The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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{2 A tVT (a MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboara 115 oe BROADWAY SwaggerCanes Buy direct from Manufac turer and save money Goloe bigger than ever. Sold at New Orleans T Gras over 200 gross, No, t—Light Canes, nickel cane. GOSS cecesccccess a Ne. 2—Heavy Canes, with ivory head and fer rule, Gross....... ° No. 3—Extra Heavy Canes, with ivory head and ferrule hizh-class pelish. GPOES cevcecceccee ° No. 4—Extra Heavy Canes, with tvory head and $41 00 . vory ferrule. Gross No. 5—E€xtra Fine Heavy Canes, with solid ivery head and ivory ferrule. Gress Send $2.50 for new sample 86 Inches Long. assortment of Canes One-third deposit on all orders, balance C. O. D. S. S. NOVELTY CO. Largest M ager Sticks in few York. 255 Bowery, New York City “a BUY DIRECT FROM MAKE RS Fine Nickel-Plated RUBBER BELTS... om. Fn yore Bar Buckles Seecnbéegeas $13.00 Fine "Pla od Lever Buckles. INITIAL BUCKLES aE rE Jewelers oo Patent Lever Beokios. Gres ...cicscccene SERPENTINE GARTERS $7.00 Gross Parcel Post, Prepaid. Packed one Pair with Rubber Band. 23% deposit on al) orders, balance C. C. D. LEVENTHAL & WOHL, “Makers of Money Makers’’ 60 Orchard Street, NEW YORK CITY. Nationally known trade-marhed Pencil, for less than wupheard-of nf® kes f Busy igProfits ~Are Yours LOOKS LIKE $5.00 FOUNTAIN PEN grade hard rubber Only gross lote ship handsomely ped at $36.00 per Gross. Cc. chased, 0. D. orders filled when accompebana uted by a $10.00 deposit. Dozen lots bot's at $3.60 per Dozen. Cash with order. hed sample, 50c, Write for {tion. Propos INKOGRAPH | FOUNTAIN PENCIL. 670 Gth Ave .New York.NY. A NEW LIVE PROPOSITION FOR YOU. Exclusive tercitory for big producers. 800,000 men and women rembers boosting it. This is a two-pay bilan 11.000 Legion Posts co-operating with you, Work It Any Place. Everybody Interested, The American Legion Weekly 627 West 43d Street, NEW YORK CITY. Get This Book {t will clearly show you how yu can make §25 to $50 week, im part or al} time, seiline Clow’s Famous Philadelph'a Hostery direct to wearers from urmills. Pleasant, dignified work, Goeds that wear, Prices that win. Permanent income, Write today. GEORGE G. CLOWS CO., Desk 39, Philadelphia, Pa. high! commendab! ona e strides upward and on his nancing the past few years. In the front part of this isene Bill's special article (Pipes, Puffs and Rings’ "’). The writer isn't trying to call special attention so you will read it, but merely to explain that he figured it would be more generally appreciated and do more general good written as it is—minus a lot of humor sad display of “big words’, but bringing out some of the good points of " pitehdom—than if bandled otherwise you will find Harry (Mack) Mabon, so it came to light last week, had a pecan store in Dallas, Tex., before the holidays. And about all the fraternity there at the time made the place a headquarters. The pecans they picked (and ate) and the pipes they shot were many. Understand that quite a number of Harry’s ol’ buddies have had their hats hanging up in St. Louis and Detroit the past winter. While heading from Chickasha Ok., to Fort Worth, Tex., for the big ‘doings’ there, J. D. (Slim) Williams piped: “Wonder what spring is going to do for Jack Kerns, Johnny Haskell and Ben Brown, all of pen fame? I hope to see Fort soon, as my ‘Henry’ hangs ont there the most of its owner's (myself) idle time. Suppose I'll see a lot of the boys at the Stock Show, and that there will be many gabfests in order. Hibler doubtless intended this bit of “Zip”’ fun only for ‘Bill's’ reading—but it’s too durn good to keep: “Bill Baker’’ had a billygoat, And it was full of tacks; He fed it up on manuscripts And second-handed cracks One day the goat consumed a bor Of some appetizer med.— The ‘‘billy’* got the bellyache And chewed up ‘Baker's’ sox. It’s now time for the boys who work low to their keisters, tripes and torches ready to their part toward next winter's b. r. Practically sl! of the boys are aware (since the writer mentioned it several times in the “column’’) that “Lill’’ does not write any of them unless it be of utmost importance to the rofession at large, critical illness, death, etc. t is easy to understand that if he wrote some and not to all he would be accused (doubtless) of having ‘‘pets’’, etc, Let it be understood clearly that he plays no favorites, and that his most earnest endeavor is to work impartially for and among them. Bob Frazier piped from Key West, Fla. (on board the S. 8S. San Jacinto), that he had quit the selling game for a spell and is just ‘‘killing time’’ for a while, he and the Mrs. being on their way from Texas to New York for a short stay, then to Buffalo. where they have a home, for the summer. In the latter city Bob expects to meet bis old ‘‘buddie’’, Jimmie Sullivan. Two prominent purveyors of ‘‘Gold Medal” garnishing knives, Art Nudelman and Ben Nathanson, rambjed thru Cincinnati early last week from Louisville, Ky., where they worked at the recent Palace of Progress Exposition at the armory. also a previous indoor ‘doings’, to—*‘somewhere"™ The bors dropped in to say “Howdy” to “Bill, and stated that the Louisville affairs did not come up to their expectations in the way of receipts. They thought they might be among those present at the next indoor doings in Detroit—altbho not sure of heading that way. Billy DeVere sboots it from Illinois that since the “Biggest Rooster in the World” (himself) recently received some more-than-tlhe-usual praise at a stand ‘‘Buster"’, the scrapping little bantam rooster that works with him, has become actualy jealous and has started flirting with all the chickens at the poultry shows and along the road. ‘But that's al) ‘kidding’ stuff," adds Billy, altho we are doing nicely now with our store show, giving bird calls, song and dance, banjo specialties and closing with the ‘rooster fight’. Anyhow, spring is here, warm weather will soon be on tap and then—bhburrab for the big outdoors!"’ Who should blow into Cincy for a few days’ stay last week but Dr. Leon Vinton Lousdale (Red Jacket), accompanied by his three Hawaiian entertainers (‘Royal Hawalian Entertainers’’, under management of Lee Makea). Doubtless many of the old heads, such as Wm. Virpulat, Jim Ferdon, etc., will be glad to hear of ‘Red Jacket"’. He and his litt'’e company of (Continued on page 116) THE “SMILING KID” Haven't received a ‘‘likeness’’ of Harry Maiers in several yeers—but the above shows him (and his smile) while enjoying @ recent winter in Florida. PITCHMEN, MAIL ORDER MEN, CONCESSIONAIRES, PREMIUM USERS and SALESBOARD OPERATORS Write for Our New 1924 Catalog With Price List No. 347—Ladies’ Wrist Watch. Fine tm ported moveme't, complete, platinoid case, ribbon and box. $2.85 14-Kt. 25-Year Ladies’ Wrist No. 246—Fine 6-Jewel, White Gold-Filled Case, Watch, Ribbon and Box, Each No, 25—Fancy Assorted Designed Fine Swiss Movement Gent's Wat-h, put, up in elaborate thin model fine old-filled case, Case, with Extension ome and No. 249—7-Jewel, Yellew Gold-Filled Bem. Gad ccecccccccecececs eee $4 e No. 199—-Our Famous Indestructible 24. Eaem ...cccvccccccccccccs FOUNTAIN PEN In, Imported Pearl Necklace, with Sterling Elgins and Walthams, 12 size, WORKERS Silver Clasp and Imitation Diamond. Comopen face, famcy dial, green and yelWe carry a large} plete with box. low gold-filled cases. stock of Fountain] Per Dozen ......ccccssccccees e Pens from $13.50 per $7.50, $8.50 and $9.00 Each Gross and up. Send] No. 202—30-In. Imported Opalescent Peart No, 242—i2 Size, Open Face, 7|$1.25 for five new] Necklace, indestructible, with Sterling Sil Jewel Octagon Bezel samples and price! ver Clasp and Imitation Dia$18 00 Wee BOE ccccsodecces . list. mond. Complete with box Dozen bd yee Vacuum Bottles. A Saat Desk Clocks, $9.00), 75¢ PGP OUD. wccand scenqcctsccaccagcsecenes Tie pacsdecequeton atenet PITTI TTT Ainrn zit America nc 85c rv 225—Silver Nickel Swinging Desk $1 35 No. 196—Genuine Wm. A. Rogers 26-Piece Nickel | Clocks. Each . .,...seeeeeeceeeeeeeee ip oer Silver Set. with Genuine Wm. A. Rogers No. 226—Dice Clocks. $1 35 Bimivet. Ber GaBe oc cccccccccesecccccccss . EA vececceccecerccce Peetesseceseces e et Special Price ip Quantities. » 75c per Set Special Per Set, 33 Cents ttaherl, No, 154—Mounted Self-Filling Pen, : With penci) and one-year cuarantee, in beautiful display box. Per Dozen Sets. $3.96 clip . complete Sold not less than dozen lots. No. 152—Fine Mounted Lever Self-Filling Fountain Pen, complete with pencil, one-year guarantee, in beautiful display box. Ladies’ or cent’s sizes, $6 00 Per Dozen Sets .....02:-cecccccececccece coves . No. {53—Fine Mounted Lever Self-Filling Pan, complete with pecil and one-year guarantee, with 3 extra pen prints, complete, in beautiful slidine box, at Per Dozen,. $4.00, or Per Gross Set $39. 60 of 21-Piece No. 155 14-Kt, Gold-Filled Mounted Lever Self-Filling Pen, with beautiful pencil to match amd solid gold point, fn exceptionally fine display Per Dozen Sets 101-—Warranted One-Piece Collar Button, 6 on a card. $4. se Gross Cards. No. 102—F ine ‘Quality Soft Collar Pins, 1 on a card. $1.75 No. 183—SPECIAL—2i-Piece DuGross Cards. Barry Design Manicure Set, in pigNo. 103—20th Bown Double Action Collar Buttons, 2 on in leatherette roll-u a card. $3.00 Gross Cards. case Per Dozen . $12. 00 No, 105—Famous Barrios Diamond Stick Pin. $4.00 Gross. 14-Piece Beautiful Gent's Touring No. 106—Fine Quality Snap Link Cuff Buttons, a pair on Set. in beautiful leathera card. $7.00 Gross Cards, ette case. Per Dozen. . No. 107—Watch Chain with Charm, $12.00 per Gross. No. 112—Genuine Leather Bill Folds. $20.00 per Gross. No. 116—Five-in-One Too! Chests, in nickel, brass lined case. $16.50 per Gross. No, 117—Ten-in-One Tost Chests, with wooden handle and hammer. $22 2 80 per Gross No. 133—Glass-Cutting Knives, Combination Cigar Cutter, Corkscrew. $16.50 per Gross. No. 134—Durham Duptex Razor, with white ha dle, with one blade and razor abarpener attachment, No. 182 — Consisting French DuBorry Manicure Set, in Pigskin leatherette roll-up case. Per Dozen.......... $9.00 Sold not less than dozen lots. No. !79—DuBarry Design 21-Piece No. Manicure Set, in pigskin le, therette case. Per Dez. $15.00 each on a card, with red leather cse $2000 per Hundred, comple‘e. No. 127—Real Razews, fine quality $375 per Dozen, $42.00 Gross. No. 128 Real Razor Strops, 27 inches lo «. $2.75 per Dozen, $30.00 Gross, No. 187—Varuum Bottles, fine quality. $7.50 per Dozen No. 196—Genuine Wm, A. Rogers 26-Piece Nickel Silver’ Set, with genuine Wm A. Rogers knives. $3.50 pes Set Specia: price in quantities. 25% Deposit. Balance C. 0. D. House of MYER A. FINGOLD, 21 Union Square, New York 9 IN COMBS Before plscing your order for Amber and other Combs, it will pay you to get in touch with us. ii Everything in the Comb Line. ~ We Have Something New for You. Write us today. UNBREAKABLE COMB CO. INC. 441 Broadway, NEW V' vou CITY. cen se NR oR IR mp etn, ere Rl ESE SS SS a ere ; t . ” aan eee => See Pie— 7 oe + a % | me tree ne — ee a