The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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See ae ea 30 The Biliboara MARCH 22, 1924 ACTS— Write or Wire for these Harmony Songs. Special Quartette and Trio Arrangements on all (4) Four Numbers Ready ———CHICAGO’S LATEST HITS—WHERE ORIGINAL SONGS ORIGINATE -0-0-0 “BACK IN HACKENSACK, NEW JERSEY” Novelty Song—Fox Trot “SUNSHINE OF MINE” Fox Trot Ballad “TRELAND IS HEAVEN TO Standard Irish Ballad “I'M DRIFTING BACK TO DRE Waltz Ballad TED BROWNE MUSIC COMPANY, Inc. 218 So. Wabash Avenue CHICAGO E 99 ; LAND” DANCE Orchestrations 25c Orchestra Club $2 per Year GORDON AND GATES Reviewed Monday evening, March 10, at Proctor’s 125th Sireet Theater, New York. Style—Song, dance and comedy novelty. Setting—In one. Time—Sixteen minutes. Gordon and Gates, man and woman, offer an act consisting for the most part of tomfoolery and meaningless patter. Many of the gags are old and the running time of the act should be cut down to about twelve minutes. There is only one song done, a special patter number on the opening. As Miss Gordon begins a number, later on in the routine, Gates skirts across the stage in ridiculous facial and headgear interrupting her. He does the old trick of carrying three chairs out, singing “Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue’’, and pulls the antiquated one “upstairs in the cellar.”’ Changing to exaggerated attire Gates enters upon a crossfire of patter with Miss Gordon, who invariably laughs at his antics, and after this has gone on to a state of boredom the couple step off a little dance, closing. with a bit of clowning thrown in. There is nothing edifying about the offering, the material being of a rather mediocre sort, witbout enough singing or dancing. It is certain that beth Miss Gordon and Gates could do heaps better if they would throw away much of the stuff they now use and substitute better material, a step or two more, and if there is room, another song. BR. C. PERRY AND PERRY Reviewed Monday evening, March 10, at Proctor’s 125th Street Theater, New York. Style—Target shooting. Setting Special drop, in four. Time—Eleven minutes. In full cowboy and cowgirl regalia Perry aud Perry offer a target shooting novelty which also includes a bit of rope spinning by the man in the opening. Perry uses both the rifle and pistol, and after having announced that he uses no fake target or mechanical device, which is undeniably true, the bullets themselves being almost discernible, he puts out five lighted candles with a .22 rifle, <hvets the fire from a civare® held in the mouth of Miss Perry and shovis seven targets from a ow crown worn by her on the head. shoulder, bip and mirror «booting at both -isiionary apd swinging targets burns ap 8 -_ — NEW TURNS and RETURNS lot of powder as well as utilizes a lot of target wafers which Miss Perry is kept busy putting up. Perry is «somewhat of a pistol marksman, too, and makes a good showing except when he does two-hand shooting in an effort to break both targets simultaneously. His frequent misses on this specialty had him perplexed somewhat, but ‘he kept it up until he accomplished the feat. The Perrys use a backdrop of Western atmospheric design, and their offering will prove a well-liked novelty on the medium time or in the better class family houses. R. C, THE APOLLO TRIO Reviewed Monday evening, March 10, at Proctor’s 125th Street Theater, Nex York. Style—Acrobatic and posing. Setting—Special drop, in three. Time— Nine minutes. A somewhat above the average acrobatic and posing act, neatly presented and cleverly mounted. The three Apollos, in gilt from head to foot, offer acrobatic feats ranging from handto-hand and similar stunts to shoulder-stands and endurance tests, alternated by various poses, The most hereulean of the trio does some muscular controi exercises and several iron-jaw specialties, adding variety to the routine. The poses, egpecially, evoked fairly good applause when the act was caught. R. C. FRITZ! RIDGEWAY AND COMPANY —Present— : “A WIFE’S HONOR” In Three Speeds—A Burlesque of Motion Pictures by Frank Condon. Special Musical Score by Bakaleinikoff. Orchestra Conducted by Bakaleinikoff. CAST The Banker .....eeeceeeee+..-George F. Hayes The Husband ....ccccessecsss+--dack Vosburgh The Wife ....cccccccccoccseee-Britzi Ridgeway Reviewed Monday afternoon, March 10, at the Palace Theater, New York. Style—Burlesque in three scenes. Setting—In two, special. Time—Fifteen minutes. Fritzi Ridgeway is one of the half score or so screen stars who were routed for vaudeville early this season when the “slump” set In on the Coast. In this little skit by Frank Condon she is supported by two others—George F. Hayes and Jack Vosburgh. #ul) Orchestrations, 25c. 419 Midland Avenue, | The Sensational Over-Night Song Hit HE CALLS ME HONEY IN THE MORNING (Stafford’s Masterpiece). Another snappy Fox-Trot that will make ’em step. I FOOLED ME, YES I FOOLED ME, OH HOW I FOOLED MYSELF LEWIS FREDERICK STAFFORD & CO. Professional copies free. SYRACUSE, N, Y. As a prelude several shots of Miss Ridgeway in varied film roles are flashed on the screen. The curtain then rises to show a eet in two with hangings of black velvet against which are set several pieces of period furniture; props of a kind never seen outside a movie set unless it be the waiting room of a dentist’s office. The three scenes that follow are enacted in a flicker spot, First is enacted a burlesque on c highly dramatic bit in ordinary tempo. This same bit is repeated in the second scene as it would appear if photographed by a slow-motion camera, The final scene jis also a repetition of the same theme, only this time asx it would appear if the projectionist was in a hurry to get home. Of the three scenes the second is the more funny. The slow motion in the falls is particularly good. At the finish Miss Ridgeway makes a curtain speech obviously to give the audience a closeup of herself. Incidental music runs thruout. JANET AND JAY VELIE Assisted by Muriel Pollack (Pianist-Composer). In New and Old Songs and Dances, Direction of Rosalie Stewart. Reviewed Monday afternoon, March 10, at the Palace Theater, New York. Style—Song and dance. Setting—In three, special. Time—Fifteen minutes. A neat little brother-sister turn with a high percentage of entertainment value. Jay with a short introductory song, going into *‘Tommy Lad", a high-class ballad. Hie is followed by his sister, who sings a medley of song hits from the varlous musical shows in which she has appeared. The two next do a funny motoring bit In song and patter, giving way to Miss lollack, thelr pianist, for a short vocal-plano specialty. The three do a flirtation bit enacted Ip dance and song for a finish. opens CHARLES TOBIAS Reviewed Monday afternoon, March 10, at Loew's State Theater, New York. Style—Singing. Setting—One. Time— Fifteen minutes. Charles Tobias, songwriter and music publisber, identified with the Breau-Tobias Music Company, appears on the bill at the State this week offering ao routine of published numbers, two of which be wrote, Toblas is @ cousin of Kd