The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 73 Picked Up + the Pace March 9 was a glorious Sound and t i town section of Seventh avenue, New Yerk disclosed a beautiful pic of th : tion of the Race for tf Weat ‘ ine feathers, for the one certainiv bi yt the other in force, ‘% tran mal gicry of Fifth avenue, insofar as f on is ancient history. A wet along § uth avenue between 125th street and 140 street will hand some sariutii) « ri ‘ i ye who cares to make the i ’ ran isht} afternoon. Whobver + will find Sunday themselves bandsomely towarded, if thetr sorl responds at all to { uty ia fa form and fashion, It was not all disnlay tat we observed There was much serio: s. At the Renais sance Casino COL. HOWARD and JOUN FE. NAIL, president of the TRADE AND ¢ MERCE CLUB, @elivered addr to a tr mendous mass of poo, assembled ruder e ? spices of the . 1 A. C. DP. on 1 of tu 24th Infautry prisoners, 3 SALE BAPTIST CHURCH DOLORES TLASKINS, dram reader of “‘l’a ‘\ i Gat’ fame, ay 1 with a grovp of f: ' orators assen by CLEVELAND G. ALLEN, ¢t Harlem HOME NEWS and MUSICA! Or RIER contributor, to do henor to t memory of the 1! COL. CHARLES YOUNG A. PHILLIP RANDOLPH, of the MESSEN*« Rw > ’ « r. ERRINGTON KEL st, 1 GERTRU: HILL also were contributors. At the Y¥. 3. ( A. rROF. KELLY MILLER delivered an able addres big hroay aa the big gymona‘ ] mim Ar In all of these activitics ! of h professiona! in che ‘ f v » very noticeable. 4 ‘ eg that the profession do tak au: , st in watters of Ka and Phat] even the lay opinion d t ys edze . Near the Park in Edgecombe we found WILL MARION COOK t ’ 1 at work on “NEGRO NUAN t that te our humble 1 2 i s t be e monument of that vd er. EVCENIA REPELSKY has just arranged | n ¢ interpretative da: numbers and 1 ensembles for the show w hn, by ¢ v x t as impres<ive as is the ‘‘Miracle’’, if Ccuok’s plans prevail. The catalog of the NATIONAL NEGRO ART THEATER is out. We have att the preliminary meetings, and the program la down by ANNE WOLTER and he a tremendous st: matter of dramatic of its own—and y MR. and MRS. ECHOLS, tenor and pruno, are broadcasting over the WAWF SAMMY STEWART'S ORCHESTRA, of Chicago. w! r associa : p forward for the er culture. It desery will get it in an ea we heard late Saturday night over KYW. enjoyed the distinction of having drawn many comments upon their work as to prompt t station announcer to teli his public tl H wes so insistent upon hearing them some more to wire the station, More than a hun arrived before morning, according reports from Chicago. GEORGE MeCLENNON and MAUDE DEFORREST are in New York. They opened at Keuny'’s Theater, Brooklyn, Mareh 17% . . JOHN SMITH and twenty-five of hl mvusiclans play for the SHEIK’S BALL Mareh 25. . . FLORNOY MILLER busy last week, such time as he could spare from “RUNNIN WILD", advising with RAYMOND O'NEILL, who was directing re “GOING WHITE”. Mr. Miller doesn’t propose to have the picce written by Mr. and himself manhandled by incompetent handling, for which he can’t be blamed, The PUTNAM TIIPATER, was hearsals for Lyles in Fulton street, Brooklyn, has been reopened, Colored acts will be the policy. More work that comes at a = — |, ) Seca ag hmeeneeioe ae a nee oe * . F. S. SHARPE, owner cf a tented minstrel thot made good last season at many celerod fairs. y 1 time, if we are to judge by the acts at ! 9 c ‘roadway, Abvut April 1 ft I E EDDIES, ho have been « x \ lates and playing midnight es at t CLUB ALABAM, strrt a tour of the le Cir *. giseontinuing at the cinb. The BLACK SWaA SECORD COMPANY has been bed 1 the PARAMOUNT COM PANY. T latter concern will hereafter mar i @ catacog ¢ is been 1 te by the co! 1 cor and HARRY H. P Act E will dehis per ul a ition to an insurance comtm FLOREN( MILI will head a musical comedy revue r Sam Harris, t lucer. Irving Ler sa.d to be the writer of the piece. Word just « ‘ at Virginia board of censors has dema } so ma ‘ s in Osear Micheaux’s ‘Birt zbt’’ that it amounts to a denial o license f the tate. “MOTHI ROBINSON, whose title indicates her place in profs enal esteem, advises that ht and is re ering from a serious attack of pleuro-pnenmonia. Another of the oldsters who ! THEODORE PANKEY, contined by leakage of the heart in Brooklyn. T. 0. B. A. REVIEWS Varnell’s Review Star Theater, Shreveport, La., Mar Sisters’ ch 3) Company, Jam full of per sona and a variety of talent, fast sin F 4 and dancing and adequately costumed Scored an even 100 per cent with the packed Jowerflocr audience in the big Star Theater Even : 1-used balcony was about half filled. The show rar yur and fifteen minutes. imbers fourteen people, in vlud all of the original Whitman girls. Mabel S$ manager, Iiert does her male impersonations, Essie is a « alto, Alice a remarkable dancer and little five-year-old Albert is just a distin guished bit of a card than can give older per formers a handicap and win on merit, Sam ar is the comic, with Eraest Michael g with 1 under cork. W. B. Joh » dene T » Lilie Tabern, Dolly MeCurdy, I a Billups, W. B. Johnson and Troy C. Sn direetor, complete the ro r The opening overture took applause. Four male singers opened and were followed by a like number of giris They doubled forces and Alice stepped forth in a number, after which Bert j a her, and, together, they led @ number to an encore. Essie took two bows for a wz single. Mabel and , ops put over a line of talk on love that proved a “‘wow"’. “Pops” stopped this with a dance. Alice fol lowed with more intricate steps. Both score heavily. Bert and Alice dou ad in a dance and took an encore. Thomas rendered a tenor sole and Michael sang and played his clarinet to three bows’ worth of satisfa m to t 2 i Jenkins and the e company vered a s* number, which J om and Jent pulled some ‘ tee le show ek 1 with a song numbe by Mabel, su; ported by the company, < ; hich the a’ ‘ me t t it bas be held ver f the next week. WESLEY VARNELL. Hot Springs, Ark. @ Theaier, Reviewed March 4) Company is the Venden The Anita Bush ! s wre Since ] Fr aw bas attraction been house ible [mprovement is observed M ‘ Llw elephone Giris’’ worked ‘ ta » Kay, principal comic. Kay's work Is et ndable, except that he spoils it with the use hell’ Raymond f the a 7 Brown, s@clad « edian,.§ shows but is promise, blackface. George Ale little to do, but, two numbers well. Alex Keats did offerings effectively. Brown House New"’ with a move of the hips offensive. <A bit of a put over “You've Had Your Way’ to-an encore. She as a ict more talent than stature resented a ch of costume for each number, and it was nice stuff. Gladys Davis, Virginia Hartley, Helen Bosworth, Jessie Mae Jones and Alice Hamilton made up the octoroon chorus. They know how to sng, dance, dress and deport themselves to the credit of Muss Bush, their employer and tutor. HI. TOM LONG. N. A. C. F. SECRETARY SPEAKS The National Ass 18 started ont on had put over three danee sang ‘“‘lo the Jail that Was sander, the straight, backed by the cherns, niost chorister The show ange iation of Colored Fairs its third year with glowing sued success backed by the owed intentions of those pioneers who are so nobly effort. They have all agreed not cease until every colored has been made to see possibilties to be attained thru igutual c¢o-operition and Integrity of purpose. When read aud pondered over the accomplishments attained thru similar organizations of the white race, with all the advantages, numerically, as well as financially, at thefr command, there should be no doubt in the minds of those of our grovp that compose the various fiir associations about the proper and safe method of conducting and improving their own individual association in the most remunerative way. The National Asseciation of Cole is well aware of the umerous diffeulties that ltee=eller the fair associ hepes of cont Stunding by the that fair the ultimate they will association one has red Pairs problems and average colored ition and is seeking to solve and overcome them in a true spirit of mutual cooperation. The very first problem that seems to be tantamount is a co-ordination of all ored fair assoviation which would 1 the carnivals, whereby the allotted colin much to concessionaries, ex bitors, et Same kind rea to the same kind of fair. The second would be the formation of circuiis in order to eliminate, or reduce, the still weeks which now exist and make it impracticable to route any show to play consecutive dates that de sires to play our fairs for a season. These, together with a number of other oblems, are the primary objectives with which the Na pen Association finds itself confronted avd has begun to tackle in a manner calculated to acne zg about the desired results, and it wil! be done only thru the mutual belp and sacrifice on the part of all concerned. Let us hope thet continued efforts will be rewarded in pleasing to all. our & Wanber ROBERT H. CROSS. WONDERLAND The Big Baltimore Park Wonderland Park, which Rufus publicity manager, calis *‘The Coney Colored America”, consists of fourteen acres of beautifully developed land located within street car riding distance of Baltimore, Md., with its 125,000 Negro population. The park originally opened by an all-Race corporation fell upon the unfortunate days that followed the war and William D. Seamon, who had extensive concession sts there obtained possesion of the controling interest. Dr. J. E. Robinson, B. H. White and a number of other colored tained the holdings. Mr. Seamon assumed the presidency end Earl Seamon ‘tary-treasurer, hufus Ryars, whq for n eighteen years has been identhied with business phases of amusement was named general manager and publicity director, with offices at 1531 Pennsylvania avenue. Last season the park did q gress business of more than $80,000, and if the improvements made on the property and the bookings for pienics that Byars has already made count for Byars, its island of e » —_— Sstockhoidere fre is sect more thi the enterprises, WHERE CAN YOU BE FOUND? A card of the wae = below will cost $1 per insertion in advance. Change of address, Maracer, Place, Cincinnati, for JACKSON’S etc., always permissible, Classified Ads, 25 Opera stating that the copy is PAGE LIST. sass a MUSICAL Ce MEDY.AND: Ss EVERETT ROBBINS AND HIS SINGING SYNCOPATING ROBBINS. 1922-'24, Blue Chip Inn, Studio address, 426 8th Street, Milwaukee, Wis, BILLY CUMBY The Black Spasm. With Jack Reid’s Record Breakers, on the Columbia Burlesque Circuit. Perm., 4 West 138th Se. Ast. | % New Evelyn Preer and Edward d Thompson LEADS WITH LAFAYETTE PLAYERS, Permanent Address, Billboard, New York. JOVIAL SURPRISE “GANG” JINES— JACQUELINE Immaculate in Every Respect. In Vaudeville. NAY BROTHERS AND THE BUSBY MINSTREL COMPANY. Address as per Route List, The Gillboard, OCTAVIA DORAM QUEEN OF SYNCOPATION, AND HER HIGH BROWN SYNCOPATORS. Sammie Ketchul,Mgr., ULYSSES THE GREAT AMERICA’S NOTED ENTERTAINING MYSTIC ND RADIO MENTALIST care Billboard, Cincinnati. A : Addr. U. S. Jones, Chester Magic Shop, Chicage. OWARD C. WASHINGTON COMPOSING DIRECTOR. Mor. Orchestra Dee partment Daley Bocking Offits. Ohio Represent. ative Clarence Williams Music Pub. Co., Ine, Reom 17, Miller Bidg., Ciccirnati, Ohic. ~ Acts and Managers THEATRE OWNERS’ gers for all matters theatrical (Colored), Building, Chattanooga, Tena. MOORE’S Golden Lilly Show ow booking Concessions for “4 coming season 1324, ¥ VANTEO fae strel Show, with si Batid, Free Acts, any Ride excep Merry-Go-Round, Show will open some tim. in April Address all mali to 0. M. MOORE (Colo red), Mer., Box 123. West Virginia, communicate with ASSOCIATION Oifices, 442 Volunteer = a DOTSON’S CHILI PARLOR 2248 Seventh Ave.. New York, N. Yo HoT TAMALES, MEXICAN CHILI and American | es at Rea ible Prices. Private Dining BR COLORED MUSICIANS ann D For Weaver's Famous Green K strels, all in struments, ‘ in tha i es Brass Those doubling ret , Al wus Girls end Fe male N \ é k B ward, Cin cimati AVE Manager. GIRLS FOR PER PERFORMFRS AND CHORUS Mz ANENT STOCK. MILLER & SLATER COMPANY, Recent Theatre, Baltimore, Md. bey ny Pad the Quaker Herb Medicine Show, Colored rornet and Clarinet |} Ts M feke can z Salary, $2 Panctng Comedian. = round Thee if 1 JOUNSON, i? E. .. 2 eres se FAT VE ace LADY WISHES ic , ene old. 1} NA Rock Is EE. ae, er rrrroen creer RO anything, ¢ ‘ v i v ii 4 new eady 14eway : trica i ‘ A clothe na Ps y be worn to the perk with uo fear of injury to the delicate Mr. By ar who has been t = with the za’? Company this wint indling the press work, will cl t ! me his { « duties at t of t n 1 | park will oO abent May 1 Byars is very popular : Mason, a member of ns, aS well a5 a nue country. He nd of the Dea thru the the El&s a rf ; 4 +4 6% : . : ; ; ‘ . ‘ 3 felt j ‘ Bie i, Pet