The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard During the past year 321 actors have registered themselves as jobless, of which 75 per cent obtained emergency employment thru the Aetors’ Society. Several ‘‘season’’ managers from the last summer have meanwhile disappeared. According to The Almanac, German plays are being given in the native tongue at St. Louis and Milwaukee. The Circus in Warsaw, ary 6 and the (twenty Poland, cloved Februanimals were sold by auction were bought some time ago by John Ringling). tad business, accentuated by the steady decline of the Polish mark and the difficulty of getting good acts, are the reasons advanced by the menagement. Another Eastern cireus to close down in the horses near future is Bredford’s at Riga, Lettland. Manager Bredford claims that since the mark stability almost every performer breaks his contract by not turning up, and in copseqttegce there is no other alternative, since he cannot get acts from cther countries than Germany. The Vaudeville Managers’ Association, seventy-five per cent of its members belonging to the cabaret and dance floor trade, has issued a secret circular sent by registered mail to all members imploring them to once be a man and utter an oath that no longer shall those impudent, fairy-like salaries be paid to Performers; that they are absolutely ruining themselves if continuing to agree to such staggering figures, and that at the outset they should not pay more than five to seven marks per day to beginners, ten to fifteen marks per day to mediums, twenty to thirty marks per day to standard acts and to sixty marks per day to big headliners. Should performers not fifty agree to there figures they are to be left te themselves and, says the letter, soon they will come to their senses. The circular fs signed by the second president of the managers’ society, M. Friediger, who runs a cabaret in Munich, and somehow a copy came into the hands of Mr. Konorah. Realizing that some actors still want waking up Konorah had four thonsand copies of the above circular printed with his comment for distribution, and the result can well be imagined. Te & a could hardly bave a better propaganda material. In fairness to the real managers it must be sald that they are not in sympathy with Mr. Fried'iger’s ideals, neither do they care What he says about ruining the business. As to salaries for star acts in vaudeville, a well-known American act booked in this coun try for a seven months’ marks month! tour receives 16,000 ($1,000 per week), and several big-time managers have just told the writer that they only want big stuff, no matter what salary. A likely consequence of the above “secret’’ circular may split the managers’ association, dividing vaudeville and cabaret managers. In the meantime the I. A. I. has not been slow to pass a resolution to the effect that unless the new tariff contract, which becomes due May 31, contains the old stipulations about payment of traveling expenses, matinees and for the thirty-first day of a month, three points the managers wish to avoid, and is all signed up by both parties until Easter, there will be a strike all over Germany Easter Sunday. Home Productions J. J. Gilletly’s Minstrels, of Akron, 0.2, Presented a show at the Town Hall, Hudson, 0., February 20 and March 1, under avepices of the Hudson Volunteer. Fire Department. Emory Field*’ rendition of ‘‘Mellow Moon" was a hit. Herbert Kidgell, chief of the fire dePpartinent, writes that all who attended were 80 well pleased that requests were made for the to play a return engagement. The Red Men's Charity Minstrels, given at the Crescent Theater, Jackson, O., February 25, is reported as the best ever staged there and layed to a packed house Jackson County's ‘oremost talented singers took part. The show was staged, costumed and directed by Harry Burnett and was hia second staged in Jackson in five months The K, of P. Minstrel hich schoo! auditorium at ruary 4-5. wae the firet home talent and was a great success, of 1 will make ft an annual affair. Burnett costumed and directed has the contract for next -_— “Miss Tob White’, a musical comedy, was given at the anditorlum of the Central High School, Madison, Wie., March 7 and & under auspices of the Wimodaugh«ie Cinb and was composed of, the pick of local talent. The Revue, in the new Oak Hin, O., Febever given there by The K. Harry the show and season, J. MAHLON DUGANNE Author, Compeser and Procucer of “PRINCE CHARMING” $n Operetta for Amateurs. Composer of numerous other musical productions One song ‘hit’ often makes a show a financial suc cess. ou may need that number. Let me know what you require. Music set to agne or lyrics supplied to music, For terme addr BOX 181, Altoona, »* Peoneytvante, HOME TALENT PRODUCERS Harrington Adams, Inc a Home Office, Fogioria. Onto THE BILLBOARD HOTEL DIRECTORY “Continued from opposite page.) ROCHESTER, N. Y. . Rates, $6.00 and $9.00, with Bath; $14.00 Double. SEYMORE HOTEL Phone, 5371 Stone ST. LOUIS, MO. ares .6th and Market Sts.. ... Olive 5300 EMPRESS-RIALTO HOTEL........ Grand and Olive. Special Theatrical Rates. Lindell 4843 METROPOLE HOTEL....12th and Morgan, 2 Blks. N. of Washington... TORONTO, CANADA Fehn Street..Leading Theatrical Hotel WICHITA, KAN. $6.00 per week and ug ARLINGTON. King ana Special Rates to the Profession CADILLAG MOTEL .......ccccs ... 109 S. Emporia Ave............Medern Convenience-Professienal WILKES-BARRE, PA. THE NEW HOTEL HART........ T. &. tewle, Prep....... Professional Rates...... Phone, Ne. 9015 WiLLIAMSPORT, PA. PARK HOTEL.. .Chas, Duffy, Proprietor + .. Covered Entrance Pa, Station....200 Rooms, $1.50 up... “45 STEPS FROM BROADWAY” Mansfield Hal Circle 8170. 226 W. 50th St., N. Y. The largest Theatrical House in the Times Square Section yl ~ hag running water and telephone. SINGLE ROOMS, $9.00 AND DOUBLE ROOMS, $11.00 AND _ ROOMS WITH TWIN BEDS, $15.00 AND UP. ROOMS FOR 3-4 PERSONS, $20.00 AND UP SECURE YOUR RESERVATIONS BY WIRE. / “The House With That Refined and Congenial Atmosphere.” SCENERY AND PLUSH DROPS TO RENT Amelia Grain, Philadelphia THE ONE PLACE IN THE WIDE, WIDE WORLD where the professional as well as the amateur producer can rent a Drop, a Setting or the complete Scenic Production of any Play or Opera ever staged. 100 FIRST PART MINSTREL SHOW SETTINGS Established 1890 Absolutely Reliable Service YOU HAVE A N THIS DAY AND AGB attention to your appearance is an absolute necessity if you expect to make the most out of. life, Not only should you wish to appear as attractive as possible, for your own selfsatisfaction, which is alone well worth your efforts, but you will find the world in gen BEAUTIFUL FACE eral judging you greatly, if not whol ly, by your “‘looks’’, oEFOKE therefore it pays to “look your best’ at all times. Permit no one tof sure reculators, ig made of licht, p lished metal, is See you looking otherwise; {t will injure your welfare! Upon the impressicn you constantly make rests the failure or suceess of your life. Which is to be your inside is tal parts g wore at night firm and fits every nose comfortably. The upholstered with a fine chemeis and no come in contact with the skin. Bei: ultimate destiny? it does not interfere with your daily work. Thou My «ewest creetly improved euperior Nese-Shaper, | sands of wo sol cited testimonials on hand, and my “TRADOS MODEL 25°" U. S Patent, corrects now] fifteen years of studying and manufacturing Nose all ill-shaped noses, without operation, quickly, safely,| Shepers is at your disposal, which guarantees you contfortably and permanently, Diseased cases excepted. | entire satisfaction and a perfectly shaped nose. Model 25 i& the latest In Nose Shapers and surpasses} (Above illustration represents my ‘‘Trade-Mark” and all my previous Models and other Nose Sh: per Pat| shows my first and oldest Nose Shaper. It is not a ents by a large margin. It has six adjustable pres-] replica of my latest supericog Model No, 25.) Write today for free booklet, Dg = hy you how to correct Tll-Shaped Noses without cost if not satisfectory. LETY, Face Specialist, 2013 Ackerman Bidg., Binghamton, N. Y. TIGHTS, HOSE, SPANGLES, WIGS, ETC. COMPLETE LINE OF LEICHNER’S AND STEIN’S MAKE UP. MINSTREL AND AMATEUR SHOWS Given * Spex ‘tal’ Attention. 2-oz, Bex of Jack Weber's Famous “BLACK FACE” MAKB-UP sent postpaid QU t K DELIVERIES AT FAIR PRICES OF COSTUMES We Make and Rent Costumes ef All Descriptions, in S. and Canada for 25c. Send for new Price Lists. CHICAGO COSTUME WORKS, Inc., 116-120 neque FRANKLIN STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, New Address) Phone, State 6780. play was tuneful, colorful and full of comedy The director will be Chas. H. Collins, acrobat, and with ever changing choruses. Packed houses contortionist, musician and minstrel. Mr. Colgreeted the performances. lins made good use of The Billboard when he ——— seught to purchase costumes, etc., for the A home-talent play, ‘‘The Road to the City’, S"0W, Which is being presented to raise funds was given at Rewey. Wis. March 14, to furnish the quarters of the Sandersville hiwanis Club, MAGIC AND MAGICIANS The first annual minstrel show a the benefit of Chippewa rribe, No. 19, I R. M., was ) inne ' age «at quccecefally staged at the C ey Opera Hou om, (Continued tre m page 69) Frederick, Md., February 27, under direction of management wants him back for a return en Billle Carr, Keith Time. late of Billie Coburn’s act on the gagement. Harry and Emma Sarreck, seen the other week at Keith's in the best spot on the dill, caused many laughs with their comedy, but will early in April, When they into the rapid-fire telepath The Kiwanis Club, of Sandersville, Ga., stage a local minstrel show got 123-129 West 44°StNewYork T is advisable toinvestigate the Langwell’s two and three room suites before you select an apartment.T hereare 400 outside rooms, newly decorated and furnished, including some of the finest suites in New York. The rentals, with full hotel and maid service included, are sure to be well within your reach, MODERATE RENTALS 3-Room Suites with Bath $165 monthly and up 2-Room Suites with Bath $130 monthly and up Desirable Singleand Double Rooms, running w sey or private bath, from $a to $4 “daily. Special rates for year and season. Phone Bryant 1847 WILLIAM HOWARD Vice President and General Manager FOR SALE Twenty-five-room Hote] proposition located in this city, a city of 35,000 This hotel has lunch room attached and is an elegant pr yposition. Also have fifty-room Hotel pr siti ‘ located ip Muncie, Ind, with fifteen-year lease. A won lerful buy. OMAR F. BROWN REALTY CO., Kokomo, Indiana, PRIVATE FAMILY Woul ike a few children to board under eight yearta, Near 8 ‘oot and ra lroad state -. Open surroundings and lawn, with every convenience. MRS. THOS COLLINS, Copiague, Long ‘Island, ie ae EVERYONE'S VARIETY The Title of aa yong ae and The Shew W: has been changed t for mg. New capital -new blood inc rp yrated ar “y a sew and virile polley ad pted It will continue to cover Motion Pictures, Vaudeville, Drama, Circus, Fairs and Chautauquas in a trade paper way. The advertising rates remain unchenged. All communications should be addresse@ to MARTIN C. BRENNAN, Editer, 114 Casticreagh &8t., Sydney, Australia, made the audience sit up and take notice. bertes last week appeared at a two-hour show of He carries Althe State with magic and erystal gazing. twelve people and played to wonderful business. Webster, a clever crystal gazer, is now in Indiana, and at this writing is appearing in French Lick. He played a local house for two recently and gave a good account of himself. Another crystal seer playing dates in Indiana is All Aidni, Rlackstone has been jumping in and out of the State, doing wonderful b and is now headed south. Jack Merlin, the card expert, made himself known on a short stop here. This boy has the world beat for new ideas with cards.” ke weeas isiness isiness, Raymon, the magician who witnessed the opening of the Mystic Clayton Show in Binghamton, N. Y¥., last week, says the attraction played to S. R. O. business during the engagement. For the last half of the week Clayton and Ziska, who appears with the show as an extra added attraction, did an entirely new act. Richard Pitro, the globe-trotting agent, who arrived in New York last week following a six mouths’ tour abroad, visited The Maskelyne Mystery Show in London just before sailing. Never in his many years of experience in theatricals, Pitro ys, has he seen so interesting and entertaining a performan Among some of the turns he wv sod were Owen Clark, inventor-magician, in his Mag 1's Rehearsal; P.\T. Selbit in his latest illusion, The Man Without a Middle, and E. Clive Maskelyne in The Window of the Haunted House. Roberts, Indian s (Ind.) magician, fecently planned a new act and is gunning for dates. . . . Gus Miller, of Wheeling, W. Va., recently entertained the Eagles’ Club of Martins I messes BOE SE der is preparing to present a large show at Weirton, W. Va., ia the near future. Callender is a magician, ventriloguist and elocutionist as well. . . . Walter Baker Mrs. Baker were recent visitors in Washington, Pa., at the home of R. 8S. Hugden, local 1 Bakers were playing Pitts burg at the time Jack Laird, econjurer, of Bango Mic! y es glowingly of Seymour, the wizard, whos formance he recently wit essed. . . . Hall, the miracle man, is still meeting up with Pennsylvania. good business in Western we ee gen