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The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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(2 YtNT tna MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard ill $i Pennsboro, W. Va., Fair AUGUST 26, 27, 28, 29. Now booking Shows, Rides and Concessions. Will sell exclusive on Novelties sold. Address $3 PERCY MARTIN, care The Billboard, all Wheels. Cincinnati, Ohio. : NOTE—Give mail time to be forwarded, as I am on the road. 33 23333 PPPOSS OSES SSO OESOOOOSEO OOOO OD EOOOOO OOOO SOO OOO4 4 —— ——~ — privileges open. JACKSON COUNTY FAIR | ——~_— September 8-13, 1924, JACKSON, MICH. WANTS—Four good, clean pay Shows; also few Concession Write W. B. BURRIS, Mgr. — WANTED FOR FAIRS Shelbyville, Tenn., August 20-22; preferred. Fayetteville, Tenn., August 27-29; Winchester, Tenn., September 3-5; good, clean Carnival; Address J. F. VAUGHAN, Winchester, Tenn. one carrying no Wheels WANTED to BOOK CARNIVAL With several Rides. No objectionable features will be tolerated. Dates, Sep tember 15-19, 1924. 0. J. McDOUGAL, Supt. Concessions. Johnson County Fair Association, Tecumseh, Nebraska. CARL H. BROCK, Secy. CARNIVAL WANTED! Uniess you have a Kentucky. good Clean Show, FOR THE Mercer County Fair, July 28 to Aug. 2—*,2¢,"c! need not apply. Let us bear from you, as we are receiving bids, E. PREWITT er “Tom SQUIFFLET, Harrodsburg, CARNIVAL WANTED! BIG NIGHTS This is second best Fair in State of Address Kentucky. THE LOUDONVILLE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Thirty-Fifth Consecutive Year FREE STREET FAIR—3 BIG DAYS AND NIGHTS—3 OCTOBER 7TH, 8TH AND STH, 1924. OLD FAIR NEW IDEAS ANT NEW ANT NEW FREE ACTS CONCESSIONS WHAT you ‘ocr? 0. K. ANDRESS, Secretary, Loudonville, Ohie. [3rd ANNUAL AMERICAN LEGION FAIR AUGUST 4-9 COLDWATER, Now booking for Rides, Concessions and Shows or Carnival. OHIO ROBERT KALLMEYER, Secy. A CAPE CCD EVENT THAT GROWS BIGGER AND BETTER County Fair, Aug. 26-27-28, 1924 Barnstable, Massachusetts Trotting, Horse Show, Dog Show, Agricultural Exhibits, Grange Competitions, Poultry, Livestock, Baseball, Vaudeville. 2,000—PAID ADMISSICNS—2,000. L. B. BOSTON, Secretary, HYANNIS, MASS. JOHNSON COUNTY FAIR AUGUST 19-22. NIGHT FAIR. FRANKLIN, INDIANA. Concessionaires’ space offered. Make application. management. Reorganized. Experienced ROY C. BRYANT, President. FAIR SECRETARIES— CELEBRATION MANAGERS FAIR SECRETARIES AL NUTTLE—MUSICAL CLOWN Tre has’t a bit of sense at all. three different CLOWN Acts. Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. ROOKING DIRECT. Cne-Man Cash bond furnished for appearance, Terms and particulars address Eicht-Plece CLOWN BAY. Do Concession Space Now Being Allotted, THE BIG FAIR OF KANSAS OTTAWA, SEPTEMBER 2, 3, 4 AND 5, BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER. 1924, Might Consider Good, Clean Carnival. P. P. ELDER, JR., Secretary. 20th ANNUAL Monee District Fair MONEB, WILL COUNTY, ILL, September 24, 25, 26, 1924, WANTED—Concessions, Wides, Shows of all kinds, sastimate ones. HARRY J, CONRAD, Secy., inois, BUCKS COUNTY FAIR Quokertown, Pa., Aug. 27, 28, 29, 30, 1924. WANTED—Good Free Attractions, Auto Polo, Carnival, Kides, Fakers, Shows, Rate, $2 per foot. Day and night W. & BERGER, Secy., Perkasie, Pa JEFFERSON DAVIS PARISH FAIR JENNINGS, LA. November, 1924. Want to book a clean Carnival. Address F. B. BARDELL, Secretary, Jennings, La. WANTED— = cont ae" bed ¢ atee ar Ride for Fair, August 22-2 asis, Attendance 17,000. GILLESPIE cou NTY. FAIR ASS'N. J. BE Bell, Sec’y, Fredericksburg, Texas. FAIR NOTES AND COMMENT Fair dates in this issue. The Spring Special is out—biggest yet! The —birds are mating. Spring is here. Let's g Cleaner fairs mean better fairs. We're going to have ‘em this year. trockton (Mass.) Fair has departed from its usual custom and has engaged, a carnival. There must be a reason. ‘ Plans for a revival of the exhibition at Winnipeg. Can., are being considered. Nashville, Tenn., is to have a home-coming week, May 26-31, according to the plans of Mayor Hilary FE. Howse. Details have not yet been worked out. -" Pageants have proved their worth as attrac. tions for fairs. There's a cracking good article on pageants in this issue (on first fair news page). Don't overlook it. A midempire pan-Pacif‘e or world’s fair for Vancouver, B. C., in 1927 is being discussed. Vancouver, Wash., has been discussing the possibility of holding a centennial celebration in 1925 Agnew Welsh, secretary County Fair, Ada, 0., of the Ada Triduring the fifteen years the fair was in existence, is now located in Miami, Fla., where he is identified with The Metropolis, the afternoon paper. Recommendations have heen made that the Rose Festival at Portland, Ore. be held this year June 11, 12 and 13. The cost is est:mated at $32,500, including the payment of deficit of $7,500, Whether the be held or not depends rpon the business men of the city. the 1923 festival will the attitude of Mrs. W. H. Lucas, Miss Fannie Gafford and E. A. Lightfoot are the authors and mus‘cal directors of a p&geant that will be presented at the 1924 Red River Valley Fair at Sherman, Tex. Mrs. Lucas is now engaged in writing the pageant, which will deal with the history of Grayson county, in which the city of Sherman is located. The Delmore Trio left their winter home at Qui incy, Dll. early im Mareh forHighland, Y. where Jack Delmore took charge of ihe athletic training and will put on the annual cireus at the Raymond R ordain School. Mr. De!more states that he looks forward to a good fair season He already has a number of fairs booked The trio will remain at Highland until abeut June 1. Bob Hickey, publ'city representative of the World Amusement Service Corporation, Chicago, is sure getting out some nifty publicity—cards, folders, etc. He has sent out a neat announcement (embossed) of the opening of an office of the association in New York City. We understand, too, that Bob is landing some timely stories in a well-known monthly magazine. Members of the Northern Indiana and South ern Michigan Fair Circuit met recently in Goshen, Ind., for the purpose of deciding upon some new and more nearly uniform standards and regulations pertaining to horse racing and reneral far programs. It was agreed that there should be no suppression of time this year. Ceorge Y. Hepler, vice-president of the circuit, presided. Roy H. Wolfe, secretary of the circuit, is track superintendent of the Inter-State Fair, South Bend, Ind. Those who attended the annual meeting of the West Virginia As<ociation of Fairs at the Waldo Hotel, Clarksburz. on March 4, a report of which was published in last week's issue, were agreeably surprised at the excellence of the attendance, both as to numbers and quality. All but one of the sixteen members were represented by delegates or, proxy. The attendance of li'e-stock men, horsemen, amusement agents and others interested in some phase of fair work brought the number present at the afternoon meeting up to about e'ghty. This number was augmented to nearly 150 in the evening. when prominent citizens of the State, many with their ladies, joined the fair men at the banquet, The afternoon session was devoted chiefly to usiness of the association with a number of impromptu speeches on fair subjects. Resolutions were passed urging the payment of Stateaid money for 1923 now being withheld from certain fairs, one thanking the State commissioner of agriculture, James HL Stewart, for his co-operation with the fa'rs, and one endorsing the Showmen's Legislative Committee and clean shows and concessions at fxirs. It was decided to appoint a comm ttee to amen the by-law relating to dues, so that smaller fairs might be able to join the association and to make an effort to get every fair of the State into the association. A most interesting figure at the mecting waq W. H. Gocher, secretary of the National Trotting Association. Judge Reese Blizzard, president of the National Association, seemed to enjoy the opportunity to act as host to his distinguished confrere, probably w'th the memory of his own royal reception In New England recently still fresh in his mind. He paid a fine tribute to Mr. Gocher, and both of. ficials were given a warm welcome by the West Virginians. The meeting was a very enthusiastic one and showed that West Vircvinia fair men and women are al've to the importance of their work and will bring the Mountain State to the front. The association is very young, this being bot the fourth annval meeting, but it is making its sr Haman felt thruout the State, LYONS (N. Y.) FAIR IN GOOD SHAPE Lyons, N. Y., March 14.—Albert T. Wagner is the newly elected pre ident of the Wayne County Agricultural Society. Other officers are Burton Allee, Lyons, secretary: John FE. Forebam, Lyons, treasurer: William Hartrage’ a d Charlies M. Rooke, South Lyons, and Henry B. Lee, Newark, directors for three vears. The society owns beautiful grounds on the eastern edge of the village with one of the best half-mile tracks in the country, according WHY NOT MAKE $100 A Day The Opportunity is here before you in this Newand Improved Electric Candy Floss Machine. Don’t overlook it inenlicen OSITIVELY the biggest money-maker on the market today for the small amount invested. Just attach the plug to any socket, either AC or DC, from 97 to 125 volts. FREE with every machine: Extra Band and Ribbon, Tools, Oil, Grease. The price is only $200.00 net f. o. b. Nashville. WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS ELECTRIC Candy Floss Machine Co, NASHVILLE, TENN. BOONVILLE FAIR, Boonville, N. Y. 6 DAYS—6 NIGHTS. September 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1924 $2,500 in Free Attractions, Greatest Program Ever Staged Hera, Space for Concessionaires now open. MENARD COUNTY FAIR and AGRICULTURAL ASS’N. Petersbure, !linols, AUGUST 26, 27, 28, 29, 1924. WANTED—A CLEAN CARNIVAL JAMES MILES, Pres.;: JOHN BENNETT, Secy, Campbell County Agricultural Society SEPTEMBER 3, 4, 5. 6, 1924, Night Shows 5th and 6th. RALPH S RACHFORD. Sec’y and Privilege Com. Bellevue, Ky. THE 13th ANNUAL FAIR of CARTER COUNTY a held at GRATeon. KENTUCKY, the Coun feet of ¢ AUGUST 27, 28, 29 a * The year was the most success! ir e county. Prepataticns are being made f a r and better fair than ever before ROANOKE FAIR ASSOCIATION, WILLIAMSTON, N. C., OCT. 21-24, 1924. Sales space open | uildings. Midway bocked. WANT Band and Free Acts \ highways will be com pleted. Last year’s att ance Ww double bak otha T J I ay for County Fair T é men’s s at all times; house dime BY 00 1 Cle attra tions only desired. lL CRAWLEY secy Fair, Appomattox, Virginia, ival anies, cessions and all a ns for Fair MASTILEY FAIR ASSOCIAT ON, Cc. R. Wing, Secretary, Ashley, Ohio, to horsemen. The annual report of Eimer B Wolvin, retiring treasurer, showed a small bale ance in the treasury. with all bills paid and interest paid until April 1, $1,000, the society's only inde 1924, on a note for btedness, ee i} = ue ower oe % hs