ y Yo. 1’ Tn h. I TY pe Me ‘ Oo 1 M , i rn tating as given quite a boost tn 7 Pea f t J ’ g. DeVere Manuf oe eee ae oe. eee rand Mrs Mr. and Mrs. W Geo. Everett, Eli e ; d i) Pre s of December 19 A cut of Hobin rine ¢ {r Mr Geo. L. Dobrns. 0. F D in Odor " Mr and Mrs. John FE. Ocde n. Co 1 s m . Ev . Eli Bridg ras 5 ed in connection with tt not ' \ a. J oem ‘ I Dar 1 1 s r : 0 uu Mr. ee : ldie F J 1 ieee Pleaunntrilie on Hubin \ Te Dare-Devil D rt w. | Owens lolly O'Dell elen and Elinor Olcott —" : ™ or a the ~ ao" Giribeate whe is alw se iy 1 ! J B 1 os . Daw ir. and M Harvey D. Orr, Four Ortons, Jos. ._ Margaret E. Fitzpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Frank it . : , iia ; 1 1p . . oe oO : 1 : O'Neil, Chappy O'Do Fogarty, Pauline Gartin Funk, F. A. Fittit saldi. \ : to ne forward when a er ‘ I I I ? , appy < nnell, a . = = friend”’ He . © to Pleasant hk , t Dp " Mr 1 Mrs } DD " Ine} Ow 3 i la y Al Flesso, Foley & Burk Shows, Isidore Fried\ ne ‘ 1 ’ ‘4 : , : ; Pp a Frank, Mr. and Mrs. W. C i “ ” boro Frank is a siraic ‘ ow ' ? 3 a ‘ | ‘ +. a a . . I Mrs. Jos. G. Ferari, CG. W. Ht wake, do-it-now bus * ma am useme . . ' Ww A Dp r Sis s. Post and Dupree, Una Pell am e : ™ “Spay j f 1 1 ’ 7. ry \\ . : 7 Se 7 —? * Finney, Isidore Firesides, Mary and Rill ‘ \ ‘ cessionaire, realtor and worker le alwa W. Dewi n PD lPete 1 < Payne, Fred W. Pearce, Prinpinto’ FY Wric ai, z > | i nd when it comes to doing something that M ' s Denkins, Sam M. Daw ‘ by. N. @.), Jack P Jay pcre FJ. Frink. Walter B. Fox, Jas. E. ee A € ‘ nes to do v¢ x ~ ws 3 ck ost, Jav indaeanien “ . Sete r = } } nefit Pleasantville and A t ( ty ‘ t , \ iM 1, Andr G. Payne, H. B. Poole Shows. . a F eld conmens Fol Ike Freedman, Yeates i; 2. . ‘od the State in general He willing | PE. tix larry L. Dixsom, M ce P s €o., Mrs. Edn. Weil Percy ea G i . : r and be is @ hustler and untiring booster ¢ ir. and M Walter F. D Mr 1 oH 7. P King Perry, Pocahontas Post g or Vieasantville, Hubin tf of a y, happy } , 1 D Ir Ss x 14 An r 1 Legion: Mr. and Mrs. B. Earl Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Goeke Tommy Gillen, ‘disposition, calm, del berate rie and fair ‘ I Driver : I Mr ’ n, \ r nd Mrs. ‘“‘Whitie’ Pierce C. P. Greneker, Guaranty Trust Co., Mr. and { I ! respects his fe Ne we o ms and id ! r. D> , ( D t I r Parkay, Bubbles Philion, Irv. J. Polac k, Mrs. Wm. Glick, Barney S. Gerety, S. W. if j " niwayes has @ good word f« r all and bas : \ Li : \ } YVor Io! Jake Posey, Louise Paulette, Grace Peters, Glover, Mr. and Mrs. L ew Graham, Richard ! friends everywhere, 24 or nave & 5 , Miayers, Ed Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grasser, Great . Ted , ir , = Mrs. Gavin Jack and Teddy Quinn. Patterson Shows, L. B. Greenhaw, Bertha ia mh, ree N. Rates, at one time with the P. T Th 1 t y het ind Ty : Or as R (Continued on page 95) ” Cirens, in a letter to Th R " ane I : iu Ds rr M Walt Davison and If : ly R — tingling Rros. and Rarnum & ‘ * names of some concer peop : ‘ ‘ tfa Dawson, Chas. Devan, ¢ v Combined Shows, Rubin & Che try Shows, ve with the show in those do; rhey were Kay D mn. Marion Drew, Fred J. Dion. Craddock R Harry C. Robert, H. 8.” Rolstea, o vy Van and Rilly Rice, Mc rre and Heath, | Duftin, J. 1. Dempsey \r Royer, Rob Roy, C. B. Ralston, Mr. and ; id _Barton rou Sher aan and Matt Fivynn E Mrs. Billy K. Rey, Lillian Rich, Sam T. Reed, = 2 } wives who tater had ' ri ] ' R } : 1 =") Pll ‘ , r & and Carlo Restive Mr and Mrs, a “ ’ “the road; the Great Leon who later ae ' , “y Brid ~<y As o Harry W. R Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ric harda, 5 * , Kelly & Teen Minstrels on the roa '. , he # — as Ss “8 } j R . Ge A. Reed, R. Ricton, ke. : id, the man of many free Tambourine “ Harold Mo Eel ! Ella 1 o 8 Nat Reiss ‘ ’ r. an Harry Bich, , who had tive tambourine pinn at | : Til} \\ , <> Sohn ana Wier Sr . Rea, and \ Jhad W._ Rotte—one with each foot, one with each a gy Mn Fl! £ " sa “ee e R e ris’ Indoor"Circus, J. J. Rts ' nd one in his mouth on a stick: Walter ' bitin . F RK ! rs e Rourke, “‘Smiling’* mel: the Master Man Dick end ' 1 _ tita Dur ‘rank Reno, 3 Oo, wie ‘ “ dancer; Nelson Madley, the great drom Inek Fost \ vy Fox, | y Fr ’ M nd Mrs rence ussell, John Robinson 2 n who axed to lead the hand in the entry ! er F. FY 1. W. Fleming, ¢ Flaig, Bob Family, Charles Ringling atthew J. Riley 4 vote Morgan, singer, who used be with snd Grace 5 ’ partons) 5 iH s Mary t TRSe tippel Bros.” ¥ 4 Pastor: Jessie Miller Se comnetict: 7 1 x, Frank (Red) }¥ et Show, Jack R vr. Dick R h urd, Ruby Roy : Y dy and Spader Jobneon the latter ‘ ! Sam Ftlie s . | y to the WingtingBarnum Cir , ft . ya +a at "y Setls-Floto Circus, Fletcher Smith, Robert . Paomes mine ices. seneteh tes y Plete, W. & Veet Pw dary Barren Stickney, Gr.: J. M. Sheesley, Gas Gen, Mien Waterproof Covers \q Mate dance artistes ! ' ar ; J ; x. Somer Mr d Mrs. J. S. Scholibo, D. B t i mists comedians ¢ hie . ‘ t } r rington : ‘ s. 8 i . : a ’ -_ ‘ vine : 7 MN aA } a t ‘ l t . Ady 1 Seeman, Dr. L. Mortimer Sla um, * SEND FOR NEW AND SECOND HAND ust Vv 4 1 “Ve ine ovely a ' fear . I ‘ S ' : Red and) Mar hlette It ‘ w" isters, musical artictes ! i ‘ nt G cite & . "be _T 9 t. The ae "3 . ton The J c. Goss co. DETROIT ud y Seed song and “4ance man: Seven South n Ginum, Abe ¢ I ‘ aw ‘ na Vis E. D. Snyder, Wm. H. Smi th, . MICH. y etn, Sisters, vwoenllat« Swift and= Chase \ iM I iB ’ 1 \ md Mr Mr 1 Mr George Stevens, Smith's Greats . Hoplan comedians. Kitty Sharpe, reei and Barry Gray, Davis Goodman, Doc Graves Mr. United Shows, K. F. (Brownie) Smith, Bennie