The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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The Billboard MARCH 22, 1924 ‘I CARNIVAL ROSTERS —a i > * (Continued from page 136) \ | il . | St % trai G Hurne, gen JUICE JARS | ave Smith, trainmaster; George . en. i l V r Announcer; 8 cars; opens at Lynchburg, 0O.. 3 GAL. 4.50 \! April 15 _ 6.50 } LEGGETTE, C. R., SHOWS—@. R. Leg. 10 00 { gette, r gr.; E. Leggette sst . t prop. and megr.; J. E. Leggette, asst. ogers mgr.; Wm, Miller, secy.; R. L. Carroll, gen. 12.00 | agt.; Rube Wadley, spec. agt.; Chas. Raymond, V—___ gen, supt.; Manny Gunn, supt. con Jean Al3 ts len, mus. dir.;: Harold Jennings, trainmaster; 2 Ray Jones, supt. lights; Doc Barker, gen. announcer; 10 cars. $ 75 P Se LIBERTY GREATER SHOWS—Robt. Kline e and Lew. Popk‘a, * props. ; Jack Lawson, Imgr.; er t Sally Dawn, treas. and secy.; Robt. Kline, gen id agt.; Matty Hurst, spec. agt ; Jack Daly, press Send for c ta . i a eee ee eee Sat; FO ae Burne : , Penk, Palen Eeoecteee 44 ° ° ve ~ i supt. conc.; Prof. Steele. mu. dir Blacky ou 5S, £anks, . ow ire, ip With Genuine Nickel Sil Howard, trainmaster; George Austin, supt. Juice Jar Glasses and other Cook 4 ver Knives in Lots of 50 i oS eta — he —y _ ; 10 cars; opens House Equipment. { H er h sburg, YPa., Apri o. i Sets. Smaller Quantities H LITTS AMUSEMENT CO.—Litts Amusement BWZQ "Gey. Vy) LIGHT & HEAT rare ‘ . ’ s.; G. F, Litts 3 t all, asst, ‘ $2.85 per Set. o. 3 rope. 2. LY Eisie, met. 2 B. 8 = —— ae DEPT.1S SSO WEST 42 STREET: NEW VORKCITY : sae ij secy.; Jack Devoe, gen. agt.; Walter Clark, i Chest with compart§] spec. agt.; Guy Waine, press agt.: J. M. . sf ment, 75¢ each. 26-Piece ce ee, ee See ee ee 4 = 2 wre < ste ac i] Edgar Bruce, supt. lights; Earl Riebe, gen. x “4 Set consists of 6 each announcer; five cars. Opens at Granite City, J bar " Rogers solid nickel silMm 611., April 14, < = ver knives, forks, large ff LORMAN ROBINSON'S ATTRACTIONS i m ‘ spoons and tea spoons, severly CO., Louisville, Ky., props. ; _ < . a aie 4) Stratton, mgr.; James Morgan, as-t. mgr.; Mrs. > aac} ba , Pi £ , ons eacn heavy weight 4 Chas, R. Stratton, treas.; Sam Chandler, gen. ° ° % sugar shell and butter Mj agt.; James Marritt, supt. con cchels, @& a 4 knife. 4 trainmaster; Harry Stewart, supt. lights; epens © a N ™ . . } in Tennessee about March 22. i Each piece stamped with J} ““asecLELLAN. J. T. SHows—J. T. Mec. & > i full Rogers name. Guarfi} Jan, prop., megr., and gen. agt.; Clark B. Ww r antee slip in each box. f tas ei ~. 3 agt. and gen, arg” mo _ ik > a i We manufacture bowls, }] * Se aes ee ee ee ae —~* Mi nett, press a a. ¢. It n. supt.; & ° 4 vases, bread trays, ice ff Sriepen, one. supt. cone. ry abs panchbara, = BUY YOUR SALE Q 2 i cream sets, wine sets, ff mus. dir.; Bob Reyaolds, "trainmaster; Alex $ BOARD PADS DIRECT e ‘ barrel sets, console sets, ff Grasnik. —, Hghts; & cars; épeas at RichFROM THE MANUFACTURER ; : ete. Our prices are the M "“SiiicrEGoR. Dox MacGREGOR, DONALD, SHOWS—Donaid ; t lowest. Comnipare our }) MacGregor, orep., mgr., and ag supt.: w “4 MANHATTAN CASE COMPANY ; ! line. Make us your head| Piercy, —. om ag ne adj.: Mrs. Mac125 Greene Street, New York, N. Y. Sh im: ¢ _ sily , > sregor, treas.; ohn owe, audit Spoony i | quarters for silverware. ‘Brown. gen. agt.; B, Moore, press ‘agt.; 7. . Our special line of sil| a Carey, supt. cone.; Flo Piercy, mus. dir.; 1924 HIGH STRIKERS : ated Sz §4 ‘Frenchie’ Delmar, trainmaster; Red Delmont, are : heed ste = = Oe : supt. lights; Sandy Billings, gen. announcer: \ : a 3 cars; opened at Dublin, Tex., March 17. } ferent styles, each pair F McKELLAR, JAS.» SHOWS—Mrs. Harry J : packed in attractive box. fj] Lewis. prop.; Jas. I. McKellar, mgr.; Mrs. Jas. . see se i Special Price, 65c per ey “iGasy mitre eae okt . 7 z. (Curly) Sheppard, gen : " ' : Pair. In Gross lots, 50c |} Gibson, trainmaster; Boone Palmer, supt. light “4 Sending your order NOW for the NEW 1924 “Moore“4 : per Pair. Same Day 3 cars; opened at Nacogdoches, Tex., March 3. ee Hie ee ill make you REAL SURE of geti Service. yDIACk’S EXPOSITION SHOWS—Mirs. Leona Days in ‘the spring. | Stony ‘ine Catan ee ee £ Ee — be = J. A. 7 mut; Games fo 4. wi —y prices on all sizes High * 25% DEPOSIT—BALANCE C. O. D. Witt Curtiss, secy. and press agt.; W. J. WhifGas Balloons, Whine Newt” a i oe Continued on page 143 MONEY FOR You “His. YEAR SURD i pag ) H . é MOORE BROS, CO., Lapeer, Michigan. a Amri Silverware 8 i 1328 pommel New York, N. Y. i i on or > = | i { -— : = —— —— —: = ; Y Send at once for our ill usirated folder and sammT TTT —F : -' : .« r, showing the finest line of allF UU UTTTUULULATMREUUUUTTLIVULULLIEMGUULUURULLLALALALLLLLLGGAALUULLUAALUULUPCDLLLASSOOEUOREALLACLASLULCLAGLSQOQLODCCAACGOLOLOGCGLLSLOLUUUUODVSTOVUOOOUTUUTTTRNOO 1) be || ere leather P woks made, at prices ranging from = bg xn teiiqued $24.00 per Gress up. Our larce production en= e Se ables us to undersell any. other manufacturer % 4 | he Master | arg et Practice we i 4°: i nore than 20%. No other manufacturer can ; tig 748 offer 2 greater and more attractive assortment 1 ? sides tg of leathers. Tan glazed alligator, spider, smooth The Most Popular and Profftityg black and tan calfines, crepe and horsehides. , ; : pil itable Vending Machine idal i A. Rosenthal & Son, Mf | 49” in the World! gecits _ A. ROSENTHAL & OOM, MITS. . 804 Washington St., BOSTON, MASS. £5.00 deposit on edch machine, balance C. O. Write for circulars and prices of “The Master” ONE-TWO-THREE PROFIT-SHARING BALL GUM VENDING MACHINE Manufactured only by THE NORRIS MFG. CO. 553 Nicholas St. COLUMBUS, OHIO The ONLY SLUG PROOF 1-2-3 Ball Gum Vending Machine on the Market Single Machine.. Sn anni a ac 90 Each 6 Machines........ Bs Rae 24 Machines:........ ite 48 or more Machines.......... f.0.b. Newark, N. J. Net cash—no discount. It takes in MONEY, not slugs. You can earn $50.00 weekly on the“side on an investment of $500.00. Others are doing it. SO CAN YOU! Get started in your territory NOW before someone else gets the jump on you and the cream. Sad UQUNINNIUVNNEACU CON CEUTUATOONUOOOECOUA AOU ETOEOOUUEUTH GUT LALLA LL LALLA LLL LALLA LL LLLL LTDA LLLLLLMMLPMLL AY WIILLLLLLLLLLLLL2adannrananncnraarrccacaddddddddddadddddddddbddsdddddsddddd SSeAMUVTMUVAUUNUIUUUSLAAUULAANU44SA04400004400044004400044S004000440004900000004000040 0400 0400040004080440000UROELGOOOUOREUAEEOOATEOO UTERUS NTs . . | : —— ) “Aational Chew” Ball Gum — HIGHEST QUALITY — Pure Materials Only. 37 ae Single case of 10,000 balls $20.00. Five case lots $18.00 per case. “Bai ”* the only cand ed ! MM abel Mack Rainbow Nuts y candy coated peanut for vending machines cone cane ere The National Gum Co., Inc. \ MULES ROUGH RIDERS 42-44 Spring Street, Newark, N. J. N { WLLL ddddddddddddliddidddddidldidédalilldddiiiddddddddddddddddddde N bd LS AT EA LN, te tn, ee A TT SS cr An Even Break with the Weather. | Great White Way Shows GOOD LUCK AND GOOD Member Showmen’s Legislative Committee. \ BUSINESS FOR ALL OPEN MARTINS FERRY, OHIO, 24th OF APRIL ; iN 4 Nine Days in the Heart of ~ Sy: Under the Fire Department. Congmions the Best in the Ceuntry.* [| Sehwen 19°34. bo. sae iS} er Lady. Lady Snaké Charmer, with snakes; Lady Mu in, toing nadie acts, Mind Reader, (\ ‘ Buddha, Magician, Strong Man Act Mid: ets or anything suitable for first-class Pit Show, Man to . make openings, Ticket Sellers, Grinde a! asm ind Bosa Canvasmat State all and name jowest alary Employees will receive seasc: 74 tk under pleasant conditions Following people write me The last “Word” in Your Letter to Advertisers, ‘‘Billboard’’, Suis "pits, Panne, lestie lucas er! ‘. reterminiation, -Agdrens me care of show. WM. (. (NELSON,