The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

Record Details:

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MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard . ee : SCIE t § SCIENCE | — Yr i AND ; a a i (id / i: Hel : He ' : is | Oe | l ee § — nen =< 4 ; Ty ie | a a | rif * “EVAN SALTO. SPE EDWAY | stot os SE : — _——— : EVANS’ AUTO SPEEDWAY EVANS’ VENETIAN SWINGS ; The most fascinating Science and Skill Group Game ever offered. The greatest kid ride on the market. No motors or engines required. Lowest # ; Write for full Description and Price. upkeep of any riding device. Write for full Description and Price : EVANS’ HIGH STRIKER | EVANS’ 3HORSE RACER aL | A 10c Grind Store with a 5c put back. One of the S| . | most fascinating add-’em-up racing games ever devised. | Impossible to a ate. Enough percentage to ; satisfy. Write for full Description and Price. ; : | Write for prices on Evans’ new line of ; | ; | BEACON BLANKETS | ; | BEACON SHAWLS ; | 26-PIECE SILVERWARE SETS | ; 30-PIECE SILVERWARE SETS | ; _ FLOOR LAMPS ; _ TABLE LAMPS . ; _ WINE SETS ‘ : | CLOCKS j ted ; | ALADDIN THERMALWARE JARS | as # ’ 7 | | ove AWAY "CANDY I anova ten STRINER, : Evans’ Walking Charley | Ete Ete Bt Ete. } Gan Practical in every rape Gum § or Kelley Ball Game _—Write re ‘tua "Description and Price, ; f ? | SHOW ROOMS: 321 W. Madison St., | ; He C. FVANS & 00. OFFICE AND FACTORY: 1528 W. Adams St., : ey : CHICAGO, ILLINOIS qe y ¥ SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENTS ON PAGES 127 AND 129 ion