The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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{ VO anil JANUARY 5, 1924 The Billboard 101 — ~ Additional Outdoor News Spirited League Meeting Unlooked-For Sabdocte Caused Orators To Get Back in Practice ——_ Chicago, Dec. 20.—Some unexpected questions come op in the regular meeting of tne Shown League of Anwriva last night that w members op generally. No us otal porpose d be served tn ting the detaila, lhere ¢ oO casualties, anyway. After Invecation by Chaplata Fred J. Owens t sutifal Hille wae presented the eagnue a very « plimentary letter from the Ia. r & Lockwood Manufactaring Compar of Kansae City A vote of thanks was tendered. \ tation from the Heart of Ame i Sbow Club to the Jeague to send @ representa. e to the New Year's Eve party of the ciub i. Thomas J. Jonson was Damed as eo ntative resident Bdward P. S00 was still unecollec Neumann sald that about ted from the banquet od ball tickets and the program. tr was announced thet the leagne dance and » will be held In the Tiger Room of the i Shertian, Tle Levey is chairman, night of February 20 Sam Pdward Hock having re goed from the chalrmansh!p of the committee. 0 netion and after mach debate it was dehd to have the record of a motion claimed to ve been carried, tndoreing anotver 7) % some months aco, snd the rer orl of ced action of the Board of Governors anng thet motion leter, produced and read ia eeting at the next regular meeting of the c No other business of Importance was isacted. J. C. ROBERTS CIRCUS CO. Tex., Wichita Falls Dec. 26.—Wichita Falis ‘ ving a good town for the J. C. Roberts ‘ s Company The indoor cireus is held in urge ? ling on the main street of the eity, ‘ ivance sale of ¢ eta was very good. “ a Falis is one of thoxe cities that doesn't beheve in wheels, but after looking over the entire outfit the officiale pas-ed on them. The dealings of both the «ly and county vilficials have been very pleasant. I Lachman Shows are wintering here and t circus slive with troupers—t hina folks are doing a deal of bu ding at their quarters on the falr gronndsa. Harry E. Sanford joined here as a promoter. Doe Allen closed his colored show and has joined as second agent ahead Ted Yowell joined with one of he best (erobably the Dest) traveling “goos’ in America It te really a remarkable attraction, including twenty-seven species of monkers and 173 @ifferent kinda of birde Luther, the “‘four-handed man’, has joined the Roberts Company until the Lachman Shows open thelr new season. Manager Roberts has ~ompleted his is a thing show mores to engagement under inside frameup and it of beauty. From here the Albia, Ok., for a seven dars’ the auspices of the Filks, whose proceeds are to apply on @ pew home. Report from Albia is that the ticket sale is already over $3,000. JACK LOVELY. (for the Show). SULLIVAN OPERATED ON Eli Wheel Magnate Recovering at ome Advices from Jacksonville, TI, ee é of December 26, state that Colon el W. BE. . van, president of the Eli ~ ape Company, manifactur = = oo rl heel, who recently uoderwent @ ve! sort me aaa ion succe ssf u! ¥ it Rochester, Mine , contrived te get home for Chr nae. lle is still confined to his home at this writMg and still dependent on his family physician to dress the wound, but t* on the high-road to tuplete recovery. LOUIS J. BECK INJURED New York, Dec. 24. While stepping out of a shuttle train in Times Square subway station recently, Louts J. Beck fell between the trato and the platform and suffered cuts and bruises about the arms, legs, abdomen and back. He has been confined to his bed for the past twe weeks. File condition is steadily improving and the doctors hope to have him tp and around In another week or ten days M Keck would be glad to hear from his mary friend n the show business while con GENERAL AGENTS’ ASSOCIATION The following data was received for publl ftom from an executive ef the Association of General Agente: The 1924 ecards will be mailed out fter the rst of January All general agent® whe have ms for serctees for 1022 and 1925 please mall ‘| statements of accounts to the secretary and will be made to collect euch celal \r Ore tine are pending to have a legal repre wm eve entative y State for the purpowe of aid renernl agents te collect money due them ; Views rendered Until further notice the vit of the secretary of the Asociation of s nheral Agente ia eare The Biliboard, 14% “dwar, New York, MISAMORE ON COAST Karmond Yr * man, eeeret Misamore, the widely known ofthe past several seasons connected as ity with the Veal Bros’ Shows and the 1 A. Wolfe st wows, the latter the past season, eaen nding the winter in California with heady ‘Arters in Loe Angeles Ilo advises that tor r~ everal propositions under consideration joe coming season, vee has not vet decided ‘ with whom he will be affiliated. DODSON’S WORLD'S FAIR SHOWS Splendid Time Enjoyed by Showfolks in Winter Quarters Christmas Dec, 26.—With Christmas over jt can be recorded that the day was one of many pleasantries for and among the members of Dedeon's World's Fair Shows in winter quarters, io addition to ideal weather (that is, not cold or snow, but sunshine and comfort), they enjoy: da big turkey “feed” with all trim Fort Worth, Tex, min’s, a treat to shows In the local theate-s fand Fort Worth has some excellent ones) and gifts galore Manager C. G. Dodson had a beautiful tree for Kaby Koby, with the branches bending with toys, and presents for all others of the family. Ile gave all the men folks gold pieces, encased in bands, for their wateh chains, and Mra, Dod son gave the Indies exquisite tollet «ets. Wat. Muren had a tree for their young son. ‘“‘DoDo", three-year-old son of Carl Hanson, had a beautiful tree, and the writer had one for his son, Burr. Mr. and Mre. Fred Fornler, Mr. and Mra, Gottch and Joe Murphy all motored over from Dallas for Christmas. Lucille Dodson is home for two weeks from the Kidd-Key College at Sherman, Tex. lLler father made her a small’ present—an auto (a runabout), and Mra. Dodson gave a radio set. Al in winter quarters are enjoying good bealth ‘Dad’ Ward, the blacksmith, is turning out the work rapidly. fralnmaster Frank W ‘alden just finished the Dodsous" private car, installing a bath, dining reom, kitchen, ete. The painters finished it in light oak, and it is really mest beautiful and comfortable. Carl (Juice) Hansen, who lost a finger recently, is back at work and at full 6peed. He has received ano oo new transformer, making three in ei) ] ng is being ray idly completed and that part a the work wi be finished in time for the spring opening. George Roy has started a new wagon (8x18) for the Penny Bazaar and his new Battleship fun house. The ‘whip’ ride will be practically new, as all worn parts are being replaced with new. Manager Dodson is about to close with a wonde:ful Hawaiian Show, one of the finest of troup. which is to replace the athletic show. The Vild West front has been overhauled, giving a much larger bally platform and a fine appear{ . A new Water Show front is being bu't. The Ragdad frout is im the hands of the paintel, eon which 3900 more lights Dedson has been staging and to good resul’ nding the winte : phreys advised fro Chi. toys there for Christmas . Hardin bas received ten s Webb's Circus Side-show. A baby monkey was born Hardin s and Mrs. good time in tals more this winter. Dick Ward Fost two fine snokes the other nicht from his collection—they escaped. “Fat’’ McCauley left for bis home in for hi canvas recentiy to one of Mr. doing fine. Mr. banners also new (named Texas) monks, and it is Jobony Hoffman advise having @ new BILLBOARD CALLERS (NEW YORK OFFICE) Courtney Ryley Cooper, Virginia Doll, Ike Freedman, Matthew J. R ley, Walter Middieton, James E. Boyd, Joe Simon, Marshall Hale, Ray VanSickle, Frank J. Breder, Slim VanHill, J. J. Kelly, James Lent, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenyon, Harry L Mrs Lona Ja a, Alfred Painter, Fon ta’ Smith, J. D. Mack, Hazel L. Dol, William Olendorf, Caroline Robbins Johnston, Mike Rice, Felix Hiei, Merk Ovenden, S. J. Harris, Servias Lero Eddie Mack, Johannes Jo. efexon, W Wiam PDanphin, Harry E. Skelton, Herbert Jack Pry, Gilbert Perry, Edward R Jr.: Harry Donze, . te William Gorge E erett, I’ ctoria, Helen Osborne, Queen Peari, Ben Willjams, Edith Talbot. Al Flosso. . . Cromp, concessionaire, Mrs. 3. W_ Glover, Cuyure Lucille Pitcher, Lottie Omaha, Neb Planket Co., ChiMr. a nd Mra, Rawin Sitbon, Ba iyside, L, I. Hii Horton Fben ‘dm n Fred H. Ponty, = vazer Paradise Park, Rye 1, N. ¥. ‘kson’s desk: Will Herman, f ‘ Mr Brisbane, @ theatr :. ness mar t who coembir ging and young c pad e Billy B. Jones, ye8 «lr paper activities. Prince Mysterla, with Cur mas tidings. The Watts Prothers. Li Hegam'n and her “ee a Cyril Fullerto: They had just ret 1 m a € izoe eas ment. Douglas h jatter zg Sullivan, the dancer. They have joined ha: ds David Cohen, the agent. Henry Haumel, of the Al Woods staf Wm. tr the Philadelphia representative of t Zadie Jackson, of Jackson and Jacksou En route to Bermuda for the winter. SCOTT’S GREATER SHOWS Spartanburg. 8. C., 27.—Scott's Greater Shows are busy in winter quarters here. Mana ger C. D. Scott st mechanics, painters and he rs building y-fire new wagons, All rides, ex t the will be loaded on Fann, manager of winter for new attratcions to l 5 incInde twelve shows, six Mr. scott I. ene ral agent. just returned from Atlan vere they bought paint and some railroad equi ipusenh. BOB SICKLES (for the Show). BILLPOSTER A SUICIDE Ttica, N. Y¥., Dee. 31 ~Ha rold =» Kaley, 34, of Astoria, Ore., «¢ mr t here Satur. day by ting his t it an 1 sla ng his wrist. He 1 d ve been head bi poster for the Se is-Floto Circus. Leavenworth, Kan., to visit Mrs. McCauley. Manager Dodson’s rheumatism is greatly _improved. Mr. Dodson takes horesback rides into the country daily—to “‘reduce’—he’s getting fatter and the horse thinner. P. VAN AULT (for the Show). —~——— | cca Spec WHILE THEY LAST 8B S0—15K. Solid Gold Point, 14K. GoldFilled Hand Engine Turned Fountain Pen. c omplete set im tne — $1.45 "= | ——— —— ee WRITE FOR OUR VALUF GUIDE CATALOG All G O, D. orders must be accompanied with 25% deposit. not prove satisfactory may be returned for credit or refund. \ ELIAS SHAHEN COMPANY F 337-339 West Madison Street, \ The Famous Rectangular 6-Jewe!l CylInder Bracelet Watch, Hindsome Engraved Sil{ ( ver i) A 6 Our Special Cut Priee.............. e Any of the above coods that do Orders shipped same day received, CHICAGO, ILL. | anted for New Orleans Amusement Co. Pit or Side-Show, Concessions, Colored Performers, Cowboys Lady Menage Horse Rider, Trick Ropers and Riders. Want General Agent. Vinton, La., this week; Frank Moss, wire. follows. Ethredge, Sulphur and Cowgirls, Tex. Genette, Humpy ~~—_ ~~~ ~~ oro ‘Wanted at Once for New Orleans Biggest Event MOOSE KERMIS To Be Heid in Moose Auditorium, Eight Big Nights, Jan. 27 to Feb. 3, Inclusive High-class vaudeville, circus and novelty acts. same will be returned. salary. Send photographs; C. A. BELL, Director Moose Club, New Orleans, ’ a. pis. =~ State what you have and lowest All letters answered. Address FOR SALE—CARS 2—16 Section Pullman Sleepers, §wheel trucks, 5x9-in. journals. 1—70-ft. Steel Underframe Combina tion Baggage and Stateroom Car. 1—70-ft. Stateroom Car. 2—70-ft. Steel Underframe Combination Cars. 15—All steel, 100,000 Flat Cars, NEW. OTHER CARS IN STOCK. Southern tron and Equipment Co., Atlanta, Ga. Wanted for Richards Bros. Overland Show People ta join on Baritone, Bass, Arent that knows Ibs. capacity, wire. Musicians to enlarge Baad. Trombone, Trap Drummer. Advance the territory. Must have wagon show experience. Broficho Riders, Hostlers, Cooks, Working men in all departments. You must state lowest winter salary and particulars fn first letter, as I want you to join on wire. 1 bear usual expenses kets only to people I know, Pay after joiming. Ti your own me. Write or wire, W. C. RICHARDS, Red Bay, Ala. CIRCUS SOLLY SAYS Courtney Ryley Cooper has promised us a story for our Spring Special issue. It will deal with the menagerie and animals—especially animal training. Driver Bros., ine, recently received letters from FE. H. Jones, manager of Cole Bros.’ Shows, and F. S. Wolcott, manager of the ‘Rabbit Foot’ Company, to the effect that ther are well pleased with their new tops. A report was current on Broadway last weet that Jerry Mugivan had gone tu Europe. It was untrue, All performers with the Ringling BrothersBarnum & Bailey Shows are barred from playing the New York Hippodrome. A writer in The Toronto Dally Star recently referred to Bert Bowers «<« ‘“‘both bowers” in the Sells-Flote band—and he ix, The city of Sarasota, Fla., ix certainly getting mention in the daily newspapers these days. Howard King, of es Pros.’ Cirens, wee tn New York last wee Geo. W. Christy and Bert Rutherford are ex. pected on Broadway shortly. Burns O'Sullivan is back as Jefferson Theater, New \ ork. is doorman for manager of the Rd. G. Holland “Toyland” at the New York Hipp dreme. James Heron is manager of ‘“‘Tory!eud’’ and Tom Gorman is house manager. All are from the Walter L. Matn Circus, meee Rumors that a certsin great circus serialist co plates a —from her ht a Broadway. ‘Tiere is bility, ration—and perhaps divorce new In Kurepe are rife on ne *scandal—ju-t incompati W. H. Middleton visited his home folks dur ing the bolidass. Fran Braden, press r Tepresentative of the Sells-Floto Cirens, ‘is in New York. Lew Graham =p nt t the holidays in New York. He looks like a m n dollnrs’ worth of health. Acts ond per formers from 2! will soon be en route to the join American eueaeen: ——— American Company, following the 1 over the world United States to John T. Renson, Hagenbeck Brothers’ Savannah, Ga., tion. ALI BABA SAYS An old and shrewd observer said to Ali last week: “As John Sheesiey’s ascendancy in the Lezislative Committee grows, Johnny Jones’ interest cools.” Maybe so. representative Ine., visited at Chicago conven —_— Mi It M tis believes that the possibilities of ee are great, He is not sure that zed. but believes thay are 86 : y and so big that the Committee shonld be supperted. He proposes to stick to the finish. yw be real Rill Hiltiar put over some really great stuff last se&son. The cricial test of the Sh ve Committee w 1e when ¢t central tzat power a ntrol takes place. Until centralization occurs the committee will not and cannot function to any extent, so it is bound to come—or the body will languish. ‘s Legisla. It may be that Rubin Gruberg is unlettered. but anyone who says he is uneducated is an ass. He seems to get there with great regular ity and persistence. “No paper can feol the ‘why he Bil for very long. Correct. That's why e Billboard has steadily advanced and PROSPBRED. ALL SHOW PROPERTY IN BUILDING DESTROYED On the ‘‘lead” carnival page of this issue appears an article stating the winter quarters rsed by Narder Bros.’ Shows at Salisbury, Md.. was destroyed by fre. More data than therein contained in reference te the fire came Nat Narder in a telegram stating that all the show property stored in the building was destroyed, with no insurance, The ws" cate and wagons are stored at a different location.