The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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JANUARY 5, 1924 The Billboard eer BROCKTON FAIR —_——_ In Splendid Financial Shape, Annual Report ShowsBigger Fair for 1924 Jt At the annual meeting of Ag tural Society held r ently 1024 Brockton Fair were et October 4, inclusive Fred F. i esident f the fa and a dire ul re t hie f wing were ate Al I lin ngs irs aorma ‘ the s Departo t lr I f I t 1 Ex ! tale chairman of t Agr t features of the ar al meet t made by Treas Edward ' At sion 1 are " and tood w the 1 al of the xreellence of i plause \ President \ ited at n s thirty-eight “ t Brock te Fa he ! an nina we re rt xy the 2 fair show that 1 to § 735.81 t ling The ece ts were : z L ze dt t t one Fa s ut among big fairs ay s ow war There are n aysropriat 8 or any « er CLUB WORK Enlists Interest of Thousands of Ohio om, Watch This Space! yy tion with State and € I ever saw a better list of Att race ‘—@ remark Fuir Secretary about Joe ys I ire Attractions. You'll say so, too. THE CASTING STARS THE THREE MELVINS ROSE KRESS’ FOUR | a . ; ff 1 laa tyes ~4 DONOHUE & LaSALLE ae Da ‘ Barrel Jumpers c Fy Be al) war t ts. Mr “De ne “so rh ; pie. “hee g d Al ay ‘a 1Wpeop t r Two ple Sin Military Bands a id Sien rks Disslonn , Auto Rarers, Balloonists, Colored Ball Games, High THE JOE BREN PRODUCTION COMPANY 1010-11-13-15-17 Garrick Theatre Building, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ACTS WANTED Acts Ar a few more big = Return Act send photos. for our 19 Fairs—Jap. ibian Act State full Want to hear from good Hea Aer Act ASSOCIATED FREE ATTRACTIONS, (Fair Booking Offices), 24 Work II 11eEn A. F. THAVIU Arranging Dates for THE THAVIU BAN D! AND HIS CHICAGO GRAND OPERA PAGEANT season 1924. His twentieth anniversary with extraordinary tractions. 1000 Steinway Hall, 64 E Van Buren Street, CHICAGO. ate Act, Casting particulars d and Han first Mason City, lowa. Ld llddddddddbdbdbdddddddddda Boys and Girls Sy y Mire fostering to a potent Attractions W anted % 4 7 . ne 5 t men “ ef a in better : , o «9 ‘ , ‘ ‘ by the WILL PLACE hig . and matic Artists 1 also a £ a 1 . ~ x } . n A . ork each year and Seek and H *roductions, “Mu al "ah nedy, aims trel, Revue Give full particulars, a n their accom=m, Gd od DF ' : THE THURSTON MANAGEMENT, a io Auditorium Bidg., 56 East Congress Street, Chicago. if 1028 more than 24.0%) bers me, Harrison 5422 ond 5 venile agricultural fa ! anus of hese £ asf ™m tion } ¢ wr first . n 919 and 2! gammletle@ a large tent for the frst time since 199 and NEW STADIUM PLANNED are of ; s a al r rt Hamilton County eat : te beast FOR TEXAS STATE FAIR > he “ put \ 1 the sea. better ‘veut ond a remarkable as » da s Will Take Place of Present Coliseum— 4 wher i ‘ attendances * , me : yg : Fair Plant Valued at $2,500,000 y fa retaries x v ‘ » n <i a to lay ven = I i z Led work in 1024 : New Lond Lyman At the annual no g of the stockholders of : 4. Brow New ' State Fa f Texas at Da Nas recently. the y rojected ¢ f | t m in Gastor RAYMOND RETIRES a E. Waterman, Bozrah; secprojected, erect an anditorium in Gaston t . Norw treasurer and 7 , , 7 .° ° } +? : an A ‘s ; speer a secretary, A J. Bailey, Norwich. w Serer a it is a that the plans s Secretary of Norwich (Conn.) Fair = ee . “It seems to me,’ Judge William i Atwell —Association Had Successful NEW GROUNDS FOR atl cummeantion os action approving the Year CUMBERLAND FAIR Fert, “that a most wonderful suggestion is p . n this repert w r to an ————auditorium {r q ark r none of Cont dD %.—Elmer R. Pierson Plans Call for Making One of Finest « who is rested t fair but regret to ‘ Nn me won . : : fais Ou : . cia: af tan tae tee Fair and Racing Plants in East ee the ag ral exhibits housed way off . 2 , st its a 1a] meet lown there rner mn a& ram-shackle e bert 8 w . building. It 1 s like t directors are goin . 8. Ra nd Cumberland, Md Dec. 26 Purehase of the , cetins wor ¢ * ( ’ for or al J ! etary for a of » Gennitastnad teal ; ie aa ’ ke over seum or igriculture nation and was ong SY Vane oe oe ear Amcelle, pnat's wonderful. Agriculture is the backbone . has com] ‘ ‘ nancia ? ‘ ¢ Texas f the associat) 1 t ‘ r 1 1 s" = P tary Rarmond showed that pe ¢ a at ‘ : _ : Pe T tir gr is W once on the outskirts 2 . ondition , mines . ole rhe °* t s t today. Gaston sve been paid ; ¢ Park ma i good place for a city auditorium. onat< at “ : uh * t ge P . Mee 7 ~ t mad thie . k valued at $1 we Now at 8 . ' 7 t w omr ty as well as for ‘ -— eae ¢ debt 1® surchase began + ao . ‘ e fair. a ; , . Hh an t t s ~.. plans were made t! ‘ >! Fait T . one rosy yuiit I spent, with ’ ‘ bala ’ on t . \ 4 abet 19:4 It pla a ° . days going over every paid, and » ¢ , on ws one of the finest fair Pert ot fa ’ tical manner this 4 va y ful. plas in the Ea 1 ‘ Ww f ! ne different na « weat n Lat Day , for the f war buildings are a and w ide up of scraps ' a re a* being re ved ft I s a tr \ part of xas ke the treasured aid ad on that day p. ts st a x ivy S100.000 for ps n vorite s that my gcrand1 1 « H and OOF aut wy more than $60.000 s already been obr t to erazy quilt that I ! vy f ‘ With tained » bonds ‘ ling to Secr ary Virgil * r saw . : ’ ! ‘ ids and pla are sec©, Powell ‘ fais dir rs’ recommendation of Gaston r fair | ‘ \ 1 work on new fair g te wilt ! k as as th new torfum which ! ' ft track at «tart » fow 1 fair ? < formed will ta ‘ of . three t ft Tay State Cir t ‘ der! In rd repr y radvantag the t-car 1 1 ft ! ad ther ar s ‘ and g space ce at t re at of the The finance committee of the fair s ation The finar al rt fair and ' red to Norwich ja compesed of Tasker G. Lowdne We ex rea 1 to the bore 1 “wa “at 8 t l ! " ‘ Yr. 1 s fied ! and ' " atisfactory a nd pRS&S n 2 s ‘ l pr ri ta s4 492.99 a sburse ment S ‘ mm all over the Fast nt lecal t ' i? kers » t. S34 ' and a 1 of $76.249.85, with a Ihe hoes were As « ely Sloan president ' G t $1 se ! 1 New England during Lowd \ ! 1 bach > Stratton J ted out that twenty ! « wae sat sotory from = tr rand \ ‘ Powell t ‘ ag k va f the fair stock was f vy and resulted in a ' 1 ! ' eX 1 and rison, announced the f t me of the track The bition t ‘ y i y 1 ! ; 1 value of the fair park in 192 as ‘ wide of the track were ne nm ~~ { ‘ a s woe , this meeting The pacing atoct » 2 i ! ' n track a ———— 1 for rack, 2OO\,, by 2 standard ball tleld 1 foot a . and troeth: ert hy The hall ! ‘ t \ w fair cirevit has n formed in the ' geen sthletic fleld tter Middle West c of Mississippi Val everal tmprovement s “ ! new enattle eds and the ’ a 0 ! ton ‘ a Stat Fa my M oon i the new grand R ’ tracks I Lin Net ~ and tighte «oa It eould te More pace will t leveted = to va and HH s. D and iltry ow and the nstaliation ! ewiltt toil with City la 1 x and running water in all the veul 1 dry tenting to a 4 An automobile show was held in apace on the fair gro nds &o State Fa at Seda aska Sta Stat ¥ tacr Sieux he extended the Mis 1 INDIAN FAIR TO HAVE A PERMANENT HOME First Year Successful—Buildings To Be A tract of land has been bough Erected Malone, N. Y., Dee. 28.—So successful was the first international Indian fair held under the direction of the St. Regis-Mohawk Indian Fair Association on the reservation at Hogansburg last summer that plans are now under way for the purchase of a tract of land and the erection of several bu _ ngs as a permanent home for the fair association. Plans for the establ ichenent of the fair grounds fer the holding of the fair next year and for thaking it an annual event were discussed at a meeting of the board of directors at Hoganshurg and qa sum of money was appropriated for the erection of badly needed buildings All officers of the association who served last year have been re-elected for another year. They are Chief Mose White, president; John Jacobs, vice-president; Prof. Earl S. Martin, seeretary, and Francis Traillon, treasurer t from Mitchell LaFrance, one of the members of the tribe, near the St. Regis reservation, on the St. Lawrence and St. Regis rivers, and will be developed as a fair gro und teports made by the treasurer showed the association had a profit of around $100 on its first fair and after paying premiums in all departments. There were a large number of «x its, ineluding live etock and farm produce raised by the Indian farmers and needlework and handwork by the Indian maidens. Next year it is planned to enlarge all the departments and increase the awards. Directors are also taking steps to secure State aid for 1! fair and instead of a two-day event it is — to make it a four-day affair. > association was formed primarily for promoting an Indian fair for the display of Indian live stock and Indian-raised products. The exh bits are confined exclusively to Indians. NORTHERN WISCONSIN STATE Cc} ern w sconsin State held De FAIR Wis., Dec. 24.—The NorthFair at Hs annual meeting. ypewa Falls, ember 17, elected the following officers the nsuing year A. &. Cox, president, o Wis Fr. E Andrews, vice-president, loomer: Jerr l’almer treasurer, Chippewa and A. L, Putnam, secretary, Chippewa The 1923 fair experienced a very cold week. > oO ats side gates mn over any previous year, the grand-s tand receipts suffered to a great extent “A old north wind made it impossible the crowds to patronize the stand. The 3 fai however, showed a profit in face of 1 this bad weather Plans were made at the meeting December 17 for a large fair f 1v24. keeping up the standards s in previous exhibitions. The 1924 dates are Ne ba r 8-12 iclusive, CIRCUIT PROPOSED nference to perfect FOR SOUTHERN IOWA irlington, Ia., Dec. 27.—In the early part January the secretaries of various fairs in eastern lowa wil! meet here, it is anneed by H. M. Ofelt, secretary of the State Fair, for the purpose of holding a ways and means of securleser co-operation among the fairs of the and to discuss amusement features for . Ofelt states that it isa the hope of he participants that several questions of muial interest may be settled and the experi ences of each secretary told for the benefit of e group. Among the fairs to be represented are the following: Tri-State Fair, Burlington; Henry County Fair, Mt. Pleasant; Winfield Fair, Winfield: Columbus Junction Fair, Columbus Junetion, and the fairs at Fairfield, Donnellson, West Point. West Liberty, Bloomfield, Oskaloosa, Keosauqua, Milton and Wapello “It is the hope says Mr. Ofelt, ‘‘that a cirevit may be arranged. This organization will undertake a publicity program that will work to the interest of the fairs, the horsemen and amusement people. UNEQUALLED QUALITY BALLOONS For Sale at *M. K. BRODY 1120 So. Halsted St. CHICAGO *AIRO BALLOON CORP 603 Third Avenue, NEW YORK | *FEDERAL IMPORT. ING COMPANY 620 Penn Avenue, PITTSBURG *S. SCHNEIDER Cc & CO 134 W. Jefferson Ave. DETROIT *“BRAZEL NOVELTY SHRYOCK-TODD MFG. COMPANY NOTION CO 1710 Ella Street, 824 North Sth St. CINCINNATI @T. LOUIS *Th cas orders. agency agencies fill from our nearest ese Order BUILDERS OF PARADE FLOATS MILLARD & MERRIFIELD 4 West Sth Street, Coney INC Island, New York RS I area, awh