The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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P ta « . F JANUARY 5, 1924 The Billboard 85 cIGHT AGAINST GRIFT to ask City Commissioners and Mercantile Appraiser to revoke the license of Chern, Before leaving the establishment the raiders ON AT ATLANTIC CITY compelled the alleged proprietors to disgorge all the money they had taken from people inside and these received their money back. One man was taken for $70, it is alleged. Trio, Charged With Unlawful “Conversion” in First Arrest, How! About,“Protection”’ DODGEM JUNIOR RIDE ANNOUNCEMENT The position of this Company with respect to ESTATE OF $500,000 Left by W. Merriam, Whose Widow Will Improve Missouri Resort as He Planned Branson, Mo., Dec. 28.—Mrs. Willard Merriam, widow of William Merriam, owner of Rockaway Beach at Lake Tanecomo in this \tiantle City, N. J., Dee. 20.—Silver-tongued ers and local merchants bolding ‘‘all ounty, wh adie t recently in Ka asas City, ) = * aue beh n —e ‘“seling-out sales, . . . . . announces tha t rogram of improvements om repeated omp! aints are made, its exclusive patent rights covering the differthat were outlined ‘by Mr. Merriam before his d this eity an unwelcome place to condeath and which included the erection of a iness In the fute ire if May or “ka. ent important and essential parts of its ride, Rader and the Atlantic City Chamb« large hotel, now ender way, will be continued a " i cacaaall Mrs, Merriam plans to make Rockaway Beach ablishments of the the sero = can including the wire mesh ceiling and trolley arthe ‘greatest summer resort in the famous Ozark biien ‘nts o ne . con gion, The will of Mr. Merriam, just filed. ! shows @ valuation of close to a half million. Accor ding to the terms of the will the property Is to be divided between the widow, a sister and three children. rangement, has recently been further strengthened and established ina patent infringement case against a competitor using such features. g action on but one of about twenty ‘ nts alleged to have been made during the t two months by visitors and residents alike t ! e and Chamber merce Tres] el P. Leeds d Fr a 1 acker chair t ’ : : TWO STYLES OF DANCING seek parsanally x comm ewe e first “raid That case was assigned for trial on its merits Now Offered in Marigold Gardens, ie campaign against legitimate and bunce for December 18, 1923, but on the eve of the trial Fashionable Chicago Resort Mayer cn a hay) ce ——aey 4 een the Defendant unconditionally surrendered Chicago, Dec. 29.—Marigold Gardens, once the “" ort Ae and not only admitted the validity of our patey ripe Gold Coast district of the tly after 6:30 Inst night,’ . . . . . a. ned this wi s € — trol tng from ice ‘beatquarter — ents, but his own infringement, and paid this Duri ng ‘the m. ane the seace we nan Arkansas avenue and the Boardwal) Mag. . sformation process was in order. Marigold trate Paxson, three patrolmen and @ sergeant Company a substantial sum in settlement for now has two large halls. One is the Dancing ce accompanied them. d m d 6 fits A decre therefore was Gat n, oe es ee oy toe< d fifty es te et ord ln Bi, . de , wae of eo . a ages an P 3S : « . . ° where st ay rs ; as fie waits, tucaten ane : haat oe o fon the aah Pe: tango are aturec 2 7 Sa noe in that case Piety = patent and featured. rowd and announ @ tha the place e . . . . . . Ss Sued.” Ae tentuaee sma OF ton its infringement and providing for an injuncNE wate te ae cron top of m red. box tion against the competitor referred to. This EF] 7 tel to argue. but was quickly Fanked off hile case is the most recent addition to our long » and irried along to t patrol, lon . . . . . . . sre bullt most at ively, f t ice, the two other men found working’ the list of victories against infringers and competiKe the most marey. We ul novept reusacable peop. At police headquarters the trio registered as tors, and we shall continue vigorously to supparks anywhere in the United States. You are sure ee ee tt: press any remaining or further infringements , -RLEVEN RESORTS DRAWING. FROM h Wolfe, 21 nd George Bennett y tem = os © hanged at » be the of our patent rights. OUR PRICES AND TERMS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. See Our Baby Aeroplanes Before Placing Your Order. J. W. ELY COMPANY, Inc. WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. ked 7 bn ty jail in THE MOST POPULAR FLAT RIDE ON THE MARKET Write for Booklet. $2.00) enact nding further hearing efore Macistrate Paneen. ee ee Pe ee oF Se CONCESSIONS FOR RENT. SEASON 1924. tected by the police and they couldn't arrest — ay a . ~~ iches, Conm D. TRIMP ERS SR. Ocean City, Maryland. To thie r Mavor Rader lat er sald: “If at Mt fine ata Ke eat 706 BAY STATE BLDG., LAWRENCE, MASS. ai aes Gaalenr eee atiier Eee President I of the Char ber f Commerce, attractive, Parents like them. KIDDIE KARNIVAL ¢ wing t arrests, said that e was going CO., 1008 Main St., Green Bay, Wis 24 34 34 , d , , , , , > IIRL Lal iil Lone PPPS PILLS a ad —_ ‘THE WHIP” Thrilling Amusement Ride A splendid permanent attraction and money maker. All princi{ pal Parks, Expositions, Fairs, Carnivals and Pleasure Resorts throughout the world have a “Whip.” Prices and full details on ig: World’s Latest Novelty Ride. F Portable Rides built for Parks, Expositions and Piers, with but a aoe = Prd | x : > to! ) el pay s os | > | “~ | request. 3% few restricted cities and parks. Has earned $2,537.50 in one day, $6,510.00 in three days, $7,902.10 in one week and $90,337.02 __W.F. MANGELS CO. CAROUSELL WORKS, Coney Island, N.Y. | eee : ee SSH SPILLMAN CAROUSELLES for PARKS and CARNIVALS WORLD'S GREATEST RIDES ' SPILLMAN FOUR-CYLINDER POWER PLANTS ke CATERPILLAR. His earned none week.) JOYPLANE. Another World Beater. Ask Gea Write for Cata : to $25 the f on many Parks a tea Philadelphia Ask , Westview any inal dave of frm 4,000 to 2,008, Wore are Company. Pitsbureh. Pa ae Cote Poles vs illman Engi in rin Cor oration, North Tonawanda, N.Y, greatest small ride, t 1923. vere iC., of Ohio. A great thriller and ° ate — epeater at moderate ‘ MERRY MIX-UP. The Latest and Best Portable leet ttt tbat SEAPLANE. The Standard Aerial Ride of Qui nite ae tne ees Sagal oye the ay Ey Two RRR SNR SS W i We have t over le cost and m can erect in two hours. Cheap to buy. Chea’ peration No Park complete without i. Built for}io handle. Nothing to wear out. Got over $600 in oth stat nary and portable use day von cTRAVER ENGINEERING COMPANY, BEAVER FALLS, PENNA. MILLER & BAKER, INC. AMUSEMENT PARK ENGINEERS AEROPLANE SWINGS ||| sviseson,coaml@ustatteetiest Rew Yor. SPECIAL DESIGNS & STRUCTURES Suite 3041, Grand Central Terminal, New York, N.Y, are built more beautiful and more substantially than ever. Our 1924 models are | leaders. See them before buving. Our BABY AEROPLANE SWING is selling fast It | ; carries 24 kiddies at one time. Our Swings are in the Best Resorts of America and the World. | E. Rs KILPATRICK, International Amusements We can and do deliver on time. We still build The Frolic. | World's Rights “OVER THE FALLS” R.S. PORATION, 1493 Broadway, New York k Gi American Rights. ‘PARK YOUR OWN CAR” UZZELL COR re: a adh my | Foreign Rights—**THE CATERPILLAR” ee NEW YORK LONDON CHICAGO que ~SKEE BALL — FOREIGN OFFICE: 440 Strand, London. A safe investment for both Indoor and Outdoor Amusement Centers. Played by everybody—everywhere. beet oy 1914, with many imitators | L. O O K paN Hi E; A D ? SKEE BALL COMPANY, __Coney Island, New York ] | KENTUCKY DERBY and SWINGING (Bathing) BEAUTIES ou will own the BEST and LATEST G apacity, flash ther are olenemen on demonstration at H, €. “peat 8 e Co a1 W. * saad son St., Chicago, IL, Advertise in The Billboard—You’ll Be Satisfied With Results. KENTUCKY DERBY CO., INC., 1416 ‘Broadway, New York,