The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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86 The Billboard WIDELY KNOWN And a Leading Individual Ride Builder and Operator Is Fred W. Pearce, New N. A. A. P. Officer Fred W lent of the tif Varks, is Pearce, newly elected first vice-presi National Association of Amusement the largest individual regarded as ride builder and operator and one of the most widely know park men in th® country. It was some twenty-one years ago that Mr. Vearce entered the ontdoor amusement business at Conneaut Lake Vark, Conneaut Lake, Pa At present he is confining his business to the building and operating of modern coasters. He has rides installed at Capital Beach, Lincoln, Neb.; Sunset Park, Tulsa, Ok.; Riverview Park, Chicago; Sugar Island, Mich.; Palace Gardens Park, Detroit; Blue Grass Park, Lexington, Ky.; Ocean View Park, Norfolk, Va.: Riverview Park, Baltimore, and Pleasure Beach Park, sridgeport, Conn. He also is the largest individual stockholder of the Pleasure Beach Park Company, of which he fillls the office of president and general manager. This enterprise owns and operates the Pleasure Beach Steamboat Line operating from Bridgeport to the resort. Mr. Pearce finances all projects he undertakes without adopting stock promotion measures. Much of his time is devoted to his scattered interests, it being said that he travels on an average of 60,000 miles per year. He is personally acquainted with most members of the “old guard’’ of the amusement park field and proposes to meet many of the newcomers before long. R. S. UZZELL REVIEWS PARK MEN’S CONVENTION By common consent all seemed to agree that the 1923 N. A. A. P. Convention was the best yet held It seems a nine members members at the and visitors br foreign countries gram. Only far cry from an organization of five years ago to that of 2 recent meeting, with exhibitors zing it up to about 400. Two were represented on the pro five years ago the “immortal nine’’ met on the balcony of the Auditorium Hotel, Chicago, to decide whether to dist or to incorporate and continue. The r acted in the light of their choicest wisdom, which, from the experience of the past five years, seems to have been wisdom well formed I was one of the nine. to hang together. have departed The are ful and most for the future of the Amusement Parks. 3 Blackpool, England, came to attend and read for us his splendid paper on “A Comparison of English and American Amusements’’. It bly written and was so admirably d a unanimous rising vot taneous, Mr. Bean is members. We agreed this life others of Thaugcs Was spo e now one of our valuab We have applications from other English eoncerns which are the result of the work of our own E,. J. Kilpatrick, who “commutes” between pool and New York. He stopped between boats to attend the Chicago meeting We welcome our English brother showmen and shall now expect to annually ‘shake bands across the sea’’. Edward Cousins, chief engineer of the Toronto Harbor Commission and general manager of Sunnyside Leach, Toronto, Canada, favored us with a good paper and jllustrated talk. He is with us and for us 100 per cent and we are for him. We fervently hope that Mr. Bean and Mr. Cousins come to America to live. Both are most valuable acquisitions to our association. Mr Cousins hg promised a rare treat for the next meeting. We are minded of the little boy who was told before ng for a Christmas dinner that when asked whether e liked ght or dar et ] th and will take either.*’ i with the noble sire n full boy orgot and instead of saying what he was told he said: ‘I like either and will take both.”’ Don't embarrass us by asking us which we prefer, Mr. Bean or Mr. Cousins. We like either and surely want both. t is noticeable that when we induce a man to attend one meeting he then becomes a reguiar attendant 3. L. York, from Idora 5. Strehlow, Alameda CHARLES G. MILLER The New Automatic ‘**Loop-the-Loop’”’ Game For All Amusement Places Parks, Piers, Resorts. = Own Your Own Business ge indepe Reasonable down payment starts you. Time's here for YOU to and price list. ASTEST ever money-making ball game invented. C., N. Andrews re ports: “Last month's receipts, $935.65—this month holding same average.” Whirl-O-Ball is a light form of bowling—just right for everybody, men, women and children. Healthful and fascinating! Players ‘‘drop nickel in slot—roll balls—watch your score add up.” Extra thrill when balls loop-the-loop, enter target and work scoring device. That gets ‘em. Your receipts all profit. Every feature automatic—coin collector, ball release, score register. No attendants necessary. Each Whirl-O-Ball Game is 3%)x20 ft.; shipped quick by express or freight; set up in 30 minutes, Send for complete catalog “cash in”. Write NOW. BRIANT SPECIALTY CO, 765 Consolidated Bldg., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. \ Ce AY WANTED FOR SALE CONCESSIONAIRES TO PUT IN VIRGINIA REEL, CATERPILLAR, COAL MINE, SKEE BALL and STANDS In New York’s most successful Park. GYROPLANE. Terms apply —CAPTAIN E. WHITWELL, STARLIGHT AMUSEMENT PARK, E. 177th St., N. Y¥. C. have in stock 35 combinations wheels to select from. We also paint wheels to order. THE AUTOMATIC FISHPOND will take in $1.00 a minute if properly located. We of our merchandise AUTOMATIC FISHPOND CO., 2014 Adams St., Toledo, 0. Beach, Calif., and A. C. Christensen, from Lasiasm and his loyalty. We returned him to goon, Salt Lake City, Utah, would not repeated1 board of dire.tors. We know how to aply. make the trip were they not benefited to a good man. The same thing was done such an extent for the as to justify time and money ed Pearce, The “millionaire popcorn man’, D. 8. Hum r trip. ven men left New York in three spephrey, owner of Euclid Bea: h, Cleveland, 0., wis on t Pennsylvania Railroad Decemthere and has been for four successive years, f the meeting. They were all well We placed him on the board of directors. Our and are ardent advocates of the spehoard of directors would now do credit to any cial train for next year. We can ¢ bank special train for ninety passengers Euct It was the ambition of our late and lamented who co ed our special party this president, A. S. MeS.igan, to have it known 4 trick that the park men of America are gentlemen, man of the t a ite business men and that many of them yf the are cholars We believe ther measure up to these jdeals Visitors often remark on the exoar al train from cellent personnel of our membership, rk ting! We will We should like indeed to let poetic fancy have ena own diner, with its way, but if we did you might think we aes *xhibits of those were over-enthusiastic for the future of our fror association, i . Koge g ~ 7 d be 2 aaron bg pe oe 7 } 4 e years ago when nine met In that famous with our special party Mr. Mangels said if . a oe Pe prop ‘ ae that 200 things looked good | would join. He is now , opi hos son aaoheein oclation and the vie Mt SEINE “Wolk ” attended by more than 400 Hed ew = sincen of paramount 37" 2 ae se would have seemed an mportance could keep Fra W. Darling, presipacts 7 , . gi ae Nin adhe o Geen failwa Weat we will be five years hence remains to Compa.y, from being us each year He be seen, but with all working loyally for the ne of the original h His manager at phuilding of the association much can be promRockaway I Har E. Tudor. is o of d for its future. ‘ dis 1 in not persuade him to am rhe Pt Toboggan Company lost it IOWA'S LEADING PARK lent 1 Oo wa one of our ginai the aining ie hers « eee ee ee actic 45 ever Shout To Have Three New Rides—F. M. rae ae Ag Me Wilitene Shortridge Succeeds Omer J. cmtael’ ene a a te. toot ¢ nent ere Kenyon as Manager and continues one of our reliable mem Harry and George Laker were there and nae ught a large ex t Fred Ingersoll, of Des Moines, Ia., Dee, 20.—F. M. Shortridge, Detroit and Omaha, was there t 10ut » conWho has assumed the management of Kiverview ntion. I a part of annual proPark, announces that with the addition of threes yraen. new rides and other jmprovements for the coming Lewis A, Coleman is a busy and successful “2°00 the local resort will make secure itn awver in Indianapolis ut ‘ also a park : — re The fines Mh ayer park in n and one of t big men of the ation , wa ; Mr ortridge, Ike predecessor or coat, cake aa Baler Sao se A yer Kenyon, who managed Kiverview with cess for many seasons, is of cirens expert Last year Milford Stern, of Palace Gardens, ence, Last season Mr, Shortridge was the head Detroit, wa » Eur We missed him. He of Lockery Bros.’ Circus, an overland show, was at the meeting this year with his enthuwhich is now offered for eale. as well as their parents, viz., a 260, hae neen y aay i tor some, we IOWA EDITOR SCORES PARK FOR LAX POLICY Announcement of Opposition by New Resort Termed ‘‘Welcome News”’ Hartley, Ta., Dec. 20.—A recent tesne of The Hartley Star contained the following Che prospects that Arnolds Park is to have keen com petition In the new amusement park at Orleans ix welcome news For years Arnolds Dark as had but a small picnt ment park trattic rules or regulations, no es Arnolds Park, instead of being the most unsightly spot on the lake shore, could be mad a most beautiful and inviting amusement park— the natural there, but pretty well covered up by a system which sees nothing but get the money.’ The ‘pickings’ have not been so good in the past few years at the park,”’ ALL-YEAR RESORT the world by the tail and bas been sothing park doing a big city an business No police protection, no atreets, To Be Established on Island Near New Orleans Will Represent Big Investment New Orleans, La., Dec. 20.—The Isle Des Co quillea, in the northern part of Lake Poncharng some 6.000 acres of high been purchased by Mre FEuhia city wl proposes to de bathing beach, G0-reom hofeatures that willl operate the year round The resort t is said, will re resent an investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars and class as one of the finest seummer and winter recreation centers of the South. The location is ove hour's ride from New Or SETS OPENING FOR SUMMER Fairmont, W. Va., Dec. 28 ger, of Fairview, expects buildings and installation of ment devices on the purchased by bim wil] bt permit opening of the Swi William 8&8. that the rides and seventy-acre tract re eted in time to rt by midsummer. 73 RIDES COSTING $600,000 BUILT BY TRAVER LAST YEAR Addition to Piant Will Make It Largest of Kind in World—New Units for Parks With the completion of the paint shop of the Traver Engineering ( pany at Beaver Falls, Pa., the plant will be the largest in the world devoted exclu ely t the manufacture of amusement devices The buile in course of construction, is of steel ures 65x120 feet. The Traver plant is on a fourteen-acre site During the busy season 200 men are employed. Last season seventy-three rides were built nearly $600,000. At the head of this firm is Harry G who announces contracts for new rides coming season at the following named Westview, Pittsburg, Pa.; Walbridge, 0.; Crystal Beach, Vermilion, 0.; 0.; Old Orchard, Me.; C« l’'a.; Seabreeze, Rochester, N Wilmington, Del.; Fairyland, and other prominent include caterpillars, seaplanes, joy y mixups Mr. Traver has been elected a vice-president National Association of Amusement of which organization he been a diise who atten there at a total value of Traver, for the parks: Toledo, ewa Lake, : Shellpot, Kansas City, Mo., The rides planes and less resorts 1923 N. A A. P. meeting will long rementher the banquet and entertainment tendered them by Mr. Traver. Of this he says “Our effort at Chicago was to help make the ec success as well as to show nvention a our appreciation of the courtesies which the park men have ex tended to us during the past twenty years Without the help of our many friends in th: outdoor show world and The Billboard we would not have heen able to accomplisl » much." HARRY G. TRAVER