The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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eee | j ~y — The Billboara MARCH 22, 1924 Window Demenstrators Salesmen . & Agents ARE CLEANING UP WITH THI WONDER ITEM OF THE AGE. can do the same, sary. Big Profit—Quick Sale—Sells s You No experience neces Write for quantity prices. spt same day received, on ©. O. D. orders. T. Kobayashi & Co., B. Chicago, HERE’S THE PEN That Gets Money Fast Everywhere. $4.00 Per Doz. Our prices always lowest. All orders : a 50% deposit required Write for sample and particulars, 50c. 203 North Wabash Ave., THE NEW IMPROVED Self Filling Chicago, Ill. Pata ot ~ DUCK-EMIN 1354 N. Spring Street, E ~ DUCKEM-IN | HERE’S A NEW NUMBER MEN’S SILK SOCKS...................-$2.50 Per Dozen in Gross Lots Sell Fast at Three for $1.00. MEN’S SILK KNITTED TIES...........$250 Per Dozen in Gross Lots Sell Fast at Three for $1.00. Send $2.00 for Assortment Samples. 25 per cent cash with all orders. COMMERCIAL CLEARING HOUSE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. PPP DPD Broadway Swagger Canes ™*® °USSgoveer¥ Light Canes, Nickeled Caps and Ferrules. Gross........ Light Canes, Ivorine Caps and Nickeled Ferrule. Heavy Canes, Ivorine Caps, Nickeled Ferrule, Heavy Cane, Ivorine Caps and Ivorine Ferrule. $22.00 Gross.. 25.00 Gross.... 40.00 Gross.... 45.00 Heavy Cane, solid Bakerloid Tops, extra finely polished. Gross .. Whe last item is ‘the rear high-grade “article they “sell” at 00 all stores for $1.50 up. Sample Assortment, $1,850 Leather Wri: on all st Loops ots: Hed, B Bed, Brown, Blue, Gray, Purple, Lavender, White, Black, ete, CASH WITH ORDER, Canes They are highly enameled and polished. Col Half Cash With Quantity Orders. Je also carry a big supply of BALLOONS, WHIPS AND NOVELTIES. Our Flying Birds cannot be duplicated. Red, Yellow and Blue Birds, $4.00 Gross. Sample Assortment of NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS Novelties, 50 cents. Cash with order. G. EPSTEIN, 116-118 Park Row, NEW YORK * BIGGER money maker for you. Get Samples, 50c each. MORGAN 1522 West Roosevelt Read, 25% with all orders, balance C, OQ, D. PROFITS NOW! This bag sells cn sicht, for it’s just what the ladies want. hich-grade, fiexibla leatherette, with nice flowered cretonne i, tS uate yt started now. $5.00 Dozen. Orders promptly 500B, DEPT, NOVELTY MFG. Co. CHICAGO, ILL. LEARN AUTOMOBILE & ELECTRICAL BUSINESS Earn $150 to $400 a month, We wil} teach you. Greater Opportunities That Ever. Bahe traired motor mechanics learn here in 6 to 2 weeks. Write for special low tuition rate and FREF Mlustrated nee, (Free R. R, fare and board and room offer RAHE AUTO Na ELECTRICAL SCHOOL, G16 Forbes St., Dept. AY Pittssurgh, Pa. Aiso Jith and Locust’ Sts., Kansas City, Mo, BOSTON BAGS Genuine Split Cowhide. In Black and Brown. Fully lined. With pocket. Sizes 13, 14 and 15 in. $12.00 a Dozen. Snasta, Prepaid, $1.25. 25% deposit onall C. 0. D. orders /BCOTON BAG CO. Court Street, ~ . Boston, Mass. MEDICINE MEN! Wri ite at once for Price List of the OREGON RemeThese goods are the most and cheapest because they sell easiest and fastest. Complete line of paper—all you can use— furnished free OREGON INDIAN MEDICINE CO. Desk A CORRY, PA. REQUCED PRICES ON TONIC BEACH'S WONDER REMEDY CO., Columbia. 8. C. Tell them you saw thelr ad im The Silibeerd. First Belts with Polished Clamp Buckles. . Belts With Polished Roller Buckles. .... Belts with Eagle or Inlaid Goid Buckies.. Quality Belts. s Belts with Polished Initial Buckles....... 16.00 Gross Key Kases, Brown or Black evseceeee £$2,00 Gross Belts can be supplied in one inch amd % inch width, in the plain — or walrus style in black, brown or gray cv Terms: One-fourth cach with order, balance C. O. D., F. O. B. Galion, O. Orders for one-half gross aceepted. We ship same day orders are received. fervice =~ Patronage. Let us show you our quality and gervi NATIONAL MAILING CO., Box. 131, Galion, 0. ELGINS a WALTHAMS $5.00 AND UP Send $5.00 for sample Elgin or a jew Chas. J. Macally 21 Ann St., NEW YORK CITY BRITE-SPOT CLEANERS, which remove tarnish from Silverware, are selling like bot cakes at Concessions. Special prices to ents. Send 25c for sample. BEITH-APOT ELBCTHIO OO.. West Hobotm, i, 2. * Co., PIPES (Continued from page 115) adept singers and instrumentalists are playing theaters aud have a long string of dates abead of them (nope, not selling med. on tnis tour! They are routed thru the Central States. Doe called on numerous old friends (including the writer) while in the Queen City. There has been a great variety of sentiment expressed in letters to “‘Bill’ relative to 4 proposed association of pitchmen-demonstrators 458 previously mentioned in the ‘‘columa’’, the project was springing up in at least thres parts of the country. So as not to come between any of them “‘Bill’’ has not published details provided on any one of them and, as also stared, “would wait’ until something developed end names of members furnisLed by one or more of them before passing their data on to the boys. Up to this writing (March 11) only one of them has forwarded news on what it has actually accomplished, and this is given further along in the “‘column’’ this issue, W. D. Cooper sent his pipe for this issue a couple of weeks ago. Was then in Mississippl, at Greenville, but was taking the ferry acros? the big river to Arkansas. Says Billy Barlow was right about jam men having a poor chance in that neck of the woods, but the greatest trouble for them or anyone else be has found was there seemed to be no “‘long green’ above a dnece-spot in circulation among the natives. He ran into Dewitt Shanks at Greenville. making a two weeks’ stay there on accovnt of heavy rains. ‘‘) wag royally eutertained at the Shanks’ apartment,’’ he added. *‘and with one of Mrs, Shanks’ home-cooked ‘meals—chickeas a la ‘king’, hot biscuits, ’n’ everything.”’ W. G. (Daddy) Jackson, from Shawnee, Ok.: “This State has had lots of pitchmen and papermen this winter. More than a dozen have worked in this town. In Oklahoma City quite a ‘bunch’ ali winter, among them I’ete Elsworth, ‘Soapy’ Williams, Knichlow, Tommie Clark, and I anderstand that Dr. Long is back from a trip to New York. Dr. Goodwin still bas his hat in tbe ring despite his age. Claud and ‘Fat’ are running an eating stand in Wewoka and doing well. One of the SMklahoma boys in the pitching game. L. BH. Tibbett (1091, East Broadway, Muskogee, Ok.), bas been sick mere than a year and is hardly able to ‘get by’. He is in need of aid—he needs stock and could work a litt!le—and some of the boys might want to send him a little money. I will be 77 years old March 16—and am still able to ‘tell it to the folks on the corners’. I commenced to sell on the streets in 1872. I bought goods of Coe Young the year he opened up in St. Louis, also of C, M. Lenington, Cowlton, Wolfe & Lomas, when they were in business, and have bought of N. Shure & Levin Bros. and Shrrock-Todd ever since. Would like pipes from Daddy Dean or otber oldtimers.”’ Dr. George Pursley, ‘‘The Country Doctor”, Atlanta, Ga., relative to the ceath and burial ef the late Dr. George Gossage, writes: “Dr. George Gossage was an old-time pitchman. When death overtook him he was eating breakfast and died without falling from his chair. Gossage was of the old school, but gave up the pitch game six years ago to sell medicine from house to house, It was thought by some thit he possessed quite a bit of money, but only £21.80 was found. ‘However, thru the efforts of the writer and others (Mr. Mitchell, an old friend of George, donated $25, and there were smaller donations) his remains were buried in West View Cemetery, We are going to erect a stone to his memory. Had letters from Robert M. Sm th, Dan Rosenthal and several others who were ready to do their bit toward the expenses.’ George adds: “1 read in ‘Pipes’ about a protective association for pitecbmen. If it will stop the jam man, I am for it! I have been in the business twentyfive years and have seen some of the best towns in the country closed by them. One man worked in Georgia last fall and closed, to my knowledge, eight good towns, Every straight worker should do all in his power to run these fellows out or make them also work straight. There were some of the bors around Atlanta this winter, but most of them have gone, as the town is practically closed.” Temporary Treasurer H. T. Maloney of the “Association of Specialty Demonstrators and Medicine Advertisers’’ (temporary. title—to get started), which was formed at Columbus, O., about two months ago, writes that very en couraging progress has been made with the association and that many letters have been received from demonstraturs and pitchmen either inquiring as to deta lg or sending remittance for membership—which ts $5. is particular organization was put under way with five original members—Lawrence Bernstein, H. ©. Chapman, H. T. Maloney. P. R. DeVore and George M. Reed. Among others to jon since are Dr, loss Dyer, Wm. H. Duke and Ernest Hewitt. In a letter from Mr. Maloney he wished to make it plain that neither Mr, DeVore nor he bas any so-called “business’’ object in taking hold of the proposition other than to get it started, with the DeVore headquarters merely as a central point to which applicants and otherg interested may get information—this since otherwise there has been a lot of talk, but little direct action along the Iine of forming an axsociation, and with no s#) ecifed address for the boys’ convenience. Mr, Maloney further states that, after twenty-five members have registered and contributed their 85, he and Mr. DeVore will be wholeheartedly willing to step out and let the axsoctation function without them. “In other words,” ears Mr Maloney, ‘‘there is absolutely no selfish motive behind our Interest tn the forming of an association for the boys. We feel, as do others who made the statements, that there nevd be a bead to gtart it. We are simply taking the initiative.” The address of the above assoriation, which has printed stationery and has done a great deal of corresponding, ia 155-105 Enet Naghten street, Columbus, 0O., to which the boys interested may write for further data on the subject. A recent pipe from Michael Whalen (“RIII"" held it for this tesue) at Louleville, Ky.. etated that tm bis estimation Louleville, for «treet salesmen, was a ‘good town’ to stay away from. ‘The license charge is $5 a month and, he says, a fellow is put out past Eighth street one way and Fourth the other, and that chances for business were very poor. He bad paid a privilege for scopes at a Sbriners’ show, starting February 28 and lasting nine days, after which be intended going to St. Louis. Among the boys there at the time be mentioned Welder, with med., working thru drug stores: a an, crockery mender; an old fellow from on, razor paste; Gus Mills, nickel plate; ; tz cerald, pens end razors. He added: “In answer to ‘Zip’ Hibler’s pipe in a recent issye l can say | bad a lot handed to me and, incidentily, handed some back when 1 worked Mariog that time. I was working a factory during the President Tarding nomination doings, A burty cop came and grufly asked: ‘Have you a license’ 1 replied: ‘1 do not need any as | manufacture this corm remedy myself." He said: You are under arrest!’ Sort of disgusted, I said: ‘You brutish human, | am wondering if you were pot staying at home wearmg that uniform durirpg the late war while I lost two sons ip France, both buried in Flanders Field.’ He asked & man with af automobile standing close by to belp him ‘take me down’, and the man sald: ‘Ill be d-———a if I dot’ I kept ow selling and he telling me to desist. Finally 1 said to the man with the auto: ‘It’s sure hot, and | wouldo't mind tak ing a ride w'th YOU.’ city this eltizen and I went to his friends, and the Mayor told me 1 could work on private property and wished me good luck. I did well there."’ When we got into the Along with his pipe (sent some time fur this issue) Sid Sidenberg sent a clipping from @ (Continved on page 118) ESTABLISHED (892. Our Large Illustrated 1924 CATALOG FULL OF BARGAINS, is now ready for mailing. Prices are positively the cheapest. We want every salesboard operator, carnival man and dealer to write for one, as there will be extra money in their pockets. A trial order is the best evidence. MORRISON & COMPANY, Successors to Gordon & Morrison. OLPSALE JEWELRY. CPTICAL waGOODS. SILVERWARE, CUTLER IN AN, /TORRISO 21-23 &. Wabash Ave.. Chicego. |!!! REPRESENTATIVES WANTED In each town and city, who are in touch with Amateur Theatricals, Mirstrels, Pa geants, etc Liberal commission allowed HAENTZE, Costumer, 259 Seuth ifth Street, Phiiadciphia, Pa. ATTENTION! MEDICINE AND GIFT SHOWMEN. We carry a fine line of Silverware, Watches, etc., suitable for prizes, at lowest wholesale prices. Our Vegetable Oil Shampoo Soap is a big seller. Send for Catalogue. Old Reliable B. G. UHER & CO., 180 No. Wabash Ave., Chicago, HL BiuG Tt oe Ota T size AMERICAN WATCH of. Screw back el med and «0A vie SILO oe FACT* Leen ts ———— CUARARTEE AGENTS WANIED. Order wmvie $ 99 7, pay on arrival $4.99, no more beck Me fe halzecitry UNITED STATES SUPPLY CO., 3926 N, Kimball Ave., Dept 3060, Chicago, Ml, AGENTS and SALESMEN WANTED Agemts wanted to sell the of ficial Teapot Beandal Badge and Bmblem Pina Campal@ clubs being formed. Sample Pin, 10¢, or one dozen 75, postpaid, Including selling econcy. Address . TAMMEN FACTORIES, /87th and asa M1 Sts enver, Cole Makers of 1001 Novelties. Write. SPECIAL TO ROAD MEN Send for circular of our large Hata BENNETTS HAT FACTORY, 123 Broad 8t., Jacksone lle, Pla AGENTS I ne we nous PACKAGE" contains merchandise va at nd sells handily at a —— price, 31.50" tard 5 fo for sample pechaae te@ar and prices in quantity lots, N. ¥. STAT TRADING GOCDS CO., 53 Kast Huston Street, New York. o WOU DEREUL AUTO a ge Ae POLISH, ormula, Somethi Cleans os puttches at same time Price, $2 00. “b. COX, P. Mox 472, Salisbury, North Carolina. 50a + cnings, I made tt. Mal! Order a ee siness, booklet for stamp telle Sample and pian, 2c articies worth z ALMB SCOTT, Cohoes, N. Y. The last ‘word’ In your letter to advertisers, “Bill*peard”s