The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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(I 9 ty'T Ca MARCH 22, 1924 The Biliboarad The Only Metal Set gp peng yrs d Copper and Aluminum. sade Te SANITARY, No worms or germs. No camphor oeeded (as imported sets). Face of tiles is of cellu which is mounted like a in metal bezel similar to a watch. it ia jicht weight, metal tiles being hollow, Tiles stack perfectly being rectamguicr, with no curved surfaces. Tiles are pleasing to touch and slightly sunken panel. DEALERS AND QUANTITY The New Indestructible Tang Ma-Jong Sets Patents Pending. CONCESSION AND PREMIUM MEN, AGENTS, MAIL ORDER AND NOV ELTY HOUSES, CASH IN prevailing Chinese game craze. It will go bigger than ever this summer. Wonderful drawing attraction*on Concessions at Parks, Beaches, CarniVals. Complete set, including dice and celluloid counters, put up in reinforced five-tray cloth box. Tiles made of copper and aluminum. SPECIAL PRICE, ONLY on the count Equivalent te any $75.00 Set. Every Ma-Jong Fan Prefers and Enthuses Over this Set. Add Postage for Samples. USERS WRITE FOR SPECIAL PROPOSITION: MORE MAJONG FANS THAN EVER NOW WITH THE New Numbered Racks (Walls) EVERYBODY WILL PLAY GAME SIMPLIFIED WITH THESE RACKS SIMPLE AS RUMMY No teacher Racks practically play the game for you, tell whose wall to break, when wall is to be broken, tiles on hand, wind or season it is, show how to count tiles, all have doubling scores. Racks made of metal, nicely TRY A SET OF THESE RACKS. Tang Ma-Jong Rack Set, ennighens (as med... 8 Fancy Racks, De Luxe Set...........seccees Both Sets have same features, These Racks Are Biggest Business Boosters for the Game, 25% With All Orders. Balance C. O. D.—Don’t Depend on Defective Imported Ma-Jong Sets. LINE UP WITH THE BEST SET AND BEST RACKS ON THE MARKET. — FRANKLIN STUDIOS, $08 W. North Ave, CHICAGO, ILL. — necessary. These fila and figure tell who's ‘ finished. Patents Pending. PIK-T 0 P MILK BOTTLE OPENER and COVER Gross, $4. 75 Made of pare stv: mopte 10. minum Any good iinet ona Wiles py yt make , consin reserved. with PIK-TOP. terms and eriling plans manufacturers of this product in the ® ven \ 4 owereate® 3.) F. C. SMITH SPECIALTY CO. PAXTON, ILL. Salesmen Demonstrators! The most marvelous Pocket Cigar Lighter ever | made . Selis on a moBig money maker. 25¢ fer sample. RAPID MFG.CO. | Ray-0-Lite, | Ra BB, 10 E 14th St., New York. world, WHI] guarantee better quality and jower prices. Put up under your ewn label Address CEL-TON-SA REMEDY CO. $90 DAILY SELLING PATENTED KNIFE AND SCISSOR SHARPENER—200% profit. Sells 500. On money-back guarantee, Sample and particulars, 25¢. Exclusive territory Write immediately for prices, Bend OIL WORKERS!—We are the largest 1014 Central Ave.. Cincinnati, Ohie. DIRECT SALES & SERVICE, Milwaukee, Wis. PAPERMEN WANTED, & few experienced Magazine and NewsDer oll Have proposition fer tite & U, Ma Chaties K., Langton, G's0 ® & ers and Learners es=s Gan = © asi§*, 6 WIRE ARTISTS!—You are all invited to participate in the Amer ican Wire Artists’ Contest. American Jewelry Mfg. Co., We can save you money on all your supplies. Try us and convince yourself. Get our Price List. Send us $1.00 for Ten Samples; retail value $4.00. 27 WARREN STREET NEW YORK CITY PEN DEMONSTRATORS BUY DIRECT FROM MFG. Ww HARD PARA RURDBER PEN, with n rs ms St joe > =a m> ckel attached Clip Y a ‘at with this Pen. PRICE REDUCED TO exten, Celance Cc. ‘0. . We are the sole manufacturers of this Pen. Pens at 750 per Gross, Send 50c oa nd Lever, fitted with a Bail-Point len. 00 PER GROSS. e-third cash with Extra Points for these CRANDELL PEN CO.. Station G. Toledo, Ohio. FASTEST SELLING NOVELTY IN YEARS “HOOTCH INSURANCE POLICY” Latest prehibition joke. Boys, it’s a knock-out, Sells Every buys one to a dozen. Soft STOP! LOOK! READ! on sight. FRENCH ART NEEDLE $8.00 Per 100. $8.00 per 100, FRENCH ART NEEDLE CO. 1S Spring Street, CHARLESTON, W. VA. (Formerly 1066 W. 126th St., New York City.) $40. Ten Samsten. $i. . Se, T No less sold. erms: Cash with order. No C. 0. D nr poe SALES CO., Springfield, tt. drink parlors buy them by the hundred. Rush your price, | 742 West Taylor Street, Novelty Dept. Agents Wanted—Sell Scarfs, owes. one novelties. ee, ew Agencies cow eis rite ie for our YOU CAN MAKE $75.00 TO $100.00 A WEEK selling our dig Mne of 150 articles used —— io every home, Write us, y will send you our a wae SS oad yOOD 00 on, Det Case Outfit om trust, “La Fleuri” Celebrated Toilet Specialties FAST SELLERS Ae SaEsAtens FOR LIVE RS a will, succeed, as others have done, with our below: PERFUME. Finest imported, l-oz. size. $2.40 per One Dozen Bottles. TALCUM POWDER. $14.40 per Gross FACE pOWOER. High-grade, imperted material, In fancy glass jar, gold cap $14.40 per Gros SRARP CS. Good as the best made. $14.40 per ‘COLD CREAM Pure and erxcelleut. 4-om jars. $14.40 per Gross. All guaranteed to satisfy. These $1.00 sellers will get you BIG PROFITS, be wise and “GO GET THEM”, . ws ent ae order. 25% cash with order, balance THE VOEHL CO. Sit Jane Street, WEST HOBOKEN, N. 4. —_ ree agp $100.2 per weex SELLING OUR LINE OF GLOVES To er Store, aa nd Mining Yellow “Split No. . ‘Glove, with contrasting Gauntlet. $4.50 Per Dozen Pair $50.00 Per Gross Pair Gover nment Combination Glove, horse hide ar split, 2-finger mitten style, $5.50 Per Dozen Pair $60.00 Per Gross Pair Two Sample Pairs of above, $1.00. ager 5% with order, balance C. 0. D. STANDARD ‘LEATHER NOVELTY CO. CHICAGO, ILL. REAPING A HARVEST WITH THESE ITEMS: AGENTS RUBBER BELT ne, Os Bue meee Bue $i2 Gr. Sample, 25c,prepaid. FIGRE "SILK KNITTED TIES. Per Doz., ~ Teaming . $3.25. ve Gr., $36.00. Sample Tie, 50. \ . Rubber Key Holders fs" 228/32 : ye SOE ee ed ae Se neem meena a | —— i