The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

Record Details:

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f\ & PO... MAH S MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 139 5S (Se -. + em ne ee ewe ; ‘ : any a a a a a BS a aa aN SSIS NNN nooo ool od mall Lm Pol oP ALATA on PoP PSPS f 1 e a ‘ a | 3 } ling erchandise Price : > 3 / Ss b) } sai Service ie & 3 MEMP Quality 38 | isin, or HIS, TENNESSEE % 3 & 9? " " > Mantel Clocks ie. Beautiful Finish 3 PACKED —< EXTRA FINE 3 i in individual cartons, aan 40 hour movement, 19 % pf one dozen to a case. inches wide, 9 inches 3 i high, 4'/% inches deep, 2 b, with 5! inch convex % 4 dial. % , 4 i a! f { Sectional Floor Lamps 3 t with Collapsi; ble Shade. : Packed in in: dividual care P tons, 6 to a P case. p P 4 4 4 No. 31. Code name—TIME Price $3.75 each Candlesticks measure 9!/a inches in height and the fruit bowl measures 6 inches high and 10! inches long. Packed in individual car pb pbb ttl tons, one dozen to a case. No. 36. Code name—OVAL No. 1. Code name—DAISY é Price $7.00 each Price $2.00 per set ——— oS os a ed i te ahi tt eine ‘ bi pty | bi : mau Height y Hi 19/2 inches i : ' » cD abc * ; | 1 , ‘ = Be 4 ) nax0 , name—Violet—Price 85 each » & ode name— P \f spi Brice $1 00. each ae Neb Dull oly Code name-—Grace —Prie TS each wer Price “65 each a P Packed 30 to a barrel Packed 20 to a barrel @Packed 50 to a barrel 3 | | 3 Branch Office and Warehouses: } | 916 Kentucky Street, | ; 52-54 W. Desota Street 3 \ ©UPplics in the World | ; MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE ; | ovdersbalance 0.0. ONE HOUR SERVICE ? | OO il