The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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?) Sty T fm 43 MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard NOTICE « REMOVAL SINGER BROS, | FROM 230 N. 5th ST. 8. B. 1000—I mported Indestructible Pearls. | i | TO 2320 N. 2nd ST. 24 inches tone White clasp, with stone DOSES cet rntre ens, DOO eee ere eeenee Boxes for the above. Each, 45c. 8 A @ MAIL THIS AD TO US ® a Send us your name and address. We oe a casure s you how to get a fine tailored cap for _= — @ FREE. Also bow to eell Mansfield M Made Cape direct to wearer and Make $45 to $liSaweek gp | Mang F will buy. 10 to 20 ord-rs a day beral commissions in advance No exe a -~ necessary. We cupply ener outfit. a B. B. 1001—Specia!t value Opalescent Pearls. Length, 24 inches Sterling silver clasp. with white stone setting. Extra fine Per "Doren srertssese, DL GeOO Buxes for the above. Each, 4ic. @ and free cap offer that a> MANSFIELD CAP MAKERS 7 . Salesboard Operators write for our ent 08. Gastenatt, Cite i Tritt titi SUPERIOR QUALITY-ALWAYS | spectal “Department B”’ circular on new, quick selling complete boards. SINGER BROS., 99-998, BROADWay. EACH GUARANTEED TO RUN We also Carry a full Line of Novelty and Fair Goods. Manufactured by Novelty Tin Toy Co. N. KORLER, 2320 N. 2d St., PHILADELPHIA, PA, ot To Be Compared With Others for Less Maney. WORKMANSHIP AND — GUARANTEED ‘CRYSTAL’ | iy |) =» Fountain Pen The HE Final Achievement in Corn Po t— Tx famous Peerless Roneqgutiod cide ond a conveniently by electricity. Compare its 300 sack caNo. B-7—GENUINE nine BLACK causa " | foonceta pacity with others. Big output—anequalled quality of | | WL Singin frit! cer te ountain corn produ implicity and economy of tio ROSS, § pene th WRITES LIKE A Sor’ ner. Handsome. | | wits, oursia $10.00 PEN. DOZ.. $2.00 . ter profits for the Peerless owner d WITH oursit DE SNAP FASTENER, . ly finished. The ideal ideal model for permanent loca esntions, — oo = 1] Send pte ee _— ; » eon drug, confectionery, variety stores, news stands, amusement parks, etc. New Low Prices on All Peerless Models F. diff t styles and sizes. A Peerl for every gah wataie tae enlicen shen Gaunbun pateunes Wenlens Kettle. Biggest capacity. e.. to’ Your Profits . start si own At oo EES money—so can you. Send ord ata eh aR my ey ty yet oss $24, 00 ee ape 35¢ -16—G 1 T ational Sales Co. 112 Mulberry St, Des Moines, fa. } | F!Nish: onvcrwac vinci. Celio pocres. con pocket with flap and map button, calenlar, pocket fer stamps, 2 inaide card pockets, large bill pocket. Has leather top pockets and outside snap fastener. Stamped “WARRANTED GENUINE LEATHER”, DOZEN, POSTPAID, $2.50; GROSS, $24.00. containing _self filing rubber ink sack and fitted with improv clip cap. Use “Crystal” fountain pen as a business bullder—offer it as a premium—print your ®ame and advertisement on it~ let it attr.ct mew trade to your business! Special ecto in qui ntity lots. per Write for an in larger quantities, LUCAS BROS. Inc. Exclusive Distributors for U. 223 E. Baltimore st. Baltimore, Md. EVERY HOUSEWIFE NEEDS A $3.25 Per Doz. $35.00 Per Gross Sample, 500, Prepaid. Made in beautiful patterns of cretonne, ere and gingham. You will be sur tised at how easy these aprams are to raul and the big money you can make out of them with just a little effort. Send ws your order today. We guarantee the sale of your first crder. 20% with order, balance C. C. D. es en Co a ee sone = s ca | = ra cA wil a wi z : <i 3:2 ee ue iu H OUR NEW LINE ALLIGATOR GRAIN PER GROSS$22_ QQ— sample, Postpaid. 356 Positively the largest line of low price Fountain Pens, from $13.50 per gross up. Fountain Pen and Pencil sets, from $34.00 per gross up, in velvet-lined boxes. : : —— WARRANTED GENUINE FI R 7-1NTHE GIBSON COMPANY, O: Wee = Pencils for give-away, $3.50 per gross up. BILL BOOKS. ALLIGATOR GRAIN, cs chown. Has We. B-ie-bieck. Der, OuTsioe sais: FASTENER $100 WORTH oF hang FOR $90 21 Ann St., CHAS. J. MacNALLY, New York City. No. Bft—Havana Brown. ee. Postpaid, $2.653 s or Gross, $28. 00. Write for late circular, quoting othep Q0I—Silk Fibre Knitted. Grove er $36.00 SELLING EARL’S styles. 25% deposit with order, balance C. O, D iver Keita cro 30 WAKE BIG MONEY re vouncs ees Se a Fi7—Pure. Stik Fiore," Grestcccoccs: 42.00 EARL’S CUTWELL POCKET’ PENCIL SHARPENER 3. Will eachanse eosin We ay dete YOURS FOR $2.00 THE LITTLE WONDER seayeouD wre. Co “Vanikit’’ A Human Tool-Kit Worth Its Weight in Goid 3t East i32nd St.. Byerybody needs it WHY BE WITHOUT IT? — Demonstrators Salesmen Agents A quick Seller at Big Profits German Sitver Case, $2.00, 14-K, Gold-Filled Case, $3.00. RADIO GAS LIGHTERS Sells at a Moment’s Demonstration. Distributors, Salesmen and Agents Wanted. j X) Per Gross, Nos. 5 or 6, $7.50—1 -3 Cash With Order, Bal. C.O.D. Sample 10¢ + Dozen... Beall ## 2° sg |B. G. EARL & CO., 56 E. Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Phone Dearborn 1760 1 ress Ac 5 Gross Lots or more. Per Gross... %.00 25% Deposit with Orders. Sample, ‘0c. STREET Masterlite Manufacturin Co. 10 ES 23rd St. 7 Sew york vorx| We are ready to serve you this year with best Supplies, } Cameras, etc. Trade with the oldest Ferrotype Company W A NTED in the world. Cameras from $10.00 to $35.00. Send for Big Jiustrated Catalogue, it is free. Demonstrators, Agents, Dis JAMESTOWN FERROTYPE CO. Que-third actual size, Welght, 1 ounce. bar tr oe wig, Boney 1120 S$. Halsted Street, Chicago, Ill. More than 50 uses, al] combined in the Scissors, | j rul Cigar Clipper, Bottle (@pener, Blackhead Remover White Rubber Self-Vuicanizing Tire and : p _ Bottle ¢ ber F ne mimeat Ns gemotate., "For paricoas Don't Let Them Fool You 9-1, SAVE THE X OM THE | Sena Tiun eae ihoth Pick, Com Hemawr, | moment to emoustrate. ‘or partic } » TH 7 and new low prices writ aon JACKET” FOUNTAIN PENS ieee Comes, Button Hook, Ear Spoon, Nail File, : SUPREME PATCH MFG. co. r Comb. ; W. Second St. Los Angeles, Calif, , Teas Winder” Street Detrelt, Mulch. wants to learn $13.50 Gross with Clips Bovee Mig. Co., 4427 Kinzie St., Chicago, 1, U.S.A. meee nats the reason SNAPPIEST NOVELTY OUT +A A. -] set will geil JAZZ SPORT SILK HANDKERCHIEFS $21.00 Gross Sets Sens een) Oe A GE NT S ‘ Daerah poey Laas pAHIk Deemer eos" vatrel | eng $2.00 fur one dozen Full line of FOUNTAIN PENS and PENCILS. Get my Price List.| Ts Mororam business, with Decalcomanta Trane | Miniature pair of Lady's silk bloomers worn as @ of fun Sample, 50¢, prepaid, or Combinatien Set of aample sets. You're looking fers, shows rea! profit, Easy to apply. No license a 2 for $1. Dealer's price, $4.25 Dez. Good proposition fame ace new Don't wait YOU all know the Button Package that is getting the money. | seeied. Catalogue and particulars for the asking. ‘ live agents. atalogue free. until it gets old. ; m8 Se" W. COHEN ‘ OROTHER. oe KELLEY, the Specialty King, a es 21 Ann Street, New York City. Motorists’ Accessories Co. Mansfield, Ohio |