The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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oe aati sc | | | The Billboard MARCH 22, 1924 HOTELS Commended and Criticized By NELSE Times Sauare Ideal Hotel The Man ger ain f tele in New York City inbludes the Netherland, Great Northern, Hermitsc¢e. Navart Grand, Woodstock, Wol ecott, Cumberiand, and, more recently, the massive Claman at 255 Weet 43d street The Claman was orig liy intended as a stag hotel, at its architecture has attracted, so many * 3 tors in the city, who sought rooms there, tha he 1 management has decided to not only r ive them 48 guests, but to allot. separate floors and exclusive elevators for t Being t rt of t Times Sqnare district the ry leaily situated for thoxe nt rof being z theaters within radiu of six blocks. Deer ite ts ion the hotel is unusually quiet. An attractive porte cochere leads into a fine g the entrance is a ‘replace with alian marble ficure+, a painting awarded the guild medal in and near the cozy ladies’ parlor a@ great grandfather clock. Double cir r marble itairway leads to the beautiful) ppointed mezzanize. The stained-giass ceiling G@iffuses a soft glow conducive mental relgxation. Every room in the Claman is an outside one, insuring fresh air and sunshine All have bot and cold running water and may be had with connecting or private bath. Each room is scrup lousiy clean and provided wth a new Simmons bed, comfortable chairs, writing table apd chifforobe The unique reetanrant, a few steps below the lobby, is galiy decorated, with hand-painted walls, making th deliciously cooked food doubly enjoyable. Breakfast, con sisting of fruit, cereal, ham and eggs, coffee and rolls, may be had for 49 cents, special luncheon 5 nta and table d'hote dinner $1. The cigar stand in the lobby has a full line of smokes, periodicals, newspapers, candies and theater tic A 24-hour laundry service and excellent valet rvice at moderate rates are other conveniet The rates are: Room with running water, $2 per day; room with connecting: bath, 32.50 per <a) room with private bath, $3 per dar, additional rson $1 extr Great Northern Guests Among recent arrivals at the Great Northern Hotel, near Broadway, New York, were: Garrison, Loudon Chariton and Heien Sta: Daisy Jean, violoncellist; Jean Wiswell, pianist; George Enesco, composer-vio Hnist, and the famous English comedians, Nel€on Keyes and Irene Russell, engaged for Ziegfeld’s **Follics’’ —HOTEL—. De FRANCE 142-146 West 49th Street NEW YORK CITY A modern hotel in the heart of Times Square, near all Theatres and Clubs. Three short blocks to N. V. A. WE CATER 10 THE PROFESSION HERMAN ECKER, Manager, HOTEL—_—_—_ REMINGTON 120 West 46th St., NEW YORK. Comfort, ueeme and convenience can be found at the gton. Hote] thoroughly renovated, SPECIAL RATES TO PROFESSION, M, J, GUSDOFER, Manager. —_——HOTEL FELIX—PORTLAND 132 West 47th Street, ney + city.” Newly SPECIAL RATES. To "PROFESSION. J. GusDO Manager. LINCOLN EDMONDS 306 W. Sist Stree 776-80 Eighth Ave., Tel., Circle 6040. NEW YORK CITY. Tel,, Bryant 0554. High-class _ elevator Furnished apartments. apartments. Beautifully All improvements. Strictfurnished. ly theatrical MRS, GEO. W. DANIEL, Proprietor, HOTEL MARWOOD 242 West 49th St., New York City. Keomsa cewly renovated. Running water, Telephone, — aRALOr. Night servic ¢, Single, $8 up per week. LZ Sornivost: a 3s One THE BILLBOARD HOTEL DIRECTORY Conducted by ALFRED NELSON (Communications to our New York Offices, Putnam Bldg., 1493 Broadway) ADVERTISING RATE—One line, two columns wide. address and phone number. 80c for each issue. than five issues. Payable in advance. CONSECUTIVE ADVERTISING Hotel name, No ad accepted for less 52 Consecutive times, one line across two columns. PT TTT eT Tee Terr 26 Se bObéedOES benbes sae SRO 13 ” ° ae . ” = Sotesecocecscscees GEO NEW YORK CiTY REC RIOA CGE, coccocescvessteceancn ete WO GD Ticcssicces gednehees wesansan Bryant 0994 CT, «scserbxtuseeenbessaneuel 101 West 44th St. ; ...Bryant 1197-8 BELMORE HOTEL....61 Lexington Ave. (Cor. 25th Sa.) Moderate. Prices. "Madison Sou 630! CLAM4N HOTEL...... Daily, $2 up; Weekly, $12 up 435 W. 434 Sf....... Lackawan ) DP ED serve aseseethabaerw ens Sw ee ee Bryant 7 DE FRANCE WMOTEL........... -146 West 49th St . Bryant 6710 FULTON HOTEL .. 264-268 ‘wi “jeu St. (opp. N. V. A) Lackawanna 6090 L GRAND HOTEL ....From §2 UB... ..... Broadway and ist St. Loigacre 41 HOTEL HERMITAGE. From up..Times Square, 42d St. and 7th Ave...Phone, Chickering 77 i aera aa 36th = and Broadway . 7 Fitz Roy 6<° HUDSON HOTEL 102 44th St Bryant 7228 9 LANGWELL HOTEL.... __...... 123-129 West 44th St. Bryant see NAVARRE HOTEL.......... Prom GR GB.ccscccss 7th Ave. and 38th St itz Rey ; fe | ree JO U7}: ee eer Bryant 33° , FURNISHED APARTMENTS | ALPINE HOTEL (Forme-iy Reisenweber’s).......58 St and Eighth Ave....... Gstestes 1000-01-02 EDMONDS APARTMENTS ..........4..... nn en (i. wécepeemebess Bryant 0°34 ol ye BL Ge rreeserne rrr Longacre ya LANSDALE-CANTON APARTMENTS ven Lew 96 Broadway (Cor. 53d St.)...... Circle fti4 LINCOLN APARTMENT Se eee Cirele 6040 RUANA —— 200 W. 50th St. 800° Eighth Ave... Hotel Service. .$20 a Week up. Circle 705) THE ADELAIDE oF visvipedventaniue eee en 00... oc ceedcoensssens Bryant 8950-895! eg item aia 28 ch ne ee re Bryant 577i FURNISHED ROOMS EDNA C. BURNETT ......... épenmmncant ht aa .-Phone, 7526 Trafalgar ny ih i shes denser ewkbeouel 226 W. SOth St... Circle 8179 4 54TH STREET. Rooms with Kitchenettes. Single and Doulte, ss to ‘$16 (lames) 341 WEST SIST STREET..Housekeeping Apts...Single and Double Reoms, ALBANY, N. Y. Circle 4845 $7 to $16..Cirele 3376 HAMPTON ANNEX.. 66 No, one St....Near all Theatres. . ane Rooms...Spec. Rates...M2in 6200 I NM ESS He. HR $1.50 S., $2 D 631 Breadway........ Main 4374 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTEL FREDONIA........ Just off Boardwalk.... ..Near all Theatres... ..Prefessional Rates BALTIMORE, MD. ACADEMY HOTEL.... Howard and Franklin Sts..... Rates: $7 per Week, Single; $10 and $14 Doubie BIRMINGHAM, ALA. BENCOR HOTEL..... 3d Ave. and N. 20th St.......$1.50 up. Special by Week...... Main 6471 BOSTON, MASS. HOTEL ALPHIN...Heart of Theater District...Spec. Theat. Rates ..331 Trement St... Beach 5850 HOTEL COMMODORE (New)..One to Five Minutes to All Theaters. 315 pened St...Beach 8720 HOTEL one dvcsssanesonnutinde Le a ane stank Haymarket 4956 ih heen ee owdein Squere.. ... Hay 2751 QUINCY HOUSE. . Brattle ve Heart “e Theatrical Gicwict” Special Rates... Haymarket 3880 BUFFALO, N. Y. BARNES HOTEL........ American and European........ Theatrical Rates........ 324 Pear! Street BUTLER, PA. HOTEL WILSON APTS...... Rooms with Kitchencttes.....119 W. Jefferson St.....Near Theatres CHICAGO, ILL. gf ere Randoiph and Wells Sts..............++-Phone, HOTEL PASADENA 600" North Dearborn St...Phone, Dearborn 1439. Special Rates to Performers LAKE FRONT HOTEL.. Hekpg. Suites, Singles. Reas. Rates. 3800 Lake Park Ave. Phone, Ken. 4016 CINCINNATI, Oo. WEW RAND HOTEL......................38 W. Sth St....... paetenseeperonyseussegel Main 2340 CLEVELAND. oO. HOTEL SAVOY ...........+..Euolld Ave, near E 4th St...... CUMBERLAND, MD. Main 3302 .. Heart of Playhouse Squarc WASHINGTON HOTEL..............80 Baltimore St, Near Theatres.............. Theatrical Rates DETROIT, MICH, DUONG WOTEL..0000,.000. (Under new managemen:.) Theatrical rates Cadillac @510 HOTEL OXFORD....Dewn Town, Cor. Woodward and Larned....Th eatrical ‘Riates....Main 5625 HOTEL ST. CLAIRE......Randoiph and Monrce...... $10.50 Single, $15.00 Deuble. . "Cherry 009" ST. DENNIS HOTEL........Cer. Clifford ard Bagley........ Thestricai Rates........ Cherry 3610 FORT ‘SMITH, ARK. DOUGLAS HOTEL 22... .cccceccceccceccweennneee cesecceseees Special Theatrical Rates GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ntti ninbvbapnsbtthinbeeededehencons ....Best In Michigan ‘HARRISBURG, PA. WILSON HOTEL ..143 S. Sd St...‘‘Henry Prices’...$1.00 up. Special by week...Bell Phone 6574 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. PANTLIND HOTEL .... HOTEL SEVERIN ..........++..0.0.-000-Every Room With Bath ...........Rates, $2.50 and up JACKSONVILLE, FLA. THE ANNEX...... 304 W. Bay St, Opposite Mason Hotel...... Phone 6130...... Rates, $1.00 and up KANSAS CITY, MO. BALTIMORE HOTEL...... pee and — ys biccael Center Theatricai District...... Rates from $1.50 COATED BOUSE 00 ccccceccseosses Street Cars from Union Station ........... Rates: $1.00 up GLADSTONE HOTEL... .....<,0..0.--62--Weekly Rates, $5, $6 and $7, Single; ‘ss to $10 Double MECCA HOTEL ......... boewee . Half Block from Orpheum and G Theatres....... Prof. Ra! LA SALLE, ILL. KASKASKIA HOTEL AND CAFE........Fireproof........ Near Theatres... .. ... Theatrical Rates LITTLE ROCK, ARK. MOTEL, WARIO oo. cccccrccvccsececcesesereesressccoccsesssteencesseces Specia} Theatrical Rates RION VICTORIA HOTEL..Next Deer to the Majestic Theatre..Modern..Rates $1 up per Day..Phone S417 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. HOTEL CHANDLER........... 634 South Main........... Theatrical Rates........ «eee Faber 1425 LOUISVILLE, KY. CONGRESS HOTEL (Formerly Leslie)....6th and Court Pl..... Same Management....Prof. Rates MIDDLESBORO, KY. PIEGMONT HOTEL.......... R. B. Roberts, Prop.....Wants the Show People.....Popular Prices MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. HOTEL ELGIN..One Block from Orpheum, Pantages and Seventh Street Theaters. Professional Rates NEWARK, N. J. LINCOLN ANNEX HOTEL. 966 Broad St..... Rensonable Rates..Cater to Prof...Phone, Market 3728 OMAHA, NEB. MILLARD HOTEL .......... seeesceceees $3th and Douglas Sts......... -Theatrical Headquarters PHILADELPHIA, PA. HIRSH HOTEL 816 Walnut St., Cua. Casino Theatre pieod’ ..Walnut 8025 HOTEL MARLBOROUGH ecoece ..1108-10 Walnut St.. Walnut 6458 ZEISSE’S HOTEL .....ccccccee 820-822 Walnut st. sceses wecccececseses Wainut 1635 an, TTSBURG, PA. HOTEL CARR Speciat Rates............ 226= Penn Ave...... Court 9008 LINCOLN HOTEL AND “RESTAUBANT’. ..417 Penn me . Special Rates... Rooms ~) + or Week RICHMOND, HOTEL RICHMOND....Opp. Capitot Square.. go ‘Headquarters. .« Phone, Randolph 410¢ (Continued on next page) ACTOR MOTHERS AND FATHERS, WHAT ABOUT YOUR BOY? Are you compel led to be away from him? Is he living a normal, happy-home life? Saint James is a delightful country home school for boys. One hundred acres of field, Expert individual teaching, training for Christian Manliness, Long Island Sound. Terms, $1,200 per year, J, A. SNELLGROVE, Director, Square House , Saint James, Leng Island, New Yerk. LA anes a Square House at woodland gnd shore. Fifty miles from New York—North Shore, Berlin News lates | By 0. M. SEIBT ERLIN, February 17.—Albert Voyee, Monte Bayly and A Cc Astor have arrired here to fer it I. A. L. concerning tt x ge of Ss. So far they a ga¢ ! 1, non of them having been here be fore and = President I ib is devot ng : et to show t m li t t nt ng Konorah's point is to convince them ft greatly changed conditions, espe ft fact that any per t a day ($2.50) quite comfort , net only takes them to t v le s but also to the harets, r of ther g twice dally l the F 1 w i emart pla in Fried atr like every other ho ha f alary additional for every mat . Ther s every encouragement on the part of t I. A. L. and also of t managers, and M ger Eans Gruss, representing t So eection of the Managers’ A atic | at his expense to v . e things there. Sir Os Stoll Ivised « local agent of his forth Berlin. PRerlin’s latest u e resort, the Walballa, opened only Christmas D ; changing hands : ady after Ma r Sachse found business not as good anticipated. The new tenant is Manager Bruck, of Cologne, who may play burl ¢ Robledillo, Cuban wire walker, opens March 1 at the Deutsches Theater, Munich, for the entire month, with the Wintergarten, Berlin, to follow, The Moscow circuses (State owned), paid full salary for the ten days’ national mourning on account of Lenin's death, when all amusement places had to close down. Two German midgets have been engaged by Nat Nazarro, American vaudeville artiste, and will sail March 8 on the Bremen. Max Reinhardt is back from New York and, after a short stay n town, proceeded to Vienna, where he will open his new theater Presently. | Speaking about America, he says that next year he will produce for Morris Gest either Strindberg’s ‘‘Dream Play’’ or Calderon’s ‘“‘Great World Theater’. Reinhardt’s new Berlin house on Kurfuerstendamm will, contrary to gene before next At the ral expect season. ations, not be opened Grosse Schauspielhaus, ‘*Boceaccio” proved a fine success and is scheduled to run at least until Easter. ‘‘Gasparonne’’ will be the next production. According to the new German Stage Almanac, Berlin has fifty-one theaters, Vienna, twenty; Hamburg, and Munich, ten. HOTEL HERMITAGE Times Sq., 42d St. and 7th Ave., NEW YORK, HOTEL NAVARRE 38th Street and 7th Ave.. NEW YORK. HOTEL CLAMAN 255 W. 43d St., W. of Times Sa., NEW YORK. HOTEL GRAND Broadway and 3ist St., NEW YORK. Modern Hotels in Times Square, RATES FROM $2 PER DAY. CATERING TO THE PROFESSION legitimate fifteen, HOTEL ST. GEORGE vane and {2th Street, EW YORK city. The only Theat ‘al Hotel below Times Square. Near al) subways, cars ‘and elevated, EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE RATES, Write for reservations, S. JAFFE, Manager. ALPINE HOTEL FORMERLY REISENWEBER’S, 58th St and Eighth Ave.. at Columbus Cirelo, NEW YORK. viene, Gotemtes 1000 of 1002, Rooms and Bat SPECIAL nATES TO THE PROFESS ION. LOOK--TOLEDO, OHIO $10,000 improvements to THE TAVERN Hic in center of Theatres (Opposite Keith Theatre) Write