The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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: a The Billboard — MARCH 22, 1924 LOOK !—CARNIVALMEN—CONCESSIONAIRES —LOOK! FLASH ES! FLASHES! For the Average of You get 26 Varieties WE OFFER IN ALL CONSISTING OF CLOCKS, WATCHES, 1 oOo 1 BATONS. ATS JEWELRY, KNIFE ARTICLES FOR AND CHAIN SETS, PERFUME SETS, SHAVING SETS, OP$49.86 ICURE SETS JEWEL CASES, MILITARY Send your order today, 20°7, SETS, E deposit, balance C.0.D. Money back if not satisfied. SPIN THOSE WHEELS! ROLL THEM BALLS! LET THE ARROWS FLY! Men, here is your opportunity to open your season with the most wonderful combination ever put out for a price. You've got nothing to lose. Your money back if not satisfied. We chailenge competition to produce it. Every,item guaranteed full value. We back this offer with ten years of honest sand square dealings. Ask those who bought from us before, they know. SPECIAL PRICE LIST—CAN YOU DO BETTER ELSEWHERE? OPERA GLASSES. Dozen, $2.00: Gross. $23.00 | LEATHERETTE BILL BOOKS. Dazen..$ 0.85 GOLD-PLATED FOUNTAIN AND GENUINE LEATHER WSLLETS. Dozen. 1.75 PENCIL STS. ee eee ee 3.50 ° IMITATION REVOLVERS. Dozen...... 2.75 CLUTCH PENCILS. a See 75 SHAVING T PICTURE CIGARETTE CASES. Dozen.. 1.20 SCT. Cup and Brush. Dozen.. 3.00 KNIFE AND CHAIN SETS. Dozen... 1.75 | 21-PIECE MANICURE SETS. Dozen.... 9.00 6-IN. BOTTLES PERFUME, Glass Cork. Pa i.25 Gross and up, Plenty of Merchandise not listed. Write for our Special Bulletin, IT WILL PAY YOU. H. SLUM JEWELRY from 750, $1.25, ary per 20% deposit on ali C. 0. D. orders, SHAPIRO—8!i BOWERY NEW YORK CITY, NW. Y. THE BIGGEST HIT ON THE MARKET AMERICAN EAGLE BUCKLES “THE ORIGINAL EMBLEM” With RUBBER BELTS. $18.50 gross SMOOTH AND WALRUS. BLACK, a GREY, SAMPLE DOZEN, $2.00. With LEATHER BELTS $24.00 gross GENUINE LE‘THER. COBRA GRAINED. BLACK AND CORDOVAN. SAMPLE DOZEN, $2.25. men ent SSS Colors: Black, Brown, Grey. Smooth and Walrus. Qne-third depesit on all orders, balance shipped C. O. D. Write for Catalogue. Samples, 25c. Positively the Best Quality Belts and Buckles on the Market at the Right Prices. A'l Firsts. No Serends. Comp.ete PITT BELT MFG. CO., Line of Genuine Cowhide Leather Belts. 705 Sth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. Gold and Silhouette Carcboard Covers Nickel Silver Plated Medallion Frame Our Own Original Creation “The House TtatLea’s” START TICHT!H! Let Gibson NEEDLE BOOKS No. 105—On style Pent, panels and folds like wall * $14.00 Gross — 104—Same as Poms ‘with 3 $10. 00 Gross RECENTLY ADDED—Needie Book, 5 papers of 10 Needles ea h rd 10 Needle Flash. $5 50 Gross Total. 60 Needles ......++scsseees _» Kana OF 1P Neston Bo a 66. 15 Gold-Eye stuck, ar ash eedles. ‘ot 70 Needles ...... . cccecccscocoees G ross SELF. THREADING (100 Packages) st ey abd up, leaving you rou ean eet from 6 to 10 ord $1.00 Deposit i ering roa ‘vr jcitase @. G. 0. “r"A freat nomber of our acents ect 1] NEEDLE BOOK SPECIALTY CO 30 orders > cay. You “call do ‘this, ° w rot need any previous selling ex661 Broadway, to make $75 00 TO $125.00 A WEEK nderful line of Photo Medallions, Medallions, Photo Flower Piacques, Jewelry and Photc ‘ue is now ready, NEW YORK CITY. EARN BIG MONEY Selling Shirts ! it ns. Jt w free. a Toth DIRECT TO CONS'IMERS each y ything. Nothing is sc pleasant 9 sell os ovr You will be kept busy with at WHOLESALE PRICES, rders, We oc tee satisfaction ane tene-day Write for samples. Dept. B. service, We are the ‘Jest id 1 esi ore nm eal g P »>M lions a: 3s >hote Hu. ‘tong in THE SENECA co. 145 West 45th St.. New York JEWELRY CO., ic8-14 Gravsend "avenue, “GIDEON PHOTO Secticn v. B., ‘r okly. ML Y, ——_ = —— > "| EX-SERVICE MEN") SOLDIERS saD SAILORS PriGrMEN FOLDING PAPER TRICKS JOKES AND STORY BOUKS fe Each, Samples, prepaid, 10¢. MODERN | VETERAN’S SERV] S. Broadway, St. Louls, Mo. New York. per if, Semple, 10c, Sell 25c, Going # w CB MAGAZINE. 209 Cana’ Be, grecaktry CU., dle 5. PIPES (Continued from page 116) Tulsa (Oklahoma) newspaper telling of the death of Doc William Edwards (mention of which appeared in a recent issue). His pipe: “Things have been breaking pretty tough id Tulsa ail winter, but indications are that conditions will get better—altho I expect to be away by that time. Among the folks lately here, including myself and the Missus, with calling cards: Jack Shaw, knife sharpeners; Sam Miller and Little Joe Hewitt, hustling with an American Legion enterprise; George Fietcher, LaMarr, working ‘Frozen Sweets’; Sam Levy, waiting for the sun to ‘shine on th sides of the street’, and Dowd, with an automobile re The World's Famous Egyptian DIAMONDS KING OF ALL WHITE STONES Tt’s the stone that sells the ring, and if you can't fool even experts with these stones we don’t want your money MU Solid Sterling finisher."’ ° Silver Here's a few ‘“‘Do you remembers’ sent in “ by el of the boys: When Sam Freed and Rings Eddie Bedell nepped thru the State of Maine in two days? Wuen Bob Kline and Walter Kay VERY walked from Oneonta to Chatham, N. Y.? When John L, McCloskey used to work out of a carLATEST riage on the corner of Broad and Iligh streets, STYLES Columbus, 0., and there was no reader to pay? When Walter Shaw used to demonstrate in the “five and tens’? When Sol Castle, Eddie canes $4.10 Bedell, Sam Franks, Billie Woods and Sam ff Sample No. 2........00....0.0000000! RY Freed held their ‘‘convention’’ at Newburg, DES Gs |B. vancdcccstecdesvéien Sehuddnae See N. ¥.? When Bill Stump used to make the of each 3S RIAQS. .ccdscccccccccccce aS fairs of Central Ohio each fall? When ‘“Da kota Charlie’ used to work med. out of Springfield, 0.? sly Of course Charles (Transferine) Williams don't mean it just like it sounds (it’s sort of “‘ironical’’), but he springs it thus: Oh, how I love to see it snowing When the noon-pitch whistle’s blowing. One man comes out and with hurrying feet Goes sprinting up the street. Just can’t stand for spring to be here, Won't welcome sunshine with a cheer; Don't greet grass, flowers or trees Nor chirps of bluebirds—no bumming bees. I don’t want winter to go away, There'd be no sunshine if I'd have my say— And they don't want no transferine today, — oe ; eaten Seer ORs teeeeeeseesees ShSS For I'm in Wheeling in ol’ W. Va. od Eb peeettebeitetses mestiesentee f It was piped from Philly: “There's a story Sample of Each 3 Rings eocccocscocceece 3.75 going the rounds here that John Conway and Only ome set of samples to each customer, J. L. McCloskey hare formed a “wood trust’’ to buck a ‘‘coal trist’’, and feel that if they Whi G Id S > . had some assistance they could make the propote 0 tic ins sition pay. Some real good-natured old ‘‘kidSet with Egyptian Diamonds. ders’’ these fellows. But anyway John ConP » way says that if O!d Doc Morrell would give The very Istest. Exch pin open back with Slack a hand Old Man Bill Stump would do the same, and Dr. George Groom, with his ‘‘llenry", would do the honors, it would sure go over. McCloskey says Doc George Reed was telling him about an association being formed at Columbus, O., and he opines that ‘The boys have the right idea. Let everybody put their shoulders to the wheel and get a streetmen’s association in full go, as it is a good thing— so push it along.”’ wet The square stone is a cut Ruby, with %-K. Diamond, Speaking about going ‘‘around the world on a vegetable knife’’ (peelers), reminds the writer (Bill) of a ninety-year-old ex-farmer boy about thirty-five years ago telling of the excitement occasioned when the first telegraph line was about to be stretched thru his father's section of the country. He said the ‘‘old heads’ (at that time) hed all sorts of ideas as to how the “durn thing operated’'—altho they knew that whatever was ‘‘carried’’ by went ‘‘fast as lightnin’’’, Some were much “greener than all the rest about it. One of the latter, so be told it, made the remark: ‘I heard that it is to be a stout wire, and thet it wud run right across my farm. I believe, when it gets started and is thought safe, I'll just take the pelt of that sheep o’ mine thet died last week an’ make me a blame good ‘sheepskin’, an’ get on thet ‘lectricity wire contraption an’ ride back to Pennsylvania to see sum uv my ol’ friends."’ Sample of Each for 72s, Send ug a FP. O. Order for (72c) seventy-two cents and we will send you @ sample of each, postage paid, Act quick, KRAUTH 4%» REED IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS 335 W. Madison St., Chicago America’s Largest White Stone Dealers Make Your Connections With THE VETERAN HOUSE In some manner a pipe from Fdward St. Mathews became mixed with those received for the Spring Special. It should have appeared in the last issue, for which this scribe is sorry. It follows: ‘‘Conditions here (Peoria, IN.) are practically ‘n. g.’ for pitching. Drs. Pile and Fulton are here at this writing. working med. and paste. As for mycclf, I am laying off while my notion car is being painted. Am also building a living car. My wife is ver~ fll with rheumatiem at the St. Francis Hospital, Room 322, and she would greatly av recirte letters from all her friends, including Mrs. Leslie Williamron, Mrs. Warner, Mra. Chartie Stell and others. Not only has my wife been unable to walk for four or five weeks, but mv trained bul!dog,, ‘‘Woodrow”, got poisoned ant is hovering between life and death at present."’ Fdward wants pipes from such fellows as Joe Fdwards, Amos Mathews, Dwight Wileox, L Parrett, Red Donovan, Slim Hunter and F. L, Burke. He is strong for an oraginzation, with responsible, active pitchmen at the head of it, he says, One of the veteran med. bors who has been a reader of the ‘‘Tipes”’ vince ita inception the admits it) who hadn't kicked in for many moons is that ‘“‘youngster’’ (long since past the halfcentury mark), Dr. W. KR. Rutledge. He tnfoed VALI oF SUPPLIES from Thomson, Ga.: “I have not piped «ince I QUALITY | apea Itself and fer SAVOY SERVICR ro "ANNOT LB BEATEN. Write for prices while you can have protection on territory. Savoy Drug & Chemical Co. was working the KoHo-Ya Medicine Company at Knoxville, Tenn.—but I've been tn the med game the past forty years—not a big money getter, but satiefied with resulta obtalned 1 played the totacco seavon in North Coro!ina last fall to fair bueiness, also In South Cacol'na and TTT ccccccclltehdlddeddddddhe 170-172 N. Halsted &t., CHICAGO, ILL Georgia, laying off only because of a snell of sickness. re playing this season unter the Zid ddbddddddddddddcaaraddcacaacécnccadauadiadaadddddda caption of the Rutledge Medicine Co. (myself the Rutledge and my wife the company), The Latest Thing Out Mra, will accomnany me thin year on the road. ’ ° If the organization of pitchmen goes thru they ean book me atong w'th if and my bit ts ready, at Ow 1e as of all things I do belleve in clean workers, and 1 believe anyone who ever worked with ma © be adjusted In a second, Stays on. Pat'd formcan endorse that statement, T wor'd ike pines & permits the tle to be placed in any position; from Dr. M. C, Bell, Dr. Frank Hauer, Billy pA avainst or away from collar. Keeps comers of oo oft collars in. place and neat “9 Once used, Thomas ond wife, and other oldtimer always u All colors, rhe tece, $3.00 a --—dozen Manvfacturea by KE. Le 18s, 73 ul Phun St, Bw BB. fleye, coincidert with the current Vineland. New Jersey ection toward an seeoration, says that “hie tory”’ is surely “repeating”, of be wae busy on A , (Continued ou pepe 440) avertiso in The Bistboare—veu't be setistes with