The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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O | JANUARY 5, 1924 “4 BALLOONS GAS AND GAS APPARATUS Your name sod ad print ed a No +O and bit ped ame ' $21.00 ter 1,000. No 90 leary tray parent five colors, ure gum gas \\i! balloons. Gross, $3.50, [ As above, fifteen differe t FRESH Pietures on both sides, Gross, STOCK $4.00, BEAUTI70 Alr, Gas, 5 Asst. Color FUL Balloons. $2.25 Gress. COLORS Squawkers. §3.c0 Groes. ALL Ballou Sticks, 350 Gross. ORDERS Wri for particulars ou SHIPPED our Gas and Gas Apparatus. Sy Catalog free, 25% with balance C. O. Dz YALE RUBBER CO. 19 East 17th Street, NEW YORK CITY. order, SILK KNITTED TIES FZMEZIDOUND MAN VEO THE FAMOUS “AUNTY MAY” WATERPROOF APRONS The best on the market. We are fow ready to ship our new patterns. Twelve different Cretonne and Percale peterus to choose from. PER DOZEN, $3.60. PER GROSS, $40.00. Sample Aprum, 50c, prepaid > IN-t BAGS, $3.25 per Doz., $35.00 G: “PLYMOUTH BAGS. «ire lixl5, $5.25 per Dezen, $60.00 per Gross. pn r 15 other fast sellers mt. Write for cata) CENTRAL MAIL ORDER HOUSE 223 Commercial St.. Dept. B, BOSTON, MASS. AGENTS ey ME HOME PACKAGE” contains mer hardice at $3.09, and srils handily at a bargain price, sample package today and pri-es + TRADING Goebs Street, New York. We pay $8 a Day am gh g lers for New Kerogas Burner. Makes any ve @ ga A. _Burt s kerosene (coal oll), Cheapeet fuel know? 1 stove Burns Tike gas. Fasy to get orders on account of hich price and scarcity ofcoal. Work «pare time orfuli time. Write for sample. Thomas Mfg. Co. Dayton, Ohio Make $75.00 a week and up, selling our fine made to-measure,all-wool suite at $3150 retail, ) ress to wearer, Biggest sell on sight. Biggest commissions pad in advanee, We attend to cbvery and collections, 6 x 9 awatch ples over 100 styles all one price ‘uimshed FREE, Write at once. W.Z. GIBSON, Inc, “y:rs" 16* Ww. Merrion St., Bost a.4scmicago ®) I iJ ST / GE N Rearing A WARVEST El T ehie 3.5C Gross. RUBSER B is with Moller Iu: kies 513.00 Grete 2%, Prepaid FipRe’ SILK KNITTED TIES. Per — 1, 25. Per Gross, ._ = 00. le, SO, Prep RUBBER KEY HOLDERS Per Bezen si1.50. Bampie, 25¢, Prepaid 25% with order, balance C. 0. D. HARRY ‘LISS. 38 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Something New for Pitchmen, Demonstrators House-to-Houge Canvassers A household neces i Tekee the place of old-fashioned dish-ras. Quick seller and big profite, Send 10¢ for sample and price Hat, A. LUTHY & CO., INC,, 3051 Camp New Orleang, Lowistana, places following a hunting accident while winding up a collection trip of Australian birds, anfmals and reptiles for American zoos, After an enforced sojourn on my back for five months, during which I was twice threatened w th amputation, I left the hospital and after a short stay with friends in Murwillumiah I rode out to my base with my bum leg in plaster and two crutches strapped on my sadd.e. On arrival | found thit most of. m, specimens had died, but gathering rp the survivors, packed up end with the help of my friends, Jack Waldron, a banana plinter, and Chris Peterson, a yo ng rancher, made it back to Murwillumbah, then on to Byron By by train, and took a Yurton ‘tub’ down the Coust to Sydney Wille walting there for a boat for Frisco I stumped down George Sweet and some of the heads around town know vg me well and my associath with Billy Gra and they told me that £B ity was dead, so I was conv need It is a mistake that none of showed me the sorry « He first dollar | e er got in us who know Gray ts how to get the . mee, game and how tu get it ean—a lesson 1 pave never forgotten, Nobody who was down on his luck ever went hungry around our place in Sydney, and the biggest ‘tovgh goy’ in the town was a veritable lomb when Bily Gray started to talk, and woe lbetide the fol who Gared to heckle Billy when he pitched. I worked with Gray for five years, oo and of, and we work: a thru some of the touchst places in tralia, frem Melbourne 1 p to the York Pen nsula, where there wee nothing but ‘biacks’, ‘Chinks’ and a few ‘whites’—120 in the shade, and mosquitoes, fever and bad businese—but we got back to Sy.tuer »m'lng. 1 found Gray the greatest optim «ft 1 ever aw and he eonverted m Aoyvwat 1 am giad he is st'll in the land of tie living, as reported to ‘Hill’ by his son in Los Angeles, ond some duy, may! we will meet «again. I was in Europe last inter and spring. I brought over a fine jair of chimpanzees, great Indian birds, pythons, cobras, Bronx Purk and other 200s, African parrots, ete.—some for the the chimps going to the Nv«tonal Research Council, Washington, D. C. The med. business is a sideline with me of ate, and a svre meal ticket for the man who knows his Dusiness, so while contemplating another trip abroad I am telling the good folks of Baltimore to take care of their health and to use Vito-Lax, and many of them do. Ive been seven weeks 0B one corner and business is good and no kicks except from my friendly colleague, Howard Sloman, the veteran worker of Baltimore, who sells almost anything from needies to arplanes. Harvey, the oil man, with ‘Rattle snake Bill’, is limbering up stiff joints on the cerner of Baltimore and Frederick streets, Do~ Besworth was seen and heard with his accordion —singing about the scarcity of a well-known fruit om a corner on Harrison street, and judging by the big red auto sats acree with Doc. Cap Joyce (they cal! him “Cap” because he wears one) was getting the business with Doc Sloman Christmas Eve on a corner on Howard street with pens and gyroscope tops. Sloman’s scient fe spiel on tops is truly interesting and it sure lands sales. Doe Joe Steele is still on the man—as funny as ever, but he has given up «igcarets and has taken op ‘terbaccer’ (says he gets more ‘kick’ out of it, oS brand he chews). especially the aged ay is here with huttons This bor knows buttons—believe me—and he gets the mazuma when it's around. &pd has had a slight indisposition, tot fs now etting along pretty well, It's been a fair Christmas for all the boys here, and I hee t was eqigily as good for the boys elsewhere.” Along with his handling of stamps, Frank H Trafton has been a great aid in the forming of e stump “¥ ers’ protective association and he ports it suceess, He writes: ‘I was talkoe with a stree scalesman the oth: ty the question of a streetmen’s orgar up. He thought the reason ho been made has been that the strator felt he would be called others to civie authorities, those according to the by-laws of After giving that question the it possible that he its right Many I have met seemed to think would be j{nust fine—setill ther something they feared T re why an organizat should make infor ners ont of its member 2 vet get good res its au lines of busines rs rm and they de so for thelr OWN protection onis tither business organirations ad t ties < s snd = by-laws ‘ h are 1 at 1 el . ease their business and to t tie Y s from the var * harms w h thr net t to their profits of Injure their members’ repatation. Why in’t men who sell goods on the streets, in windows or on lets and high er low pitchmen do the sam Here is an idea Let ten men who are interested start the ball rolling and it will gather all the « an moss that gees to make up the pr sion. Find title that Is not teo leng—* hing like Demonstrators Protective A-seciation’ Rave sore ne draw up a seal. with the name of the as-ociat on on it, and have the seal copies made into eleetros, whieh the members can secure at cost Also have seal coples reduced for pin or f r bettonhole dixplay, whieh all members can use. lect a president, secretary-treasurer and three ai rectors Have by-laws made up which wll call for change once a year upon vete of directors. lo not try to make up a lor list of by-laws— just enough te he ral that is, the title, mber of officer ol et of association, when viecers will me dues om hers must pay, what members receive and where home office ts heated «there may tbe ! hot thet about vers §t) One thing mer “ t of Axso ston’ needs an « ans ' “ all Know (positively) that ‘raw working” hax closed many towns, The words ‘raw working’ ean for the present cover all of th things we all know about, and it will save spoee here Why not let the hy-lawe read th Memoership in the association consist. of 1 ot » bostiness men who offer mereh oi ndive r ' aftor demonetrating method of nein wry ell their wares on the efreets » window or on privat property’? Seem a them? wre te ‘ rate in every Way jw h with those to artherity for the mutual good of all concerned Phird, memhere will de all in their power to romote interest and respogt for t! msoctafion. FPorrth members will ser reper to the seeretary from ol towns they make he FACT. on work ng conditions as they find then . that other membere can obtain information when desired, There are others, but TI belleve that would (Continved on page 100) NOTIONS Ne. 531—10-In. Laces, in bulk, best quality Z Round Paired Laces. Dozen 17¢; Gross, $2.00. No, §/90—<0-In. Flat Paired Laces. 25c; Gress $3.€0. No. 623—Army & Navy Needle Books. 55 ; Gross, $6.00 ase 5475—Asco Needle Books, Dozen, 60c; Gross, 09 No. 620—Gold-Eyed Sharps Needies. 26c: Millie, 75c. No. 5461—Self-Threading Dozen, Dozen, Package, Needles. Dozen Pack ages, 50. No. 5083—Blaisdell Hexagon Pencils. Dozen, 25c; Gross, $2.75. No, 1087—High-Grade Kitchen Knife. Dozen, c. No, 3373—Clark’s O. N. T. Thread. All Numbers. Dozen, No. 510s—J. & P. Coats Thread. All Numbers, Dozen, 55c. We carry many more staple Notion items for peddlers and notion stores. 25% deposit required on all C. O. D. ED HAHN (He Treats You Right), 222 W. Madison St., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS No. 529—Always Ready Court Plaster. Dozen. 15e; Gross. $1.50, No. 5466—Hichest Grade Non-Rusting Safety Pins: Size No. 1. Gross, 30c; Size No. 2, Gros, 38c; Size No. 3, Gross, 48c. No. 5449—Imported Common Pins, 300 Count. Dozen, 40c; Gross, $4.75. No, 5467—Triumph Lingerie Safety Pins. Dozen, Write for our catalogue orders, BRUSSELETTE RUGS y Sellers Because They Popular Everywhere. AGENTS You can make 100% profit by taking advantage of our present rock-bottom prices. Size, 27x54 Inches $1.10 Each, 2 for $1.99, Prepaid. (Regular value, $2.00 Each) BRIGHT FELT RUGS 28x58 Inches. 4 tee r Size, $10.00 Doz. Write for special imducement. EH. CONDON, ” "sii, st,, 220. 130 Re ; 3 Ww 2 6, AGENTS — $20.00 A DAY $5.00 Profit per sale with no delivering, no sinstalling, no collecting. Use free sample and sell each day only four guaran BURDETT OIL-GAS BURNERS For Range and Heater Por use in wood or coal stoves. Cuts out coal, ome. dirt and drudgery. Cheaper then coal. Pays for At innotime. User cant fire on or off at her ple Amazing success. Hustlers “clean up’’ on stea iy stream of orders. Build oe a burner business. URDETT MFG. CO., 106 Bay, Dayten, Ohio. AGENTS: $7a Day taking orders for new Guaranteed » “hiten for men, women, children. All styles, colors. Written guar antee ~each pair to wear and satisfy or new hose free. MEN OR WOMEN Year-round position. No lay-offs. Big money for spare time. —some seller! imade $ 215 to-day” -writes Bentley The Oliver Oil-Gas Burner away with coal and READ WHAT THESE OLIVER AGENTS | ~ SAY: wood. Burns 95% air—5% oil. Turns any range, fur $660 A Month. nace or stove into ". gas “Have ter 86608 stove. 16 different models. profit . —_ ith for last kerosene (cnal oil). six mo Gives much or little heat aM bissell, Conn.§ by simply turning valve. Think of the appeal you cam make ir nity. Solves every commufuel problem. $1,000 in 4 Weeks. “am making $1,000§ Cheaper than coal, wood o¢ per month. I have made gas—absolutely safe. Does 'Boig money before. but§ away with drudgery — no | Fdid mot expect so much fires to make, no ashes, Your Burner is just§ dirt, smoke, chopping, car the thing. J. Carnegey, S. rying coal and wood, to install. Doesn't change =a Protects health. Easy to demonstrate—slips in or Buys Car With Prefit.] out of stove in one minute “Have earned enouch§ =!°¥ any woman what it in one month to buy will do right in her me a new auto.” home and the sale is made. S. W. Keappen, Col. Big dematid all year. Let the fuel shortage make yuu Easy Dak. = big money. Sells Like Beer in a Big profit. Some Oliver Dry Town. agents earn as high as “sm sending today§ $!-000 per month. $21 a for seven Olivers, This§ 94Y i8 easy. ig one day’s orders Free Sample Case Offer ($85 profit). " ng and book, ‘“‘New Kind of — Ina 4tyfl Heat.” Write for them W. H. Drew, Mich. OLIVER OIL-GAS BURNER S MACHINE bate COMPANY $43 In One Evening. Oldest. rei Manufac 4 . turers Oil-Gas Burn ni a tae ers in the World, N. B. Chelan, Wash 2173-M Oliver Building, Louis, MO. ST. —— Write for line of No. 410—Lac ‘ No. 411—Ladies D No. a1a—-Men's. Berber, 6% war No. 413—Fine or Dust Comb, 3°22. Gross.... Ne. 414—Porket Comb i aX% ae 50 Leatherette S les oe, 40 Buy direct from we) i —_ manufacturer of Amber Unbreakat Combs v. & ARNES. THE COMB MAN, 24 @nnte Street, Providence, R. 1. & DIRECT TO CONSUMERS at WHOLESALE PRICES. Write for samples, Dept. B. THE SENECA CO. 145 West 45th St., New York EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN MUFFLERS ANGORA SRUSHED WOOL $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 Per Doz. Pure Fiber Silk, Reou!ar $2.50 Seller, $12.00 Doz. Latest Best Colors. SEND FOR SAMPLES. AU orders to be accompanied by deposit. AMERICAN CRAVAT EXCHANGE 611-621 Broadway, NEW YORK. Designs. GOOD PREMIUIRSE Gold and Silver Mounted BILL FOLDS & WALLETS nip vesT Plain. Bip Pethet 2... ccececcece Shae . WO DOUG .ccceccctees . 3.00 3.7 . De EE cnacenasenéced 3.00 3.75. 5.00 Mounted Cases have two corners, In Morocco Grain Leather, Black or Brown. 33.1 /3°. eff in Dozen Lots, 50% aff in SixDozen Lots. KURTZ CO., 52 W. 46th St., New York, N.Y. Start 1924 Right! Make 1924 a banner year of Osperity all nings double by handling 'a line for whi ’ th remendous demand all the year ‘round | with iene Photo Novelties. ENORMOUS PROFIT—UP TO 400° f Every sale nets from 200 to 400 per cent! Sales come with remarkable ease and rapidity—making this one of the biggest money-successes in tii Selling field. EVERY POSSIBLE SELLING HELP It makes nc e whether you have wld | anything fr r before—you can sell Perry Photo Novelties through our special copyrighted system of selling helps—and persona] assista Perry himself. formation. PERRY PHOTO NOVELTY CORP. Section 22, 360 Bowery, New York City Write today for full SOMETHING NEW! Pite hmen, 25% on © suri e abe 63 West Chicago Avenues RADIO STROPPER COMPANY. Chicago, til. AGENTS MAK : $15 TO $20 A DAY selling MATCH SCRATCHDRS. Sample, 25c. , HODGEN, Campbelisville, Kentucky. REQUCED PRICES ON TONIC BEACH'S WONDER REMEDY CO., Columbia, §. C. Kettle laa EL, EH