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The Billboard 1924-01-05: Vol 36 Iss 1 (1924-01-05)

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? 1 JANUARY 5, 1924 103 Venice Pier Ocean Park Pier Santa Monica Pier LOS ANGELES WILL J. FARLEY, Loew State Bidg., Los Angeles Long Beach Pler Redondo Beach Seal Beach Les Angeles, Dee 24 The week lefore vistmas has not hurt the moving pieture ater bere o any great ertent Vaudev lle do the stock companies, too, did well, The ason was closed for the week to reopen tbristmas week with “Blossom Time which comes from New York, The weather Is like yring, just warm enough to make one feel like ending time indoors, yet during the day the beaches are the thing. Last Sunday was warm enough to allow the crowds to bathe in the ocean “The Lady Killer’’ is still drawing heavily at the Morosco Theater and the smooth running omedy-drama from the pen of Alice and Frank Mandel is completing its fourth week Char tte Treadway, as Joan Smith, stars her way urv the leading role to perfection The cast s exceptionally well balanced and on a paz with the best stock organizations in the coun try. The members include Arthur Clare, Roy Watson, Jane Morgan, Jessie Arnold, Fanny Yat itis, Harland Tucker, Gayne Whitman, Arir MacDonald, Dorothy Exgenton, Charles ick, Joseph Exgenton and James Donlan. The piece will move on to New York for a Broaday showing on the completion of its run here, w soon is problematical, as business shows no ~gus of letting up. of the MeGeary Attractions on the Venice and Long Beach piers, writes from Honolulu that the stay there has been endid in a business way Ile states that the natives bave freely patronized his shows and that the list of attractions is pleasing. He will make a complete circuit of the islands before returning to the States, which is pow figured to be about the middle of February. llis shows on the pliers here will eee many added improvements the coming year. W. H. McGeary, The Duncan Sisters, who the Majestic Theater here edy, “Topsy and Eva’, are in their final week, before the play and company leave for Chicago, where they begin a run and their rvad tour. have been packing in the musical com Chester Bennett, who is recovering from a recent operation made necessary by overwork, s able to again visit his studio for the first time in three months. George Donovan is back in Los Angeles, where be will stay for the winter months, His success with the Bert Earle midgets was great (.-orge will probably again handle them ut xt scason. — Oliver Morosco has taken over the production, “Crossed Wires’, a play by Richard A. Purdy, which was to have been brought out by his brother, Leslie Moroseo. The play has been “Across the Way". It will go into Lionel the part Griffith Barrymore has been engaged to play of Walter Butler in the coming D. W. produc tion of ‘‘America’’. Ten years ago in the days of the old Biograph Mr. Barrymore was a member of the stock company organred by D. W. Griffith, E. E. Garner has just completed the redecorating of his home and states that he now has t in perfect shape. A new motion type of music designed specially for pictures is being evolved by Bruno Steinbach, Austrian composer and formerly &@ member of the faculty of the Vienna Conservatory of Music at the University of Heidelberg. Mr, Steinbach is in Los Angeles to discuss the musical innovations with the motion picture producers of Hollywood, —_—_—_— George Walsh has been chosen to play the part of Ben-Hur in the film story of that name, which is now in preparation by the oldwya The film will be taken abroad but the selected here. studios, cast Harry Hancock, having closed his season with t Snapp Bros.’ Shows, has taken the task of piloting the Clark Bros,’ Shows thru lower California territory. Announcement is made this week of the gnuing of Frank Berzage as director at the Me tro studios He will commence after the first of the year a new series of features for y rma Talmwadge Prior & Church will start wrecking the “Rig Dipper’ on the Venice Vier immediately after the first of the year. In its place they will ride that is promised to have the of a mule The doomed ride was contrneted in . but it has paid for itself sev eral times since, Charles Nelson, of the DeRecat Companr, went to Frisco last week to attend the meeting of the California fair managers, Another film company ia soon to join the HollyWood producing organization, as per announcement this week in Sacramento, Calif., where articles of incorporation have been filed by the Frank Woods Productions of Angeles, The capital stock is 81,500,000 Law The and Court De right color of a theater owner to draw race lines was upheld in the Superior comber 20, when the jJudgee decided in favor of the defendant in a suit for 34.900 brought by Mr. and Mra, Flowd Carr against the nAnawer G. BE. Walker, enanager of the I'rin Theater at Santa Ana, bas a rule against Mexicans sitting In the pit of his theater, Mrx ‘ur is # Mexican and when and her hve ‘od appeared at the theater recently they were refiwed admission unless ther wonld go up in balcony, Judge Drumm decided that it Mr. Walker's privilege to make such @ if he wished, wae rule Bert Darl ts again home in Los Angeles after RUBIN & CHERRY SHOWS, INC. ‘‘THE ARISTOCRAT OF THE TENTED WORLD” Habana Park, Cuba, Engagement Canceled Owing to the expensive transportation rates in taking fifteen cars of attractions into Havana, Cuba, from the States, we received a cable from Mr. M. F. Canossa, Manager Habana Park, Havana, Cuba, that under existing conditions he would give us the option of cancel ing our contract with him. for the Park Engagement we decided to build a complete line of massive gold and silver carved fronts for the season of 1924, and with that in view we accepted the option offered us and decided not Upon receiving our decision, Mr. Canossa wired us that he would play individual attractions for his spring season instead of booking a complete company. We appreciate the letters received from Showmen and Conces3% ptt > > $ . . >» Since making our contract % % res S$ cS) 3 . ,, to play Cuba this season. % 3 $ % 2 2 4 sionaires regarding the Cuba engagement. 3 $2 FOR THE 1924 SEAWILD WE T Hi W % SON WE CAN PLACE % We want nothing but the best and it must be a show witha reputation. (Would like to hear from Dakota Max) We will furnish A-1 Front, 80 feet long. 3% > CAN ALSO PLACE one or two good Platform Shows. Must be a feature % 3 and not a disgusting Freak. % > 4 3 want good modern Showmen. Pe want men that are reliable and capable of getting money. % , are in a position to offer you the best bookings. 2 2 would advise that you get in touch with us immediately. % ; are prepared to equip you with the best paraphernalia. B24 , will finance any attractive proposition of merit. , % NOTHING TOO BIG OR TOO GRAND FOR THE “ARISTOCRAT OF THE TENTED WORLD” 3 Six One Wagon Fron's, 44-foot Spread. 33 One Khaki Top, 35x80, price $450. 33 One Khaki Top, 30x75, price $400. One Khaki Top, 22x45, price $225. One Khaki Top, 30x50, price $350. tion. Illusions. We are building larger and more massive Carved Fronts and presenting a “GLITTERING MIDWAY OF GOLD AND SILVER.” for your INSPECTION AND PURCHASE the following: SIDE AND CENTER POLES, $35 EXTRA ALL TOPS WITH FULL WIDTH RED SUN BORDERS, STORM GUYS AND TEN-FOOT SIDE WALL USED FOUR MONTHS LAST SEASON One 50-foot Stock Car, one 60-foot Stock Car. We will also offer for sales ONE TRAVERS SEAPLANE, one good Platform Wagon, one boxed-in Back W agon. Can be used for Stage and Will give terms to reliable parties. EVERYTHING IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION AND CAN BE IN We are offering Odd Will stand M. C. B. Inspec : SPECTED AT OUR WINTER QUARTERS. rite or Wire 3 RUBIN GRUBERG, Winter Quarto, P. 0. Box 736, MONTGOMERY, ALA. 4 (Would like to hear from Mrs. Jewell with her Manikins) 4 2 PORNO DRAENOR PRRRARRRRRA ARRAS We've Had A Pretty * And We Hope You Had 8 WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A MUCH Good Year > > Iw r > 4 3 BETTER YEAR IN 1924 AND 3 NY WE HOPE YOU ARE TOO R Tf you did not deal with us in the past, start the new year well by giving us a trial. Our old 3 : customers need ©o introductior We harndie everything for the Concessionaire: Beacon Blankets, Sil2 verware, Hull Umbrellas, Aluminunrvare, Overmite Cases, Floor Lamps, Clocks, Beaded Bags, Sales: boards, large Mama Doila, Unbreakable “Doll $, etc > OUR CATALOG WILL BE READY FEBRUARY |. WRITE. 3 >) 4 s 3 FRANKIE HAMILTON O., 507-9 St. Clair i St, Toledo, Ohio 8 a brief visit to Chicago, the festivities League banquet of Showmen’s where he partook attached to the Louise Fazenda, well-known comedienne, while working in a pieture at the Ocean Dark bath house December 17, was so severely cut on the feet that a surgical attention was necessary. The accident is not thought to be serious, altho artery was severed, Sheldon Barrett and Tarley hurried trip to San Francisco a then on their return made San Diego. Tyler made a week ago and another quick trip to Special compartment cars will make up the Wampas special train which will carry members of the organization and other motion-picture folks to their ball in San Francisco, The cost of the ball is estimated at $30,000, which includes the transportation expenses, Dow Jones announces that Famous Players will earn more than last year and is in best working capital position it has enjoyed in reeent years Bank loans at the end of the month will be $3,500,000. against the hich last spring of more than $5,000,000. Studios at ng Island and Hollywood will resume early in the year. The Wortham Shows have arrived in Diego, where they show for two weeks, including Christmas week, and then to Pasadena for the annual Rose Festival. Edw. Brown, who has been assisting Walter San BUCK-DUARD NEW PRICE LIST EFFECTIVE NOV. 15th, 1923 ALL SIZES—!00 HOLES TO 4,000 HOLES HAND FILLED PROTECTED NUMBERS 300-HOLE SIZE TRADE BOARDS Base Ball Boards Put and Take Boards Poker Hand Boards Sample of any one sent, Drepaid, $1.00. NEW CIRCULAR KNIFEBOARD. Done in Four Colors, 800 and 1,000-Hole Size. Get our descriptive circular on our new 100Hole Board, that takes in $15.00. Write for our sew Price List and Discount Sheet before you Diace your order. BUCK-BOARD MFG. CO. 3727 Milwaukee Ave., CHICAGO QUICK SALES, GOOD PROFIT Every family wants the i. RECORD BOOK FOR EX-SPRVICE MEN As important today in the home aa was the old-fashioned family Bible with its record of births, marrivges and deaths. Hamdsomely printed, illustrated and bourd, ready to receive dates, places, people and ever connected with the service of every mam, officer or private, army or navy, home or foreign service. Quick sales and big money are offered to live agents. Send 25¢ today for your sample copy. Get imto the fleld now and take this cream. THE VETERAN PUBLISHING 2: 18-D Boylston Street, joston, Mass. McGinley in counting his oil profits for some years, has returned from the East and is again basking im the sunshime of California. He Is lookine much improved physically. The Milwaukee Building Company is preparing for the erection of a $1,000,000 tweivc-story theater on the north side of Ocean Boulevara, for the West Coast Theaters, Inc., neaded by Walter Horne, I. E. Barker and Guy 8S. Garland. Jackie Coogan made but two pictures in 1923. Ze Geet,‘ iene Live the King’ »,, Was completed in September; the second, “‘A Boy of Flanders", started this week. Richard Ferris will open his new race track in Culver City Christmas Day and with it will show the remarkable feat of completing the structure with only sixteen days of actual construction work used. While the club house is not completed and paint has not been applied, yet the track and grand stand are completed to the point that tle patrons will suffer no inconvenience in attending the races which will run for 100 days. Nearly a thousand employees, their relatives and friends of the Hal Roach Studios were entertained by Hal Roach at his annual Christmas party, held in the studio at Culver City December 22. One of the entertainment features was the presentation of the English version of ‘‘Uncle Tom's Cabin” Roach again presented his black and white chorus and Will Rogers and others impersonated the executives of the Ral Roach studios, previewing a picture in the projection room. The entertainment was followed by dancing and refreshments. The Venice Amusement Men's Association is preparing for a big night New Year's Eve. An attempt the past week by a sailor riding the Jackrabbit racer, a roller coaster on the ike at Long Beach, to jump from one fast movng car to another running parallel for the instant caused the second train to jump the track and strike a post, KTlling the sailor instantly and injuring fourteen persons, two of them seriously. Jacqueline Logan returned to Los Angeles this week from Kansas City. Mo., where she has been making a series of personal appearances. She will rest during the holidays and then take up her work again in pictures immediately after the first of the year. The spite Pacific Coast Showmen'’s Association, in » of the addition of an initiation fee of 35. is still adding members to its roster. The per centage of renewals is very gratifying The plans for 1924 will soon be put in concrete form and it is expected that the coming year wiil be a big one for the association. . The following were callers at The Billboard offices during the week: Mrs. B. D. Phillips. Harry L. Gordon, Al Fisher and H. M. Pierce. of Bernardi Shows; C. C. Rose, of war show fame: J. B. Murphy. Lee Teller, Jobn <A. Horton, Bert St. John, J. C. MeBride, Mrs. Mary B. Norman, Abe Goldstein, J. Sky ‘Clark, Harry Sanger, Sam C. Bareta T) Bray, Chas. Rose, Fred Milli Charl Nelson, Charles Handwork, Chas. Curran, Rue nes, Rert Chipman, Mrs. Faye Cross, Charles tlaley, Edw. Mozart. Col, Wm. Ramsden, Harry Susman, Milt Runkle, Chas, Featherbone. Sol. Ewing, Chas. Keeran, John T. Backman and Jerome Guibert. Mrs