The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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AANWT Pins ae MARCH 22, 1924 © The Billboard 65 Theatrical N otes Berkson & Pfaffman recentiS purchased the Albany Theater, C Azo c ut house G. H. Meyers has leased the Lyric Theater at Gibson City, I. F. J. Gotte and Arlo Baker taken over the pi*ture theater {tn I'ushnell, Neb. I. D. Meyer has leased the opera is Giltner, Neb. F. L. Logsdon is now owner of the Theater, Beech Grove, Ind J, Wheeler has purchased ‘he Ozark Theater, Rerryviile, Ark., from Hugh Wa The Queen, mov Ouse of Streetman, Tex., has been taken over by |! < ind 3B A. Latta. George H. Clark and his son, Plord, have Purchased the Crescent Theater, St. ancisville, lil., from Tonugate & Haines. d. ©. Hughes will hereafter manage the Imperial Theater at Alliance, Neb.. as well as the Riaito. Jobn Wall ecently purchased the Strand Theater at Leon, la,, from H. C. Jarnigan. The Dunictk Theater, 1320 sixteenth street, Indianapolis, 1, has been bought by Samuel Lebowitz from J, E. Ni The Midwest Theaters, In seven thea l ae red rove Theater, Elgin, IL, for ten-y } l, com mencing it t 3 The MeCarthy Protbers I al Enterprises have d i Orp ater Grand Forks, N. D.. to iL. D. 1 of the Hey f Three bandits were ¢ ! 2 recent attempt to rob the ¢ » Theater New Orleans, La by 3Birs. A. } Grosz, wife of the proprietor The YP Theater, a movie Roothba Harbor, Me., wa ecently gutted by Tire with loss of most of the equipment, part 3 ’ sured. ——— Wiliam WH. OH 5 fr Ney t y assumed i Y: roy New Lyri Theater rid ( : t g Georg Elmore, w St south for bis rit Edwin tf ‘iiman, well-known Dove 40.) theatrical u as pu 1 the Weber and Revod theaters that tew lic also owt the Pike Theater. Louis J. WWarria term of eighteen years ar e in the rear of |) ling 2 st 12 treet New York City, for a cir n theats Fred E. Lecemie, iate of the Liberty Thea ter, Terre lis lod.. bas taken over the management «© ‘ ajest ; r, Spring field, 1 eeding EL t Lan pann, vio is nuw sta ! Des M 1 Herman, A: and Ilarry hoenstadt have leased from the Goldberg estate t 1,000-seat Regent ‘ieater, 6824 South I reet, Chicago, for tem yeu from Februar 1, 1926, at a term rental : Kw) ACTORS’ { n with the point of view expressed to one correspondent, as f “It would mean a somewhat nethy explanatlon if I were te cive you all reasons why Rauity cannot take v tion In the matter of, ...Bven 1 he Con 1 decided that it was for the best geod of all co 1 to take action tn this ¢ e it would mpossible, because it would prove that many of the planks in onr plotform Ifive not been laid. For fence, We have 1) cur wuneements * ted that \ would vor rfere with the au re i the eour ‘ yu t they should write. Vhis poll wa lopted after the most careful and earne ‘ loration of the subject Ve bel ed nad il believe, that it Is not the provin ol \ " Asse ciation to dictate to the stage; that to’attempt to ad ao owe d seoner or later land Equity in an imp ble position, it would make ws whereas we are thoroly opposed to all forms of « Political of private. “We naturally want to keep the stage clean, not only because we belleve it the part of good citizenship, but also because of its nomic value, Salacious plays must effect of Saving the better people censors, nsorship, eco have the from the New Invention Preduces The Makes or Sleep, Yet —No More T last! A wonderful new scientific girdle that improves your appear ance immediately and reduces your waist and hips almost “while you wait!” The instant you put on the new girdle the bulky fat on the waist and hips seems to vanish, the waist-line lengthens, and your body becomes erect, graceful, youthfully slender! And then— No touches and portion of the sur —and so constructed that it gently massages. every face continually. The constant massage causes a more vigorous circulation of the blood, 1 only through these parts, but throughout the entire body! Particularly around the domen and hips, this gentle massage is sv I ap effective that it often bri gs about a remarkable reduction in weight in the first few days. Those who have worn it say you feel lik a new person when you put o7 the Madame X Reducing Girdl with every ‘step you make, with every | breath you take, with every little motion, this new kind of girdle gently massages awav the dis sfigure ing, useless fat—and you look vears younger! Look More Slender At Once! Think of it—no more protruding abdomen—no more heavy bu ilging hips. By means of age new invention, known as the Madame X Reducing Cirdle. vou ¢an Faol manw and feel many Without Girdle excess fat, Look Thin While Getting thin Improves your appearance in: tly—works for you every second of day to reduce the You'll look better and feel | ter. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll be able to wall dance, climb, indulge in outdoor sports. Many say it is fine for constipation, which is often present in people inclined to be stout. For besides excess flesh, the } ducing Girdle muscles of the bac 1 and sides thus preventing hold in their proper place the internal organs which are often misplaced in stout people —and this brings renewed vitality and aids the vital organs to function nermally again. Free Booklet driving awa li ad: ime X R pports t! fatigue, helps With Girdle look more slender immediately! You don’t have to wait until the fat is gone in order to appear slim and youthful! You actually look thin while getting thin! It ends forever the need for stiff corsets and gives you with comfort Fashion's straight boyish lines! Actually Reduces Fat The Ma e X Reducing Girdle is diffrom nything else you've seen or iried--far different from ordinary special corset oth reducing methods. It does not merely draw in your waist and make you appear more slim; it actually takes off ‘ ’ The Madame X Reducing Girdle is built Tells All You can’t appreciate how marvelous the Madam: fom bine ducing Girdle really is until you have a nlegse description of it. money in advance— just mail the coupon and learn all about this easy and pleasant way of becoming fashionably slender Mail the coupon now 2nd you'll get a full description of the Madame X Reducing Girdle and our reduced price, special trial offer. The ThompsonBarlow Company, Inc. Dept. G-1273, 404 Fourth Ave. New York Send no The Madar rs of st ‘Make *s r corse ar qives ifort Fashion's straight boyish line you look ; : X Reducing Girdle takes the you wih upon ic lassage principles which have « i reductions of 5, 10, 20, even 40 ee eee pou I made of the most resilient W The Thompson-Sariow Co., inc. ! lly designed for reducing ARNING ‘ Dept. G-127 W es ind is worn over the undergarbbe mello pp oe apple i 404 Fourth Avenue, 2 Gives you the same slim appearance ‘ t New York egular corset without the stiff appearand 3 ringe 5 l without any discomfort. Fits as cuted to the full exten 8 Please send : thy ' XY Red snugly as a kid glove—has garters attached ‘ ae “es i M PR ia cape se ctncunini canine nntae8<-< eee adame e ucing ir e |! § Add Be eee oon wo = nee renner eee Makes You Look Thin While ice thin : LO sens caves URATAVTUC TE VRITS IAAT RRANANPMAM, Harrom, « I ! Carolyn Sy pews t. 5 “Faces” Lif d Wi h St BO Stember g aces Li te it out ourgery (3) Members W , oe fe) “Sadie Masi aft i mooth out wrinkles and lift comers of f well P: = iS \ ‘ » hair. Endorsed Eva Tune iay and other stage =) son. Ve ) j Kat i t Der r=) : SADIE MACDONALD, Room 609 Fitzgerald. Bids., Broadway and “2nd, New York City. 5 Wrey. off : . = = Chicago Office a Vulcan VIUUCUTTIVUCTCRARARTATARORe Lil Brow Phos. I Brower, Dick V ‘ s are | y ! 1 believe et One for All and All for One Member W (Junior Member) , ' oe — rta y a ~Duruce Equity has taught many the joy of unselfish Jeanette Reese. were added u service. For instance, whenever a prominent Kansas City Offi l ! ta eve that w are commember is approached to serve on an arbitraBesser MewberEt, 2 petent to doe it. What is considered salacious tion board there is never a question of unwililrote poe w 7 a , ‘ a tod moy ne 1 t temorrow. Such IiIngnesa, Had ' . ~ ie nh Leav ’ uen ouster ‘ s* uve e ike fashions in women's garments, ACTORS’ EQUITY ASSOCIATION. . , ren yea sk rene gz no lower than i . P . Los Angeles Office the ee Ww i ve bably hav reated a riot Executive secretary's weekly report for Rr \ Cc Mabe! ki , vba ave created < elie oie oe sali O04. teguiar > ‘ ‘ Sit : e ind rendered {ts rer Mable to: arrest, but Council meeting, Mareh 10, 1924: tiie Sanaa 7 . c oF cl id Waist and Hips Reduced in len Seconds With ; ew Kind of Girdle The Moment You Put On This New Kind of Girdle Your Waist And Hips Look Inches Thinner—And You Get Thin While Looking Thin, For This Same Results As An Expert Masseur. Fat Vanish With Surprising Rapidity While You Walk, Play, Work Does It So Gentiv That You Hardly Know It Is There. More Heart-straining Exercises—-No More Disagreeable Starving Diets Harmful Medicines—No More Bitter Self-Denials. a at an Oo at, are Gena as {