The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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ber The Bi liboard 192 ARCH 22, SEASON 1924 LEONE’S | ATTRACTIONS Annual Tour | MACK-LEONE PLAYERS — ee (AMERICA’S MOST PLEASING ATTRACTION) ‘ The Mack-Leone Players will not close at the end of theatre tour as rumored, but ¥ r nder canvs ir 2sth ’ WANTED—1 ( that can and will handle a 70-ft. with 3 30-ft. M s (70x10) ur help. Salary $55.00. ILL BUY—70-ft. I e Car with end docr. Must pass M. C. B. inspection. . ne ire K.. til May Ist WILLIAM J, MACK, Bus. Mgr. Mack-Leone Players, rankfort, Kentu (Savages from Luzon) IGORROTE VILLAGE (AMA, ENA, KINTA, SABAN, LULU AND CABUT) WILL BUY «A Young Caribou (Water Buffalo), also Bamboo (all sizes), Curios and Ornan p’ slands. State full description and lowest price. WANTEDFiliy ti 0 Mus ns, Basket Weavers, Ornament or Pottery Makers; in fact ‘ useful for 1G ORROTE GE. Will give two years’ contract (wor eks each year) Best m nt ar nd commodati ons and stand all exp ring next w ' nter on Dr, Leone’s d: MR, CLARENCE. "C. “SPRATT, Bus. Mgr. Leone’s South Carolina, (Over 200 Animals and Birds) JUNGLELAND (THE SHOW BEAUTIFUL) Igorrote Vill: ge, Greenville, m WILL BUY—Small Animals and Birds of all kinds. Give full particulars and state lows i WANTEDIwo Helpers. Those who understand the care of animals and birds given pre e. Must wear uniforms (we furnish) Salary $25.00, Address until March 29th: MR, FRED W. CLEMENS, Bus, Mer. Leono’s Jungleland Show, Ashevi ille, North Carolina. WANTED TO BUY val or Pia n Sh with or without Wagons, i ly Ww n : "5. Ez. LEON E Asheville, x c., S PALMET [TO RANCH, Ocala, Florida. ROLL TICKETS Printed to your order—all the same wording and color 1 OO 000 for 3 Color changes, 50c each Union Label J.T. SHOENER, Shamokin, Pa, S75H:SO ieee CASH WITH ORDER—NO 4 6. BC. 10,000 for $4.50. 20,000 for $7.50. 50.000 for $10.00. SHOW PRINTING 22222202 LITELOGRAPE PAPrTEH For All Classes of Attractions carried in Stock for Immediate Shipment ee LITHO. CO, 115-117.119-121 w. Fifth St WANTED: GALVIN PLAYERS ws Preference given ntil April Ist. Permanent Address: TYPE AND BLOCK WORK DATES CARDS AND HERALDS FOR THE ageing LARGD C us ACE VERSATILE cman ACTER COME1 DIAN t l TI ENILE MAN, with § ies. Week stands NDER CANVAS Year lin ¢ " \ Photos, salary and full particulars “must accompany f + 7 A for ¢ 2g Addre i A. H McADAM, ideas, 213 North Carondolet Street, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA | WANTED FOR THE AMSDEN PLAYERS NO. 1 and 2 (UNDER CANVAS. WEEK STANDS.) all lines. Clever Toby with Specialty, Leading Man, General Business Team Must ate ability and wardicbe, Specialty People given preference. State all. PEOPLE tn DRAMATIC ill r ! MI \NS—Or zed J I Si Mu v If you double Stage cam use you. J Mu ea real Dir r holder, N—Boss Canvasmatr » knows seats and can build show. } ho } th t and Central States, vw y 4 iano, Spotl! hts, Masking VK Or ) >} middles. CHEAP. Good for one season, A BARGAIN, SHOW OPENS FIKST OF MAY. B. G. AMSDEN, Litchfield, !linois. wr we A AT LIBERTY FEATURE SPECIALTY TEAM FOR COMING TENTING SEASON JOUN H, ANDREWS, 42, 5 ft., 10; 155. General Business, Specialties, Magic and other Novelty Acts. c r four r GREAT DPEWS DAISY LEROY, 35, 5 ft., id 130. General B ( *izities, : Reading ar as Cryst Gazing. The fast cleanest, best in the busine “THE PRINCESS ARDL AMID” Suffix ied d setisat 11 as to stand repeating every “nivht Will be the talk of the town after the firs how and draw them back night after night. Lest summer with the old rellable Kinsey Komedy . For 2 seasons before that featured with Arlie Mark’s “Best Stock Co. in Canada’, etc, Address JOHN H, ANDREWS, 52! W. 8th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. REP. TATTLES W. ©. Newman Players March 10 joined the at Winona, Ok. Sheorman-PRash This is the time of the year when repret ire rs are in deep thought—figuring out how hey can make their shows more impressive. managers only tell the people what a how they have in the billing. As a rule to be shown. like they Jack and Virginia Hamilton will be with the Wm. R. Leonard Motorized Show, opening at Ridgway, Mo., in April, Bess Lee (Tibbils) and Tom Wigzgans joined the Nat and Verba Cross Company at Sapulpa, Ok., recently. Mr. and Mrs. han Dramatic Arthur Callahan, of the CallaShow, at present in Illinols, re cently spent a week in Kansas City. Bob Hardway and wife recently closed with “The Flaming Cross’’ Show and visited Kansss City, Mo., preparatory to joining the Cadman Chautauqua for the new season, Don Melrose, the “Carol! ina playwrisht, has just completed “‘Toby From Arkansaw”’, a ey written especially for Dick Lewis of the Lew Players in Virginia. We wish to express our deep appreciation for the invaluable assistance given us in the way of news contributions and we hope to your co-operation always. have The Southwestern Tent Managers’ Association has become a reality and was organized by strong, conscientious men. Its meé 3 ‘ en augmented as the days have ; ed alorg and are interested in expansion and things for the betterment of the repertoire Tom Aiton has taken over “The Buekey Girls’? from Floyd Sheldon and has placed Billy Blythe in charge of the company ich is playing o until rece “Uncle To ighters, with Cabin’ Ward Hatcher and wv recently arrived Mo., m Heb: Kansas City, where they ¢ : pany to organ their own c pany for the spring and summer season, ing next month. me open Ed and fola Ward and “Rex”, their bird dog, arrived in Kansas City, Mo., March §&, coming from Piggott, Ark., where they were bunting. They are busy organizing and planning rehearsals for their new season, which will open in April. The company will a known as Ed Ward's Princess Stock Compan? There will be two editions of the Lans! Players, to will use tents, middle Dri open around May 1. Both fifty-foot, with two thirty-foot bearing the trade ma pieces, s There will be cight acting people ver Bros, and a working crew of three men with each company. Jack Lynn, former owner of a rep. show, is still busy staging home-talent product ns in and around Warrensburg, N, Y. The latest play he put on was “What Happened to Jones”, in Music Hall, Warrensburg, N. Y., for the benefit of the summer fund of ! Girls, which netted a goodly n. played leading role, It was home-talent show Jack staged there fall. He is always ready Campfire Lynn also the fifth since last the his services and the use of his stage equipment for local productions. The lighting effects for “‘Nothing Put the Truth’, the senior class of the Warrensburg High School last week, were loaned by Lynn. He also assisted in staging the farce. WALSH PLAYERS CHANGE POLICY The Meta Walsh Players, which have been playing split weeks between the New and Dreamstreet Theaters, Columbus, 0., will her after play full weeks at the former house while the Billy Lehr Company will move into the latter. The theaters are under the mar ment of Mason and Reynolds and were recently rodeled. The Walsh Company will bills twice a week, with Ray Kindall, Ny n Edwards, Irvine Mabery, Mary Corden, Francs Kathryn and Meta Walsh in the east. Warold Wright is musical director and a manager. JACK WARD KETT WANTED istant house The Billboard has been asked to locate Jack Ward Kett, Sr., who is believed sole heir to some property left br his who recently passed away, a ding t from the former's nephew, E. J. Sullivar 14 Adams street, Chicago. Mr. Kett ha erved as comedian with the “Star and Garter’ ¢ pany, the Van Dyke and other repertoire ce n panies, and anyone knowing his whereabouta are thanked In advance for communicating with Mr. Sullivan. al\ ic e \ 4 ~ es V ey Pr t | £ a the old SHOW RINTING TYPE AND ENGRAVED Posters Dates Banners CARDS HERALDS EVERYTHING FROM A Dor DGER TOA? Low Prices. eetab}ied {-SHEED ct sic k Shipment SHOW PRINTERS. Send for P: ROUTE BCOR CENTRAL SHOW PRINTING CO. CITY, IOWA, HAZEL M. CASS PLAYERS WANTS—FOR TENT THEATRE: REAL ASON GENERAL BUSINESS and Character Man, with Specialt : SICIANS: Piano Player, Cornet, Cl! net, to double Saxop! e; Drummer with Xylophone and l ‘ Traps. BOSS CANVASMAN with dramatic tent experi . State salary and exe perien \ S. G. DAV! DSON, Sumner, lowa. Actors and Musicians *refer men doue ' i & C.; Bar e, Fiddle op I S Man. Open carly im “Kel £ Crawley’ S Comedians IRONDALE, MI WANTED WANTED For THE FUSSNER STOCK COMPANY THIRD ANNUAL SEASON, Repertolre Pe n all lines: t! S| Itles rd g rt t NO ‘ ‘ Open! ‘ t to 4 I N) M a? Grand A ! MAKE-UP LOCKWOOD'S LEICHNER’S MAKE-UP Ip IN STEIN’S MINER’S We carry the largest « mptet of SEND US YOUR MAIL ONDENS, OR WILEN IN CANSAS CITY GOLDBLATT DRUG CO. Gayety Theatre Bu id th acd Wyandotte KANSAS CITY, MO Sts., Road Showmen > rrent a em V i ; l Fr l Bs Atla Write us { ions “ THOMPSON BROS. 25 Locust St., AURORA, ~ Prize Candy Packag ages ize Candy I co., S Cleveland, | Ohio. Hit. SHOW PEOPLE'S Cc ANDY. 603 West Superior Avenue, WRITE A POEM OR PLAY n t us help i i“ ait. T writer iy we're mal ~_ full perticulars Dept, B, 128', 7) vsands of new ‘om, Send reA stamp for of service, Manuscript Bureau, W. Second St., Oklahema City, Okla.