The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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The Billboard MARCH 22, 1924 Each $4.25 Each Their Flash and Quality Have the Desired Effect THE “HULL” TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL Hull Umbrellas—Floor Lamps—1924 Winners HIGH-CLASS MERCHANDISE FOR HIGH-CLASS CONCESSIONAIRES FLASH YOUR UMBRELLA STORE WITH HULL UMBRELLAS EXCLUSIVELY QUALITY—SERVICE —PRICE | "=": burnished gold ITE F 2 CATALOG AND PRICES. and silver Polychrome — FREE — ] rry a com ORDERS SHIPPED LAMPS. : Rd —— b ~powe . fon oo SAME DAY RECEIVED Silkk shades initialerder of 88 or ee ee ~ age 25% heavy fring: more Hull Umbrellas mes DEPOSIT REQUIRED. screw-off t Six to shipping able Doils, Umbrellas, We are exclusive Agerts ‘ Beacon indian Blankets, Clocks, Aluminumwart, Silverware, Candy, UnbreakFloor Lamps, Overnite Bags, Manicure Sets. ‘HULL'S WORLD'S FAMOUS UMBRELLAS.” case FRANKIE HAMILTON CO., -. 2x. TOLEDO, 0O. =ar = CARNIVAL ROSTERS = 32.52 == 3 Bee ty ~ meng —ingpige setae gion cen te ema ee tna ton penance — “4 @ ' I mS sH Ws—J. L, Create, prop. and mgr Mrs. J. Le Croni eas.; E. A. ‘ hae E 's er ger " ‘ I he Following List Gives the Executive Staffs and =* “, '2,,2)"y: freiomast: . r n« at Roanok Va. ’ Department Heads of Many of the Carnival CROUNSE UNITED SHOWS, INC—A . Crouns gr nd gen. supt mm 1d r Companies for the 1924 Season mt. mgr. and secy.: Elata Crounse, tr ALL-AMERICAN SHOWS—Nip Botts. mg z g Ward Harvey, spec oat : DOBYNS. GEORGE L oo ree L Bpunie Cannon, gen. agt.; EB His t act.; Ras Met s I pror Geo. L. Dobyns ~«g . < j : ze L. Dobyns, treas.: Jas, W. pt. Fa ag Frank | gen, supt. z a raiugr Russell ~ r , na r 4 Brust, supt s z 4 Z 2 x 3 April 12 , g ‘ . F ie SON'S J D'S FA sHOWS—C. G ze Z ( Pe Fs i] t 1 mgr J. Keboe, as Zz Z wma E r W ag d on page 134 att a me J. Lapp, , a-st. a a> 4 ee os = cc. Ef i Y ss: La a pt. J. Boy z , supt. gs nerd Ber -ANNOUNCEMENT= John gy _ Louis, on aee MR. CONCESSIONAIRE a g ra "4 @ i a Here you are. Just what you've been B : 5 — = looking for. Something new. Big money= ~e —— getters. For the coming season we are addB -rect, = ing several new items to our regular line of a v4 7 = Dolls and Lamps. Will give exclusive on a ; “, = our line to a reliable person with every show. a gen. = Don’t fail to send for our new circular, a a 24, ee e now ready. _ ; i " po NORTH SIDE STATUARY COMPANY = ; ~ 1316 Clybourn Avenue. CHICAGO, ILL. = ‘= a y a i | s ae La] a yah 7 be Lal Dodge, ipt. Zz Z ° a BS n. sor mcer; 10 cars: opens in Massa tts 7 is April. oo F | os soos ey Seer CEP SCR REAR AERR RE R RRR RRe te s Mai rice m, inouncer; 12 CLARK'S, “BIL LIE, PROADWAY fillie Clark, prop., mgr. and treas.; Lee M ey, asst. feon V. ; d g vid wal ad ( CO > ae REAT i ,sS—FE. ~ top. and mgr K. P. Car asst. mer.: } S. Coréy, treas., s od auditor: ve 1s, a 3. Brad, legal SHOWS— mgr.; 1 nas Ellis, secy.; Dr. $100. Mir. of the Largest Variety of in the World, ® MODELS. Send for Booklet. National Cotton Candy Floss Machine Company 236 East 37th St., New York, N. Y. a Streetmen Carnival Men $1.50 Per Doz. Send $1.50 fer Sample ; Dezen. ; 3 ex * alapce M. SCHENFELD 22 West Heuston Street, NEW YORK. Phene, Sering 2679. 1924 —, reo’ SPECIAL pounts | Sret KEI tS—20 ft in col lors. he 0; 3 ft. : red. green, silver or white a by black, $95.00; 26 ft., In fa 5 colors, $116; 28 ft park Double =. $120.8; 38 f bigh. in any very eav $15 2 SINGLS HIGH STRIKEKS—-8 ©% ecial, $45.00; 20 f red only, $55 23 f red of silver, $65 25 ft a s, ¢ T mM $75.5 e . in sil 673.50; 30 i j olors, $ , and — larger sizes built to order One 10-s@at Tis Wheel, also one Merry Round Large stock Me chand r~ f or ty dealers : 4 eer direct tt is ad “ulars of THE “MOOREMAD E° PHODUCTS. WORKS. Since 1906 in Lapeer, Michigan, SPOT CASH Paid eee | for wt es 5 have to offer in the | Jobs, Close-Outs, Odds and Ends or Dead Stock of any oe me h you hare on hand and want to WE BUY ANY QUANqty ‘IX. ANY OONDITION, BEN BRAUDE & CO. 337 W. Madison St., Chicago BASEBALLS BASEBALLS Every kind az ws —~ Tee Mee a dozen and uz © lb © samples aon re Q es! wri r ir special serv ice and free delivery offer. M. 1. GOLDSTEIN 298 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. A DAY SLING CANDY FLOSS The remarkable low cost of operation of the EL! POWER UNIT has astonished the Riding Device World. Portable, Durable, Simple in Operation. Built by ELI BRIDGE COMPANY N. West St., Jacksonville, Ill.