The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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OAL MARCH 22, 1924 The Bililiboara 34a THEATRICAL AND DANCING FOOTWEAR Worn and Indorsed by Artists of international Prominence The Paviowa Tee Dancing Slipper the Por mearly a half a century AISTONS has been uperiative in name “a syt vil Everything theatric r footwear, There can in Stage, be no mtitute for the skill Bal ce attained through Darcie yeas of fort afi endeavor. and ¢ 18 AISTONS’ exceptional equipment ~e "* % is prepared to meet every rete ; quirement—large or smalk—~ nd and in yet satisfy tho exactlug dewands tock of tho super-critical. Short Vamp and v ost pera Hose -Tights styles it Z ——. Aistons ’ Inc Chart a Since 1375 Catalocue B-% 17 N. State Street, CHICAGO. COSTUMES—TIGHTS MADE TO ORDER. OPERA HOSE Quer Mesutecteiee UNION SUITS ¥ ment is equin ome Hose, Coti to m ‘ umes | . C8 «+s scoccase 1.25 > ender os eon Hose, Silk‘ M : ‘ ein ecsses so Original ce > TIGHTS, tist, of will jow | Cotton ........ 2.00 r idea : Siiketine ...... + 2.50 r — io, eee 4.50 Write for estimates| Pure Sih ...... 12.50 and sttegesttons. IMPORTANT—A dd . Se postage te above Costumes and Wigs!/ prices. Nao goods C. to hire Make-up. eo Oo Largest Costume Establishmest in U. S. TAMS 318-320 W. 46th Street, NEW YORK. Clog Dancing without a teacher. You can easily from “The —— Dance Book” by Helen Frost of Teachers’ College, Columbia Univ. Music with each of the 26 dances. Illustrations showing the steps. Cloth bound. Price, $2.40. Send for calaloque of books on Folk, Clog, Nalura and Aesthetic Dancing. “The teacher will find them valuable as reference books and the prcfessienal dancer ideas in them aplenly...—Gordon Whyte, in The Dill board. A.S.BARNES & CO.7 West 45th St, N.Y. G. GEORGES FAMOUS TOE BALLET SHOE AND THEATRICAL BOOTMAKERS. Worn by MME. ANNA PAVLOWA Aad | Her Company. ARONIN a GEORGES, Preps... 781 Eighth Avenue, New York. Bet. 47th-48th Sts. — Telephone: Longacre 0041. <= DANCING SUCCESS OR NO PAY Waltz, Two-Step. Fox-Trot. OneStep. Guaranteed to All. STAGE DANCING Buck, Jig, Chorus, Skirt, Teacher Work, Etc. Taught Quickly. by P. J. RIDGE anes a's Greatest Teacher, Chicago, UL A, t, foe | pass — ee \ learn the perfect ‘ VAUDEVILLE NOTES UPER and LYONS are rebearsing a new S golf act, featuring some wonderful trick shots. An exclusive will be used, written by PHILIP J. LEWIS and LLOYD BRELMORE, The act will open at Philadelphia lute in Mareh....BURT BURTINO and TONY KENNEDY, with their vaudeville com song bination, are meeting with great success playing independent and Spiegelberg Time in North Carolina GEORGE BEBAN in his new show, “The Greatest Love of AlIl"*, with a east of twenty-faur Broadway players, is meeting with great success thru the Middle West.. . . LEON ALLEN, of the team of LEON and BERTIE ALLEN, igs still confined at St. Mary Hospital, Oshkosh, Wis., altho bis con dition is more musical favorable. . . bones oloist, is . TOMMY HAYES, proving a hit with the Keith Minstrels, playing at Keith's Hippodreme, New York City....The BOWER SISTERS, while appearing at the Majestie Theater, Harrisburg, Pa., put on a wooden shoe dance over the radio....DE COSTA and MADELIN are playing thru New York State with @ combination movie and vaudeville show. . “*Ragtime’’ DAVID WILES and are playing around Chi ALBERTA zo... . JIMMY GILDEA and COMPANY played special week at Toll’s Capitol, Hartford, Conn.. in “The Great Love", a the cast were FRANKLIN, MARC} new act along novel lines. In ARTHUR SEARLES, WILSON WAYNE LA BURR, FRANCINE ILLE, PEARL SEARLES, MARIE BON NER, ALICE TALBOT. ... PROF. WESTERHOLD'’S “Radio Ship’’, a bie novelty act, i playing the Poli d¢diouses... .“‘PHROSO”, pantomimist, has returned to vandeville, doing a novelty pantomime single, playing sround Indiana polis. He contemplates a trip to Europe this summer. ...STUART BARNES. monologist, recently returned to this country from a long tour of England and Australia, opened his secand week on the Poli Hartford, Conn. It was ten years played Hartford. Time at since he HE cast of TOM BARRY’S latest skit, “Tom and Jerry’, 4s @eaded by TOM LEWIS an@ includes PAUL BROWN, JOHN KEARNEY asd HELEN EDMONDSON. Ir is a LEWIS and GORDON produc will open, according to of the Keith break-in staged and directed the sketch... .HARRY WALKER, well-known cabaret booker, has purchased & bnew seven-passenger auto despite the fact that he says business in the cabaret is not so good. His beekings for this week bear out kis statement. They ‘include the HARPER SISTERS, SONITA TAMORA and ALICE tion and present plans, at one houses. BEN BOYER LYNNE at the Nixon Grill, Pittsburg; JANIS and LELAND and PEGGY ENGLISH at the Century Roof, Baltimore; two new bands for New York eafes, the MONACCO-TUCKER combination and NIKKO-FROST combination, and four acts as a special emtertainment feat ure at The Roseland, dance pavilion in New York, WALKER signed the BLOSSOM HEATH ENTERTAINERS’ BAND for a period of five years, he announced.... “AN for Love” is the title of a new on®-sct musical play which MAX LEICHTMANN, producer and owner.of the Arion Thenter, Berlin, will publish in a few weeks and later have produced in association with an American manager. MAX NEAL, BETH YOUNG and A, MAERKER BRANDON are authors and translators of the German skit, and IGNATZ WAGHALTER, musician and composer, has supplied the musie for “All for Love" . MARVELOUS MBRLE and his assistant, JOSEPHINE CORBETT, have closed their winter season and cone te Pittsburg, Pa., to take a vacation of six weeks before opening at a park. ...The condensed version of MARGARET MAYO and SALISBURY FIELD'S farce, ‘‘Twin Beds", bas closed after a three-week tour. It is said the producer and the bookers could not agree upon a figure for it... . IRVING CUSHMAN, who deserted vaudeville three years ago to go into the in surance business, is to returm te the footlights with his former partner, DOLLY BALSAR. CUSHMAN avd MISS BALSAR teamed together ing his mother and anticipates remaining there for a month or two. While on the Coast he spends a portion of his time writing vaudeville acts and material for artistes, his secretary in New York taking the orders and forwarding them to him. The Golden Gate is the birthplace of MADISON... .YVETTB laid off last week in New York to rehearse bew numbers with her band and Monday jumped to Cleveland to play the week at Keith’s Palace. ... HARRY L. ROSEMONT is breaking im a new singing and dancing act entitled “The Revue Unique’ with JIMMY KEMPER featured. A six-piece jazz band combsnatior is also a feature of the offering, which altogether bas a east of ten ROSEMONT also plaved into rehearsal last a new singing and dancing act which is te bave four people im h.... TU ‘rial whieb Mz ARTHA PRYOR, Keith will use when she opens six-piece orchestra I BLANCHE b gong MADISON is in San Prancisco visit people. week new mate artiste, with her pew has been his week written by MERRILL. MISS PRYOR will offer a number of new songs when she returns to the two-aday. ..“A YOUNG MAN’S FANCY”, musical skit with five people and played in five scenes was placed iv rebearsal early this week by NED DANDY. who will sponsor the attraction. DANDY also is the author of the sketch. . “A Snappy tevue”’ one of VIVIAN cosBy’ S new acts, with seventeenyear-old DONALD and DORIS CLAES featured, opened the first half of this week at Keith’s, Jersey City... . The Leila White Entertainers, a minstrel act of five people whieh opened the last half last week in Jersey, will soon be seen on the Proctor Time im New York... . ELSIE HUBER, singing comedienne, opened last week at Proctor’s Twenty-Third Street Theater to begin a tour of the Proctor houses, MISS HUBER is doing a single. . . . DOROTHY DOYLE im a comedy act, ““Dandies’’, supported by a jazz orchestra of six men, opened last week to show at Keith's, Jersey City. CHARLES S. WILSHIN is handling the ‘“Dandies’”’ act. “R RFLUSHING", a vaudeville skit by HARRY SAUBER, has received book ings on the Keith Circuit and is slated to open March 24. The cast of the playlet includes GRETA DREW, MAY PERCIVAL, BERT SEARLES, FRANK SCOTT and WILLIAM FLIEDNER SAUBER is its producer. r IRVING BERLIN is to make his appearance in Keith vaudeville in April, following the close of the Palm Beach season. MERLIN has been at the famous vacation spot for some time tuking things easy. .. . When BILLY B., VAN returns to the two-a-day some time this month, after having played the comedian part in ‘“‘Adrienne’ for about a year, he will bave a new partner, as JAMES J. CORBETT, his former straight, is appearing in Ziegfeld’s ‘‘Follies’* in New York. . . . Cc. C. EGAN, manager of Keith's Fordham The ater, New York, has installed a library in the ushers’ rest room for their private use, and finds it a popular stunt among his aisle em ployees, MARTA FARA, strong woman from Germany, is scheduled to make her first American appearance at Keith's Hippodrome, New York, the week of March 24 She was signed in Berlin by HARRY J. MONDORP of the Keith Circuit last fall. ‘ ° . Six-year-old JACKIE WOOD, of Syracuse, N. Y., has been signed to appear with BOBBY FOLSOM in a new act whieh she is soon to present on the Keith Cireuit. Miss FOLSOM met the bey during @ recent engagement at Syracuse and recognized his ability with trap drums, saxophone and violin. It is said that PAUL WHITEMAN and OLGA PETROVA also sought the services of JACKIE. . . . The principals and chorus of “‘Little Blue Devil’ and “Battling Buttler’ attended a matinee at Keith’s Hippodrome, New York, last week. N eight-people revue, im three scenes, A entitled ‘‘Words and Music”, opened the last half last week at Proctor’s TwentyThird Street Theater, starting a tour of the BARNEYS Mfr. and Psa ers of Pro TOEDANCING SLIPPERS Endorsed by National Daneing Masters’ Association. Some of the Shows Using BARNE Y’'S SLIPPERS: Sally, Zieofeld Follies, Kid Boots, Stepping Stones, Poppy, and Others, Send for Catalog. BARNEY'S, 654 8th Ave. N.Y. Up-to-Date Material rorVaudeville Artists “Rosa”, 5S0c: “Climax of a Crime”, 35c; “Minstrel Eucyclopaedia’, $1; “‘Soul of the Violin’, SOc; as musical recitation, $1.25, “Willie and His Girl’, 50c; *‘Pianologues”, 50c to $2.50 each. PLAYS, SKETCHES, RECITATIONS OF ALL KINDS. Catalogues free. WERNER BOOK SHOP, 11-13 East 14, N Y.C. THEATRICAL SHOES |, Short Vamp ltalian Toe Dancing Slippers Opera Hose and Tights CLOGS, SANDALS, ETC. Send fer. Price List. CHICAGO THEATRICAL SHOE | co. 333 South Wabash Avenuo, HICAGC. => STAGE DANCING = LEARNED AT HOME Stage beginners’ wonderful opportun ity. Leam stage dancinz at me by a Complete Dancing Course of Ri ick and Wing “Dan ing for $2.00. Can be dance ed to ar A fox-trot tune on Victrola. Send stamr m order or cash. Whea ip Chicaco visit my st vai %s and theatrical agency VEY THOMAS AR . 59 East Van Buren Street, CHICAGO, ILL, BEN & SALLY Specialize in the manufacture of “THE PERFECT” TOE and BALLET SLIPPER =. Mail orders promptly filled, jain Ben & Sally, 02 W. 37th St.,N.Y. PHOTOGRAPHS WE REPRODUCE PHOTOGRAPHS, &x10 Photographs, 1 negative, 50 for $12.90; 100 for $22.00 Send copy, Photograph and Money (@rder. We will do the rest. Photo Sales Service Corporation 716 West Madison Street, CHICAGO. Myoung, neat, 80 er aed reine Must be y neat, sober and rel Double Clarinet Trano Sax. Goo pod tor and able te join immediately. Als o r from Saxophor Team wit usual d Good job wit r — orchestra Don’t ™ t f Must make ag Wire med y. t rite VIRGINIA ENTERT AUS? RS, care Knickerbocker ae wera Proctor Time. DICK JACKSON, HELEN Theatre, Nashville, Tennessee. A ¥ ONCE prin lie (Continued om page 34e) AMATEUR AND STAGE BEGINNERS bs Jazz-Novelty ( Orchestras | WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. a jumps, play ‘ M Mt F : Get in tewh with me immediately dance hall ' s y AD Send ie for particulara — Po a M = W ALLAC E, Mgr. Audi rt About 5 filve bu ss th Cost Price. Ord ‘ 3 City, Montan HARVEY THOMAS STAGE SCHOOL 0 (Bive Mundred) Wes to be sokt at Tees than Cost Price. Onder at cove, as these Wies St 9 E. Ven Buren St., Chicage, apa = rap Ofice, 316 5 ~ Bob Wigs, black and brown, $15.00 value......... had cadut cxusipitibecaias tac’ ia eivaskeune den: $7.98 MuOtrT LINC) Man Rs . Martha Washington Wigs, with curls. $13.00 vwalue............ Gubeedcwnidesecdeedectenteheuaalebaal 8.48 TH No seh : ’ t Ave _ Ph a i ‘ALT HELLA’ Danein Mats Gray Ladies’ Wigs, parted, dressed modern, $10.00 value....... 26... ..e cece eee eens Gvkededeasedialie 4.98 del ia, : M t $4. Ven: ff eS 8 Oe ee en ae ee af. = 8 it “THE MAT WITH THE PAT” Men's Gress Wigs, aray, white and Drown. $9.00 vwalwe. .... 2.0.0 ereccccccccccccccccccccccccccccces 448 a Made tw order in all os es. Also Dancing Clogs and Men's Character Wigs, black and brown. $38.00 value...... Coevecccceccccesesces eeecescecs eecccccece SOS wt SHINDH ELM : yo Rube Wigs, partly bald, gray only. $7.50 value.....c.esceeeceeeees iebiinsebetsueseeiee sdhaeckecace GR al AH. RIEMER SHOE CO., Milwaukee, WIS. sity Kid Wins, red and tick. $00 walde....sssoscsecececeeee cee ecco ota want Neath ey mar me a &. Washington Wios 88.00 value o<hudiiedh SuGatteaeanbieN <sameuaiacememehes aga alta e Above Prices are Prepaid. a MUL. I IG RAI HING ‘ ORCHESTRA—Snappy five to six-piece dance or‘ll-ing PERFRCT MATCH, Addressing, Folding, These Wigs hove been used tm our Rental Department, but are tn perfect eondition. Will refund your Cbestra for permanent engasement at summer fe. walt hubile, STENOGRAPRY, TYPIGTS, NOT CN ee ee ee, ee ee ee oe en ‘Mtb cot aan a ' M isth, NATIONAL LETTER COMPANY, ° F. VW. NACK “7 came. weeieeen, (418 Grandwayv. 20th Phone Penn 4144 Mew Yare ¢ WESY GANNON ew aTresv . a . Curecagn tre Lake Lawrence Pork 8 R A Vincennes. tad,