The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1924 ° The Billboard CROSS EYES CURED! Dr. Carter, Chicago’s famous Eye Surgeon, has been stra ghtening crossed eyes at his office, in Chicago, for over 25 years, and ; p in one vist. without pain, chienateres or hocpital. Hundreds of Patients to Prove This. Hundre ls of a py people In the profession have had great ud. 2p removed by him. He watts to prove it te you f you are suffering from the disfigurement of crossed eyes, you need not do so for another day He can cure you, Tonsils removed by Tw'light Sleep. Nose obstructions, corrected, Giasses fitted, SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED x Segond which shows twe ts-four hace photographic reproductions of patients fore and after having their eye sic Sie e a ly nis SPECIAL PROCE. 8 This sert of proof is convincing. You can't fool the camera, Fill Out the Coupon Today Mall this today. Merely a for this Booklet puts you under ©0 obligation of any sort. It will amaze you. DR. F.O. CARTER, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat 120 Seuth State St., 2d Floor, CHICAGO, ILL. Hours—9 to 6. Sundays, 10 to 12. meee —— Seow oe eee eee DR. F. O. CARTER, 120 S. State St., Room’B, Chicago, Ill. Please send me without any oblication, your Booklet, “Cross Eyes Cured’. 1 have crossed eyes TRAD Sos cdececcccccetcecces Sougbesusenpecdasies | BOBIEED cccccnccccccedctcccosseccescscccocccoces ie. DP Ge nccckhrsscepevdccdccdsccccsccececi | THEATRICAL, POLITICAL, COMMERCIAL PRINTING Heralds, Tonighters, Dodgers, Tack and Window Cards, Half Sheets, OneSheets, Three-Sheets, Cloth Banners, Card Heralds, Letterheads, Envelopes, Etc. Type Work Only. No Stock Paper. Everything Made to Order. Union label. Send for price lisf or write, stating your requirements, for an estimate GAZETTE SHOW PRINT, Mattoon, II, Sty — wee are or locate anywhere. Earn big earn SHOW CARD AND SIGN WRITI NG. most : st learned; most profitable trade known Our method wily mastered —We teach in SIXTY oe Wee establish you in ps ing SHOW CAR D AND ( SHOP, ay first month's rent, supply al] materia mai! plan to secure orders which should net $60 00 ly up. or paying JOR awaits you “You'll get lots money Mer hants buy you work at sight antee 4 car ar back on demand Thirty yeors yours aycceastul record and ample capital back of thie r ] e for beautiful i rated matte: price, terms FREE EMPIRE BD. INSTITUTE OF LETTERING 1476 Broadway, New York. ADEN THEATRE DRAMA OPERA SPEECH A STAGE DANCING ; PHOTOPLAY VAUDEVILLE enema Concentration courses tn experience and apnrearances at Alviene Art Theatre The sucese of Alviene graduates is due to _ masterful instruction, stock the atre ext ence bile learning, iutroduc ing studetsa to Ne ~ York audiences, plus a pre-eminent faculty, including Kose Coghlan, of Pee W fingtan fame; Roy Cochran, late with Ethel a d John Barrymore's Maire de Lune Co., and Claude M. Alviene, who his taught Mary Pickford, Laurette Teylor, Ecanor Painter, Taylor HU ts, Dorothy Jarde Mary Nash, Florence Nas! Fred and Adele Ast ire, Evelyn Law, Dolly Sisters end others For infermation write which study te ce t to SEUGETARY, 43 West 72d St, New York (Extension 3B), WANTED MEDICINE PERFORMERS For two bie compenies, Singers, Dapcets, Comedians, Sketch Teams Two M. W's. registered in Ohlo. Year-round propositian, Opentng summer season INDIAN Ilia ois. MBDICINE CO., April 28th, PAWNEB 2165 B St., Granite City, MUSICALMUSIIIES » @ By the MUSE (Commonications to Cincinnati Office) Charlie Davis’ Orchestra is playing a nineweeks engagement as a feature attraction at the Obio Theater, Indianapolis. This eightplece organization is still featuring Ed East, “King of Song’’. Earl Barr, band and orchestra leader, is now settled in Rochester, Minn., where he has charge of the music at the Empress Theater and at one of the hotels. Barr say is thru trouping, as he and the mit have bought a smfall acreage and expect “ raise chickens, Frank Rainwater has been directing and teaching the Alto Concert Band at Alto, Tex., during the winter. He has contracted with the Sells-Floto Circus for the coming season and will leave Texas soon to join the show. ‘“‘I see,"’ writes Rainwater, ‘“‘that Skinny Goe is to be with’ Sells-Floto. Hope to be your sidekick, Skinny. I'll be here at Alto until April 1, then on to the Windy City."" The Muse is in receipt of a photo postcard from Tiffin, O., picturing the Hollywood Entertainers. This aggregation, which is playing dates in Ohio, is made up of the following: L. M. Wabhrer, sax, and manager; G. W. Wahrer, sax. and clarinet; C. J. Plunkett, piano; EB. J. Hawley, sax., clarinet and bassoon; ©. F. May, drums and trombone; D. May, bass, and H. Norris, trumpet. The Century Orchestra, composed of Cincinnati (0.) boys well known in orchestra circles of the Queen City, are introducing the latest hits in Oxley, W. Va., and = surrounding territory. The@y are under the direction of Walter Wright, of Cincinnati. At present they are playing at the Night Hawk Club in Oxley, where they expect to remain until April 1. They are featuring several of Mr. Wright's compositions. The Southland Seven Orchestra is continuing its engagement at Coll's Dancing Academy, Philadelphia, where they have proved tery popular. They recently completed a six months’ engagement there and have been re-engaged for three months. In the orchestra are Horace Wilson, violin: Adolph Schiller, piano; Ross Reeves, banjo: Louls Herrmann, sax. and clarinet; George Herrmann, trumpet; John Hart, trombone, and Fred Seybold, drums, 4 Sacco’s Music Hawks, of radio fame, opened on the Brownle Theaters’ Circuit in North Louisiana March 5. They expect to close early in April. C. F. Smith, advance man for the company, will join the Morris & Castle Show when it opens its season. The personnel of the Music Hawks is Misses Jean Hill and Lynn Duke, Messrs. Abe Hill, Mare Williams, Samuel Lavis, Tom Warren, Larry Jeane and Sacco himself. Glenn Oswald's Greater Serenaders are booked indefinitely at the Winter Garden, Portland, Ore., and are said to be winning hosts of admirers among the radio and dance-loving publie The personnel is: Wayne Allen, piano; LeRoy Maule, sax, and trumpet; Delmar Porter, fax. and violin; Farrell Olds, sax. and clarinet; Clande Burch, trumpet; Martin King, trombone; Thomas Curtis, bass; Ed Mann, banjo: William Weber, drums. Allen formerly trouped with the Greater Sheesley Shows. Ray Mullins* Orchestra, of Atlanta, Ga., which has been making a hit thru the Southern States, has been engaged by the Randolph Hotel, El Dorado, Ark., to play concerts and dinner dances, The orchestra consists of Ray Mullins, alto sax., violin, baritone and director; Earl Mullins, clarinet, C soprano and violins J. R. Dickenson, alto tenor, B-flat soprano, sax.: Clyde Foley, banjo, voice, violin, cello and entertainer; Lee Dardcastle, drums and marimba; Irwin Kurz, cornet and French horn; Lloyd Williams, bass; ‘‘Checkers"™ Wright, piano; Volney Strifert, trombone. Arthur Black and His Orchestra play nightly at the Pier Ballroom, Detroit, Mich., where they have played for the past three years. The orchestra enjoys the distinction of having Played continuous engagements for nine con secutive years without a layoff. Arthur Black, director, plays violin, trombone and euphonium. Others in the orchestra are Vincent Casper, piano; LeVon Seibert, trombone; Robert Crozier, tuba; Andy Stohl, trumpet; Ralph Jewell, trumpet; Clif! Fraine, sax. and oboe; Nelson Smith, violin; Jess Arnold, sax, ,and clarinet; Fred Alpin, sax, and clarinet; Parente Dane, sax., cello and violin; Al Paturzo, violin; Bill Bige, violin and banjo. © pee ee gets oe a Rg eee ome pets Ses ot SS RE being scored by orchestras and individ uals featuring Gibson instruments. Gibson stringed instruments are being featured not only by many of the best musical acts, but by the most famous dance, phonograph recording and radio broadcasting orchestras. Orchestras like Isham Jones, Clyde Doerr, Gene Rodemich, t he Orioles and many others of their caliber, are featuring complete sections of Gibson stringed instruments. The new Gibson Mastertone Tenor-Banjo is the one banjo which combines the snap, volume and carrying power with a truly musical tone. Let us tell you more about it. Write now for information on how you can cash in on the pub lic demand for this new type of music. MASTERTONE STRINGED INSTRUMENTS Department C, Saetemeeedl Kalamazoo, Mich. 222 N. MAY ST. DRUMMERS The Pedal You Always Wanted WILSON _3-WAY PEDAL! Adjustable to three striking positions, to hit the spot where the best tone action as you can see and is as fast as lightning. Light, No castings to break. Heelpiece that insures you a fast which enables is produced. Hus direct you hold on, the footboard. Best of all—very moderately priced. After you have tried this new pedal you will never use any other because none of them have the comfort and speed. New 96-Page Drum Catalogue Now Ready. WILSON BROS. MFG. COMPANY CHICAGO BACON & DAY Silver Bell Banjos NEW CATALOGUE—JUST OUT GROTON, CONN, K. C. THEATRE Union, invites offers. At liberty after August’ 20, EMPRESS First -cl iss theatres only Anywhere. References Modern. Fireproof. Fully evsinoed, Seating 1510. | from employer and Organ Companies of Chicago. Pere Will rent reasonable. WELBY, 19 Bonfils Bidg., ‘ City, ORGANIST-PIANIST manent seareea, ORGANIST, 2206 Osgood St, Chi: cago, Llinols.