The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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QD ALA _ : ; MAKGN de, tye rne Biliboara 34¢ the New York office as te whether the ‘‘advice’”’ has been followed. \ = id The rank and file has absolutely nothing to say about running the organization. The chief a executive officer is the secretary, Henry Chester: ficld, who, together with certain assistants, is appointed, it is said, by the V. M. P. A. The ’ treasurer, May Irwin, is also thus appointed. Wrinkles removed, the eyes removed by C The president is elected but the selection Is restoring youthful deep eeling s. Hump really dictated by a Nominating Committee, expression at any Nose Scoo ped ? which always chooses some one who has the age; Double Chin Nose, Dished Nose, approval of Mr. Albee. It is interesting to and Baggy Eyelids Pug Nose and all p note that 20 to 25 members were present at removed; Sagging nose _ deformities i the meeting which elected Willard Mack. At Cheeks and Droopcorrected to hari PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER COPY that, the president is only a figurehead. ing Mouth lifted. monize with the j —~ a es paces of new, bright Chesterfield has the authority and he is said Crows’ feet around face. ; original Com aterial for vaudevil! » 'e \ »~ Vv . . P oe } stage use, embracing everything thet can be to take his orders from the V. M. P. A. and Large Ears, Thick Lips, Thin Lips, Flaring Nostrils, ete.: corrected all ‘ of use to the performer, no matter what sort Mr. Albee. It is generally acknowledged that by skilled painless surgery. 4 Ag — a Noteita andi het Nally’s the V. M. P. A. makes up the annual operating : may require. Notwithstanding a c y's : > ght snoecescrmes B Sats a Senses wor {| RETAIN YOUR YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE ter in qusitte _ ever before the price redoubt that the N. V. A. is completely under maing as always, $1.00 per copy. It comtains » do . | °F the following gilt-edge, up-to-date Comedy [J ‘N° Gominance of the managers YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF AND YOUR PROFESSION. ateri It was brought ont at the hearings of the If t i Ya you have any FACIAL DEFORMITIES, whether from accident or | SCREAMING MONOLOGUES ae ean bream sree oe oe a birth, have them corrected without hospital, ether or detention from | Bach one a positive nit. All kinds, including ose: Va. ab ve —— oon usin in 30 t Hebrew, Irish, Nut, Wop, Kid, Temperance, be held on the first Monday of July of each b ess in 30 minutes. Black snd Whiteface, Female, Tramp, Dutcti year. Mr. Chesterfield testified that no annual meetings had ever been held. It was also 13 ROARING ACTS FOR TWO MALES brought out .that the by-laws provide for reguBach act an applause winner. lar meetings 2very second Tuesday of the month, ll Original Acts for Male and Female On this point the same witness testified that 9) ° the organization was not run strictly accordin They'll make good on any bill ; 8 53 SURE FIRE PARODIES to the by-laws and that meetings were not 9) WITHOUT PAIN, ETHER, regularly called. Whether conditions have been | Hospital or Discomfort— $5 & ¢m re latest song hits. Each remedied since we do not know } . Tic * GREAT VENTRILOOUIST ACT The advantages which the N. V. A. nolds out Improving both Vi: ion and Facial <etitied “Lite”. It’s & tiet to vaudeville actors are in its own words, as ff} Expression. = contained in a leaflet issued by it about April, §| ROOF-LIFTING ACT FOR Two FEMALES 1921, as follows: No detention from business or profession. be This ect is a 24-karat sure-fire hit TEN REASONS WHY YOU ARE AN N. V. A Scientific Plastic Surgery and Treatment with A COMICAL TRIO ACT “1.—$1,000 insurance at your death. Cash & positive result in any disfigurement. gaitable for a dance specialty, entitled “I'l paid to your heirs immediately. It would take Be ——!" 100 years at $10 a year dues to pay in $1.000. DON’T BE HANDICAPPED A RATTLING QUARTETTE ACT Wil! you live that long? Through Life With for four Male Comedians. This act is alive “2.—Your contract is protected ANY DISFIGUREMENTS. with humor of the rib-tickling kind “3.—Your material is protected BEFORE. AFTER. *““4.—Help when you are sick “S.—A clearing house for all your crouoles, Scientific Piastic Surgery and Treatment with a positive result in any disfigurement. *6.—THE CLUB HOUSE. 3 CHARACTER COMEDY SKETCH entitled “‘The Ideal Wife’. It’s @ scream from start to finish. ‘ , 3 Skillful cosmetic surgery removes any mark that mars the face. 18 CHARACTER TABLOID COMEDY Pa nf ne recent Call or write. ie we? teometers FIRST-PARTS = “9.—It’s your playground. Where you relay EXAMINATION FREE. J —with food and rooms at cost 4 “10.—Because all the really big people in F | vandeville, professionals and laymen, are memOR. S. JOHN RANDALL, Su rgeon \ bers of the N. V. A., associations are valuable ey No. 1, let us give the N. V. a. the [| Suite 200, State-Lake Building, CHICAGO, ILL. benefit of the doubt and take for granted that fj! References From Leading Stars in the Profession. the $1,000 insurance is of some advantage. §! S side-eplitting jokes and hot-shot crossTe ¢ac McNALLY'S MINSTREL OVERTURES complete with words and music lead, for Opening and closing of the minstrel. GRAND MINSTREL FINALE entitled “The Wood Taster”. It wil) keep the audience yelling for more. When, however, we recall that the actors have 22 MONOBITS to buy advertising space in the benefit programs 0553559344322243%%%502 s2esees tt? @veryone a sure-fire hit and are responsible for the sale of tickets the % : HUNDREDS question naturally arises in our minds whether $% = H i NJ E. Ss T Oo R/ E. ‘sy -jack Cross-F » . they actually Jo not pay more than the cost ¢ : rnicht car te aint or slaewalte soerersation of the premium which a regular insurance com$% : i ae two males and male end e. pany would charge. As a matter of fact it $ : BESIDES is said—and testimony to this effect was in¥ All the rage of New ¢ / other comedy eateries which is useful to the troduced at the Federal Trade Commission’s % : Vaudeville performe . hearings—that the money collected from benefits & York and Paris : LETIN NO. th eicw #4 poo! = is more than sufficient to pay all insurance and §; Ry ; gna. —_ you Dullstte 18 Nos, 7, 8 and 9 for that the excess goes toward repayment of ex% SS — : , with money-back guarantee. i lubhouse. # : penses incurred in remodelling the clubhou ; A : WM. McNALLY The money from the benefits goes into and is : THE LITTLEJOHNS : reet paid out of a trust fund over which the mem¢ : ' St Cost 125th Se » New York bers bave no control whatever, and of which % ORIGINATORS and : } they get no accounting. : : ’ —_ As the N. V. A. is not an insurance company INVENTORS : it is not allowed by law to conduct an insurance : : ‘ business, It issues no policies and its so-called ¢: ——— : You Cannot Go Wrong Joe ee ae ininiiiiiin cai Reason No 2—*‘Your contract is protected”. % E A a = 5s When You Depend On This refers to the fact that disputes = ; . managers and actors over the terms of the ¢ : standard V. M. P. A. contracts are subject to ; BREAST PLATE -~ 25.00 ; arbitration by a board on which the N. V. A. Including shoulder straps : is represented. We shall have more to say % : about arbitration later. : > Professional Wardrobe Trunk Reason No. 3—“ Your material is protected”’. : GIRDLE = = 50.00 : The N. V. A. does do something by way of 3 SN : $75 registering acts and protecting the actors $ : SHOES (your ae Gee a 35.00 ; h against appropriation of same by those not em % H idly ; itled to use them : $ 1000 rhinestones to each shoe : I AYLO R’S ; al ty 8 4—“Help when yon are sick”. $3 = " : Yes, the N. V. A. does do some useful charity, $ qi HEELS alone 12 50 : ——— yh ih but nothing to remedy the fundamental condi: : > ( ) 2 ; tions which make charity necessary. > 2 2 : Reason No, 5—“A clearing house for all your $ : WRISTLETS (a pair) 5.50 = troubles". In vaudeville vernacular this is “‘ap% : $3 ; plesauce”’, D4 e ; ST AGE and CIRCUS Reason No. 6—“The Clubhouse”. Undoubtedly $ ANKLETS (a pair) 7.50 : fine from all descriptions. Its good points, as % : 4 » . Vv. A. t ireular $f (6 inch : . FOOTWEAR en ee RHINESTONE TASSELS inst’? 5.00 # “A reading room—with everything to read— : ‘ : . Math Qrders, Filed fre. RHINESTONE NECKLACE 7.50 Premotly. “A restaurant—with everything to eat—at $ ; ' cost. > , . 2 ; 4 “A cafeteria—food and drinks at cost. ; Send 50 per cent with Anything Made in Rhin estones , ——— 3 | order, balance C.0.D. for Stage or Circus : ° ; : 4 . i “A modern barber shop. > : i. Made to Order and in Stock. z . >, Fashions for Street, Evening and Sport ‘ees. “Beautiful bedrooms at lese than acte: rates. E 0 Ss, S : i oT RIDING Boe s. _ At cost. : TH LITTLEJ MN wee 226 W. 46 t. 4. ,F x ie bee ~ ye a = “Maia service Porte: service SF eesenecncososoosocooses 444564465444 bbhh44446454666666 4 Laas > pbbhbbaae Peo Coe eooeoeoooe e New York “Your baggage ‘« Incked afte: «uc sored ‘ Theatrical Shoe Ce., and@ ebipped, and checked and 4eitvered ° . sve novth Wetmsh, Avenes envenve | There ate those wie say coat ve scohoom Wanted, Stage Dancing Partner ‘SCENERY e ‘e not “clubby” and that the cnarges for rooms Must have some experiene in Tanzo Young eirl, bk : food and drink, etc., are too high for any but avout 5 ft., 2 inches. Weight must be about 115 R. WESCOTT KING STUDIOS, ; fue ware “ethene. | a4 letters to edvertiner oy, most prosperous acters Let ne once mare WS Add rese G. ak KARACAND, 129 Atlantic Ave. | 2945 van Buren Street. poe sess