The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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re) AAT wz MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 49 KARL F. SIMPSON THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, Room 17, Gayety Theatre Bidg., KANSAS CITY, MO. MANAGERS! THIS MEANS SOMETHING G PEOPLE! Tell it : 1? photos LEASING ROBERT i. SHERMAN PLAYS. WANTED Dram: atic Stock Co. To play under is. Open pril 19. Al 1 summer work Not over 1 peoy 4 ing N h Carolina exclu Ive I t t © st fit f show Wilt play percentage only DAVE LEONARD, Lexisigton, North Ca na, AT LIBERTY ELTON D. MORGAN GIUGGLING as On ac ‘ount of Bi Terreli's & Co. closing, open for summer ‘ ] te Ter from tirstclas Pp. ¢ ' su Have A-1l out lb trick amd fla r on reet « l Read f You at appear 2 ‘MM “ ’ mced Ticket feller. Salar your li Tickets Ye Wil give trunk checks for s ty Light years’ experience with some of the be Bands and OrChestras. Address lonia, Michigan. WANTED FOR ANDY GUMP No.1 and No.2 COMPANIES Man for Specialties, i Or 4 € } 1 ble Stage I ize i t i Open in Fre May 5. Could use e good G. CC. LOCMIS, Box No. 3, Fremont, Neb. How Would You Like TO EARN $50 A DAY See our advertisement on page 236 Goodyear Rubber Mfg. Co. A-1 TRAP DRUMMER AT LIBERTY Gol outfit Complete ne Traps, Bella. Tuxedo Loftg experience Played with the t r 1% Sigh able le; ’ Prefer relia we Ste 1 work desired Know my uff. Join on w rly. H. GILMORE, Te 13th ‘st, Rock tistand, U1. WANTED PIANIST that doubles some Instrument in Band. Other Musicians for Band and Orchestra. Lake Providence, La., this week; Tallulah, La., next. LAWRENCE RUSSELL. Tent For Sale kt, wai ium, . e r j P r li stored at Clinton, M First draft 200.00 Fy it LEWIS HENDERSON, Buffalo Lake, Shien... week March 17, WANTED Rep ertoire People All lines. < s Those doing § rive preference ‘ BR ess «Team g Feature Specialt a cod Conn ‘tan, a Player, double ®tage ~ g \ ess, letter only, stating all. MAN x ER TORY PLAYERS, care Billboard, Loew \ Bu ng, I \ . Calif Wanted for GRAND BROS. STOCK C0. vlance of Man w and Tromt al Max 1 e doul g Piano or > People in CARL AND ROTERT GRANDI, Natchitoches, La. SILVER THEATRE W ATERVILLE, ME. For Rent or fer Sale good opening for good Stock Company xt re me hla A fine chasice for w ‘to Ww ck. J. J. PRAY, Owner and M VERSATILE ARTISTS, NOTICE WANTED, 5 ! te feature 1 leal act with Pia A rior r and Sketch 7 . Magician f 1 r ' a”, Product ( edian : “s ‘ y Acts rr ce to t e that play in Ys » orchest Can place good workit vance ; me Send . irticulara in first letter to” ARTHU R VAN, Denver, Colorack FOR SALE-—21x72 8 ure F 1 »-ft e wall, good as new; 6x® Main Entrat Sta Masking, 2 Calman Lavterns, all for $275. $150 cash, halance cS. 0 a Must act qu: J " RUSSELL Carnatto hin ten Wanted, Physician stered in Obto an Fonsayivente. PANGBORN MEDICINE © COMPANY, Watkins, New York. NUTT IN KANSAS CITY Kansas City, Mo., March 15.—Ed C. Nutt, owner of the Ed C. Nutt Shows, was an interesting visitor to the local office of The Billboard Tuesday and dis d his plans for the coming season, about which he is very optmistic. He said that the Baker-Lockwood Manufacturing Company was busy build to consist of a 70-foot pieces. The color scheme tractive. hues, It will arranged and everything for the and convenience planned for and carried ont. A lad “tra will be featured. The Nutt Show « in April ng him a new outfit, top with three middle will be of bright, at patrons’ « * orche pens early for three weeks In houses before commencing its regular te eason, It is planned to show in Mr. Nutt’s residence town, Independence, Mo., during th eason and possibly Kansas City. PROLOGING PLAYS AND PLAYERS (Continued from page 44) Woofers, Arthur Olmi as Mr. Bolton, Earl Ross as Jimmie Gubbins, Arthur Hayes as William Foster, alias William Jones; Eugene Lane as Spoofy, ! to A. Everitt as Rose Gordon, Czerny Jam as Briczs, of Scotland Yard; toberts Blakesly as Benson, Ruth Friend as Lady Leicester, Wincheater en Ridgefield Park, N. J., Winchester Theater— “The Natural Law’’, pres nted by Barbara Winchester, cast, viz.: George Damroth as Dr. Ralph Webster, George MacDonald as Jack Bowliz Pr. J. ( roy as Freddie Donlin, Benedict Brown as te, Agnes Earle as Mrs, Franklin, ingham as Della Fosbush, Barbara VW hester as Ruth Stanley. Abbott naar Company Everett, Mass., New and Theater—‘‘The Unkissed Bride, prese nted by the Abott Stock Company, staged by Warren Burrows, east, viz.: Warren Burrows as John Reynolds, larden Klark as Fred Forrester, W. H. MeDougal as Uncle Dawley, Merrill Matheny as Jack teynolds, William MacColl as Sandy tuckley, Arthur Finnegan as a Minister, Lillian Merchal as Kitty Blake, Beatrice Anglin as Delores. Leona Leslie as Lily, Maisie Cecil as Aunt atilda, — Princess Players Moines, Ia., Princess Theater—‘‘The presented by Elbert & Getchell, featuring Dulcie Cooper and Robert Armstr Des O’Brien Girl’, staged by Thomas Pawley, cast, viz.: Alte» Buchanan as Mrs. Hope, Dulcie Cooper as Alice O'Brien, Jack Motte as Joe Fox, Tom H. Walsh as Lawrence Patten, Dick Elliott as H-mphrey Drexel, Florence loberts as Mrs. Drex Loane as Eloise Drexel, Robert Art ry Patten, Frank McHugh as will ersby. Guests at the hotel: Max Lenore Edwards, Helen Vanderbe el Barrell, Irene Sweeney, Carita Strot ieline Kendall, Marvel Kelly. NEW THEATERS The Rex Theater, 1711 Live Oak street, Dallas, Tex., opened recently. oes The new D. & R. Theater at Aberdeen, Wash., will open soos, altbo no definite dafe has been set, —— Work has started on an open-air theater at Darlington, S. C., and is scheduled to be completed at an early date, Alphonse Seymour is erecting at North Biloxi, offer vaudeville, a picture house Miss., which will occasionally The City Auditorium at Birmingham, Ala., now in course of construction, will have a seating eapacity of 6,000 and is to be comple ted this year, The Ritz, new $525,000 theater at Port Richmond, N. Y¥., opened recently with a vaudeville and picture policy. The seating capacity is 2.500, The Hollywood, one of the most beautiful suburban theaters in the Northwest, at Tenth, Northeast and East Sixty-sixth streets, Seattle, Wash., opened recently. The Schine Theatrical Company, Inc., o Gloversville, N. Y¥., has purchased the Niagara Garage at Pine and Walnut streets, Lockzort, (Continued on page 57) a featured: ENGRAVING ‘CO. Ine 225 West 39 St. NEW YOR hy 1000 Bond Letter Heads or Envelopes, $3.75 Get our price ' irds, Blotters, Ete. Samples, 4c ROYE x PRINT SHOP, Lancaster, Pa. WANTED TO BUY 60-ft. Round Top, in ood conditien. canvas only. State lowest cash price, W. T. BURK&LL, Albion, IL STOCK MANAGERS! When in need of a Scenic Artist for Stock 4 call Bryant 6858, or write 161 West 46th Street, N. Y. C. UNITED SCENIC ARTISTS | rote Wi N BILLY ARTHUR WHo’s yoUt BeoTLEGGER! , \ VIF a P “ry z ( re, mis : ht sna Comedian, Director, Playwright. “SOLD OUT" “THE SPAKROW” “On! HAT A at “CURSH OF ¢ vi AINE” “A HUNDRI D TO ONE SH 6 “THE OLD HOME TOWN” Modern Comedies and Dramas. SKETCHES “CR OUKE D SO Ls” Ask A. C. Hefner, Hefmer’s Coah IN 1 id ot ZANTE’ fane: P r er ™ = CAN'T I ION “THE GIRL WHO MADE Goon’ | ™etians: Howard — Hendricks, “OH! DOCTOR, DOCTOR™ Harley Sadler and others. Per. Address: Care ACTORS’ Bidg., Kansas City, Missouri, EQUITY ASSOCIATION, Gayety Theatre ROLL OR MACHINE TICKETS S388 nted to order. All same wording and color. 100, 000 $15.00 Cash oitia Reserved Scat Tickets, seven Book and Special Forms for Parks, Fairs and Carnivals. Eitiett Ticket Ge. Sivet Se. Se “Gcoae BRANCH: Colonial Trust Bidg., _WANTED FOR CALLAHAN DRAMATIC COMPANY c ACTORS AND MUSICIANS— TEAM. Woman for Ingenue Leads, ¢ ; with Feature, d ible Spe ies; must have youth, wardrobe agd appearance. MALE PIANC PLAYER, double Brass; Tr J ferred CLARINET, double Saxopt we B. and O.; TRCMBONE, B 1 O.; A-1 DRUMMER, with Bells and Xylophone, that wi : A-1 AGENT willing to post and hustle. Other Actors and Musicians that double write. Rehear 28th. Equity Chicago Base. ARTHUR CALLAHAN, Lincotn, Mam for Heavies and General Business Address linois, P. S.—FOR SALE, che ‘aD, 60x120 Dramatic End Top, made by Baker & Lockwood. Palace Ma ne wall, very good conditio: THE UNDER-CURRENT lat iM ern AMERICAN MYSTERY DRAMA, with “LAUG “CHILLS” snd “THRILLS”. 8 people in cast—5 MEN, 3 WOMEN. NO DOUBLES. “THE AFFAIRS OF ROSALIE.” s ty C y Drama. 8 pecple in cast—3 MEN, 3 WCMEN. No doubles. “LOVE AND HORSE RADISH. A. RURAL COMEDY in three acts. ONLY FIVE PEOPLE IN CAST—3 MEN, 3 WOMEN. No ubles. 0 es Easy props, Greatest “TOBY” part ever written ir a short-cast biIL Pa full evening. “WHEN JiMMi€ CAME TO TOWN.” An up-to-date SCCIETY COMEDY. ONLY Ht VE PEO PLE in cast—3 MEN, 3 WOMEN. No doubles. Simple set. All parts good. Great part foe LIGHT COMEDIAN. Plays full eveniz mae $1.00 and Script and Parts of any ONE bill will be sent Cc. O. D., subject to READING EXAMINATIO DON MELROSE, 224 Calhoun St., Charleston, South Carolina. FOR SALE TO CLOSE ouT following property of Terry's i » 70-ft. Ae mple : Title and middle ple Round Top. with a 40-ft. hes, Reserves Seats for 1 Folding Chairs, Stakes, r, 3 Small Bass Drums, 3~ 1 Band Uniforms, cket Wagon, use also Winter quarters at Sioux, ltowa, Ze dda “GRAND THEATRE, Davenport, lowa DRAWING POPULATION 125,000. W'll be ready to book attractions commencing March 30. Seating 1,100, Newly decorated. Closing three years’ Dramatic Stock. Now booking both ends; nter Quarters and Trucks for sale. Little Sioux, Iowa. at winter Little or all together. Everything DICKEY & TERRY, Box (65, SSI, SSL) 7 PISS) SI, MMUSLLA for next season. Play Sundays. CHAS. BERKELL. SIT 7. S77 17. WLLL aaa dddladdadddaaadiaddtstabddbbdbdddtddde PDF NF NF NF FN FY FFF (fs DSF FN Pelee FI FE FES FU Fahd eS ee a Fd PU I FN Pf pa ere fa 1 WARTED CLARINET J. A. COBURN, 21; Opelika, Ala., Band and Orchestra, before March twenty-eighth. Carrollton, Ga., March 10; Cedartown, 20; West Point, 2:, Columbus, Ga., 24. 2 eres MAAN UUUUN wee A OU Aeel ele elelele ee WANTED EXPERIENCED MED. PERFORMERS TO OPEN LOTS MAY 1{2. PLAYING CITY TIME, SKETCH TEAMS, SILENT ACT, MUSICAL ACT, B. FP. Coe ~. = tt at cm ut on acts and hake thera go. Others write. Must be eood dressers on and off. ate all 3 lowest tter. Salary positively sure, and long season, OR. v. CMARPSTEEN, Marshall, Mi higan. anted for Titi fi ainstrels Two Trombones. Join now. Box 766, Houston, Texas. Billposter, Colored Musicians and Performers. Address A. L. ERICKSON, Manager, LN. Graham Stock Company Wants ert People im all lines. ngenue Leading Light Copedian, Charac Woman, Character ‘een General Pee Vv mm. 1 ze. given to t e doi Specialties Wardre experi e « al. is show. Last season 90 consect itive weeks, State ALL firs i vest, sure s y. Ad FRANK N. GRAHAM, Newark Valley, New York. SCENE IR Y [CHRONICLE PRINTING 00.50" Prompt service. Moaerate pric Write e. pale Diamond QCHELL SCENIC e’sruole. covumeus, OnIO { Price List. Printers to the Profession since 1375. tinh ogee <> ge Te Sa Pe ot Eales eet le AO Ree ER Le ae RE: \o