The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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re) AAT ee MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 35 | 5 spirit of justice that little, if any, recognition is given to the American composer and author. “IT could go on at length and quote many instances of people who have devoted their lives to music and have contributed melodies which will live for centuries to come, such as Stephen Foster, to whom we are indebted for ; such tunes as ‘My Old Kentucky Home’, a Si x SS NN ’ ‘Suwanee River’ and others, who died from oe ni wa : BS a, aaa hoa — n. a. at. ‘ 7 eR — : BS : : starvation, but it would serve no useful purpose. In Europe for centuries governments have endowed the great composers and awarded them badges of distinction to mark their contribution to the advancement of culture and civilization, while here it is a struggle for existence and a livelihood. “Please make it clear to the committee that We are at their service in carrying on the work of making their campaign a success. (Signed) “J. C, ROSENTHAL.” Art Kassel, writer of ‘“‘Sobbin’ Blues’, a “ o..* f | & AME EAN big blue number published by the Melrose : i Sea » 7 ; Music Company, has written another fox-trot blues called ‘‘Doodle-Doo-Doo”’. It has a o Yo ewingy tune and is being featured by the Benee eres er ee s "REMEMBER ME) eon Orchestra at Terrace Garden, Chicago. Eddie Moore, trumpet player and former member of Henry Santrey's Orchestra, writes: “Am Playing trumpet in Ioew's State Orchestra, Cleveland, ©0., under the able direction of Maestro Misha Guterson. Have been with this orchestra for the past nine months.” The Virginia Entertainers, well-known or : Chestra that has been playing thru the South ; ; } most successfully, opens an indefinite engage J > : ee : ment at the Gifts Theater, one of Cincinnati's gi . , 4 é leading picture houses, March 23. In the or; : : chestra are: J. E. Bouer, leader, violin and yu ; oo trumpet: A. H. Speigner, trombone and sax.; “sy ' c R. C. Leslie, trumpet, sax. and clarinet; = ; ; Freddie Brill, trumpet and sar.: V. A. JohnRe , son, plano; Maynard Beard, blues singer and pa] banjo: A. J. Joseph, drums. Harry Foster is 3 traveling representative. The orchestra was SS : booked into the Gifts thru the Jack Middleton a a ; tec Coca T-YOU CANT TAKE DIX! E FROM ME) —__ Senorita Elena Camacho and her Pasadenians, ‘ : 3 ae playing motion picture houses and dances thru : WITH A SNAPPY MELODIOUS, | RHY: (i the Middle States, are reported to be making “3 Re L ys quite a hit. The band is under the direction : re ro : Me 4 i of Harry Rason, formerly with the Royal . : : : Palm Beach Orchestra. Sencrita Camacho, Spanish soprano, is featured. a Chas. G. Cook, cornet player, will be with > S : B. Strout’s Band on the Rubin & Cherry Shows, . Pe Spt ee cas ene 4 -4e*< ceo © instead of with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus @s previously mentiened in this columa. He “ty : ; called at The Billboard's Cincinnati offices on 3. : NA TI his way to join the show at Montgomery, Ala. Learn ° ‘ T e iano | uning Musicians—Learn Piano Tuning, also Player and Electric-Player Piano Repairing, in Seven Weeks. DOUBLE YOUR INCOME BY TUN NEW YORK ING PIANOS In Your Spare Time an a to SE Write for Full Particulars TORONTO WINNIPEG and Special Offer HEAD OFFICE tn DMiasieleten. 199 YONGE ST. MUSIC PUBLISHERS OF CANADA LTD. | canapa BLDG (Musical Education r Not Necessary.) | : —-JOSEPH J. THOME ivi U Ss ; ( | Polk’s School of Piano Tuning G46 Springfield Ave., NEWARK, N. J. | § UKULELES No, 2—Birch, brown finish, gloss varnish, gut strings, shaped...... $15.00 Dozen No. 3—Birch, mahogeny fieish, celluloid-bound sound hele and top edze, gut strings, mahoBany pe@B.......ccccocccccssccccece 18.00 Dozen \ Ne. 7—Mahogany body, celluloid-bound sound hole and top edge, gut strings, Sound on bottom edge, polished, patent pegs.. 27.00 Dozen ESTABLISHED 1909 Box 49, Valparaiso, Ind. Menti Billboard BANJO UKULELES Send for particulars about the “LITTLE — _ Ne. '—Dark mah a e ag gh ag in = gt = ny By mah wany pegs. .... e as | WONDER RHYMING DISC,” really a : mahoe color, skin h ae ! tted straining nc, mahogany pegs.... A ozen 2 " rfull de ‘o for ec No. 2—Gum Wood, natural’ fir-ish, and three-piece rim, skin heed, most wonderful device for composers. nickel-plated straining rim, shdebadubacwdccuausett 6s0esacateee 30.99 Dozen Or send $1 for it to No. 15—Birch, white top, mahegeng-Guleh body, walnut fingerboard, steel strings, metal DUNBAR MUSIC co., COERPUOOOR 606-0505 5060550 056 60.00b needs es baeEcdertesccbsoncencesesipeccoeneuehs 39.00 Dozen No. 85— Birch, dark-mahogat yfinished top and bedy, polished, celluloid-bound sound Box 42, Cranford, N. J. hole and top and betiom edges, ebonized fingerboards, position dots, wood bridge. 48.00 Dozen Fagg RRA eM ev The most wonderful pure and pene Ne. SN me a ‘ , SHELL MANDOLINS tiful tones cam be produced by a 0. 5—Nino r alternating maple and walnut, guard plete, white , steel strings, . touch of the finger. The New York SOG WPINUN. pidncccsoncsstedndsceacledakcatsamiinnis danartarrdbeeredicn: = 36.00 Dozen COMPOSERS PUBLISHERS Hippodrome used them last season LUTE MANDOLINS ~ , gard Printing, wy PRICES , in the greatest show thev «vor No, 3—Birch, walnut finish, walnut fingerboard, position — steel strings, metal ~ «amy 5 ar . y~_ put on i GOOD etocncdsdsesevsccctesccucacatescsssacusabeucesesoneen Pe eerereeercccess Doren Send for Catalogue Any the sbove Instruments ‘can be shipped as sample upon “receipt of money order by adding EDWARD J. “STEINER 25¢ extra for packir sic Engraver an rinter A. BRAUNEISS Mh er GI3 Pine St.. St. Louis, Missourt, 19 100TH STREET RICHMOND HILL & ¥. f