The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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m |) i } iB , : ; > if { } / t 8 1} { HY i ie | 7 if ‘ ‘ s ti , ie | t : iit : \an ' / % it t " i ja 4 5 A ; im } i i ri ‘ ' > F » ; | 9 i ; if i ’ ; 4 j ; ~ i ‘ ! ; 4 we The Bi liboard MARCH 22, 1924 required on all C. O. D. ANNOUNCEMENT! NOTICE OUR SPECIAL LOW PRICES § J. ROSENSON & CO. has purchased the entire business and will be In a_ position Headquarters for Sun Ray White Stone Diamond Rings ve specialize and carry a large and complete line of Ladies and Gents’ Watches of all kinds, Our prices are always the lowest. We are illustrating here just a few of our popular numbers selected trem our large catalog, not already in possession of = latest catalog write for a copy today, which will be mailed to you) free. Our stock is complete and we make orders. than ever. a big variety Iv point to it Our Motto has alwa#s beer HONEST G (00DS, HONEST PRICES and PROMPT SERVICE. SEND US YOUR — ly mond Scarf white brilliants, No. Platinum ins. Basket set with one-c zling white ihe 4 finest yet -on card. Sample Dozen, Gross, $6.25. ple Doz., 40c Bone, Horse with Sun Sample Ray No. 50—Electrical oe Pins. S with the best quality — 5i—High Tiffany Finish Searf carat dazstone liant or Siam ruby, The! produced, No. 52—Platinoid Sun Ray Dia ond 1 or 1 carat Powerful ‘pritiiant, "fancy Tiffany. Samc; per Gross, $4.50. No. 53—Fancy Pistinoid Wish Shoe Scarf Pins. powerful diamond, Doz., 60c; per Gross, me assorted) assorted mounting bril Each 60¢; per size. Set $6.50. 9 per Gross, $12.25. No. Platinum Finish, tagoen Set with our -K. Suni Ray powerful] brilliant. Per} Doz., 5 — Ww Wg, No. 40—Six-Jewel, Bracelet Watch. $1.15;) crown. | play box. Qur Special Price, Each.. Put up in No. 54 — Platina Fancy Basket Ring, as illustrated, latest open work. Set with our Sun Ray powerful briiliant. Sample Dez., oa per Gross, -00, tina Gent's! Heavy Octagon’ Enameled Shanks. with our 1%%4carat Sun Ray (SUCCESSORS TO ALTBACH & ROSENSON) to give the trade better service and Prices and Scarf Pins. Watches our spectalt ry Goods, latest creations In Jewelry and Novelties which is chock full of bargains, If you are ship orders same day as received. 25% deposit Ne. 55—Pla Set $15 powerful _ brilNo. 58—Men’s No. Fa liant. . — von } ; or Boys’ Open J Titan a. Per Dez., $1.10 No. 41—New Sestenoeer or Oval Face W atoh. Set with best yao e Per Gr., $12.00 model Wrist Wat Six-jewel moveSolid white metal ity white cut ment, fancy sil¥er dial, fitted up ir -. with fener brilliant. Sample) a Zd-year white 14K. gold-filled cz oe * . Dozen, ‘900; per No, 33—Ladies’ or jeweled crpwn, silk a with « mallo enamel, tn suckle te Put up rt esigns, Gress, $0.00, ce TALK, [Sent’s Gold-Filled Com |i Sciractive display box. Our “srt Dee Bie COMPARE THEM, bination Pen and Pencil Special Complete enon $5. 26 |= cy dials, fit Sets, with 14-carat Gold Price, with a guaranteed p Pen, put up in attractive te 30— ever Swiss moves | plush box, silk lined Finish or ment. The big|Per Set, $1.60; per Doz. Go'd-Plated "est —— ever Sets, $18.00. Bclielier, en fered. Sample Fraved f wateh, Each, with our Sun ($2.50 Larger No, 57—7-in-1 Genu: Ray _ 1-K. Quantities, Each, ine Leather Bill Book, powerful brilliant. Sample Dozen, $2.45. 25-Year, White Geld-Finteg |it smaD button tas |*L-25: ot Ore en HE _ MARIE IN BEST PEA Fancy silver dial, with sapphire |*eD¢r Sample, 20¢; per PE or in de »structible Matched and Graduated Pearls, with steran _ attractive _ $3 45 Gress, $22.00. ling silver double safety clasps, ith cut brilliants. In three shades, cream, rose and J. ROSENSON & CO., (Successor to Altbach & Rosenson) 2OS VV. Madison St., white. Each put up in pape r told er. ‘SPECIAL OFFER __ Sample, E Each, $1.10; per | Dozen, 20, SCS CHICAGO ORIENTAL RUGS IMPORTED Patterns are reproductions of genuine eilk Prayer Rugs They are high pile and give the same effect as the Oriental Siik Rug. he general appearance most magnificent due to the variety of beautiful colors. These Rugs are not to be confused with the domestic article. They are woven thru to the back—not printed. Size 26x46 inches. Price $30 Doz. SEND $15.75 FOR SIX SAMPLES Assorted Colors and Designs. Half Cash With Quantity Orders, Full Cash With Sample Assortment Orders. Write for Catal of R W: Panels and Tinsel Scarf: eaciew J. LANDOWNE CO., INC., 404 4th Ave., New York City Big Exclusive necessary. CHICAGO SHIRT MANUFACTURERS patterns. 229 W. Van Buren, Men's’ ‘Shirts From factory to wearer. CHICAGO. Easy to sell. demand everywhere. daily. stores complete Iine. No experience Free samples. Make $15 Undersell Factory 202. On made. selling RAY-O-LITE Demonstrators, Salesmen, Agents the most marvelous Pocket Cigar Lighter ever Sells on @ moment's demonstration. Write for prices, terms and plans. Enclose 35c in stamps for sample. MASTERLITE MFG. CO., 110 E. 23d St., New York. AGENT Swarr Famous Carnation Products—Creams, Soaps, Ex‘’ .Perfumes, Toilet Goods, Household Necessities. mit 100% profit, We give agents big concessions. Write today Carnation Co., known line, 200 items, mous. unfiecessary. Louis, Mo, acts, dely repeat orders enorExperience 140, St. Russian, German, Polish, Austrian Money Also Hungarian, Soviets Pre-War and present issue. Streetmen and Agents. Wholesale Price List to JULIUS S, LOWITZ, 312 S. Clark St. Chicago. \W se DChFUL SELLER! This set is complete in every respect. ored tiles, ers; ir structions. size i $1 plus 1% ‘postaze (West of Missis ae dealer proposition. CAME CO., Contains 144 cole 4 metal racks, dice and countincluding easily understood playing All packed in beautiful box, 12x6 in. Sample sent upon receipt ppl amd Canada, 25c), Write for atMAH JONG Dept 58, 206 Broadway, New York. HANDY COMBINATION PURSE SELL TWO DOZEN PER DAY EASY The Newest Shopping Bag. Made of fime double texture jack leatherette, Folded, 7x12. folds into a roomy shopping my 18x14, Retails $1.25 to $1.50. Agents’ Price, $5.50 Doz. Sample, Postpaid, 60c, ECONOMY SALES CO. 399 Dept. 104 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. MEDICINE MEN] 872708 924 PRICES. HERB-TEA AND OTHER INDIAN REMEDIES. AMERICAN INDIAN REMEDY CO., 147 East 163d Street, New York City. Biggest profits U. 8. A. ucts, Louis, SOAP AGENTS Teflet Articles, Food ProdMedicines. PARIS V. LABORATORIES, &. Missouri, PIPES (Continued from page 118) the matter (in ‘“‘Pipes’’) quite a few years ago. Let's see, he writes Anno Domino 1913: “Backward, turn backward, 0 Time in thy flight; make me a young budding pitchman again just for tonight."’ “As I wrote in 1913: ° “A vendor was driving a trap, “And a horse. To the vehicle strapped ‘Was a sign which did say: MEMBER OF P., P. A.’— “Did be gather much kale? “Sure! = ““Giddap!” “Or even: “Said the lady demonstrator to “The freshie who'd just called her ‘Lon’, “If you don’t go away “Some ‘big, strong P. I. A. “Man will spank you! “That's all! “‘Skiddo!"’ “And various others (P. P. A.—Pitchmen’s Protective Association). George M. Reed pipes: yeas ago I made my first pitch a: 0... off of John McCloskey’s box. I was then selling the L. & K. suspender and belt—had been working doorways and was anxious to get started working high. John coached me. I will here relate a little instance: John was selling the ball scope and was selling a lot of “This month, geven Wellston, them. In some way a purchaser broke one and on seeing it filled with water he came up to McCloskey and said: ‘I want to ask you a question.’ ‘Well,’ John said, ‘what is it?’ The man said: ‘What kind of water do you use to fill that magnifying glass with?’ ‘Well, now,’ John said, ‘that is a secret, but I will tell YOU.’ He leaned down and whispered to him: ‘Boiled ice water. Don't you know how clear ice is? The man said, ‘Well, I'll be darned, I never thought of that,’ and he purchased an other scope and walked off. Wayne Garrison, light-weight ehampion gummie worker, has bought himself a new coupe. Wayne says since some street preachers objected to him parking his car in front of their ‘bunk’ he decided he'd better get a car without a ‘red devil’ on it. I wonder where Shorty Hays, the gummie worker, is? (Do you remember Sidney (0.) Fair four years ago, Shorty?) Hurrah for the association being started by the DeVores. New members are coming fine. All together, boys; together we boost, divided we bust.’ Here’s the way, in part, that Dewitt Shanks sizes up the association idea: “Bill, as I surmise (by the mentions you have made in *Pipes’) the position vou are placed in relative to an organization, with so many of the fellows sending different views, or trying to start one, I will offer a little suggestion regarding principles and some things I think it should utidertake to do. Each member should be issued a card, with name, etc., on one side and on the back of it about ten of the principles for which the organization stands, somewhat as follows: Clean, legitimate merchandise. To sell im a cleffii and gentlemanly manner. To keep locations clean at all times and net to obstruct traffic. Te co-operate with officials in trying to meet local ordinances governing traffic problems To try and have each customer satisfied. Not to knock local merchants or thelr merchandls se or prices. Not to work in loud voice or tn a boisterous manner. To observe the adage, ‘business econducted honestly is the best policy.’ To boost the good points of communities—not cnock them. To following a ‘Golden Rule’ motto of ‘Do unto other pitchmen as you would have them do unto you.’ The organization could send out form letters to ‘city fathers’ and chiefs and acquaint them with the organization and its purposes, Get an attorney of reputation as counsel and use his name on all stationery. Issue cards to mé@inbers for three-month periods only. Solicit reports of misconduct of members—if too many* complaints are received take up the cards of the offending parties or don't issue them new ones. I suggest making Cincinnati headquarters and that a lot be rented there and opened to the boys coming thru that section at any time—without allowing anyone to ‘homestead’ on it. Compile data on cities, towns, etc., by States, separately and keep (Continued on page 122) any. NO.1 _NO.2 53 $3.25 y SEVEN ~ $498 ‘WEAR DAYS FREE OUR MARVELOUS MEXICAN DIAMONDS have delighted eae sands of customets for 18 years ods. Same jing . Stand intense ac By side comparison with pauine. Meted experts ah reir expertene eto Lect any @ifference ehate ver. zou admire on your closest friends are PL ae DIA ONDS and you never knew it 2 MEXICAN DIAMOND FREE: you risk nothing Wear it seven day o ide ae yy et — If you; erence HALF PRICE 1 To" INTRODUCE uce to new vy pare we sote these apenas | whic > ope = oe oe ar t hall eur cots pikes Ladies 1 ct q . fine 14k aoa’? $2.03} No. Mo. 3 — # Heavy Tooth Belcher, lct gem. 14k gold f 3.25, Wo. 3— Ladies 3 stone Duchess ring, fine platino finish, two; 6/8 ct. first water Mex. diamonds, one biue sapphire. $90: Ne. 4 Gents Ex. Heavy Gypsy ring, pigtine finish, bisek! i © ay on sides; 1 7/8 first wat Yiamond END N MONE Just send name sadress and si!p of; $ paper thet meets sround no 1 show siz y which ring you want. We ole apt On arrival, deposit ns with postman you decide not to ive it, return in 7 ease and wet your money. Write TODAY. Agents wanted. ; MEXICAN LUCKY STONE This mew, beautiful flashing gem is now all the rege. The very latest thing in jewelry, This Mexican Lucky Stone is a brilliant ruby red, flashing wit? blue and green fire and 1s sald to bring good juck to the wearer for a life time. We maunt this beautiful gem in beth Jady’s sollatire ring and mens tooth belcher ring as shown above. Both rings are our fing 12-karat gold filled quality. They are good sellers and big profit makers, PRICES TO THE TRADE: Sample, Style either A or . prepaid, $1.00; 12 of No. A for $5.00; 12 of No, for ouees One Gross No. A, $40.00; One Gross No. *.. $50.00 Add 5% war tax. Cash or C, C. D. Order a few tod.y and try them out, You will be back quickly for a gross or more MEXICAN DIAMOND Nr te co., Dept. NB, Las Cruces, N. Exclusive Controllets of Mexican Diamonds for 18 years, ‘ Medicine Men Ir yoy work office, it ig important that you cet our Special Office List. Write for it. Your name will be kept on file for our new Catalogue, which will be ready ebout February 10. THE DeVORE MFG, CO., 185-195 E. Naghten St., Columbus, 0. GO INTO BUSINES Specialty Candy Factory’’ one ani le for Yourse!l! Betablich and oper ow System in your commanite. ae Pane ever vnsking o n linn’ Bit, Ries ‘hi