The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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\\_ Pate SS MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 141 i | d FO # 4 ,OVV . t ‘Hi E: q : R OW D And buy direct from Hagn. We save you both time and money. We have the Vf goods in stock and make immediate shipments. We allow no one to undersell us. Our 336-Page Catalog contains hundreds of items; every one a winner. W | with the largest house in the coust rh er. e are listing a few below. Remember—when you buy from us you are dealing ntry. ey can’t touch us on quality, price and service. We lead—others foliow. ' a ” } ce] ' GE : ¢ oe . ‘ -* “ res \ ‘ > | ; — -_—-—4 a c= Ca a= ; a 4 ¥ ca = Hy arse ? K210B — Fancy } Hand Decorated Lamp. Total height, 14% in. } Diameter of shade 8 ’ in Faney Old Gold or No. 70048—21-Piecs Manicure SOuece LANP Ivory finish base. Fine a Set. Fancy sateen lining, in asTotal height, 13% in. Shade 842 in imported hand decoOPEN FACED, GOLD FILLED sorted attractive colors and styles, pace — br By ee ae rated opalescent glass had : t in fabrikoid leathe orated by hand with a garden sc d ‘omplete wit : covont SGO--12 Size, Argonic Shape, ae A. hPa me — ether, oll, delicate white; top and bottom of aa ae _—_ — : pa non he Geld. Filed | Wateh. Case Our Price per Dozen ° shade tinted; metal stand, finished a ae ane 4 anteed to we > ye Beautifully “an with baked enamel. Complete with silk Doz e enaraved in latest esign Movement is oe ee lece Manicure covered cord, plug amd socket. eee aes genuine 7-jewel Swiss. thor i . similar to above, without ~ " finished. Exposed winding whece peut scissors. Assorted colors. Fan a, cece tp=temy Cied, Tee iat pane re tna re: O14 Gold oF Ivory fin{ No. 82448—16 Size Electro Gold-Plated Huntished steel parts. Fancy gilt and silver TOUl-UP case. 50 tinted shad 2. or a Leaee floral Gaseented $29 ing Case, assorted gravings, fitted compiete with decorated dials. Moire colored Per Dezen ....... oe . Gt coccceceee eeeewesuee ass Shade. ON cccccnia ; } t Amer an "wind and moveS0ld centers. Price.......... No. 7018— Brown and Green caper t, stem wind as Art Col E 7 Our Close-Out Price oeceecenes .20 Case, fond ‘eaeer sane ae No. °230B—Ladies’ 6 Size Electro ‘GoldPlated eteen lined. Contains 21 Shell Hunting Case, anti fant, oval bow, asPEARL bi valcaa ng and good e with the “Columbia” quality implemen ‘ ever. escape1 er ootenencccese . aw tn Price ad No, BB99—Real American Made Razors. Fine grade, ey ground blades; assorted plain and fan-y h les. The Big Razor Value. Nothing to 39.00 with these Razors at ‘our price. Per Gross.... * $39.00 me pow Neg ge a No, 766/7B—Eight-Day Session Clock. Large size, black : yh Each. npret t $6 wooed, gilt and bronze trimmings. Length, 15% in. $4 75 ‘ . aan of “oth Vacuum _ Bottles. DU sinausdediseDisdastadeots scisucakiadconands . No. 8162B—Ladies oma 1042-Ligne Wrist Imported corrugated As above, with strike. Ten styles, at prices ranging from Watch, cled platinoid finish case, tonneau aluminum, Pint size $5.00 te $5.95 Each ; Se ee 7 ‘ : pe, ¢ ed bezel. sides and , ap. . b crown. Jewele r iel, Per Dozen, i ver with — engraved dial. Comy . wi *, in 00 dist x. OUR SPECIAL PRICE.. $2. $10. a ; iy ble sanit ary conQuart Size, ) not, and cold I cold. reen m iy with highly Per Dozen, j ‘ qd aluminur ‘rew cap to hold the y stopper in place. 50 % Price Each ....... becdeneé $3.50 $16. No, B5299—Aladdin Thermatware ar. PerImported, black fect food tn Pn ag pA cuu = . : ottie, with alumi=4 ve ‘ 9 No. 8B800/13— st st num top, Pint size Umbrellas. e er in pl ce " Bas 3s rg -inch $5.50 Per Dozen, one ry ae, Height, 13% inche i “item mbrella woh be the year around Price “Each. ... > $5.50 $7.50 ments. 3 Gents’, 9 GENUINE DELTAH PEARLS aay mag * my . No. B Plain Ladies’ styles. ‘ Indestructible Deitah Pearts Be autiful, lustrous, us 8 ee ek a Fine American Tafftba ‘ ed Pearls, possessinz slig bt _cream in. Polished nickel top; black en ameled pence a gd —_ P 1 with gol sf The handiest, cheapest electric: “e4 No B6123—Handsome 8-Piece unch. | Sherbet sP : ld appliance ever offered ‘te — Per Doz., $14.50 Ice Cream Set. brirht finish Height of fasted EC AL NET PRICE— -No, trade. Forty-two square inches of grate bowl, 7% inches; width, ? inches; height of sher, | Hes urface. For toasting or cookbets, 3% inches, with 13%-inch round tray. ’ ta vleeliwmet GaN Sccnindesnaciacasemaaatcenn : $5.95 Ne 1 Each . ‘ r Lens Bh. oy wm $3.95 Sample, Postpaid, $1.25, ; No. 018—Tipned Tinned Teaspoons.. Per Gr...$ 2.25 } Silveroid 3-Piece Daisy Child Sets. Dozen. 1.25 ' Silveroid Daisy 26-Piece Sets. Bulk. 1.05 Genuine Rogers 26-Piece wg 4 A onand Sets, with Rogers Knives. Bulk. Set............ $8 Complete with Oak Box. set . 3.98 7-1 Scopes. Better Grade Lenses. “White CetCUNRER. . GEGEB ... 2. cc rcc cree ccccccesccecece 19.00 7-1 Alj-Leather Bill Books. Gross............ 19.50 White House Ivory Clocks. Each ............ 8S j Army and Navy Needle ooks. Gross........ . 6.75 4 Eagle Chief Fountain Pens. Gross......... .. 13.50 Ne. 1554W—Shade Razors, American Made. Dozen ........ re » of best opal Cheap Jewelry, Assorted. Gross.......... 90c te 1.25 ia ica EACH IN BOX White Stone Scarf Pins. Gross............, 2.25 a G /5P—Electrie Boudoir Bex Camerss, Eastman. Each................ 1.05 os mp. Green gold, bronage Peart Handle Berry Spoons, etc. Dozen. ....... 4.25 .¥ nT) 1 EACH — h. Total height, 13% 3 3-Piece Carving Sets, Silver Plated. Dozen.... 14.00 il i int diameter of shade, n. Cast Dice Clocks. Each .. 6encoecesese 1.45 Cast metal base and ee frame Desk Swivel Clocks. Each eawentkewent "ane a 7 00 shade to match, with assorted Peaches Savings Banks. Dozen atea coe ; ut ee colored parchment linings. 65 Opera Glasses Dozen : 2 ‘ shed a Plete with attachment ‘ $2.65 Rogers Sucar Bowl, with 12 Spoons, Complete.. 2.25 «| ‘ cle and cord. Each.. No. 1205—Blaisdell Pencils. Gross a 4 ‘? os Ne. 8B1204—Our Big} Special 3-Inch Gun Met‘ ee a me “en ta s . a al Handle Pocket Knife,} No. 881205-—-CombinaFries, with two blades. Glazeq | tion Glass-Cutting Knife. Eac ' + treet Ne. 8B02530—Genuine Rogers 30-Piece Tableware Set. Contains 6 Teafinish, thin model. Reg| Two blades. Big street . ¥« ing or Soup § Forks, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Shell, Rai enfien Oo Oe +p | Men’s n ¢ 1 Hee ° . r Soup Spoons, 6 For ular price, $3.75. Our} 35 leat Fork, 1 B Spor ; "ie 8 ~ a . . erry Spoon, 1 Gravy Ladle, 1 Pie Server. All genu Special Price While| Per Dozen 1 nickel silver; will not tarnish, rust or corrode, amd 6 genmake. Plated Knives to match. In fancy blue sateen lMned, $4. 75 : SBR Chote, POP Giiie cc cccccccccecveccccoscccescs No. 25308—sam NI tar me assortment bove, silver plat sta 2 . oe ae aasorti pent as abo silver plated, mped $4. 5 Quantity baste $2. 00 | i Dozen , headquarters for heey Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Manicure and Toilet Sets, Leather Goods, Electrical Goods, Percolators and Toasters, Thermal Jars, Umbrel! ~ Premium Coneessionaire and Auction Supplies, Send us your permanent address, Let us put your bame on our mailing list, so that we can mail you our Bargain S : Accom ir advantage. If not already im possession of our No. 57 Catalog, write for it, Our low prices will surprise you. All prices quoted F. 0. B. Chicazo uuless i — C, © D. orders, . JOSEPH HAGN COMPANY rinsr'wirn tHe Latest (Oept.8) 223-225 West Madison St., Chicago, Illinois Pearl Neck Chains, Phone iid j from time to time. It bay : pecified. 25° deposit must ;