The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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oe ee —_ | 63 West Chicaso Avenue, ’ The Billboarad MARCH 22, 1924 | eoons THAT REPEAT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT | SERVICE UNEXCELLED! That’s Why Most of the Medicine Workers Are With Us. Let us send you our New Catalogue. It’s bigger and better than ever. Office Workers Attention! } We have gotten up a line especially for this kind of work. Send for our j Folder. You should have it. THE DEVORE MFG. CO. Manufacturing Chemists, 185-195 E. Naghten St, COLUMBUS, OHIO COLLAR BUTTONS I'll Make ’em—You Sell ‘em Send 25c for Sample and Prices J. $. MEAD, Mir, 4 W. Canai St. Cincinnati, Ohio SOMETHING NEW! LS Ske Pg fitthmen, Agente Ab Btrorver holds any Gross. 25% om alj C. RADIO STROPPER COMPANY, Chicago, If. MEN ackege on the marnat qualities and wie SAFTY BLADE FIT _MEDICINE, , nea te ‘OUR LIN! IMENT AND NERVE ‘TONIC TABLETS he west. Shipments Cur service is an Write for prices. BECKER CHEMICAL co., 235 Moin St. ) ‘Cincinnatl, 0. made s2me day s received. 4S /¢ y 7 LY DES by Gasoline Bill Baker Well, boys, But thoughts will not * bow does the season look to you? ‘put it over’’—it requires action. “Oh, spring, beautiful spring’’—bnot let’s again allow the poets to tell the almost stereotyped balance of it. Let every one of the Enights put his or her shoulder to the wheel this year for the advancemot of pitchdom. J. H. Russell, key-check worker durin omomy is back at his old winter work of ing oing. Operated in *Buffalo, N. Y., this wong No ““‘bluebirds’’ were fluttering about in the Cincinuati vicinity March 10. Altho not very cold, “the heaviest snowfall of the winter made its appearance—about six inches, Bill will not “‘sing’’ of spring Nor will he “‘spring’’ a sing. Mazuma is the thing, so Everybody get busy! Milton F. Clewell, who has been operating a newsstand of late years in Public Sq., Wilkeslarre, DPa., infoes that he is taking the baths at the Leo N, Levi Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark. Sam Freed postcarded that three “prominents”’ of the paper frat. recently stopped off in Schenectady, N. Y., and paid him a visit, they ae ng Billie Woods, Elmer Shupley and Chester oogan. Thru Fdward St. Mathews (about 22 yrars in the bu-iness—notions) we were recently informed that Scotty Aiken had passed away in St. Louis last December, and the boys had taken a col lection to provide a nice burial. Now let’s have as many of the fellows as send in short squibs on then-selveg or others during the year. By shortening ’em we get more in the ‘‘column” each week, and “Bill” needs the abbreviated ones to start off on weekly. Doc Tishi Bhutia wrote from Philadelphia there was error in the published report that he and John Kenneth had opened a store at 919 Market street,’ tuat city, us it was he who opened the place. Says he will operate the store until about May 1. ssible John L. McCloskey, veteran notion man, and his wife are still hibernating in Philadelphia. Not much working for the boys in that section, but John intends to get out and get busy as soon as the weather settles in those diggin's. he last we had from Robert Kaili, the Flawaiian steel guitar artiste, formerly with various medicine shows, was about two years ago, which time he was at some hospital in “Iowa. Have any of the boys heard from or of Robert lately? Send all communications for this department to the Cineinnati office (the publication office) of The Bitlboard. A few of the boys, now and then, have mailed their pipes to branch offices, which @auses remailing and an unnecessary delay. The newlyweds, Jack Smart and wife, of the paper fraternity, were among those present at the Fat Stock Show in Fort Worth, Tex. With them at the doings were Johnny Silverman and P. J. McHale. Jack said he enjoyed wonderful results In the Lone Star State the (Continued on page 114) ‘ a Let Those Who Serve You Best, Serve You Most \. 1 withclip, _ a plated with assort Our Famous Original Manos Jumbo Pen, white tipped cap, with nickel plated clip and beautifully fithographed folding box, imprinted with directions and guarantee YES—We can deliver the Red Eagle Fountain Pen ATTENTION RAZOR WORKERS We have just Superior = ickel ° ceived a , mead : bd a fin shipment of high ished Wire $4 grade assorted grade ome Ge. A Plain black and whi te also beautifully nickel ed color bandles. to $4.50 per Dozen, Our Canadian Sales Agency and Stock Room located at 220 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada, is now open for business and you can get the same prompt service in Canada that you are accustomed to from Headquarters. WRITE FOR CATALOG CONSUMERS SAVE STAMPS \ siitioadvay, BERK BROTHERS New vorkcity / Per . Gross $13.50 nd Balloons the Blu¢ Box with O specify OAK Rrard finest quality that skilled w accuracy can produce. my nur > special processes, is used. OAK Ba! inflation strencth. To demand CAK B when plactr ramar New Novelty Balloons That / Are Selling Fast Ask your nearest OAK Brand J Prints in brilliant two-color effect ta: Iso ravid-selling Gold and Silver Ra at sales possibilities. A jobber ALBANY. N. Y. Albany Calcium Light Co., 0's s. Pulman & Co., 38 Beaver § ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Atlantic Bag & Paper Co., lantic Ave BALTIMORE. MD. Ee y 44™ w. Pratt St Harry P. Cann & B 6N Charles Horowitz, ie E. Bal National Novelty Co., 308 E. ton St. BEAUMONT, TEXAS. Stedman Frui BIN NGHAMTON, N. Y. OS? TT: tson "2204 At St. imore St. Lexing G. DeCicco, 65 Washincton St. Northern Commission Cv., 290 Devonshire St. L. Young cere | Co., Hanover St FALO, N. Y. George Alexan ey 77 E. Seneca St. N. H. Mandelkem & Sons, 400 Broad way. CHICAGO, Le 8. Ha C a CINCINNATI, Nove! > CLEVELAND. OHIO. Manufacturing Co., rth st DAVENPORT, IOWA. Bettewdorf Oxygen Hydrozen Co., Bettendorf, lowa. {Manufacturing suburb of Davenpo DE ENVER, coLo. H. i. teen 1 Ce TROIT, MICH. United ae Co., 23 W. Jefferson St M. Mar PALL. RIVER. MASS. 234 Se Heyman Notion vewman 1293 W. Nir 3s COI GALVESTON, ' Texas. Co. LSS Serereeee your order shin P,. rum ru bber to near you e “Msted be! Wi; These Jobbers Sell and Guarantee Oak Balloons fs to assure yourself of the advanced equipment and solute bber, carefu ly cured by our own mal life ticity and re enlute satisfactios possesg except elas pply you with the clever Gas Panel loons: beautiful yore write him f NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Ann St. Badge & Novelty Co., 21 Ana ita Auerbach & Wilensky. 182 Park Row. A. Bierman. 1 adiow St. Cheste nusement Co, 1416 Bre y Kar t Gugger , 45 W. ith St. ioldfarb S velty Co 117 Park Row. ry Kelr & Son, 4% Broadway. “Reader & Son. 134 Park Row. & Novelty Co, 146 s. elty ¢ Singer Bros, 536 Broadw N, Sittner & Bros., 117 Law St. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. Jackman Candy ( OMAHA. NEB, Brinn & Jensen, 1112 Harney St. Globe Novelty Co., 1206 Farum St PHILADELPHIA, PA, Joe Hizer, 224 N th § M. L. Kahn A fPonnock, Sout H, Weiss i Son, . 335 ene. &¢ Fabricius Mercasitile Co, 1923 Washington St Gibson Merchandise Co., 714 N. way ST. PAUL, MINN. G. Sommers & Co., Park Square. (RAR RAREPRALAALA Broad Save This List for Convenient Reference Py 9 this complete list NOW—freq All of these jobbers are carnival] catalog and literature. quently you will wish to consult {t dealers, Write them for indlvidual PETTITT eee HARRISBURG, PA. J. B. Hoffman, 10 N. 5th St. HARTFORD, CONN. Stlver Brothers, 22 Village st The Gustave Fischer Co. HOUSTON, TEXAS. Charles Heim, 610 Preston Ave INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Ross, 18 W. Market St, KANSAS CITY, MO. Mex Bernstein, 1131 Grand Ave. Goldberg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte St. BE. G. Hill, 423 Delaware S&t. Midway Novelty Co., 302 W. &th &t. aye Hair Doll Factory, 1837 Madson St Sebme'!rer Co South-West News Co, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Cole Toy & Trading Co., 1216 BE. 41st St. MILWAUKEE, wis. H. Silberman & Sons, 828 Third St. Milwaukee Toy Co., 37 Oneida St. MUSKOGEE, OKLA. Kilbourne West Candy Co, Muskogee Novelty Co. NEW HAVEN, CONN, Morrls Berman, 276 State St, A. Ia Sclineider, 303 State St. NEW ORLEANS, LA. R. J. Alba, 538 Magazine st. Dursell & Vivo, New Orleans News Co, c. The OAK Rowan Cos Ravenn OFFICES NEW YORK CITY—45 CHICAGO. LOFT V< 3 East 17th St a Salle at KANSAS CITY oo P DALLAS, TEXAS shay y Ry = EM IONE UKE Ge a BE — be «3 CS ee Ws sT. JOSEPH. mo. Optican Br ’ Schnettter Fir ework — SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. W. H. Bi ~ 2 265 A“ ee, West Carpenter nnn — “FRANCISCO, CALIF, ardinell Vi . 577 Market St. Hercules Bu er Co ee Mission 8S. Kindell & G am, 7 ‘ ’ St. Missi SEATTLE, “WASH a Pi SCRANTON. pal Te St & Novelty Co, 521 Ce Specialty o., 709 Lackawanns SHREV Liddell Candy ( EPORT, LA, TOPE Rigby Ca: “¢ > re. Lp ogy OKLA. Cc TRENTON, N. 5, 32 W. Hanover Se. 21 Cent wae. “Texas” pe s Co s McKnight s Royal Confe WASHINGT W. B. Garris STON. 0. ©. Schrott Hr Ay WILKES-BARRE.” Heath & Co., 69 FE. Sout) Wilkes-Bary S. Washi ' worc ESTER, MASS. Benson Brothers & Co, 120 Mechanie. A Onto. (For Service to Jobbers Only) CLEVELAND, OH!0—732 National City Bank Bide (Export Dept.). TORONTO CANADA— Kelton ( . st Rubber 5 King Street, te eE _ —_ — 7 _ ~~ ~~ aS oe A ee ee ee ee ee en ee ee ee ee ee ee ee