The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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‘\ & an OF A fetes MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 145 eo ea ll 1 000UAEAUTRARRAA ste TATU GT TITUUUOLYAUA LLAMAS LUAU ie? IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO CONCESSIONAIRES! ; WE HAVE ADDED SEVERAL NEW ITEMS TO OUR REGULAR LINE OF MERCHANDISE FOR THE COMING SEASON AND ARE NOW IN EXCELLENT POSITION TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE FOLLOWING LIST OF LEADERS AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. BEACON INDIAN BLANKETS “DE LUXE” LAMP DOLLS ESMOND 2 in 1 BLANKETS “DE LUXE” STATUE LAMPS ESMOND INDIAN BLANKETS “DE LUXE” SHEBA DOLLS CHASE WOOL MOTOR ROBES || POLYCHROME BRIDGE LAMPS BEACON CRIB BLANKETS UNBREAKABLE DOLLS FANCY BATH ROBES CHINESE FRUIT BASKETS 3-PIECE TOWEL SETS FANCY BOXED CANDY ALADDIN THERMOS JARS POLYCHROME FLOOR LAMPS GIVE-A-WAY SLUM Every Conceivable Item in Aluminum Ware We = PULLIN “ a . Wily, Satisfaction GuaranThe House of Quality MY i sender Money Re—Price—Service. ALUMINUM | funded. qe Ce ae Our Catalogue For 1924 will be ready to mail about April 1. Send us your permanent address and we will mail you one as soon as it comes off the press. a ea wm i a is North 4th Street, GELLMAN BROS. winvearouis, Minn. “THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE CARNIVAL AND CONCESSION SUPPLY HOUSE IN THE NORTHWEST” 2 ETAT TREE eT TTT SE ch RR ee MULLET TTT = GENUINE REED Parlor Lamps _ —— ame of the season's best items to CARNIVAL ROSTERS (Continued from page 143) Bib G FR PROFIT es Fg 5 Omen, supt. conc.; H. L Warley, 1 ey, the ow pe le if you contemplate using high-class merchandise $ ‘ ann ~ ~ — PF = ouncer; t a reasonable priee. we it These Lamps are oa . = ar nD ; Very attractive in design. tameled in cars: opens at St. Louis, Mo., —_ = > . WITH NEW REGS ten at priate colors. Shades lined with MURPHY, FRANK J., SHOWS—Fran Radio Sitk _ Twenty imches high over all. Murphy and Nellie Murphy, props.; Frank J. ’ BALLOON FILLING DEVICE Wired complete with one light fixture, 6 Murphy, mgr.; Nellie Murphy, treas, and secy.; eet of cord, key socket, standard plug. Bost of all, they are unbreakable. Well fifty lamps to a case, Weight, iss. = 130 Ibs. to case. Samuel R. Stratton, gen. agt.; N. Brown, press _A_ Safe, Practical, agt.: Clyde VanVoost, gen. supt. and supt. Easily Operated Out» lights: Chas. Warren, supt. conc.; John O’Brien, a et | ete trainmaster; ten cars. Opens at Norwich, e a oa PRICES nm. April 17 NEW REGO TANK ; £0, Lets mntawedecinééed oon } me ARDER BROS! crRcus SHOWS—Hethes nae WILL y WED nncccccccscccccccccece ° Nard ro} R Chambers, mgr. and gen. Dozen Lets... .-...-----0eees 2.70 Each eunsuneur; Oiving Narder, treas., secy. and YOUR SALES, Sample Order, One Lamp .... 3.00 25% with order, balance C. O. D. If your order is rush, WIRE, don’t Waste time writing Our factory is equipped to hatdle rush orders. HAYWARD MFG. CO., 104 Wilson St, Bay City, Mich auditor; K. E. Johnson, gen. agt.; Joe BromEnables you to fil! brest, spec. agt.; Harry Rommoli, press agt.; right in front of the Dan Anderson, gen. supt.; Sam Winetrub, supt. crowd, which fs a bic cone.; Ollie Barnette, trainmaster; Chas. Wigattraction. Pick the gins, supt. lights; 20 cars; open at Salisbury, oe spots and get d., Apri e big money. eM SORTHWESTERN SHOWS—F. L. Flack, With this outfit prop. and megr.; Norman E. Beck, asst. mgr.; 700 Balloons can be Charles 0. Stewart, treas. = secy.; ee Gilled with = —_ nner, gen. agt.; Wm. G. Russell, press a L A. Whitman, gen. supt.; George W. Johnsfair —_— fo oneton, supt. conc.; Carl Hahn, mus. dir.; Ray B. eac A a —————— CANDY CONGESSIONAIRES! SALESBOARD OPERATORS! |] Piper, trainmaster; George a supt, lights; ous = oa, &. | at Detroit c pril 26. ish irect *POZARK AMUSEMENT CO.—T. L. Snodgrass, © ~\ with each out fi LD-TIME flash and qual BURBANK, No. 93. BUNGALOW, No. 107. on ee 20 and #4 Inches High. 20 end 14 Inches High. rop. and megr.; Nona Snodgrass, treas. and a entfit— Soe: W. H. Mitchell, gen. agt.; Lewis C. except tank—con D ity. Sureay repes ayers Galle, spec. agt. — =~. Be ae _ sisting < doubie ouble flange, large size ; Mayer, press agt.; Glen Barna supt. lights; gauge regulator, two box: s. 3 oz. to 5 pias Speedy Send me particulars of your line ‘| Ba. AL Willlams, legal adj.; 3 cars; opens at adapters ond ae and place me on your regular mailDeepwater, Mo., April 28. let, $27.00. i list. | PACIFIC Coast R= +t age gy “te eens ReguU ng is rop. and mgr ac ams, treas e 2.00, ' Y° UF R name and yoy | > secy.; F. J. Matthews, gen. agt.; H. hows pressure i the coupon to the rig il C. Davis, spec. agt.; R. Le Vernon, press agt.: re used in filling). will bring our latest price FURERG o ccccccvccccceccovceweesees ond ‘| John Miller, gen. supt. and trainmaster; Tony iain Gini list Terms: Standing or Diamos, mus. dir.; H. ©. Moore, supt. lightss later Only $19.00, equ. 1 2: le ‘ 4 jer, bal ddres 15 cars: opened at Mericopa, Calif., March 10. y © . ~ con th order, balPermanent address... ...eeceereeewe PEARSON. C. E. SHOWS—Capt. C. B. Pearby s amount ot y mre ; . C. O. D. son, prop. and mgr.; Mrs. C. B. Pearson, asst. » also SS eee f Telegraph your deposit and Glaemtval foe 1984. .ccccecccccecese ‘ ||| megr., treas. and secy.; L, R. Williams, gen, DFéssure being used.) sa | ur order in one message : agt.; Mack H. Frailey, supt. rides; George snd save time f) See, Seserodiir cannes Mae Oe IAN-BLESSIN « HOCOLATE when tacin Sa ee ee | Anril 38g EXPO. SHOWS—John T. McCasTHE BASTIAN BLESS é C0. Ifa, prop. and mgr.; Harry Bowen, asst. mer., 252 E. Ontario Street, CHICAGO, ILL. treas. and secy.; Judy Hofer, auditor; Gus POLL LLL PD ttt prtront~s rinrininivmmpos, Moore, gen, agt.; Frederick Bros., spec. agts.; ; OLLI LIDIA S PILL ILL LISELI ALS a POISE SSS Al. Raymond, gen. supt. and supt. conc.; Nor, 4 ris Ely, supt. lights; E. Young, legal adj.; : 2 James Parkwood, gen. announcer; 14 five-ton 3 iy opens at Govano (Baltimore), Md., April 26. * HARRY COPPING SHOWS _ § fitstem scar “sesrsmey. cos) 2 15 te Pm puto Me ot ; >) 4 traham, prop,, mgr., gen. agt., supt. conc. and aS expense ttle. “ s e > 3 . . k ill P 2 trainmaster; Thomas Sumrall, asst. mgr.; Mrs. PLEASURE to operate. They do get the MONBY. Ny Opening April 26th, Sy esville, Fenn. ; = hema ; Saale tear al Loute V. ind, WRITE NOW for catalog of al] Games and Novelties. ‘ “4s . “? , , ‘ 3 April 19. es } W NTED 7 PRINCESS OLGA SHOWS—F. W. Wadsworth . ; A 3% and Olga Wadsworth, props.; F. W. WadsMOORE BROS Mfrs Lapeer Mich 4 Lt — more Feature Show that don't conflict. A few Legitimate Con22. worth, megr.; Mrs. C. R. Garthwaite, treas.; ” od] ’ e | es ssions op r s Devil's Bowling Alley, Fish Pond, Knife Rack, C. R, Garthwaite, secy.; Earl Webb, gen. agt.; . | { pen, such a » Address 3 H. T. Joyce, press axt. and supt. lights; Eui String Game, Hoop-La, American P shunistry, No Gypsies. <\ddres 2% gene Hughes, supt. conc.; Louis Lutz, trainall mail, HARRY COPPING, Reynoldsviile, Pa. 4$ master: Volney Phifer, gen. announcer; 4 cars; AL G M 3. ‘ 2 opens at Nortonville, Ky., April 14. z $ 33 | RICH & QUICK SHOWS—C. R. Rice and Wun Number. A NIAAA aA ad mm mmm ma mln mn nn a w. Quick, props.; W, L. Quick, mgr. and SALES BOARDS | gen, ~—— N. M. Quick, treas.; H. A. Brown, secy.; C. R. Rice, gen. supt.; R. M. Rice « supt. cone.; L. R Reeves, trainmaster: Otic All Kind atham, supt. lights; 2 cars; opens in Eastern or OUR PRICES. ye Bang SANDERS MFG. CO RUBIN & CHERRY SHOWS, INO.—Rubin 153 2d Avenue, North i 1 = mas Ont. Canada Gruberg, pres. and gen. megr.: Walter A. NASHVILL ‘TENN. t : 99 203 Talbot St... St. Tho ’ ’ phan _—_ mgr. and =. cone.; Mrs. y = a! i ALONZO PALMER, Proprietor and Manager. prubere,, treas.: George Whetmore, asst. treas. : ETT i” , : ° eed, secy. and auditor: W. S. WANT uv HOOK Smith & Smith Acroplane, Carrousell, Mysterious Kno —, Rg = gy ABA... Cherry, gen. agt.: Ww. David Cohen, Bernie LONG CRISP & MACHINE RF R axe. | Good circuit of Old Home Weeks, also, Day ade Parker Swing. Must be sober Smukler, spec. agts.: R. L. Pinkerton, adv. he ag a .& tomee wemes Ft a $25.00; i fworAbreast Parker Swing, Big Bi M No. 5. | t catty uo girl shows of strong games. Show agt.; John T. Warren, press agt.; Fred Lewis, pajance C. 0. D. ST EWART DICK, 17 BE Broad ah at —~ Please give reference. Will pay $35.00 week. ae Obes St. Thomaa’ , rT eietet (Continued on page 146) St., Mulville, N. J. tan ah ‘