The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

Record Details:

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MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 133 (J 4 trvT (a ' v 4 é EDWARDS NOVELTY CO. WASHINGTON VENICE, CAL. SUNSET MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS EDWINA DOLLS 4x> EDWINA DOLL LAMPS PROMPT SERVICE NO PACKING CHARGES THE SURPRISE. OF THE MIDWAY. A SUREKNOCKOUT! | Que Wo. 39 | Seausy’™”= READING LAMP Popular LAMP DOLL This a Combination of the No. 50 Lamp With the Shade of Our No. 20 Lamp. it Has Won Popular Stands 18 in. Hligh on a Small No. 50 . ee ich | Favor With the Congd, ty ae + Sreigenge eic rig cessionaire Chiefly Due EDWINA San aaa oe cee | te. the Quick Sale to ees St: ; ena Sarg Clas. the Public. SPECIAL Lees! . ) ever PRICE COMPLETE A FLASH Big Shade, Al 3s id. A positive Colors, Chenille Fringe. A Real Comfort Lamp. Lighter To Ship. $2.25 LIBRARY EXCELLED $2.50 BY NONE LAMP SAMPLES The Dainty Edwina At List Price, Plus $1.00 oe Packing harges. EDWINA LAMP DOLL DOLLAR BABY EDWINA — DOLL No. 15—CHENILLE FRINGE No. 12-D f a ; ; No. 5 18 Inches = Plume Dress High Fancy Dou pon te A Pippin!” ~ Dress Sheik Doll . 25¢ sietantaais and Plume Dress 25c¢ gy aol very Total SOc one, attractive ; Sample $1.00 ONLY Pe a $1.75 —-" FLAPPER he Fame SS | +--—n $1.00 | reatHer presses 2 Last EDWINA ASSORTED | LAMP DOLLS HAIR DOLLS |MANUFACTURERS CHOCOLATES MOD ES soe le Onn BME FB ATTENTION IN FLASHY CLASSY BOXES NO. 60—SPECIAL 3-GLOBE LAMP. : . 3.50! NO. tid—FANCY DRESSED .............. -65 , GIVE-AWAY DOLLS IMPORTED MOHAIR, Per Pound.......... $2.50 Va UB, PER DOZ. ....ceeeererrrreesereees $1.50 CHENILLE FRINGE, per yard.............. .40 Ya LB., PER DOZ, ....ccccdeccccceccececes 2.75 | NO. 7—HAIR BOBBIES: = .-$ .20} NO. 35—SMALL sue ee § LB. PER DOZ. ...ccccrcrenscceccoeccsss 5.00 f NO. 8—1923 DOLL ... a patsseesouciucene -25| NO. 35d—SMALL S thk ‘(with plumes)... 35 SPECIAL PRICE ON QUANTITY ORDERS IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO KNOW that we are now the largest Doll and Lamp manufacturers on the Pacific Coast. During last vear we moved into our new factory and re now equipped with the most modern methods and the most advat jtageous process of manufacture. Our factory occupies over 18,000 square feet of floor space and we are shipping dolls to every section of the country. We are equipped to handle any amount of dolls in the shortest poss ble time. Our trucks are constantly meeting trains that dep: i rt to other cities from Los Angeles, giving you service that we could not even give you in Los Angeles, and at the same cost. WE SOLICIT YOUR ORDERS FOR CAR LOAD LOTS and will handle them promptly. We re fer you to Mr. Bob Morton, concessionaire, who has handled thousands of our goods during the past month. We carry over 10,000 dolls on hand and they are packed waiting for your wire to ship them, hence no delay in reaching your destination, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A BRANCH OFFICE 5620 College St., OAKLAND, CALIF. hh ae % wt , { 5 A RT ; BY ; a } ae