The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

Record Details:

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' | is tf | if i) | eh 1 i ’ en ee ee } 340 Tine Bititiboarad MARCH 22, 1924 <UPUUTECELIDEDELOTOUEODEGEREDEUDRLERERECOEUTEOOEQURESOVECUOSUNEDECTESOEOGUEOUEUD Tiiiiii««#n«nmni«»«n*»n»nnn mmm ttt ttn ie * Victor Record~-19226 i BLUE Birp B Sung By the Composer WENDELL HALL CWational Radio Artisti 7 LUES + 5 VICTOR RECORD No, 19233 VMama’s Gone Good-Bye ani New Orleans Wiggle Played By PIRON’S NEW ORLEANS ORCHESTRA 1547 a ICTOR RECORD NO.19255 /EST INDIES BLUES PLAYED BY Piron’s New Orteans OrcHestra CLARENCE “WILLIAMS MUSIC C0. INC 1547 BROADWAY ~. wm. eeNEW YORK CITY DANCE ORCHESTRATIONS 25¢ EACH. NONE FREE. COLUMBIA NEW PROCESS RECORD ne 14-007-D Join Our Crehestra Club ($2.00) and Receive Above Numbers Free and Many More During the Year. CLARENCE WILLIAMS MUSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc. BROADWAY PAPEETE ELLREGEERDEQCQUEE EEE DEGES EEE EECET EE ETEU EET EEEEED EASE EEC E DEDEDE TEE EE PEDECETE DERE TEDEEE EERE EEEEREEE EO OCOEEO DED E DEDEDE RO EERES DETECTOR EO EEODEDEDORECUESEDEDECEDEOEOEOTOCOEUEOEERERER AD EGEDEO DEUTER OEODEN NEW YORK OUT een DISPLAY STAGE | LIGH TING ‘Coane STAGE LIGHTING Fine European Productions The Great American Successes USING OUR EQUIPMENT Have come more and more to reflect the character and taste of “DISPLAY LIGHTING” It is an economy to use equipment which is complete and ready for use —OUR SLOGAN— “A LIGHT FOR EVERY: PURPOSE” 334-40 West 44th St, Catalogue Sent on request LY Display Stage Lighting Co., Inc. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. PT SCENERY R. WESCOTT KING STUDIOS, 2215 West Van Buren Street, Chicago. VELOUR CURTAINS. REHEARSAL HALL. DYE SCENERY. STEELE LEEPER SSUUPOOEEEGESEEGUUMEGQUESOUOGUGR0CGRU0GURUCESOCCEEEEDEROROOE REECE EET FUME: LIVE MANAGERS NOTICE If you are interested in securing the services of a MU SIC ~DI RECTOR z that cam and will make a worthy feature of your arc xestra, All wlars upon request. w time for forward aim): ny te or wire. Wizhe MUSICIAN —Billaoard, 734 Loew Bug LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. with real ability and personality, st references and full partice give the N. V. A, the benefit Of the doubt and set these statements to the account of the chronic malcontents, It is interesting to note that at the Federal Trade Commission’s hearings a clause in the clubhouse lease was read, which provided that “the clubhouse is not to be used for political meetings, labor union meetings (1) or for the maintenance of a publie nuisance’. Reason No. 7—“It’s your New York office’ To a certain extent, yes. You can get your mail there, use the stationery in the writing room, employ the public stenographers, telephone, etc. teason No, 8—“‘It's your New York home"’. Yes, if you hire a room. Reason No, 9—‘‘It's your playground”. No comment. Reason No, 10—‘Becanse all the really big people in vaudeville, professionals and laymen, are members of the N. V. A., associations are valuable to you'’. Also no comment. In short, to call a spade a spade, the N. V. A. is a company union. It was formed so that the vaudeville artistes could be herded into an organization under the control of the vaudeville managers, The N. V. A. is a lightning rod down which the collective strength of the vaude. ville actor runs harmlessly into the ground. Arbitration The N. V. A. provides an arbitration committee which settles grievances between actors and also between theaters and actors. ‘This committee at the present time consists of Pat Casey, executive secretary of the V. M. P. A.; Henry Chestertield, secretary of the N. V. A., thru appointment by the V. M. P. A., and a Mr. Lee, an assistant of Mr. Casey, also an uppointee of the V, M. P. A. Disputes between actors which do not directly involve the management are usually settled by decision of Mr. Chesterfield alone. The personnel of this committee ts sufficient to indicate what chance an actor has in @ case brought by him against a house manager or by a house manager against him. Every one in BERT’S STUDIO Gayety Theatre Bldg. Repros, Disp!ay Frames and Life Size Lobbys a Specialty Member T. M. A. No. 13, Heart of America Showman’s Club. KANSAS CITY. MO. 1—Underlining not in origina). DULCIMERS Improved Chromatic Scale Dulcimers, played with heaters, easy to learn Xylophonists play at onee, The real thing for dances with violin ar 1 other tnstruments. Can also use Cymbal and Traps with fi , Ps ne effect. Weight, 18 Ihe. Complete with ingtructic om book, only $16. $1 with order, balance C. 0, "D. ex . amination. BV. M. REMVUSS O0O., Le Crome, Wig. JAMES COGHLAN says:— “I have only sympathy for the comedian who insists he's funny but who can’t proce it to his audience. That third would walk through @ forest Sire with a eclhalsid collar.” COGHLAN’S JESTER No. 2 mae Goop for the performer who appreciates NALITY!. THE JESTER is NEW, CLEAN, LAUGHABLE, SURE-FIRE and 100% ORIGINAL. What other book of vauderilie material claims this distinction? The JESTER tains 64 (9%x6%) peges. Mor es, Double Acts for Male and Fed £ t two Males, Single Gags, Quartette Act, Ventriloquist Act, Burlesque Tab, for 10 char actera, Minstrel First Pyrts. Minstrel Finale. Best parody ever written om Gunga Din, Poems and Parodies on Popular Songs. PRICE, $1.00, JAMES J. COGHLAN, 93 Wado Street, Jersey City, W. J. male at mY HAVE YES Rninesrones RHINESTONES will give your act or show that sparkling effect that is so easential In the presentday show business, Send $2.00 for 100 brilliant gems with instructions how to attach same to any flexible materiel, Our own patented method of attaching stones allows for thelr constant use over and over. RHINESTONES ARB A LIFETIMB INVESTMENT. THE LITTLEJOHNS, Inc. 226 West 46th Street, NEW YORK. Trunks, Bags, Suitcases runks, Bags, Sui DIRECT to you at wholeale prices Save half o: your luggage bills GQuarenteed goods, equal to any and better than @ whole let. Rebuilt Wardrobe Trunks a specialty Send for catalogue. REDINGTON CO., Scranton, Pa La Ceil School of Stage Dancing in connection with Raymond Daley Booking xchange. Miller BRidg., CincinpatlL Ohio. -— aban coh a!