The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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| ] | / ’ ” \ t hr a ; 4 i oo MARCH 22, 1924 <, . ? MUSICALCOMEDY "4,4" 8 Bir ee Revue, Operetta, Spectacle ~ se ah Conducted by GORQON WHYTE , > a COMMUNICATIONS TO OUR NEW YORK OFFICE* MUSICAL GUILD Offers $1,009 Prize for Best Book and Lyrics of Musical Comedy New York, Mar 17.—T! Iusical Comedy wt 3 In G r f 1 ¥) dvs ro y¥ and a reasonable time rt t c 2 mneie2] cor 7 t s tted to the organ on for lay 1 ‘ ! scripts sh i b n Qo . i Hein pr jent and r of ( 1, registered With return r r sted, or d 1 by hand t s rs, 203 West Fiftyeigt street, > York. The ges of the ematest r I nd s r cCOfo rs f Guild Jos Clement, manager; 5 Ernst reader, and E4win L. |} mus i r T mus will be | d by TS 8350 d with the Guild. ZIEGFELD ENGASES AUSTRALIAN BEAUTY New York March 14.—Dorothy Planchard, ha A _ r f 1 ° tie > € 4% r ?? +t n M I -} ard Fe r id r i, pre r 4 r 1 © . ad ¥ + tl . I 4 = Ar er r Zieg revu { le Co nh. ( t to the Polt t r and William A { r of ‘Kid Boots” arrives I j where ey t ng Fi z Zieg feld r rt of the revue, whi ¢ r New Au rdar . R ng with them were Harry T ; 1 J. J. MeCarthy, who will write the m and lyrics for the new COMPLETE CAST OF “VOGUES” k ar 14.—‘Vogues of 1924"’, ert re is announced to open at 4 wo weeks. Odette Mrr ay are featured members includes Fred Allen De} Cc! Judels, May Boley, Jimm} », Annette Bade, Hal Van Renssalaer Ma la § I Beat Swanson, Pa squat Br ( , Katherine Van Pelt, Jc T r tetty Compton, George Ander« I ( gton, Thomas and Corvara, Joun V. Lowe, Alice Manning and James Alde: . tk mm to the principals there re fifty ¢ » the chorus The « Vog b Her t othart, cor ( sous Jane MeKan 1 1 Il « edit The book and r are by Fred 7 mpson and Clifford Grey The da d en bles re being staged by Frank Smithson and Alexander Leftwich, while wt entir production is being staged under the general direciicn of B, McLellan. FRIML MUSIC FOR NEW SHOW New York, March 14.—Arther Uammerstein bas commissioned Rudolf Frim! to « 1 t with Herbert Stothart in writing the music for his new production, in which Mary Ellis will be starred. The book and lyrics of the new Hammerstein show will be by Otto Hareach and Oscar Hammerstein II. The New York premiere is scheduled to take place Sentember 15. Friml furnished the scores for ‘Hig Jinks’’, ‘‘Katinka’’ and other “ARTISTS AND MODELS” NO. 2 New Yor March i4.—The Shuberts are abo ready to stert easting for a second company Artist x1 Mofels’. This company is designed to tour the country and eash in on the publicity which has been the lot of the original show, now at the Shubert Theater. Whether the undrape« second company is not features will be in the known, bat it is probable thet the impression will be conveyed that they are ju, whether that is so or pot. “PARADISE ALLEY” New York, March 14.—‘*‘Paradise Alley’’, Carl Carlton’s new musical producticn, is listed to come to New York week after next eat one of the Shubert houses. The piece will be presented in Newark next week. Alan K. Foster, director of the dance numbers at the “PEG O’ MY DREAMS” New York, March 14.—J. Hartley Manners has made several important change+ “Peg 0’ My Dreams’, the mus 1 ver 1» of “Peg o’ My Heart’’, whi! s to open in N York about the middle of April In 1 of the conventior chorus ft prod Hippodrome, has been called in by Carlton to five girls and four m f shape up the play for its New York premiere. required to play minor roles. §& e Keener, Arthur West, Helen Chadwick and Paul Frawthe former operatic singer, is t titl ley are some of the principal members of the role, while others in the cast include R cast. teatty, Robert Halliday, Gilberta Faust, G. P. Huntley and Mar.on Green. SHUFFLE SHOWS AROUND ee BOSTON TO SEE “TOPICS” New York, March 14.—The departure of -— ‘‘Topics of 1923" from the Winter Garden next New York, March 15.—‘'Topics of 1923"" will week calls for a little shuffling around of sevplay one more week at the Winter Garden, eral Shubert attractions. In supplanting the following which the Shubert pr: tion Delysia show ‘‘Artists and Models’ will leave migrate to Boston, where it is booked to play a vacancy at the Shubert Theater, New York. a limited ¢ nt The ras ter The ter house may be taken over by be given at f rir ra Mistinguette and ‘Innocent Eyes’’, at present ing ber en nu I np ¢ ago, or ‘*‘Vogues of 1924", previously will s i I 1 new r v scheduled to open at the Century Roof. Sister j Johns . x b= 45-4 b=4 x SIZ -x4 SSS? pra Tae as abd b4b-4 biabt wee Fw x bab. dbs Sb 4b ab ab ab ab ab a ad z Seis <x Tae <3 3 Fes EPP ER RI BGM APE GY AES AEE ALA are : HG i= +. 5? o*. E LAY RECORDS :¥ £ . « LONG RUN MUSICAL PL ADS = re Number of consecutive performances up to and including Saturday, Mar. 15. =. ES IN NEW YORK eS ~, Pp NGNO. OF >t 54 | PLAY. STAR. tacaten,. Steet 6G = Andre Citarlot’s Reve ne of °24....« P . Times Square.. pon , : = Artists and Models........ pace evceeees Shubert...... \ug 7 > sai Battling Buttler, Mr mre oo oe eee eee SELWYN Oct s >< <a Chiffon Girl, The........... co obit :nor Pa nte ee 'g eee f 1 < 4 Kid Boots...... Eddie Cantor..... Earl Carroli......Dec, 31...... 7 = eg Little Jessie J —_— = ° oH Lollipor.. . > Pa Mary Jane "Me Kane 5 7 4 = Moonlight.........2-...-2.. ru f + ea Music Box Revue 2° " 3 % a A ae a oF + 3] *Rise of Rosie O'R i 25 7 E J ee eer 29. ; 4 Stepping Stones... rs J x isd] Sweet Little Devil 21 > bq Tonics of 1923.... 8 52 fy Wildflower, ....... ; 7 = x] Ziegfeld Foliies, BOc coves 109 3 e *Closed March 15. eS Pa IN CHICAGO : Bs Ce ee re Anna Paviowa......Auditorium....... Mar. 2...... 18 : SJ Geo. White’s Scandals......... pace oon sags os CORI. « “Feb 24 > f Honeymoon House......... J jac Norworth Cer . t) 5 x Ig Innocent Eyes. . . ———_——— . . «ss APOIO. ....eee000. Feh 10 x by Little Jessie Jame eae Rhee nee eee Garrick, .cssceccook 2 x bg] Topsy and Eva......--+eeees Duncan Sisters.....5 SelwyRsccccccnsce DO Risenne 99 as f ¢ x IN BOSTON x pes aa Be Greenwich Village Follies.. eeseeeShubert weeeee Mar, 10...... s [zz] Music Box Revue......+.eeee. Colonial woee Feb. 25.. " >| B3 ; ¢ Pay ae _ rs4 ERNIE S 4bS Ops gS aPLAb Abb s b= Mb aa SUPSAPs a 4 abs Hb APES ROS abe a 24 23g “SITTING PRETTY” AT FULTON MAY JOIN CHARLOT REVUE Pou Wik March 14.0 : Gest w . , 9 » . New York, March 14. —Comstock & Ge t will New York, March 14.—Nelson Keyes, Engpresent their new musical comedy, Sitting Sic cumalic Qa@t ster tes eulfered & chance . ie ated i : A f : ue Pretty”, at the I ulton Theater April 7. The of front cinee Ie recent areivel te thie coun: production will open its try-ont engagement in try. In accordance with an agreement reached Detroit March 23 and the following week will with Florens Ziesfeld, the comedian wat to suffalo. In addition to Queenie the cast, the company will Bryan, Frank McIntyre, RuMrra Hampton, Dwight Frye, E. Mack, Jayne Chesney, Harry Lillford, Marjorie Eggleston, Dorothy Janice and Terry Crosson. The music is by Jerome Kern: the book and lyries by Guy Bolton and P. G. Wodehouse. These three also collaborated on gall the previous Princess Theater musical comedies, *‘Nobody Home’’, ‘‘Very Good, Eddie’; ‘‘On, Boy’’; ‘“‘Leave It to Jane”’ and “Oh, Lady, Lady’’. This production is being staged by Fred G. Latham, under the personal supervision of F. Ray Comstock, “LISTEN TO ME” TO STAY OUT TILL FIRST OF MAY It is expected that the ‘Listen to Me’? Compeny will continue on the road until the first of May. The show opened August 2 last and has been doing fine business, the snowy weather of late having but little if any effect. Peggy Earle, with the company all season as featured be seen in Smith, who heads include Gertrude dolph Cameron, George George Syivester, dancer, has been getting nice newspaper notices wherever she has appeared. This is the first time she and her sister are not working together, Chicago. the latter belng at their home in join the ‘Follies’ at the New Amsterdam Theater, but since coming to these shore he has received flattering offers from several managers for other productions. The Shubert management is anxious to have Keyes for its new revue, “Vognes of 10924", and it now develops that Andre Charlot is desirous of r eruiting him for the English revue at the Times Square Theater. It is understood that Ziegfeld had agreed to pay Keyes a salary of £300 a week or the equivalent thereof, but balked when the comedian insisted that ©400 was more to his liking. NEW STUFF FOR “MUSIC BOX” New York, March 14.—Irving Berlin has introduced two new songs to “The Music Pox Revue’’, both of which were written in Palm Reach, One of his compositions ppropriately titled “Lazy”, and is rendered by the Brox Sisters. The other is entitled “What'll I Do?” and is sung by Jobn Steel and Moore. The Shuberts are planning to feature James Barton in a new musical comedy entitled “GriGiri’, The production is listed to begin rebearsals almost immediately, ISICAL COMEDY NOTES present bis own musica! n’’, lately rechristened next fall with Ed. role, I O'Reilly”, George M. Cohan’: v, opened this week at ' ( iiladeiphia, where it Billy PF Van n bas fnst closed Adrienne”, w r im a revae entitled “Keep Cool”, ann i to open in New York in May *“‘Rlossom Time’’ has been booked for a re. tur: r t Savannah Theater, Sa ’ presentation earlier ip the P ¢ met wtih pr ced approval and request r a return date HE. OH. Fr 1 have the assistance of Edward fF ng a gh powered east for d “My Lady Friends”, n ® Ring and Georgia O'Ramey will _ t f g rol The t tT Chiffon Girl’, now showing at t J water, New York, bas been entirely rewr y Henry Myers, author of “The First Fifty Years’ Joseph Ames has een added to the cast of t Eleanor Painter Show The Ivrical rsion of George Kelley's “The Torch Bearers’’ is to be designated as “Be Yourself” Harr Arch and Har 1 Thomp7 t ja; and ti ro juction red by Ju Hortig and Lee <h + Dw t Frre w : . s debut as a sing. ing juver n Comstock & Gest’s new musical prod Sitting Pretty He has the r Smit who will be red in “Sis ( a rs fan A rs ( 2 rT A EM rranced with c s I n for 4 ra n and ! r f “Ss s § ’. He 7 . ” . ‘ Sally” fr Florenz 7 feld, in } o to a number ar I Dow rrent in New Tark ¢ ‘ 4 try f aur! e R ¢ 709949 t the 7 are T er, XN York, is t tf The Eng! r and , Ar * ‘ 7) Vor < y of 1924" sr ported to have had lerf n the West Coast and -is t Middle-West States It will and ¢ the middle of May in X York s A B. M s will hav ar ; ¥ a t is an z ed, and ke at of t South. The best beard in a long time fs that Broadway y v r Gilbert and Sulllvan sea s. I t hoped that rome of the } — wn rks will be pre sented Lately “Prince Ida"’ was produced in London and a big bi A production of it here m just hit the spot. Tlelen Eley, one of tt feminine principals of “Mr. Battling Buttler’’", at the Selwyn ALL STYLES OF & Stage Dancing Taught ACROBATIC INSTRUCTION 249 West 48th Street, NEW YORK CITY. HING, BAR AND PAD EXERCISES WANTED, FIRST-CLASS 7 PRODUCER One who can take part. Address, Box D 160, care of Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. ST AGE DANCING! Buck and Wing Routine $3.00, Arranged by JAMES P. KINSELLA Pupil of Jack Blue Class I by mail), Appointment c 'NCINNATI 0 THEATRICAL, ST. DENIS HOTEL, DETROIT, MICH. ote to the Profession, 7