The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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NAAT Poa ee f MARCH 22, 1924 The Biltboarda weeks when the company moves to Sioux City, In., for a return engagement at the Model Theater for Nathan Dax. There have been a few changes in the cast, The present lineup includes: Geo. Broadhurst, owner and producing comedian; Pat Mills, second comic; Bob Wol straight; Jimmy Rice, light comedian; Adele Adair, prima donna; Madeline Rice, sonubret; Opal Myrilend, ingenue; Florence Forman, speclalty dancer, and the chorus. Ward Caldwell leader cf a five-piece house ore) ra » polley at the itol is two bills a week and no Sunday shows MAX GOLDEN and Clande (Kid) Long will take thelr ‘‘Buzzin’ Around’’ Company over the Sun Time, opening at Lima, O., Mareh 23. The company for the your | twenty three weeks bas been in stock at the Lyric Theater, Port Wayne, Ind. The company will nt a park engagement all summer rhe prir il members of ft} organization will be Max Golden, Bobby Golden, Doe Dorman, Marvel Shackelton, Ethyl MeDonald, Alan McDonald, Gilbert Van Alst, Fred Ford, Loraine Dean, Norma Morgan, Vera Fair, Mildred (Mickey) Steel, Grace Graham, Esther Dorman, Marie Van Alst, Violet Br Rose Haley, Louivre Long, “Ba * Ford, Leona Thompson and Virginia Fair Charles Molt bray will be the musical « _ * Lemuel Holmes master mec! Ma ‘ de T lucer and Claude Long advance agent. ARTHUR HARRISON’S “Big Iyriec Revue’’ Was heard to have been a cess in Illinois and Towa, so Frank W ft Sun Chicago office, and several Chicago hx mulagers reviewed the company at the Hippodrome Theater in Peoria with the rest that Manager Urbanck of the Calumet 1 ter on South Chicago avenue booked it for a t e run, With the company are Ja bs Kinneard, Chas. (‘‘Dome’*) Will Hager, Harry Lynn, Roy Porter, A rison, Billie Emerson, Jan® 0 r ler and Mabel Porter, principals; Bett Bobby Laverne, Raymonde De Leama: Wayne, Nina Uttr Rose Bolieux geen, Buster Forrester, Ver Skepp Forth, chorus. Petty Weir is ‘ the numbers ar xed by H Ww ‘ Creech is musical direetor, Nina trup is wardrobe mistfss and Mr. Harrison oflers all bis own origing Rh AD I “THE GIRLS" played a return engagement at the Orpheum Theater, Altoona, Pa., and beat the gro { the earlier engagement The company is booked for anot repeat date April 14-19. The roster rema same as at the opening of the season, including: Ros Lewis, owner and ceneral manager Jack Ross end Johnny t Gilmore, comedy; fartin Sands, Mildred Nixon, etraight and specialty; ngenue; Pauline Grimes, soubret; the Ja Four; Ross Lewis, piano accordion; Corey G. Cool saxophone; Pauline Grimes, jazz whistl i Mary Ross. banjo; Nixon and Sands, m ul sp cialty; Mary I , Jeanette Dnpree, Jean RBarciay, } : Ardath Hall, Aeileene Hargrath and Mar Lee} heru Sne Lewis is pianist Week before last at Altoona the tre compasy broadcasted from Station WCAW. THE SECOND MARRIAGE itn six weeks occurred on Art Selby’s ‘‘Leat-Year Girls’ February 29, when Ira (Bud) Weeks, the only single member of G Myers’ Saxophon'acs, and Mae I Francis, who is doing a ater act with Miss My rs, were married on the stage of the Okla Theater, Bartles Ok. Ed Burbank was best man, Gene Myers bridesmaid, Art Selby gave the pride away and Baby Carol Delight Selby was the ring bearer. This is th third wedding at which Caroli has acted as ring bearer in ber two and a half years. Mr. and Mrs. Wells received the congrat itions of their many friends at a beautiful wedding | kfast served in the early hours of the morning at the Almeda Hotel. ‘This is the last wedding on this trick,’’ writes Art Selby, ‘“‘as the always make me give the bride away. Then again I haven't a ngle man | < Wallace Racker, late of the ‘‘Naughty Naughty’? Company. joined the Selby Show at Pittsburg, Kan., to act as leader for the balance vf the season. “GROWN-UP BABIES", last week's attrace tion at the Empress Theater, Cincinnati, is first class burlesque entertainment, capably presented and clean as a histle, to paraphrase the ree marks of a local newspaper critic. “There is an abundance of humor in the attraction, but not a single line that touches on anything risque,”” said another scribe. Mitty DeVere, principal comedian; Harry Levine, second comic; Roy Sears, straight; Joseph Lurgio, Mildred Cozierre, Ruth Lavine and Vivian LaVardo were favorably mentioned in the me ng newspaper reviews, whil the ¢ wa praised for an entertaining drill rt er nd f vocal and dancing efforts. There are 8 rai former tabloid principals and chorus gir wit the attraction who will return to that field when the burlesque eason ¢!l ee M Lev loaves “Grown-Up Eabies’ after the Clev a ongagement this week to Join the Star Steck Company, a combination dramatic, ¢ rtoire and musical show, pleyine thrn [llineis. Margie Klipple and Adalyn Mack, well-known tabloid choristers, joined the Mutual show at Louisville, Ky., March 2 JIMMIE EVANS’ REVUE, viewed by a Billboard representative at the Franklin Park The ater, Boston, Mass., ranks with the very best 25. 8xi0_ $ 3.50 PHOTOS FOR LOBBY DISPLAY ftw ‘ii POST CARD PHOTOS $3.59—100 $20.08—1000 CASH WITH ORDER—SATISFACTION GUARANTEED From any one subject on double-weight paper. from your photo, $1.00, which applies on first order. MOOERN PHOTO FINISHING CO., cele MISSOURI THEATRICAL EXCHANGE Samp. 804 Pine St, ST. LOUIS, MO. } People. Chon list with ws. FOR STOCK, WANTED—C. S. KEITH FLASHLIGHT REVIEW eate Bldg. 1 Musical. Cor and MANAGESS Room 315 We HCUSE furnl Drematie Principals with and touch 13 WANTING GOOD TABS us, ARCE COMEDY—VAUDEVILLE. PERSONAL DIRE TION JACK BL A R AND C. S. KE!tTH. Lite AGENT, to rovte, bo leat, throw f id sary PIANO PLANER, Lady cr Man Must at. JUVENILE MAN with Dan ing Specialty. NOVEI TY ACTS. & nil first letter. Photos, Sileuce 2 os KEITH March 20, 21, 2% pera m, Ill: March 24, 25, 26, Grand, Washington, Ind. MANAC ts *NOTE—Or ke s Opened for four days at Lyric, Vincennes, Ind. Mar r cance t t half and held 1 Few weeks open. Greatest laughing show en tour. The Pa ‘ Not a ta» Investigate. of tabloid The personnel of this happy installed vaudeville and tabloid with the piepe includes Jimmie Evans 2 » Carroll, tures, and from all indications the new venture who forn in ¢ comed comb tion; a winner, Edna Parr, prima donna Jix e Mac After experimenting with several different straight: Kitty Fras ‘ ly soubret: Dapny policies, Manager W'Hiams of the Palace TheCava 2 4. ap excellent juvenile; Florence Pipater igs presenting ten vandeville acts and a pin, ingenue and viol'nist; Virginia Bannon, a comic two-reeler. Thus far the season has been versatile dancer; Berris Brothers, artists on the a panner one. The odd part of it all is that tion and banjo, who could work their ofthe vaudeville in most every instance is good. fering into a geer hit if they injected some Bert Bence Is back home for a short rest, mation o it, and a chorus of ymely after which he will get into harness again. 1 well-drilled girls, including He is reeuperating at the home of his parents, s, Evelyn G am, May Doheny, 2°96 Pennsylvania avenue. Elljctt, Yvonne Pippin, Bessie Clark, lerson and Ruth Clark. The show reNEW THEATERS shed twenty-two weeks in the William (Continued from page 4%) ters Recent! t played its fifth N. ¥., and will ereet a cinema theater, to t the Broadw Theater, South cost $200,000, on the site. 2 last wee! t was in Malden for —— t ‘yr uie =Evar at ( bia Stage Society and the Cotouring New Eogiand with suc1 re Company have decided to raise ! i featuring Lew { ts for the new Town Theater at Columbia, Lrens j ‘ eacue of Non» whieb will seat 500. e. I 1 All Beg—_— it i Companys, at pres According to rts, a theater to be built 1 r : k Sullivan in State street, Eristol, Va., will be used for r f } Eva and his tures, with provisions for accommodating ¥ » and read shows later. } \ L. WAKPFIELD, « owns and of ‘ ee Ww » Revue”, v playing Building operations will begin soon after i ’ , oo e-of-Su Revue”, at April 1 for the theater to be erected at 243New ; . sul the “Tip-Top 299 West Fifty-second street, New York City, Revue” » ite fe second week at the for the Theater Guild. > P r, M oe Mins., — Work on the $250,000 theater to be erected B's / w at the Strasd renciea wae Mahanoy Cit Pa., for the Chamberlain peg, Mar 10, heaving a contract to present tab’ . 2 loid musical dy at that theater for one Amusement Compary commenced recently. The 7 : ppiages” ™ POR hinge SR work will be completed by early fall. year The roster for the new show fs as Pe fi : i Bob! Vail, pring i" al comed aa ls The new Tlectrie Theater, Arkansas City, Ww) it : dont Erin Jackson, soubret and ae p 2 recently, is offering highproducer of ensembles; Don Adams, comedian; ‘ mat waa : ; class pict and vaudeville, It is under manVanice ngen Helen Dale, special: ceria ties: Grace Castell, characters; Frank ae ee eee characters d the Pa Four, Tommy Jones, Rirmingham (Ala.) Masonic Temple Andia ¢ Art Bowers 1 Tommy Merola. ¢orium, with a seating capacity of 3,500, will Carl Whyte is musical director. Maida Hug¢ »remet ting $75,000 and then gins, Ha Costa, Hazel Bernard, Nora Del‘ i for five years as a high class movmar, Sadie Willis, Lauretta Ten Mildred ing picture ater, according to reports. O' Keef Irene Murry Marie Lovejoy, Lou jae De Evans, Mabel <A 1 Dottie King are the The Cress-Bayr 17 ster, Inc., has been orchoristers, 7 vy rehearsed in Minneapolis ganized for the | of constructing and and left by spee al train Mar ho The policy operating a modern motion picture theater at of the Strand will be three shows daily, ome (Cross-Bay boulevard and Rockaway boulevard. bill a week and no Sunday performances Al j Miyn, N. Y. W. Gillis, general manager for the Gillis Amusement Comapny, Ltd., wil direct th Albert D. Phelps has purchased the block Strand Theater with Walter Fogg as resident front at the northwest corner of Bainbridge manager, Frank L. Wakefield anm ces the avenue ar Coles lane, New York City, with recen ngagement of the ! g& people fe the int on of erecting a department store his variot ws ‘Man Iris Ber and and theater building with stores, Jere Gerard, Pr: ok Lee Bowers, —— Max G: r, Irene Dixon, Pa Workr ha bA group of Corning (N. Y¥.) business men bette Ga ? ioonette Moreno and Eddie Gile have secured an option on a site at Bath, more for the St, Paul company; Richard Irving, N. Y-, for a modern theater, suitable for picDon Trent, Ilanche Burnette, Joe Van, Margie tures and road shows, with @ seating capacity Sutherland, Vert Prowning for the show in ©f about 1,000. Minneapolis, and Harlan Thompson for the a aig Ar Duluth attraction. Mr. Wakeficld states that "dward F. Tilyou is having a playhouse he expects to have twelve more houses playing om ted at — avenue and West Seventeenth twenty-five-people shows by June 1. Wakefield mea : ‘. s = sf sain " _ . oe a will only take houses located in the Northpape “The noite — on Senie reve be = west, where his shows can play thruout the sum~ eta ey ee ee audeville and mer, cat — DETROIT VISIONS FROM VIN A photoplay house will be built at Mountain Mona Richmond. who not so many moons ago Grove, Mo., with a stage equipped for vaudewas one of t ’ rt chorines on the Sun ville and road attractions. Dr, F. N. Riley, of Cirveult, ts Jobbing about Detroit as a means Mansfield, Mo., who owned and conducted the of reducing Hiuh Nugget Theater at that place for a number of At a recent popularity contest Bobbie Lee, years, will be the owner and manager. of the “Yankeeland Girls’, won out on personality merits and ng one disputed the judge’s One of the largest theater signs in the verde United States and a $50,000 double-consoled ‘ete McCurdy, popular manager and comedian organ are features which will distinguish the of the “Ben Ton Girls”, has been confined to new Wisconsin heater, Sixth street and bed for some time. Overwork and worry, the Grand avenue, Milwaukee, Wis., scheduled to doctors say During bis illness be was granted open March 28. a divoree from Annabelle MeCurdy. —en The Lleyd Sisters, after a brief season on the W. <A. Graeper, proprietor of the Union Sun Time, are back in our midst tripping along Avenue Theater, Portland, Ore., is having plans With the local aggregations, prepared for a motion picture theater, estiMelvin Warren, who for several years manmated to cost $125,000, to be erected in Union aged the Rex Theater, bas taken over the avenue near Russell street. It will have a Courtesy Theater. After puilding a stage, be seating capacity of 1,200, USE i MENTHINE ! ) | { } FOR A i Clear Head and Voice \ ( Stace and Op i VOICE EFFICIENCY t } At cod Dru Stores in U. S. and Can\ i CASMINE COMPANY, i 6 East 12th Street, New York. JACK CRAWFORD WANTS three Big Shows nmmer Stock in Parks. Specialty Acts, Musical Acts, DanQuartette, Chorus Girls, anizing Account for Sun People cing Acts, ore Soubrets, Sister Teams, and clever Singing and Dancing Blackface Comedian and young, flashy Musicians for Jazz Band. Address JACK CRAWFORD'S FAMOUS BON TON FOLLIES, care Park Theatre, Erie, Pa., indefinite. WANTED FOR NUMBER TWO SHOW Chorus Girls, must be shapely. Also novelty and musical acts, and other useful people in all lines. Don’t write, wire me, Majestic Theater, Danville, Va., until twenty-third, then Orpheum Theater, High Point, N. C. A. M. PINKSTON. WANTED FOR THE Naughty Naughty Co. Musical Comedy Those ence. March People in all lines. Specialties given prefer a] no doing Wire Q. R. THOMSON, Marshall Theatre, cm Manhattan, Kan. : ‘MADISON? S BUDGET No. 18 The encyclopedia of comedy material that gives universal satisfaction. Contents in clide an almost endless assortment of bright sure-fre monologues, acts for twe males, and for male and female, parodies 200 single cags, minstrel first parts with finale, a sketch for four people, a tabloid farce for nine characters, etc. Send your dollar to L. J. K. HEIL, Business Mana. ger of MADISON'S BUDGET. 1052 Third Ave., New York. ONE DOLLAR VOGEL & MILLER’S Musical Comedy Company Wants People in all lines N to this territory. Chorus G wire. Week March "oth, Thea d.; week March 17th, Thea Indiana AT LIBERTY AFTER MARCH 22. HAPPY HARRY COOK. Trish, Blackface Comedian, Spe 4, bers. Wi! y s Ss , ide dress CENTRAL TH! Da I $ and PLUSH DROPS FOR HIRE the Wide World SCENER The Cne Place in Established 1890 AMELIA GRAIN, Philiscolss! MANNERSTRONM, EDS— ° ‘muses 1305 N Colu 4th St. BL ne “Mb Bike a he Sw lS cae A A San li D0 TS _ _