The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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{J INT CA ~_—-A1t @2 2an H St, oa The 8f! 1 lots. IF YOU WANT Announcement We have purchased and are now located in ur new three-story building, where we are in position to fill orders from a gross to car QUALITY—QUANTITY SER VICE—PRICES Write us for quotations, Complete line of samples sent for $1.00. Sample cartons mailed to Medicine Showmen. package. its receipt. Medicine Men! TONIC—LINIMENT—HERB PACKAGES POWDERED HERBS—SOAP—NERVE TABLETS We are headquarters for tne famous SNAKE OIL PACKAGE Goods put up under your own Inbel. Let us quote you a price on duplicating your Our prices are lower, Send us a 50% leave our laboratory within four hours after if wires are received before 7 p.m. orders will be placed in Express Office same night. If wires are received betore 3 p.m. . placed in Express Office same day, CEL-TON-SA MEDICINE CO., Cel-Ton-Sa Building Genesee St. and Central Avenue, 4D SERRE er ee ge ee deposit and your order will on Sundays, orders will be = ae wee CINCINNATI, OHIO. Agents— Attention! —New Mozart Felt Rugs, guaranteed made of entirely new felt, size 28258. —beautiful assortments of bright fadeless colors. —washable, sanitary, durable —sample, prepaid, $1.75 —100% PROFIT. One of the best sellers om the market, Send for full information about this and other money-making rug propositions TODAY. Maisley-Payne Mfg. Co., | 20-C Sudbury Street, BOSTON, MASS, HIGH PITCH— CONCESSIONAIRES— AGENTS— SELLS ON SIGHT Quickest and easiest way of mending wearing apparel, hosiery, household linens, etc. Better and neater than sewing. Every demonstration makes a sale. BIG PROFITS—WRITE TODAY Thousands of women are now using MENDWELL. Fach ne , sale creates a steady customer. Excepti.nal opportunity for men or women working either full or spare time. The big margin of profit assures you an attractive income. Wrice = sales talk and literature. Sample tube 25 cents. THE MENDWELL CO. P. ©. Box 809 R, Cincinnati, Ohio Try it Silk Knitted TIES SPECIAL $3.00 vozen $30.00 Gross Wonderful Value, Splendid Assert. ment, Beautiful eee. Ev.ry Tie eee ranteed First or ee <4 pen teers s Send today for. an assorted dozen at this low price. All orders slipped same day received 25% deposit, balance C. O. D., or send fail amount and we will prepay all charzes Send S0c for sample. Mac Manufacturing Company Montclair, New Jersey. senttipes tpep cas qe stes» , ~ oe FOO OO meen one ned omnes ghrers o*9 wert ow ween Fenn oe RAINCOATS FULL LENGTH SO CO EACH APRONS Agents, Salesmen and a= — or wire at once G13 Roosevelt Road, CHICAGO, ILL. $30.00 per Gross 1 ai 208 Manseere, get your coat and = EASTERN RAINCOAT CO. Look Boys PITCHMEN, Semonetasrese MECHAWICS GRAHAM'S PU h~ RE P lone COMPOUND pre Vets puncture. A powder sendy to mix to put in Imer Tube. Just out, Partic a write at once. T. GRAHA 6 Poplar St., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. AND AUTOMO KINEMATOGRAPH Sample, 50c, with quantity prices, & attractive pictures, $2.00 t 10 big selling Novelties, i f @ Kinematograph NCO. AMERIC’ " NOVELTY COMP ) Broadway, on “York City. N Nuts. c. F. McGARVEY. Meke 1000% profit on Chinese Horn Sample, splel and Drie “e 826 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicage rrr ed PLL LLL LLL LLL LILLIA PLL LLL LLL DDD LDL EDAD ALAA ead Bamboo Self-F dling Feudal Pen | SETAINER FITS erTO SaaneL TIONTIGHT, PREVENT io® TwiSTWNS OF TyEE POINT GROUND TO PREVENT SCRATCHING “IT MAKES CARBON COPIES” Send 50c for Sample and Agents’ Proposition. Best seller on the market. TAIYO TRADING CO., Inc., 101 Fith Ave., New York : ~~. ~~. PPPPP PPP ODD BOYS, GET OUR NEW LINE! PHOTO MEDALLIONS NEW AND ORIGINAL STYLES AND IDEAS. Instantaneous sellers that are meeting with great success throughout the country. YOU CAN MAKE BIG MONEY with our line and cannot find a better paying proposition. WRITE TODAY FOR OUR NEW CATALOG JUST OFF THE PRESS. PHIL. ROSENBLATT CO., 142 Bowery, New York City LOOK HERE! AT LAST The ‘*1849"" SOUVENIR MINT iO CONCESSION MEN, AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE =) California Gold Souvenirs QUARTERS AND HALVES THE LATEST JEWELRY CRAZE. Send no money—we will send you prepaid $5.00 Assortment on . After examination, sf not eatistactory, return to us and wil) make refund SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, val. Pay approval. Dos J. G. GREEN CO., 991 Mission St., ° HEAVIEST UNBREAKABLE FINEST “AMBERLITE” sock (i COMES, new emers QUALITY TRY AND SEE. SEND FOR OUR SAMPLE ASSORTMENT. SENT PREPAID FOR $1.50. THE COMB HOUSE OF AMERICA, 7 and $ Waverly Pl., | New York City. AGENTS *@p 00 THIS IS es A Gold Mine at ml ONLY 20 BOXES A DAY MEANS $22 DAILY PROFIT NIFTY NINE. ~1N DISPLAY CASE $3.75 article full drug store size. Retail value , + you sell for $2.00, with over $1.00 profit ate for you. Think of it, Costs you only 80c to 90c, according to quantity. The array of fine toilet goods (that always appea's to milady’s heart) will dazzle her eye and when you state the low ‘ ' ; price of only $2.00 for these 9 articles, the money $ is yours, even if she has to borrow or beg it, Act Now! ate ke hot cakes—mem and wom $0 to $20 a dy—a baby could Sell oN. te Nine’’, 30 other big | ers. mn ‘t oe AS ml an, Fa *h day’s de7 iy mean t big SPECIAL OFFER. 10° "BILLBOARD READERS:. 10 Boxes Nifty Nine, with Display Case FREE for $9.00.. $11.90 profit for less than % day's we irk. Sample outfit, including Display Case, will be sent postpaid for $2.00. Wii.e for full detail Is. Hurry! herry! Act NOW, E.M. Davis Company, Dept. $443, Chicago. Knitted Silk Ties OF SUPERIOR QUALITY All_ the Newest Patterns. f] Per Dozen $2.95 ‘| You get 75c apiece and up, _ Sample Tie 50s. Postpaid. Send for our Catalog. which shows our complete line of Ties. All good selling numbers 5% deposit on all orders FAMOUS TRADING CO. 621 Broadway (Dept. 8), New York, N. Y, RUBBER/s BELTS Per 50} Gross F.0.B. ; _J NEW voRK epogit, balance J 1. Smyle & Co. ine. 656 Broadway, New York ces é il ie Tk CADE, a3 ke 1 od, / 33 ad | ns OuiivicPub. Co.. S7RoseSt. “Dept. 54 NewYork Wanted: Streetmen and Agents For the Greatest Liniment on the market, THE BULUMATUM CO., Sigle,